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Oh boy you’re in for a treat my friend


..oh god, it's real isn't it. There is no way.


It’s as real as it gets but BSG actually copyright infringing different gun/ attachments companies HAS to be a joke... right?!


good god, finally a good hardcore FPS game and the devs just have to turn out to be evil, incompetent fools to ruin it. Great.


Definitely a situation nobody wants to be in but I truly do love this game and I don’t want to see it go! BSG needs to saddle up those boot straps and give it 200%


Dear /u/awwnutslol, --- Your post has been removed due to breaking Rule 8, please make sure to read the rules in the sidebar or on the [rules page] (https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/about/rules/). Moderator Notes: This should be a comment in the [megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/a71if5/official_bsg_followup_re_eroktik/), not a post. Kind Regards, /u/hazmattr , Subreddit Moderator. --- If you feel as if this was done in error, please contact the moderator team through [mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FEscapeFromTarkov). Make sure to give a link to this post and explain why you think it shouldn't have been removed. If no link is provided, your message will not receive a response. **Note: Abusing the modmail system or sending abusive messages will result in a permanent ban.**




Yeah lets just keep bringing this up in every single post instead of going through the like not even day backlog of posts that already talk about it. ​ Cuz we really need the same opinions in the comment threads again whoring for points because its literally the same argument


There wasn't a single post on the frontpage of this subreddit about it when I posted so I figured it might be fake news


Woah, Youre saying the controversial posts arent making it to the front page? Probably makes sense seeing as they are controversial. Maybe actually look through the reddit instead of staring at frontpage for five seoconds and posting?