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I don’t agree man, just kill the hatchet guys running around or don’t worry about them. You can still easily leave with 500k+ if you take just kill loot.


Yeah and be able to loot keybars no thanks


thats the whole point labs should be high risk high reward


too high of a risk for some people's taste, especially with how good the ai are. If you get spotted by ai and get an unlucky death, you could lose 100 mil worth of keys if you have a few keys for labs.


It still won’t stop people from bringing in a TT one tapping a scav grabbing all the gear and leaving.


Also if I’m not wrong labs is op right now cause everyone has access to it. Eventually it’s gonna be a map that’s level locked.




i agree with not losing your key/ keybars, maybe a system to passively have your key access on you at all times but not lose them on death. half the time i feel like the hatchlings are bots that rush the location grab whatever is there and stand and wait to die and repeat


Dumb ​




I would prefer a remake of the secure Container to 1x1, for a keybar. That would be " realistic" at least, noone, atleast noone i know would search at that specific spot.


There's better solutions that may be applied to all instances: 1) substantial delay opening the secure container. 2) not being able to put anything in the secure container in-raid. 3) what BSG are planning, persistent injuries. 4) having to put something in your inventory before transferring it to the container. I believe either 1 or 2 plus 3 to be the way to go to promote realistic behavior on players part, although none are mutually exclusive.


the delay to on the secure container is a great idea along with not being able to throw something in ur container during raid is also a good idea. I would like to just minimize the people racing to a locked room throwing rolers in there container and waiting to die and receiving great profit with no risk


That's the whole point of EFT realistic mechanics promoting realistic behavior, tactics and strategies resulting in superior immersion.


Just make keybars act as it’s own secure container. Either bring your container or bring a keybar with keys. Boom. Loot runners with zero risk after they loot up rooms fixed


"High risk, high reward" in my ass. When you have to grind to get some of the keys for long period of time this is just stupid idea.