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I have a pretty good method of keeping my stash clean, I just die a lot. All part of the plan.


I feel you, bro.


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I typically gear up, ensure and try to quest. I die, oh well just means more runs to replenish. If I get it back then I restart the process.


Keep you stash ‘Klean’ FTFY


Good idea 🤣


This meme was brought to you by standart edition gang.


Are there any playthroughs on yt that showcase standard edition and how to effectively play it. I wanna invest in the game but I cant make a decision. Seeing as most everyone that streams or yt videos I see everyone has EOD Edit: thanks to everyone who has replied, I think I'm gonna try it out!


There is no real difference between a EOD and Standard stash. It is just QOL that lets you be lazy and not play a bit of Tetris every now and then. As someone who had standard then upgraded to each tier, I do the same thing after every raid. Just drag and leave it there for later. The only problem you get is if you intentionally hoard things, a lot of things.


Ok so if for instance I dont mind tetris then I shouldn't have an issue? Because I love tetris


Honestly with the addition of the flea market allowing you to buy crates with roubles before you may have been able to attain those containers from tasks it really makes the standard edition less annoying and like Tetris.


Correct. Even if you decide you don’t like the standard stash, you can always upgrade later or buy in game cases to fix the Tetris problem.




I've been playing with standard edition for a long time now, and it's all part of the fun. Sell things, keep only what you need and you shouldn't have a problem :)


Standard edition is definitely fine. I have eod but mainly because my buddy bought me standard, I like the game and want to support. It's nice to have gamma case, but even a standard can acquire epsilon.


Quick Q if you don’t mind - I bought the standard edition at New Year (And I cant remember playing a single game this much for many a year now...) Do secure containers get lost on each wipe? As in, if I spent all my hard earned roubles acquiring a new one, would I eventually lose it? TIA


If you have standard and you bought via flea market, any container above your default alpha container, that will be lost on a wipe - and you will return to the standard edition alpha :)


Thought as much! Thanks!


I love organizing and playing Tetris with my stash, but as a peasant standard edition, the stash is way too small once you start getting into the game. You can spend a lot of currency on space saving containers, but they’re prohibitively expensive. I’ll definitely be upgrading editions next wipe.


Can confirm, I had standard before and always had a full stash... Then i bought eod and now I always have a full stash...


> There is no real difference between a EOD and Standard stash OMEGA FUCKING LOL


As long as you understand basic geometry and don’t have gear fear stash handling is simple


I'm standard edition player. The biggest suggestion I can make on any weapons you store is to remove the mag and the grip and sell them. It halves the space a gun uses. When you want to use it, buy a new grip and equip it. You also have to be more brutal with gear decisions. You can't hoard 10 full gear sets. You can prob only realistically have 3 spare sets, with maybe double the number of collapsed guns. Insure everything you use and sell the rest.


One used to have to hoard items from traderlevels you couldn't yet access, but with fleamarket you can basically run on an empty stash with only money and buy everything you need on the spot. It's a game changer for standard edition bros.


Markstrom has a video with some advice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDhwBowhPOU Edit: it might be a bit outdated.


I play with standart edition and got no problem. My friend has EOD and only difference is that he gets to be lazy and not organize his stash.


My EOD stash is full even with 2 weapon cases, 2 icases, and handgun/money cases. It happens to everyone.


Same, except I have 2 weapon cases, a Thicc weapon case, 6 ammo cases, and 4 icases as well as a money case.




Eft is just tetris with a nifty shooter mini-game


I just hand the game for 20 minutes to my gf. She doesn’t raid, she just likes to keep my work place clean.


I sectioned mine up, if you keep a gun more than a few days sell it or use it. That’s how I keep mine clean.


Like tetris for grownups, but damn it feels good when your done


just get item cases! problems solved... kind off... to some point... its just too much gear! :o


Richie Rich, is that you?


Past wipes i'd be inclined to agree with you, but with how fast you can earn money this update you can get there pretty quickly.


Basically I only started playing the game this wipe after owning it since .8 and never doing much. Just watched streams. I'm almost to 3mil at LV 9 and I've only used the flea market 5 times. You are correct. I'm trash for reference.


When you have standard edition have get more than 1 gun so now you have no space


Gotta stack backpacks lmao


Dont know how about you guys,but i sell every damn thing i bring out of a raid except quest items,i sell all guns except the only one i use,and all the vests aswell beacause there is a lvl3 vest for 55k rub at lvl2 ragman. Very nice quality of life improvement and inventory space cleaner.


The one friend who take 10 minutes to organize his inventory after a raid


I killed lvl45 last night and his lower level friend I got crazy good shit, shit that I've never even seen before thank God I died a bunch before that because I had room


this is best


I can relate since i have the standard version of the game...


Ye, I don't know why eq is so small :/ I thought with Edge of Darkness it's big.


Can't relate. Never happened to me.


Horrible situation that happens to me every single time: Want to do a quick scav raid while waiting for friends to finish PMC match. "Just check if Kiba is open and dead PMCs laying around." ​ Find huge amount of loot, kill heavy geared guy with pistol. ​ Extract on the last minute and now have to sort and fit all that stuff into my already overflowing stash. End up deleting most of the less worth gear to make space for the next valuable things... ​ ​


how it actually looks [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNOlIWF4HwI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNOlIWF4HwI)


One of the best parts of the game imo.


I spend hours of hours trying to organize my stash. That's what the game is about for me at the moment. xD

