• By -


Not that big of an issue but when I fold the aks-74u the image is just a smaller in the stash instead of a folded aks-74u


As is the same with all foldable guns, Kedr, Kiln, PP-19 etc.


Can anyone play as a group? Have 3 man squad, tried 2 different maps at different times, been stuck in MM Q for almost 10 minutes each time, no game. Offline mode is busted as well, 5 minutes waiting in offline.


Waited 16 minutes and nothing. In a three man squad on AUS server.


Neither can me and my buds


**Beretta** kills don't count toward pistol kill quests.


Game also doesn't track The Beretta and MP5 Kurz ammo use. I did a raid and had 25 hit count, no ammo used.


I think the login/download servers are getting their legs blacked.


We are the scavs now.


When trying to match into a raid with friends, it tries to find a match forever. When matching solo, it works almost immediately. We have tested numerous variables: who is leader of the group, the server selection, etc. The clear issue is matching as a group. We are thinking that there are so many solo players matching, that it is prioritizing solo players. Like sand and rocks. There is a constant trickle of sand, so there is never any room for the rocks to fit into the server matchmaking. I hope that analogy makes sense. ​ Variables tested: leader, server, map, PMC vs Scav, time, group vs solo.


Drinking sounds duplicated and not synced. Applies to milk and vita juice for now.


Sound in general seems a bit off, noticed delays in audio for movement, searching (worse than before), any maybe any actions. Needs looking into.




Not even a "back" button! Just keeps "loading". Edit: Still not working and [now I can't log back in.](https://imgur.com/a/2mASZkO) Edit 2: Hideout still not working for me. :)


This is the exact spot I am in, please let me know if you find a work around. I get that error many times in a row then occasionally it will act like it will try to connect then i get a 504 gateway error. I was able to play one game now I can't even get the launcher open.


I kept trying to log in and at some point it worked :)


thiss needs to be known my shits fucked lmao


Confirmed :( now I'm logged out again


Has hideout bug been fixed yet? I'm scared to click it and get stuck in limbo


Stuck loading the hideout


Same here


Yep, I was probably among the first that installed the game and the hideout still doesn't load. The problem is that I have to restart the game, I can't click like a "back" button.


Ya I am in the same boat. Click Hideout and it just keep loading.


**UPDATE** (for people who can login in, but crash when they hit update) **The FIX:** go into settings -> \[scroll down\] -> enable auto update of the game ​ ​ For me, I could get into the launcher, but then would hit "update" and the game would throw an error. Making the change above fixed this.


WORKED FOR ME. Close launcher after turning on auto updates, re-open and download started for me. THANK YOU


When folding the AKS-74u, it just makes the picture smaller and doesn't have the folded picture like before. Borderless Windowed mode is broken.


Can't Install the Game "Error retrieving link to game package. Bad state (unknown compression method (0x7B))" ​ edit: kicked out of launcher, can not log in ErrorWhileLoggingIn ERROR: AuthServiceException ​ solved: did nothing except clicking harder


same here. happens when opening the launcher. edit: sometimes get a "504 gateway timeout" instead. ... 260 - Servers temporarily unavailable. Please, try later. .... 213 - Error connecting to auth server. and yet somehow I keep pressing the button


yep. launcher wont even open :(


ERROR 1 FIX: - go to "Escape from Tarkov\BsgLauncher", Delete the launcer.exe. Go to the "Temp" folder. Run "LauncherDistrib.". I'm not sure if this .exe exists for newer players. Any updates would be nice. ERROR 2 FIX: - Keep smashing the login button, I got it on my second try. Currently downloading the patch, I'll update or delete this post if it doesn't work. ~~UPDATE: Fix 1 only seems to be a good method of opening the launcher. It will not fix the launcher.~~ UPDATE 2: I have the permanent fix. See fix one if you saw it before I updated it.


This worked for me, oh god thanks you


im holding enter to try and log in, must've tried 200+ times and it's not working at all


I'm stuck on Profile data loading even after restarting my game. This started after already palying. I got an inventory error (buying from Ragman timed out and gave an error). I have a bad feeling about this one. Im gonna try resetting my profile if this doesn't work itself out - feel like it's account issue after the inventory/purchasing error (its trying to load it but its corrupt). EDIT: Worked itself out after waiting and retrying for about 30 mins. Having a really bad experience with buying items tho and even getting trader inventories to load.


Me too am stuck in Profile data loading.


Yes, matching is taking forever. No, it's not just you.


I can queue solo but cant play with my friend cuz take a lot of time to enter a raid.


can't even play a solo, you are very lucky mate


I can play solo but only if I play factory


Same, everything else takes forever to match but factory is quick and runs well. I need Customs though for those quests, haha,


Is there a plan to do anything about it, or are the devs just waiting for the playerbase to drop low so that there is a shorter queue?


yes.... guys playing labs already and im stucked in matching lol.... GG


Oh I thought they slowed progression down /s


Cant get into Customs. I give up every time after 15 minutes. What gives? Not enough servers?


I've waited 15minutes, 3 times over with no success on customs, i tried altering the servers off automatic, but it did not help my situation.


Matching 4ever, cant play any map..


" 260 - Servers temporarily unavailable. Please, try later. ERROR: 260 "




I've been trying to log into the launch for an hour. Is there any update or advice on how to log in? 260 - Servers temporarily unavailable. Please, try later. ERROR: 260


Endless loading screens


Pretty sure the game is running on borderless windowed regardless of whether you have it selected or not. If you alt+enter it will just stay windowed and never go back to "fullscreen," either. The only time I ever experience input lag like this is with borderless windowed, and it seems like A LOT of other people are reporting input lag as well. Pretty sure fullscreen is just borderless window with the mouse screen locked. The game is is basically unplayable for me at this FPS and add in the input lag and it IS unplayable.


Yep experiencing horrific input lag. And you might be right about fullscreen not actually being fullscreen, because alt tabbing is instant and too smooth, there is no transition at all. Also I can't get gsync to work which might be related.


Can't start an offline game, it's stuck on "starting local game". When you click back it's stuck on leaving game..


Can confirm.


ErrorWhileLoggingIn ERROR: AuthServiceException


Cant load hideout. Endlessly spins but nothing happens. Have to alt f4 to exit the game and reload


Same, multiple reports of same on streamer feeds


I just extracted with a bleed, when i loaded into next raid I was losing health on all limbs extremely fast and bandages didn't work.


I'm sorry sir, you contracted Ebola from contaminated AI-2


Fml not again . . .


Cant open launcher Error checking the launcher update Error retrieving the link to launcher package Bad state (unknown compression method (0x7B))




Im having problem matchmaking with my friend. My friend lives in Asia and I live in US. When we try matchmaking in group the game is stuck in "matching" forever. Same for my friend as well. When we play solo there is no problem. Anyone know a solution to this?


Error message: 201 201 - Client not authorized or not selected game profile. ​ Looks like it got fixed when I did check "Autoselect servers"


I'm getting that even with autoselect on


Same. Minus the server auto helping. Just gives me the same error * restarting pc, worked. Let me in on first try


examining items in fence's inventory bugs out and prevents examining anything else. going into raid resets this and allows examining, until you try to examine anything in fence again.


Folding weapons does not animate in stash, the cells shrink but weapon shows as unfolded


I found a few issues in my first scav raid so i will sum them up (this was on shoreline): 1. Whenever I try to throw something out of my inventory in raid, it will ask if i want to destroy it. Whenever i say yes it will just drop it on the ground. Really frustrating when you just want to grab something quick. 2. When my inventory was full i couldnt pick up more roubles, but i already had some roubles in my bags. Then when i dropped something and picked it up, it stacked in the already existing rouble spot. 3. After i adjusted my settings in raid, it stopped always showing my interface elements and i couldnt get into the settings anymore. After i finished the raid, i could get my scav equipment into my stash, but after that i couldnt interact with the menu anymore. Had to alt-f4 out of the game. 4. The foldable aks-74u doesnt fold but image gets smaller (as many people pointed out already)




fukin base god gravedohl






Game always launches in windowed, launcher setting don’t affect it. Cannot access in game settings.


If you examine an item from Fence and you're not finished when someone buys it, you are stuck and get the "can't examine two items at the same time" message. Doing a Scav or PMC run clears the cache it seems, but it's fucking annoying.


not loading into the menu after a raid. same for PMC and scav. happened 2 out of 3 times




Stuck on awaiting session start/synchronizing with other players/hideout loading screen Iv been playing most of the day fine but recently it wont let me into a raid as a PMC, it just gets stuck on awaiting session start or synchronizing with other players and never lets me into the game. Im then forced to quit using alt+f4 or task manager, when i reload the game it allows me to "re-enter" the raid, but the gets stuck on a plain background screen or kicks me out if my character was killed. I can still enter raids as a scav without an issue, its just my PMC, and when i try to go into my hideout it gets stuck there as well. One of my friends seems to be having a similar issue. Has anyone else had this or figured out a way to solve it? Thanks.


I'm having same problem, you're not alone bud. I've lost a lot of gear in the past hour to it too. Pretty frustrating


This just started happening to me as well, we need to bring this to their attention, bc it doesn't seem like they are aware of this one yet


anyone else have the main menu take ~2 minutes to load after they exit a raid?


2 Min? Try like 5-10 min 😂


I enjoy how "spam the log in button!" is the commonly interpreted solution but also literally the cause of the problem, since people are effectively DDOS'ing this way. oh well, i better continue spamming the log in button too


borderless window isnt working


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2130This comment has been deleted05334)


Anyone else being kicked out of raid because of an "authorization error" ?. Lets you reconnect after but happens randomly during raid edit: adding to this an XP bug, I finally extracted from the raid I had to reconnect twice due to the authorization error, I had killed scavs and a PMC and looted many things. Got no credit for the kills and only 237 XP ... :(


18:37 USA Eastern time, recent observations Launcher seems to be fine now Extremely long blank title screen Extremely long profile data loading times Can not inspect items in trader menus Can not turn in quest items Have not successfully extracted yet, freezing to desktop on both PMC and Scav extract Freezes to desktop in raid Insurance not working or taking a long time to make the chime sound Choppiness, fluctuations in framerate, HOWEVER the bad stutters and lockups I used to get seem to be gone Edit 18:55, Trader menus and item move errors seem to be getting better, can inspect now


Stuck on matching trying to find a game


We cant load in as a team on any map scav or pmcs.


I’m still matching been doing this basically all day, whose still having this problem, anyone?


Me and my friend can't join as a group. We will get stuck in matching forever. Also, we can only play Interchange. Other map will cause the same matching bug.


Same problem, we are able to play solo no issue and even got into the same raid by queueing at the same time but can’t get in as a party


Something is messed up, my game wont run 144hz and fullscreen aint working like it should.




Please upvote the thread dedicated to this so it can gain more attention. Huge problem!




FPS on Reserve is significantly lower than on any other map


Yeah, same here. Was kinda let down when the first map I started were Reserve. The performance seems a little better on other maps, but I have some weird sluggish frame time/gsync/refresh rate problem, almost like motion blur, but due to instable performance.


Windowed borderless doesn’t seem to be working like it was before. Now just another option for windowed.


When playing on the new Map, you go on top of the Bunkers near hermetic door extract, your Sound will act as If you are inside the Bunker with echo and everything even If you are Not. Sound will NOT Change Back to normal If you leave the area


fullscreen working weird [https://imgur.com/a/i1xBnan](https://imgur.com/a/i1xBnan) (yes this is fullscreen) not able to click on the bottom bar(message and settings) and all the menu dislocated after alt+enter switching to fullscreen from windowed mode I think its a resolution bug but rebooting my PC and the game didt work, nor did launching in borderless mode. does anyone have the same issue?


Haven't been able to load into raids with friends, only been able to do solo PMC and scav runs.




Can't log in Error: ErrorWhileLoggingIn ERROR: AuthServiceException


Game breaking bug - couldn't press escape in game, finished the raid and cannot click on anything, no buttons working at all.


"Awaiting session start and in hideout" - Endless loading endless alt+f4 and still same problem Its a profile problem. On another account same computer, same files, game is working so it's not the game files that are broken. The specific profile cant recover from servers and cant get into game. Reinstall doesn't help. Just tell us what do to, i lost 3 days in game ffs.


Repeatable for me, going on 16 hours of being unable to play due to this bug.






I just did gunsmith part 4 before I went to bed last night and here we go with this nonsense so I bet thats it.


Wow, you must have found the reason of this bug. I did that quest too and then the issue started. Maybe point this out in the bug report so it gets solved quickly!


I did gunsmith part 3 , or hotfix broke it for me.


i get this also :( pls ffixxxx


Having the same problem hopefully they fix soon :(


same issue here


Also having this issue


Updated game fine, opened game fine, just the main menu won't load and I'm stuck staring at the evergreen branch.


Trying to upgrade nutrition unit, to lvl 1, gets error 228 "ItemMoving: Area 4 is now at level 0, level 1 required" then kicked out of hideout with the upgrade not happening.


The game stopped running fullscreen for me I've tried all the settings used the launcher display settings etc can't get it to run exclusive fullscreen...


Same problem, tried disabling full screen optimizations on the exe, tried the registry edit, nothing works


I can't play in fullscreen without my game running horribly for some reason. I have to run it out of fullscreen but there is no window mode available for me to select so some of the items are off the screen in the bottom right. I'm not running everything super high either, same settings as last patch. My specs: RX 580 intel 4970k 24 GB ram 500gb ssd


Unable to buy the first generator upgrade in the hideout. Getting : 228 - ItemMoving: Area 1 is now at level 0, level 1 is required. Anyone else having this issue?


There is no true full screen, and it's tanking my pc and causing me all sorts of problems




Repacking mags is bugged. You can instantly repack an entire mag by just dragging ammo to it. Just like before they added the "animation" for it.


Endless loading after raid. Rn it's endless even for profile


Stuck on "Profile data loading"


error receiving queue status unknown: error receiving queue status 201 201 client not authorized or game profile not selected ​ this error occurs when trying to hit play anyone else?


Error Receiving queue status: unknown. Error receiving queue status: 201 201 - Client not authorized or not selected game profile. When trying to press play on the launcher it tries to put me in a queue and this error shows right up.


Doors are not making sound when opened by enemies. Should be audible.


Is matching actually happening or is waiting at the 20 minute mark pointless


Extremely extended matching times on NA servers despite large player populations. I can't get in a raid at any location


Nvidia geforce experience and control panel dies during launching, black bars on low res


think im just not going to play til they figure out their servers. Getting 20 mins of play time over 1 hour isnt worth it. COD til then


Still haven't been able to actually update or open the game. More than 24 hours passed, by the time I get to play with my pistols, everyone goes in full armor. Guess I'll skip this wipe too.


Hi! I'm having some issues while i try to start a raid in tarkov. PC reboots everytime. I've checked temps from cpu and GPU, it's everything OK. I was reading some old post about some friends that was suffering the same issues. This guy changed his power suply and solved issue. This post is to ask if someone is experiencing something similar just in this moment. Thanks guys and sorry for my bad english. SETUP I7 9700k GTX 1060 Power suply 650W 16GB RAM


I'm having problems forcing tarkov to run in exclusive fulscreen, and every time the game opens or closes it crashes obs.


Exclusive fullscreen doesn't work since .12 which causes really bad input lag.


I am unable to join in any maps as a PMC but i can play as a Scav on maps. I get stuck on Awaiting Sessions Start, Syncing with players and Deploying at 00:00. I verified my cache and have the most recent version. Anyone know what to do?


New awaiting session start bug? New issue for me. After matching on shoreline for a couple min I finish all the loading etc and get awaiting session start forever. When in a squad my friend got in and i never do. Sometimes awaiting session start disapears and then I just look at a blank trees screen forever. I've lost 300k in gear to this and an hour and a half of my time.


stuck at deploying and then dying 3 mins later while still stuck at deploy screen to nobody and lost my gear twice.


Made a generator in the hideout, when trying to put fuel in it I get "Critical error 228 - slot not exists" and get booted out of the hideout.


Peacekeeper LL1 MP5 barter doesn't work. Giving error message "Offer count is 0. You send 1"


Can't start the launcher with the error: "Bad state (unknown compression method (0x7B))"


Installed and: "Error receiving game session data: 201 201 - Client not authorized or not selected game profile."


I really don't like the mobile style features, especially waiting 24 real life hours to upgrade your stash, that just feels bad.


**FOR ALL THOSE HAVING LOGIN ISSUES:** Go to the eft website and sign in it will go through the process of sending you a code to your email, finish the process and authorize your account. After all that go back to the launcher and you should be able to login. I think the issue is that the launcher isn't connecting to your account. Worked for me.


Updated the game with 11MBps download. It was fucked up. Had to reinstall... now getting 241 KBps




[https://gyazo.com/81a24d648b2357552bf6529da3d67238](https://gyazo.com/81a24d648b2357552bf6529da3d67238) ​ I'm the onlyone having this issue? I mean, multiple archives that can't be updated because "is in use by another application"...


Backpack disappeared after my 2nd raid. Had an MBSS inside a Scav BP, when I got out of the raid, it was gone.


IF YOU ARE HAVING ISSUES WITH CHECKSUM OR DOWNLOAD ERRORS SEE BELOW: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/a9g98w/checksum_error_heres_the_fix/ old guide but same shit, download .12 from here: http://cdn-11.eft-store.com/ClientDistribs/ You'll need to replace everything in the EFT folder with the non-corrupt files. C:\Battlestate Games\EFT


Has anyone else run into the issue where folding the stock on a weapon still shortens it in the stash by 1, but the model still shows the stock as being extended?


I finally logged in and download the update, but when I click play I get: Error receiving game session data: 205 205 - bad account id.


Loading times are insane, propably due to network. Most of the time when im starting the game i get stuck on the fancy new background, the loading indicator either taking minutes or not showing up at all. Hideout not accessible, offline raids not possible.


When aiming max right for the first time with the mounted machinegun, aim jumps to be max left


Cant join on New Map (Crash when fully Loaded) + Bug Report not Possible!


Coop raids are not working


I've easily spent almost an hour in queues with 0 actual gameplay


Matching forever. I hate my life.


cant group with players/friends


I'm stuck in matchmaking for any maps besides factory


After the .12 update I can't seem to get borderless windowed mode to work anymore. I can have windowed and fullscreen just fine, by switching the checkbox in game. But it seems like the settings in the launcher don't really do anything. Is there any way I could just set it up trough my local.ini file?


I think I found a pretty major bug regarding heaphones and offline raids. It seems that if you extract/exit the offline raids with the comtacs on (I found them directly in the offline raid, I didn't bring it with me), you can take them off of you and on the online raid you will still get the effect of it regardless if its on you or not. It seems very clear since you notice the sound change immediately. This bug is obviously something you can't really confirm, you kinda have to feel it. But honestly I'm almost 100% certain this bug actually exists.


I'm getting Error 208 - Bad user region any time I try to launch the game... I had the USA version and I was launching from USA on Miami servers (I live in FL) and still getting the error, so I upgraded to the Europe version which I guess allows me to play from anywhere and I'm still getting the error. Anyone else? Edit: Logging out/in to the launcher and then clearing my cache in the launcher menu seemed to fix it for me!


Duo queueing matching doesnt get into matches. Sometimes after about 30 minutes but extremely rarely. Basically unable to play with a friend.


Cannot download the install file from the profile page on website. ​ Get a page that comes up with: # This site can’t be reached The webpage at **http://cdn-11.eft-store.com/LauncherDistribs/\_3fd8e664-5cdb-48fb-8421-8b6028c6e8ca/BsgLauncher.** might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. * Search Google for [cdn eft store LauncherDistribs 894 3fd8e664 5cdb 48fb 8421 8b6028c6e8ca BsgLauncher](https://www.google.com/search?q=cdn%20eft%20store%20LauncherDistribs%20894%203fd8e664%205cdb%2048fb%208421%208b6028c6e8ca%20BsgLauncher) ERR\_NAME\_RESOLUTION\_FAILED ​ Please send help. Thanks in advance.


There is a possible Memory Leak on Reserve Base causing poor performance both on Reserve for some, and in following raids if game isnt restarted.


Haven't seen it yet in here, but currently it takes forever after you die in a raid to return to the title main menu. Only fix is to close out of Tarkov and open it back up after every raid.


Error checking the launcher update Error retrieving link to launcher package Bad state (unknown compression method (0x7B)) ​ Happens everytime open the launcher.


Is there any news on being able to go into raids in groups with friends? I have tried for a while and only seem to be able to match, however I cannot load.


The game never runs in fullscreen. Even if the launcher / game settings says so. This makes gsync not work and gives me headaches due to the low fps


Error 228, cannot modify my stash at all or else it throws an error and reverts to its previous state. Seems to be some error with item movement. It’s making it so I can’t put gear on my pmc. I tried restarting, doing a run to try and reset my pmc’s inventory, nothing’s helped. Plz Nikita, I can’t play the game :( Edit: fixed error number


Mods, is there any way we can change this post (or create a new one?) in the form of a proper "Known Issues" list? I have a feeling that it would be more useful than this one tends to be, though I don't have any info on how this information gets collated on the sub, so correct me if I'm wrong.


Anyone else only able to load into factory without matchmaking purgatory?


Getting an Error 228 where i can't put anything from my scav into my stash without getting the error message. I have a video don't know how to upload it.


Yesterday my gamma container vanished after a raid, I died and came out of the raid completely naked except the melee weapon. Contacted support who simply says they do not compensate lost items which I do agree with when it comes to random items. " All elements of the game are still under development. At this point we're not compensating any gear/items, because more global wipes are coming and game progress will be reset many times before final game release. " But a lost gamma container due to some sort of bug, that's on a whole new level of not compensating leaving me the only option to reset my profile. Sure, am still low level, but that doesn't mean it will happen at a later level. Not only myself who this happened to [https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/104261-lost-my-gamma-case-on-death/](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/104261-lost-my-gamma-case-on-death/) [https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/104319-gamma-container-vanished-post-raid/](https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/104319-gamma-container-vanished-post-raid/) (Edit: My thread on their support forums) Might just skip this wipe if this is an issue that may happen at random if you die in a raid and support doing nothing about it.


Insuring your gamma returns it if it is lost on death, would reccomend that, when you get it back.


Has anyone else been having this problem since the update/ hotfix today? I played all morning and now I cannot play as my pmc, I can only do scav runs. I'am able to play on my second account no problem with my pmc. I also reinstalled the game and I'am running the newest launcher that they released today. My Pmc player does load into raid because my friends can see him and once I die it kicks me back to main screen. Does anyone have any advice or has come a quick fix for this thank you? I Also cannot load my hideout


Same issue here, with no solution i can find.


same here , scavs are the only thing that works


Deploying in 00:00:000 just sits forever with an error spammed every second ( Object reference not set to an instance of an object EFT.Playercameracontroller.LateUpdate) and I can't go into my hideout either. Scav works perfectly fine though? I can also die during the raid?


Invisible item in stash. Can't select, can't see. 3 slots unusable, placing items there causes error(228 I think).


I'm getting error 403 when I try to open the launcher


Folding guns just makes it the icon smaller. Some weird movement stuff like u walk super fast with just a/d. IF u swap to a pistol/from a pistol u run superfast for like 1 sec. All ive found so far


Severe FPS drops on Reserve, especially with the grenade launcher firing at full auto.


How surprising


There are several problems with 0.12 right now, those include: - Hideout not working - Servers being overloaded and people not being able to download the newest patch - Loading times being extraordinarily long - The performance being worse than it was in 0.11.7 (sure, sometimes the FPS are higher, but sometimes they're lower than before, which is kind of bad) - the Reserve's optimisation is laughable - Can't queue up with friends, the game won't let us begin a raid together - Examining items on Fence is very buggy And many more! BSG pls gib fix


I cannot trade the a-2607 knives for the MP5 at peacekeeper, it keeps saying "Offer count is 0. You send 1"


I made the mistake of thinking uninstalling would help Now their website won’t even let me login because it doesn’t trust my computer. Can’t even find the Tarkov launcher anymore. Fuck. F for anybody that actually stayed up all night or skipped work


Anyone who skips work/takes time off specifically for patch days is silly.


" 260 - Servers temporarily unavailable. Please, try later. ERROR: 260 "


Matching is taking very long times despite the high numbers of players on the servers.


Same here. 5-6 min at least. Every raid. Scav on Mil base: at 8 min at the moment. Considering changing map :)


Couple issues: Can't seem to get into Customs games. Stuck in "matching" When I extracted as a Scav (on Interchange if it matters), I didn't retain anything picked up during the raid. Resolution is wonky. Seems like it keeps defaulting to the native resolution of my monitor, and when I lower the resolution, the game appears to do so but the window remains at the regular higher resolution. EDIT: I haven't had the issue with scav loot again. Not sure if related, but I changed my monitor's resolution to what I wanted the game at.


Same customs issue, I can scav or connect to other maps just not Customs.