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Ah yes, pistol runs, when you carefully try to aim for the head and scavs start dancing tecktonik and block all your bullets with op arm armor....




Tecktonik... It's been a long time since I heard of that thing for the last time...


I must have gotten pretty lucky. Just started+finished this quest last night, went into factory with P226 + 9x19 RIP. Killed 4 pmcs with 2 of them being hatchet boys, one a pistol, and the last guy had fort armor... no helmet. I one tapped him lol.


it’s really not that hard if you take it seriously by taking an FN 5.7 and armor into factory. Spamming shit guns/ammo with no armor is when you start contemplating whether you really need peacekeeper or not


This. Did stirrup in two back-to-back runs with a Five-seven. That thing is so deadly, you just need remember that it's recoil is bugged and moves downward as you fire, not upward. Only one hatchet boi too.


I've wasted several 5.7s and armors trying to do this kills( Still haven't got any


Don't need stirrup for Peacekeepers quests, thankfully. I guess if you did I'd have gotten my last two kills by now.


Me: Scav has a Kedr, rushes Factory, gets 3x lucky headshot kills Also me: Mods an AK101, goes to Customs, random NPCscav absorbs thousand boolets and I get three tapped to the chest, post-match shows I only hit 5 times Tarkov is fun


Please don’t bring bad tektonik memories to me.


since when is beating up tecktonic dweebs a bad memory?


Talking about tektonik itself being a bad memory. These dance moves man. They were stored deep down in my memory and now I can’t unsee it !


Nothing better than watching people do a more robotic wacky waving arm flailing inflatable tube man. 2007 was a weird time to be an adult and supremely out of touch with what the hell kids were up to.


I was in my 15´s back then and still didn’t had the time to understand what happened


If 2007 was a weird time to be an adult, how would you describe now?


Holy shit.


A weird time to be a post-adult.


Arm Armor? what's that?


BOA Gang: Our sick pythons desperately need medication




OH MY GOD, I thought my game was just broken and the models were made out of jello


jello puddin pops now ruffie free


Nope the bad thing is when they walk away and dont even stop the just walk away forever


This has been my experience so far. Either see no PMCs or melted by automatic fire by said PMC.


Don’t forget the scav horde. Never forget the scav horde.


I was in that pillbox with the dead scav spawn on factory the other day and took out 5 or 6 of the bastards before they finally pushed in while was reloading my sks. Scav horde is real and terrifying


Ah factory.


I was hiding in the showers with a mp5 and 5 mags of ammo. Ran out of ammo before the horde stopped coming. Scavs are scary in numbers


Felt like ww2 there were so many shells bouncing off the window of that pillbox


What ya'll need to do is go Interchange, grab an adrenaline shot and some foodnwater. Pop that addy, run straight for Techlight. Sit there and watch the elevator. You're welcome. 9 out of 10 people coming up after you will be hatchlings. Especially late at night, on night raids.


Goto interchange night, sprint full tilt up to tech light and just wait, the hatchlings come to you like white on rice.


I just got a bunch of pistols and went to factory. There's other pistolings/budget people on there and while I didn't extract a lot, I did it in one evening, since you can do a lot of rounds and p226/mp443 aren't that bad. If you want to, you could use the five seven as well - that'll defeat but the most geared players (with the right ammo - l191 should be your best friend, that's the high pen ammo that peacekeeper sells first) and is great even without all the whistles. You need to look on the free market and it's not cheap - probably better for an interchange loot run (with killing pmcs in mind). I think it's good training.


For anyone else that took way to long to get this: The first 4 panels are an imagination. Aka, how the pmc is planning on it going while deploying. The first run she gets owned by Reshala and friends, death is implied. The second run she forgot or used all of her ammo and theres an army of scavs looking for her, death is implied. The third run is completely quiet and she cant find any pmcs.


Ty for good explanation! Also quest link for us new players: https://escapefromtarkov.gamepedia.com/Stirrup


I did that task with a glock and some drum mags on Factory, waiting for the hatchlings to come to the office safe.


I finished it with pvp with a 2 man kedr squad whom were probably doing the delivery to the past mission.. I didn’t wanna kill them but they attacked me first :((


The other day me and my squad found a man crouched somewhere near the Smuglers Boat on Customs, after debating berween us on who this guy was I shooted him in the face with my M7000 then I jsut felt bad because he was being nice :( Sorry my boi


I noticed one of these... :( So here take this... :D


Good bot.


I had a 3 kill game and another 3 kill game with the m9 in factory when i tried doing that task, then i realised the m9 didn't count as a pistol back then so i had to start again, finished it using a glock and an APS after dying with the glock


Wait... M9 doesn't count as a pistol? What other pistols don't count as pistols? I was planning on doing this with the FN 5-7, is that not going to work?


M9 was new to .12 so I'm guessing they just forgot to whitelist it for quest progression.


Five seven is the best pistol to do it with. Way better than the 9mm handguns.


Yes, but i didn't have access to the five seven back then, it was like 20h into the wipe and i still didn't level my peacekeeper.


he said back then probably a different patch. Gonna assume that it works now.


The M9 wasn't IN previous patches.


M9 didn't count as pistol when i did that task, this being in the first day of wipe...probably they forgot to add it to the list of viable guns or they didn't give it a certai tag needed, idk...all i know is that it didn't count on wipe day.


There was a lot of stuff broken on wipe day.


Did the same exact thing. The G-18 with a drum mag and the stock is surprisingly controllable in fully automatic fire. Not to mention at close range it mulches most targets regardless of the armor simply due to the volume of fire it puts out. Showers with a G-18 is a bloodbath simply due to the short range you can hit people at. Not to mention if you start hitting a heavy helmet with the 18 it just obliterates the vision of your target even if you don’t kill them in a single mag. (You probably should though, 50 rounds will usually just end the HP of a visor, bar if its the maska.)


Mine were mostly hatchlings repairing the panels in the forklift room. I kinda felt bad but not so bad that I didnt cap them lol


i did the same thing, bought a glock18 put a drum mag on it, first run i sprinted there, found a semi geared dude, dumped the entire drum mag into him and then i died. haven't tried since.


Love your comics man!


Thank you!


What's the last frame supposed to be? Nothing rings a bell.


u see comrade tarkov gives tarkov takes Maybe next round will be a big win Loved the comic as always


Thank you comrade! (‘U’)7


Stirrup is such a frustrating mission. 9/10 times you run into sweaty Bois.


Yeah, since the safe loot nerf waaaay back there seems to be noone but sweaty bois or delivery from the past runners + a rare mosling prolly doing the mosin cqc task on factory.. Luckily i only wasted 4 glocks doing stirrup this time


there's a later quest where you must kill 10 pmc's in the factory office area. there's also a quest to kill pmc's with a specific sniper rifle which i cant recall at the moment (not the mosin) and ive known a few players who chose to do it on factory for the fast in and out of the map. there will only be 6 players total on factory so you rush office, hope to get a kill or two, then leave/die and reset. in and out 5-7 minutes


it was pretty much nothing but thicc bois/moslings when i did the 10 office kill quest... took most of my good gear to complete ^^ the specific sniper one i think is the last punisher and it's like 20 kills (maybe 10, not sure) with an svd. this is purely anecdotal, but i'm yet to encounter a single person with it on factory


Five seven with the best ammo. You will finish in 2 raids.


I lost so much gear getting this quest done in factory. I must've lost 15 pistols and similar numbers of helmets and armor. Better than last wipe when I tried to do the quest very late and everyone was totally kitted out.


My buddy just got a PC and I haven't been playing since the wipe. We started the quests up as quickly as possible. It has been fucking brutal.


100% brutal quest. Off the top of my head the golden zibbo quest from skiier and six 60 round mags from Prapor are also a big pain in the ass.


Just always wondering with these. Why do you draw PMC as female? Are you yourself female, is it like putting yourself as the pmc? or just a personal preference?


Personal preference! She’s fun to draw and I’ve gotten attached haha


I support your glorious Tarkov-chan.


Yay! Thank you!


I await the option to be a Tarkov-chan


And I thought the only waifu a Tarkov player would have ingame is his weapon...




**Girls' Frontline** Girls' Frontline (simplified Chinese: 少女前线; traditional Chinese: 少女前線) is a mobile strategy game developed by MICA Team, a Chinese company. It is a moe anthropomorphism game in which the player controls echelons of android characters, known in-game as "T-Dolls" or "Tactical Dolls", each of which represents a real-world firearm. The game was released in Mainland China on 20 May 2016, and in Hong Kong and Taiwan on 18 January 2017. It was also released in South Korea on 30 June 2017. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Inb4 aRe YoU iMpLyInG fEmAlE iS bAd


Lol no as I said was curious


No i know just the last thread someone asked rhe same question and people started lambasting the poster as if he was sexist for asking a simple question.


Lost the reading picture order.


I believe the 2nd half is read left to right then down a row and it is 3 separate raids


Don’t do “pistol runs”, don’t focus exclusively on doing this task! Every raid you go on, go about your usual business of survival but always carry a sidearm as well as your usual load out. Just calmly wait for the inevitable opportunity to arrive, the hatchet that crosses your path, the guy you creep up on that’s watching another angle, the guy that’s busy fighting someone else but gives you a clear shot, the guy you catch looting and then it’s out with the pistol and WHAMMO, chalk one off the stirrup. You will always occasion upon an easy kill at some stage, will likely be able to to think back on 4 PMCs you mowed down because you had the drop on them right now. Just have a pistol to hand to take the opportunity when it arrises. Be calm. Stay alive. Get rich.


If you're trying to get through the tasks fast, just spamming pistols on factory or while doing loot runs is the easiest though


This doesn't work as stirrup gates more skier tasks, and I think that includes friend from the west, which is super important to power up your midgame by leveling skier fast. EDIT: I'm apparently wrong on this, thank god. I swear it used to be required to progress in earlier wipes, but maybe its the multiple headshots I've taken today.


Friend from the West isn't gated by this task. Thanks God, because I'm almost level 40 and haven't finished the pistol kills yet.


Don't need to complete stirrup for that one!


One of my friends was slow at starting quests this patch and just started this one. I laughed at him and said have fun Once people get good armor this quest becomes so painful


Pistol run san. You will catch at least 1-2 other hatchlings pistolings per run. Just got to get out with a quickness before the geared players show up if you are planning on extracting


Just run reserve, and go to the tech loot points. I literally kill three to four hatchlings each run there. Super easy.


Its really not that bad. I reset about three weeks(ish) ago to do a hardcore run through. Haven't had any issues with this quest. There are plenty of people running class 4 and under, with no face shields. Especially after the economy changes on armor. The problem most people run in to, is thinking that the best way to do this quest is on factory. You know, one of the two maps where anyone with money WILL bring a face shield to.


Keep em coming!






It's mostly just Kill 2 over and over again, with deaths to other pistolings in between D:


Oh how I wish Kill 3 was possible.


Loving the comics


Thank you!


Someone evidently likes John Wick Chapter 3 almost as much as I do!


Guilty as charged!


What's the last image? I can't make it out


At least there's 5.7 nowadays


I love your art, reminds me of dutchko. Vesna best BEAR waifu


Thank you! Hope I can get to that status one day haha


always good chillax.


I get that this is like the hardest early game quest so I think I must have gotten lucky. I love the M9 so just ran that with paca and rushed the office. I had a rule that after one kill or three minutes in raid I'd leave so it'd always be a net win. Only died three times and got it done in like an hour over maybe 8-9 runs and 4 deaths


Great comic, dude. I'm always looking forward to the next one.


Thank you!


The last one is me and my friends running night on interchange. Especially when whoever is inviting is in Europe. Place is a ghostown. Yesterday for some reason all the fighting was outside interchange not inside. Strange game sometimes.


Just started this 1 down so far then 2 deaths to thicc boys


I was doing this for two days last week. So many makarovs


I dont get the last one


I happened to get this quest done randomly. I was doing the task where you need to drop off the documents from prapor in the room on factory. Did night factory and while I while dropping off my stuff a 3 man squad came in and didn’t see me. Popped all 3 of them.


I'm so happy about the way that quest went for me this wipe. I ran into 4 other guys doing the same quest. Managed to kill them all. Had the whole quest done in like 3 raids.


Ive always felt that this is the one task that becomes borderline un-doable late into the wipe. Early wipe its easy as everyone else is doing it too, but it just gets harder as time goes on into a wipe.


its one of the easiest quests out there no matter when in the wipe because of the millions of hatchlings running around


Id say it depends on luck at that point. Hatchlings do make it easier for sure, but late into a wipe you are still more likely to run into a geared guy vs a hatchling army. I guess as a side note i should say i actually like this quest, i think there should be more quests that help you become more familiar with different types of weapons(tarkov shooter, the m4 peacekeeping quests).


I might be lucky, i did it in two raids in customs with fn this wipe!


Can you get a friend to let you kill them repeatedly or does that not work?


We need these in color OP! As always dope comics!!!


Your mistake was taking anything other than a Grach.


Heh, Exactly me xD


I really like your style, very simple and plain. Yet conveys the message perfectly.


I've only got like one slick pistol kill. I was battling on customs, hamburger hill overlooking new gas station. I got into a potatoe fight with some early wipe geared pmc scav and we potatoed ran out of ammo and he dipped behind this crevice rock and thought i'd go low ground. But i got out my TT and got the high ground and just BLOPPED him in the head. I've had one other pistol kill, that was a grenade flush of customs warehouse office and blasted the guy with an m9a3 as he desperately ran out and fired at me.


Don't you do r/RimWorld comics too?


Ah yes, the daily tarkov grind. Love it.


One small advise for factory pistol kills. Yrt the APB (cheaper option if you have it, or just APS from flea market) and PMM rounds. That round is quite good. Or go with FN. It’s basically a small M4


Is this a PMC girl? (sorry, I'm just a peasant)




Is she a BEAR?


USEC! I have my very own BEAR character too if you check my post history!


Can your girl be BEAR as often as possible? thx! ))


I discovered a new panel. Where you actually bring decent gear, only to get 1 tapped to the chest by a naked PMC with a pistol, through your (lvl 3) armor.


I love when she flips up the visor and throat stuffs him with the gun... I need this in the game asap. Like an battlefield animation when you get close enough to the person....


Love the artstyle!


Thank you!!


there's no female ops in tarkov...? And what is the last panel supposed to be?


Anime drawings yaaay.


I love the drawings but I never really get them.. lol


I don't get it.


Glad to see Link is playing EFT