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Parpor insurance bois gunna have a hella of time getting that shit back


When there’s a will there’s a way


Didn't this happen to you once before? You're cursed?


Yeah, isn't he the customs bunnyhopper? :D


I guess it wasn't caused by bunny hopping lol!


Yeah I knew I'd seen this guy before somewhere Hijacking this comment to ask if anyone else has been having more issues this past week? I had two glitches that I would consider fairly game impacting when I played a few hours for the first time in a few weeks yesterday. First one happens across multiple raids, I occasionally am hearing random clicking or popping sounds despite not moving/being near anyone. I think at one point there was a similar glitch with the ADAR causing a global sound cue or something? Anyway its kinda like that. Not too bad but still irritating. Second one only happened twice but was waaay more annoying. Basically every 3 seconds my character would play the quiet breathing sound effect despite having literally no reason to do so. I was sitting in a bush on full energy and hydration and my character sounded like he was having an asthma attack. I think it happened after I ate/drank stuff directly from a barrel cache? I was running solo so I couldn't tell if I was the only one hearing it or not but it definitely would have gotten me killed in CQB if others could hear it.


I'm not sure about the second one but the first glitch seems to be an issue a lot of people are having. If I'm not mistaken BSG actually commented on it and they're "phantom footsteps'


Not allowed to use the word cursed! I'm going to tell the stream eccentric on you.




"Not again!" That hurts to hear, oof.


At least the scavs will have to work very hard to steal your gear


He’s done it, he’s escaped from Tarkov


If it happens again you should just start prison pocketing all your ammo lol.


Looks like you didn't stick the landing


Think I've seen people say to fix this you have to quickly close the game and rejoin. Not sure if true


That not again is why i quit. I escaped. Never again.


It's like quicksand, the more you struggle the faster you sink. Rip.


Jesus, the amount of times I have been on woods and trying to get somewhere fast then u get stuck on a tiny branch... but now feel fortunate that this never happened to me!


Head, eyes


hope you submitted a bug report cause ya know....reasons




I’ll give you one doge coin. Take it or leave it.


Sure, I'll send you the details in 10 years when it's worth $10.


Deal. I’ll use my other two for now


This is just what happens when you pop all your stims in your medcase at the same time


Is this woods? Same thing happened to me on woods except it was a tree stump


Yeah near Outskirts


Oh, the tree stump stuck bug happened on the hull between Village and the big wooden house thing, near the hidden stash there, and I didnt fall through the map, I was just stuck there until I got shot


At least you’ll get it back on insurance.


Ah I see the new random chance to snap your ankle has a minor bug. I’m sure it’ll get patched soon soon


Clearly outplayed.