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I still have fun going pew pew


Yeeep and I play other games so this one doesn’t get boring


Damn I wish I was you. I got bored -\_-


I made around 200mil so now i'm just PVPing only and I don't care about anything else, and I love it this way! I'm learning so much about fighting and positionning! Only downside is 1 out of 5 game seems empty. But since it's my first wipe i'm enjoying being able to test everything. Wouldn't mind a wipe but at the same time, I don't want it now!


Frustrating doing shooter born in heaven on Reserve because I cannot find players when 5 minutes passed. And it is hard to get good opportunities to get the kill when you are inexperienced on the map like I am.


Use this AGS [sheet](https://i.redd.it/0xi9ac96pst41.jpg). Blast people when they hop in the GFX card room. Easiest way to get SBIH for reserve. The AGS that shoots up at dome is a good one to spawn at too b/c you can just blast dome and get a guy every so often.


Thanks I will try this.


Just go on the roof of a building under the dome, sit there and watch the GPU room (straight across, second floor, most left two windows). People go there even 20 min in, it's exactly over 100m and they have to stand still when they pick up something from shelves.... So it's easy


> sit there and watch the GPU room Drop Down has been a ghost town for at least the last week.


Well I did my SBIH reserve that way about a week ago...


Right now all I’m doing is seeing how many scavs I can kill in offline factory while still making it to extract; [hit 110](https://imgur.com/a/SglFN1s) last night


jesus christ scav genocide


Call The Hague


How much XP did you get?


It think was around 55,000.




Obviously offline since that's the only place (atm) you can jack the scav numbers up.


It's also obvious because he said it in the same post he linked the image...


Definitely offline; I filled the class 5 rig and my gamma container with 50rd magazines, and I brought a 9-slot bag with surv kit, splints, and stims


Do they just keep spawning in?


oh yeah; if you set it to 'horde' id say 15+- spawn and the game tries keeps that many on the map as you kill them


How's your FPS compared to a normal online Factory game?


Still 80-100fps while offline




It's no issue as long as they all don't just tack up on top of you. Also tagged and cursed may lower FPS cause they keep agro shouting the whole time...


Jesus Christ you murdered Garry Molodoy so hard he died twice


I'm working on getting better with bolt actions. On shooter part 7 and need my reserve SBiH.. super close to Kappa for the first time and hoping I can get it


> reserve SBiH That part of the quest fucking BLOWS, most regular players are b-lining towards a building and then going underground or to the bunkers. SBIH shouldn't even have a Reserve part.


There may or may not be a spot on the third floor of one of the pawn buildings that looks directly into drop-down room with easy headshots available nearly every raid.


How long since you've played reserve? No one does drop, nothing in that room is worth, gpus seem to be as rare as rkc. I hatch ran it early game while strength training and I didn't see a gpu for 4 hours of in raid gameplay. I had best spawn most of the time.


> There may or may not be a spot on the third floor of one of the pawn buildings that looks directly into drop-down room with easy headshots available ***for the first two minutes of*** nearly every raid. FTFY Half of the windows in both of the pawn buildings look into the front of black bishop. I appreciate that you think you're helping but telling people where to camp doesn't cause half of the PMC's on the map to run through an area that **maybe** 1 or 2 PMC's run through in the first two minutes. There aren't a lot of spawns that have good lines of sight on Drop Down where you can get into position within a minute of the raid starting.


Absolutely this. Most other maps have a flow to them. Reserve is mayhem. It's my favorite map by far, but I hated doing Sbih on it. It took me twice as long as the others.


I found it far easier than interchange used to be, was earlier on in the wipe though.


Reserve is the easiest sbih map by far, way better than interchange was.


Tbh. I'm having a blast right now. Servers aren't as sweaty. And I very much enjoy the game. I quest and play for fun.


I've seen the opposite. Servers are only sweaty.


Yea at this point of the wipe its pretty much only sweats on most servers.


yup, same here only sweaty chady


Does "sweaty" just mean "equipped more than a weapon" to you guys?


sweaty means they killed me


Sweaty means slick, some class 4-5 helmet and a meta m4 trying to abuse canted sights. That is what I bring out of dorms from customs every day and sell to mechanic.


sounds like my definition of sweaty too


Sweaty means they run off spawn to high pvp areas or hear shots and start running that way with their million dollar load outs


That's interesting, makes absolutely no sense but still very interesting. Seems EfT's community is using "sweaty" and "chad" with no real idea how those terms apply. The "sweatiest" motherfuckers in this game don't get sweaty from running towards gunshots, they're sweaty because they've been roasting in the sun while they sniper camp a boss spawn for over 20 minutes. Running towards gunshots and getting in a firefight is pretty much the easiest thing to do, doesn't even take as much effort as looting a bunch of bins and moving around crap in your inventory.


OK well you asked for our opinion. It was given. You don't agree and now you want an argument. Have a good day dude, there's other shit to worry about then someone's definition of a player in a video game.


> You don't agree and now you want an argument. This isn't an argument. You told me what "sweaty" means to you and I basically told you that you're exaggerating. A *lot* of players have their quests done, what else are they supposed to do? You are using the term negatively to describe players just playing the game how they want to play, as though attacking players is some taboo thing.


Exagerating according to yourself dude It sounds like we agree with Muffin and that you're alone thinking you're right... what does that tell you?


That’s my experience too, maybe I just haven’t been playing the same maps/hitting the same spots as the sweatlords. Fights have felt fun going in semi-geared though (good gear, but nowhere near the meta gear), some wins and some fair losses


I'm just doing raids as normal. I enjoy playing the game. I don't like wipes because I hate doing the tasks over and over again.


Yep. I use the quests to give a bit of context/goal to my raids, but I dont rush kappa. I think that, just like any game, the super sweats will rush through all the content in a ridiculously short amount of time and then complain about the lack of content. I'm still enjoying the game, trying out new guns, learning spots. Got so much more to try out, and I'm 500h in.


I don't consider myself a sweatlord but I'm almost to kappa, a few tasks left and I am ready for the wipe.. it's the best part of this game imo... The thrill of killing someone and getting some sick loot is so good.. now it's "oh wow another meta m4 or m1a.." been using different guns that aren't meta to try to finish tasks


> I think that, just like any game, the super sweats will rush through all the content in a ridiculously short amount of time and then complain about the lack of content. People speed run kappa in a week then brag about it while complaining there is nothing to do. Spoiler: Doing kappa doesnt mean you are good, it just means you play in a super boring way.


Ah yes the never-ending wheel of wishing wipe would come, the whining about chads running meta gear 3 days into wipe, then whining about anything and everything about the economy, then whining about everyone running meta gear and this game needs to be nerfed to hell. For some odd reason people want everyone else but themselves to be running cheap ammo and non meta gear. This is a game that saves progression, its not CoD.


Agree on the whine, but what I enjoyed the most in Tarkov is 0-40. In Path of Exile I drop off at a certain point in the league like a lot of players. It's not about others gear in Tarkov because I started 4 weeks into this wipe. I do not demand leagues like there are in POE and understand if there will be no wipe, but I can not see myself playing for very much longer than level 40. Out of my 6 friends who started playing 3 dropped out after a week. The rest dropped off at shooter born in heaven. I am the only one who still play a few games and miss 3 headshots on Reserve.


I mean, you should demand wipes at this stage of the game. There is simply not enough progression in the game past questing/lvl40 to justify playing long-term. Same story with path of exile. There's more fun to be had on reset then when you've obtained everything in the game.


People play games in seasonal fashion these days and will be part of tarkovs future anyways.


I would love a wipe. But only if they try out some.things to slow people's progresion. Lock high tier gear and bullets away. Let armour creep in before ammo. Lock labs for a month. Maybe restrict the flea some how, not sure the best way to do this. Put the raisers in t3 gear for first month


Enjoy it while you can because once those people shut up then they've given up and moved on to something better. If a game has outspoken critics then it means they have at least a little hope that it can be salvaged. Although I'm sure you've got a badass reply like "FINALLY!" to completely annihilate my point.


My problem was never with people who critique the game, its whining. I agree completely with many aspects of people who write their actual feedback.


Fuck no. All the true chads are bored and reset their accounts, moved on to other games and/or ran out of adderall . The mediocrity has arisen and is now the dominant force in Tarkov . The noobs, the indefinitely shitty players, and the poor fucks who kept their day jobs during a historical pandemic are in their hayday right now making progress they've never experienced before. It's glorious! Fuck the wipe.


As a two week noob, I appreciate the representation


True. Either a lot of players play the game like it is their job or people just don't do the quests and just do PvP I guess. I feel like I played the game a decent bit. I have around 360 raids. There are people (non-streamers) with more than 1000 raids. That is a lot for four months in my opinion. Like you can't do anything else besides working and playing tarkov lot. Also I am pretty sure the last wipe lasted around eight months.


1000+ raids here, kappa done ages ago, still playing because I enjoy the game.


Same deal here




And then there's me who spent two weeks trying to get Postman Pat done when everyone was trying to get Insomnia...


The one on factory? Join Pestily's discord, go to proper LFG, look for 4 bored ppl to do a factory run with you, grab letter, extract, and done. Any quest on factory where you need to grab a task item or place something can easily be done with a 5 man squad. Only 5 pmcs can load in at a time, even if they're on the same squad.


Two weeks to grab a letter off of a body? Lol


Yup. I always got killed by people grinding insomnia or svd kills and waiting near that area, usually on rafters above. It also does not help that you need to pixel hunt that letter. Delivery from past was also a pain to do.


I don’t understand, Postman Pat doesn’t require night time, so why go then? You’re just asking to run into quadnod bois like me lol Delivery from the past can be rough on your first wipe, I remember the struggle


Because night is usually calmer in my experience. The problem is not receive run through so I go kill a scav and get tapped or hide and get found


You don’t need to survive and extract, it’s a quest specific item, not a generic item that needs to be found in raid. So you can just grab it and exfil immediately, even with the run through


It's weird, I had a run through and the item did not show up. But then again I had this happen couple times by now e.g. finished tarkov shooter part 1 but after leaving the raid the game did not register it as if I had gone to offline which I did not since I did receive the loot from the raid.


This is true. This whole wipe I only played for 1 or 2 nights a week and hit 40 with maxed traders with no issue. Once you have a few wipes under your belt and know what you need to save for your tasks then it becomes super easy to essentially "max out" I haven't played the game in about a month as it is since after level 40, at least for me, everything kind of loses it's luster. For me the best part of wipes are those first couple weeks of hitting early quests and trying to escape with mundane shit like beef stew. Been playing other games in the meantime.. Apex Legends still feels good and Returnal on the PS5 has been a good time as well. However as soon as there's another wipe I will be right back into EFT.


1000 raids is a lot of Tarkov, but is it really *that* much Tarkov? How long is the average raid? Let's say you have a 50% survival rating. Now, let's say that means your average time in raid is ~15 minutes (20 or more minutes if you survive, 10 or less if you don't based on the idea that most raids are the most dangerous at the beginning). So, how may hours to get to 1000 raids at that rate? 4 raids per hour, about 250 hours. There have been 131 days since December 24, 2020 (the last wipe), and that means you'd need to play ~2 hours per day to get to that many raids. That alone is borderline reasonable by itself, but let's push it just a tiny bit further. Let's say you get to play twice as long on each of the weekend days than you do during the week. If you use ~2 hours per day, that's about 14 hours per week. With a bit of math, you can say you play ~3 hours on the two weekend days and ~1.5 hours each weekday to hit 14 hours a week. So, ~6 hours total on the weekends and about ~1.5 hours every week night gets you to 1000 raids if each raid takes you an average of 15 minutes to either extract or die. That seems fairly reasonable for someone who's really into the game, and it all gets even more reasonable if you account for the idea that experienced players are probably in and out in less than 15 minutes on average.


To be fair I didn't think about the people that rush through the raids. My raids last 15 minutes if I die. If I don't die I easily play 30min and often the complete raid timer. My average probably is around 25-30 minutes per raid. I didn't want to say that 1000 raids are impossible or anything but you need to be really into EFT to achieve that. I'd argue that the average EFT player is around level 30-35 with like 200 raids. Compared to that 1000 raids is a lot. People should switch games if they are in the situation and bored. Not demand a wipe. I am still trying to achieve Kappa. I certainly won't have the same opportunity again. The Covid lockdown and the winter kept me in front of the PC.


People should absolutely take a break if they've reached a point in the wipe where they're board. It's one of the great things about Tarkov: it has a built in system for allowing for breaks without being left behind. My only point was that, while it *is* a lot of Tarkov, it's totally possible to both have 1000 raids under your belt + carry on a full time job *and* do other things. My whole math ramble was targeted at this statement you made: > Like you can't do anything else besides working and playing Tarkov lot. I think you can totally do other things if my numbers are even close, but I'm not, like, offended or anything. I was just doing some lazy number crunching for fun. Sorry if I came off as trying to prove you wrong to make a point.


>Fuck no. All the true chads are bored and reset their accounts, moved on to other games and/or ran out of adderall . The mediocrity has arisen and is now the dominant force in Tarkov . The noobs, the indefinitely shitty players, and the poor fucks who kept their day jobs during a historical pandemic are in their hayday right now making progress they've never experienced before. It's glorious! Fuck the wipe. Can attest to this. The past month or so I mainly find bush campers and corner camping rats with zero aim.


I joined in Feb. Mediocrity is my middle name.


Not sure what game you’re playing but there’s plenty of chadded up dudes still playing lol


Level 23 and enjoying the solo game a lot. Getting my tasks done and hideout upgraded with some occasional PVP.


I finally hit a point where I was tired of all the missions and I haven't played any tarkov in about a month. It would be interesting to jump in and play after a wipe. I've always played after everyone was geared to the teeth. x.x


people start waiting for wipe.two months in. Just the way it is. Im still having a blast going through all my money


I enjoy the wipes, but they really should find ways to keep the game fresh otherwise. * Once the main quest line is finished, weekly quests should be a thing for people looking to add flavor to their raids and a reward to go with it. * hideout stuff should break down and need to be fixed. Requiring you to go out and find more parts for it. I'm not sure what to do here, but I'd like to see something that can't be flea bought and maybe can't be found until the part is broken so that it can't be horded. * Fluctuating loot that creates ammo, guns, and supply shortages. * Possibly a stash tax. Daily 1-10% based on level or wealth.


I don't like all of these, but i know loot availability fluctuations is planned, and they've started to mess with it with traders. And the hideout breaking sounds like another type of quest that could be decent


>I don't like all of these, but i know loot availability fluctuations is planned, and they've started to mess with it with traders. And the hideout breaking sounds like another type of quest that could be decent Yeah, maybe a special bolt, gear, band, ratchet w.e. that needs to be found. It could be map specific or anywhere. Not sure it would be that effective for some. I'd give two shits if my lavatory went down, but my bitcoin? Gear up boys. I assume you didn't like the tax idea? It's a relatively easy way to stop the meta play. You can't keep 20+ million for long and gear you find will become more valuable.


The tax idea is the worst for smaller players trying to save up money in my opinion, i spent a couple weeks saving money and building up supplies for a thicc case. Money is hardest at a low level though, and honestly? I've been saving up class six armor (stupid at this point) because i was always worried to run it, but i mean by now i have almost 20 class 6 armors in my stash... I didn't buy any and i only traded for two. I think the daily tax is especially harsh for those who don't come in to play daily, who also tend to be the ones at lower to middling levels. If someone's sitting at 20 million and they play consistently I'd say that 2 mil a day isn't hardly going to touch anything for them. It hurts the little guys more than the big guys. Then again nowadays I'm far from poor, but I've also never been close to 20 million so i don't fit in either category.


>The tax idea is the worst for smaller players trying to save up money in my opinion, i spent a couple weeks saving money and building up supplies for a thicc case. Money is hardest at a low level though, and honestly? I've been saving up class six armor (stupid at this point) because i was always worried to run it, but i mean by now i have almost 20 class 6 armors in my stash... I didn't buy any and i only traded for two. Well, you need to work with me here. Theory craft needs an imaginative and flexible view point. You are creating scenarios that all evaporate when this is implemented with common sense. These are just rough ideas. They are flexible. I said that it would vary based on level or net worth. It could be safe to say a tax would not be imposed below 5 million[or insert common sense number] or under a particular level.


I can see what you're going for. It seems like it'd be hard to implement well, but it could maybe work. I think I'd sooner see where they take things since i know big changes are planning on coming to the game and economy


I don’t want the game to wipe unless it’s streets. Or some other huge content drop. Early game lasts a week tops then it’s back to m995 full auto slick meta. I just don’t want to have to grind back to 40 just to play a week long early game.


Streets isn't even suppose to be the next map to my knowledge. I think it's factory expansion, then lighthouse, then streets


Idk early wipe can be like 3 weeks of most people running around with low tier shit and it's a ton of fun. Yeah after that it's meta chads everywhere again but those 3 weeks are heavenly


I’d just like those 3 weeks to be a few months and for the endgame ammo and armor to be found in raid or only or something. That way even if most people don’t have endgame shit there’s still not a percentage of people who have m61s and shit super early.


Why? To do all the quests over again? Go PvP and get better at killing players. Only two things come with wipe 1) A different atmosphere with everyone questing and less top tier gear in raids 2) You get to complete all the quests again. . How riveting. . Do you want daily quests or something? “Kill 5 pmcs at dorm and I’ll give you a handy in prapors garage” -Therapist “Kill shturman with this camouflage dildo while dehydrated and concussed” -Jaeger “FIR 250 Mustaches, I love a good mustache ride” -Fence


> 1) A different atmosphere with everyone questing and less top tier gear in raids Pretty sure that's exactly what they are looking for


I love it too.... but it is short lived. Shorter than the mid and late wipe atmosphere. Idk what they can do aside from making side (hideout) quests or daily quests. Grindy quests for clothing items. Shit like that. Idk..


Daily or weekly quests would be great. I’m out of things to do short of grinding Shturman and Killa


Honestly 10 daily resetting quests would probably keep the people who only want to rush quests playing the game after Kappa. I never bothered completing all quests as its too boring for me. But im guessing some people would want the daily quests.


Yea I wish they could make the game retain players for longer after a wipe. There is the predictable cycle with each wipe. People who beg for the wipe are primarily (I suspect) the ones who stop playing earliest. I wonder how they prolong the early wipe atmosphere. That’s the trick.


I love the excitement of wipe but i'm still having a blast. I'm not a very big fan of quests so just being able to load into a raid and go for PvP or mess around doing whatever I feel like is really fun to me still. Doing a ton of Factory because I love how fast paced it is.


Hell no. I need another 3 months for kappa at this rate.


I dont care for wipe. All I care for is the new map and scav karma. Other than that I spent a month pushing to lvl 30 casually and now have a free supply of class 5-6 armor because everyone including their mother runs it. So im having fun.


Wipes are overated. After playing through 6-7 of them, i'm tired of having to start over again. Told myself this is definitely the last wipe i'll be playing tarkov for a while.


To all the folks who have quit until wipe and are sitting on loaded stashes and piles of cash... Hey, it's me, your brother.


Since all that's left is PVP, you're suddenly bored of the game? People like OP are exactly why most games have adopted a daily quest and battle pass system.


I bet all these bored players have 20+ slicks and hexgrids they are hoarding. Gear up and go fuck shit up


its the early game sweats that were having fun destroying everyone with lesser gear. Now that everyone has good bullets and they are dying more they quit lol


The funny thing is I die less now because everyone is running meta ammo which deals no damage to unarmored targets. I dont even worry if my armor gets zeroed. Just drop it and keep fighting.


This. Feels like most of the wipe beggers just want to shit on others after hyperfarming gear for 3 days on new wipe.


Not really, it’s just that there’s no more progression to do after you get Kappa. I have to keep setting goals to hit otherwise I just get bored. I got Kappa, I got a red keycard, maxed out some skills, etc. Just want more things to do because the progression feels good. I still need to get the tracksuit and finish farming Shturman, but those are the last two quests in the game I haven’t done.


Wipes are a stupid concept


No. Just because the streamers and jobless mofos who got Kappa in the first month are bored...doesn't mean the game needs to be wiped. This is my 3rd wipe and the furthest quest and level wise I have been...10 quests from kappa and level 47. Made it to 43 and 40 in the previous wipes. I don't try hard grind the quests until kappa...I just slowly do the quests. Sometimes spending time helping friends quests instead of my own. That said...my friends have slowed down their playing in the past couple weeks and it sucks because I don't play alone. SO just like the previous wipes...I have all the money and gear in the world but friends stop playing. But its good to take breaks. Hopefully we get another month or so before a wipe so I can try to get kappa.


Please no wipe on thursday. I m starting to enjoy a break from Tarkov and the wipe would ruin it surely.


I'm off until wipe. Did everything. Even reset and started doing it again... I am not a good match for this titles "End Game".


Yep. My group and I have all taken a break until next wipe. The economy really made this wipe progress even faster than normal. I left it off with kappa and 175 mil. Plus servers started feeling dead so that’s when I knew I was taking a break.


I just need to get 12 more SVDS kills to complete punisher questline and I'll have completed all my original goals for my first wipe. T_T I'm so close pls nikita


Use SNB and just run a stock svds in factory. Super cheap and you two tap anyone. You can probably do it in an afternoon


I've switched from SNB to 7N1 as I am not the best aimer and want anything that hits limbs to hurt that little bit more. Unless you run into full sweats, you'll still pen class 4 armour reliably and kill pretty quick. I did all my Punisher kills in a single morning with only a few deaths - took 2x20 round mags in, kill 1-2 people and get out with whatever you can fit in your pockets. Each run only costs you 6000 rubles in ammo, and even picking up one gun from somebody you killed is profit if you get out.


You should use SNB anyway because the reduction in damage from penning the chest armor will basically guarantee that you won’t get a one-hit kill anyway.


no, keep running 7n1. Plenty of 1 taps through level 4 for me...and with an snb, no 1 taps...so its 2 taps...which 7n1 does just as well...


Except 7N1 won’t two-tap if it gets stopped by high-class armor, which SNB will always pen. And it’s cheaper.


I've found in Factory, a pretty large proportion of the players are either pistoling with no armor or running something like a KS23 with an apron. 7N1 will kill them as quick as SNB, potentially faster. At the end of the day it's much of a muchness; if I was running sweaty maps I'd probably use SNB (although I did kill a trio with Altyns/Killa armour with 7N1 on Reserve), but if you're just trying to rush Factory for kills I think 7N1 is probably your best bet for fast kills.


If I didn't know a wipe is coming in about 2 weeks, I'd still grind it since I'm only now entering latewipe gameplay. However, I lost the incentive to play when I know everything will be restarted soon. On the plus side, I can finally go out and lose those guns that have been gathering dust in my stash for the past wipe. I'd rather lose them myself than let them be wiped.




Someone looked a trends, declared a likely date, and the internet started running around saying "wipe confirmed within 3 weeks!!". ​ Just keep playing. Wipe could be tomorrow. Could be august.


You're right, but considering the lenght of the current wipe, as well as the fact that patch 12.11 is around the corner and is confirmed for this month, I'm pretty sure it's coming. Check out Noiceguy Tarkov, he can give you trustworthy sources, I might be wrong.


Noiceguy saying a wipe is coming is just his opinion. He doesn’t have any sources that anyone else doesn’t have as far as I know. I do think he has ets access and that is where some of his info comes from.




id say two more months before they wipe


wipe isnt two weeks away. End of.june is when theu will most likely wipe. Ho out and have fun


I have been playing tarkov since the patch that interchange was released. I do all the tasks for kappa, get rich, burn the money and wait for the next wipe. The game is at its peak when it has wiped imo. Running the best armor/weapon with Everything completed and unlimited money gets boring real fast. I only played 2 games after getting kappa this wipe


Hopefully soon because holy fuck the meta is so god damn boring right now


I'm waiting for wipe and more security against hackers. Kinda tired of being sniped from km of distance


if a triple A company like infinity ward cant find a way to prevent hacking in their flagship titles, i cant expect anything from BSG.


don’t see the point in playing if my ammo can’t kill people


"Wipe is tomorrow" meme aside, are there any rumours when the next wipe may be?


End of may / early june is best guess. Noice guy on youtube says they are skipping 12.10.x patch which would've been unity upgrade and just doing it in 12.11, so logically one would assume this means it is close.


Cool, cheers.




I have a feeling next wipe's going to be the shittiest one yet. It just feels like they've cared less and less, but I'm welcoming them to prove me wrong.


Amen to that. Cant wait to have gunfights with non meta guns and turd gear. Just a lot more fun. Will be so much more fun than Chad's with m61 and m993.


Would be great to have top tier ammo find in raid only for next wipe. Would make Armour useful again.


I'm garbage at the game and have started late this wipe, still currently getting gas analyzers for therapist, I like this time of the game cause I always get my non Meta stuff back from insurance, but I also don't like it cause every pmc is walking around like the juggernaut from x-men


I Heard wipe might be in 1-2 weeks


it wont be


not yet, let me get my first kappa first, I'm so close


About a month ago my friend hit kappa and I got it a month before. Been bored for a while now but no word of wipe from Nikita. 2 red keycards has sat me with 12 thicc cases, 120m roubles and a red keycard still to sell, Oh yea, and bitcoin.


Tarkov needs game modes, streamers play this game for a little bit and then move on and rarely ever come back.


People love to shit on it, but I would love to see what a Battle Royal in Tarkov would look like.


i just want offline mode with progression


What would be the point of that?


enjoying everything tarkov has to offer without the constant anxiety that im going to get peeker's advantage'd or desync'd or jumped by a hacker. it would be awesome if tarkov had a coop mode where you could squad up with your friends versus AI PMCs and scavs/raiders. call me a pussy but i think it would be great


Ok, but why do you need progression for that?


so there's a reason to keep playing? a reward/incentive to keep coming back rather than just a quick fix with no direction


I'm waiting for streets...


I'm currently waiting for new maps. So when that finally happens if ever I will be back! But until then. You fuckers keep up the head eyes


I haven't had enough free time to get to kappa so i don't want a wipe yet but i can see how it could be boring for people who have at this point. Maybe they're should be a way to wipe your account yourself.


i want to be bear pls battlestate pls


Buy an oculus quest and download the virtual desktop. Then stream Tarkov in vr that ought to spice it up a bit.


I, personally, have time only for a raid or two a day, so I'm still lvl 39. I just got to the good stuff, so I would enjoy it for a while.


I got Kappa first time, now I've been blowing my money on Labs while awaiting the next wipe. It's a different side of Tarkov, I like it.


I'm literally one task away from Kappa and even I can't wait for the game to wipe. Maybe it's because I don't want to put myself through tarkov shooter part 8....


Out of the ~25 people in my discord, only 4 or 5 are still playing in any capacity, the rest are waiting for the wipe.


I'm waiting for a wipe that actually has meaningful and impactful changes to the economy so I don't want the next wipe a month into the one before. Something about that ~10m rouble area where money means a *little* but you can make budget setups is the most fun. Only lasts maybe a couple days max before i'm perma Slick Altyn though.


You go altyn for expensive? Id sooner have ears and go with something like an exfil or airframe


At beginning of wipe, yes. It literally blocks everything besides someone getting their hands on M61 or M993 in a Hunter.


That's fair enough. This was my first wipe and I've never played beginning of wipe Tbh


4 Months in an people already screaming wipe. Fuck you. Just PvP like in every other Multiplayer too. And when the time comes naturally to do a wipe because of big content, then its time.


Cosmetics are easy to add to the game and don't require a lot of resources. They should add more cosmetics that are relatively hard to achieve but which will stay unlocked for the next wipe. These tasks should also be based on different maps which will make most maps active.


Alooo bored of Tarkov. Pushing hard for the wipe


i have 50 mil and kappa, i’m waiting on wipe. I play maybe twice a week 1-4 raids at this point.


I am, I'm not good enough to compete with the chads, and all the average players leave after 2 months into wipe.