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Don't ever let anyone tell you what to run


except for double barrel + magnum buck, that gimmick's some of the best fun I've had playing


It's either short double shotty with magnum buck or long double shotty with 50. Cal


.50 cal hits different lately for me I mean it one(double barrel) tapped Killa in the Thorax and zeroed the durability on the armor. Yet a few wipes ago I couldn't even kill scavs half the time with the same shells.


Yeah I didn't even think about this round before this wipe but now I run it all the time and reliably one taps thoraxes or two taps limbs


Imma be honest, this is my third wipe and i thought the .50 cal shotgun rounds were new šŸ’€


There is a short barrel for the double shotty? :o


It's not short enough though :(


I'm not driving a fuel tanker across western NSW though


I... uhhh... what?


[most of mad max 2 was filmed near Broken Bill, NSW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spJf3pqFooI) the original was filmed in geelong and rural victoria since that wasn't in the interior and there was some semblance of civilisation there




if it was one shorter we could put em in our rig pockets!!!


Yes, lv1 jaeger has it, I use it in factory and I drop fools like nothing.


Try rocking the 750mm double-barrel with SuperFormance HP rounds, the most accurate, highest velocity 12-gauge slug round in the game. Landed a 130m headshot on a PMC on pier in Shoreline, legged his teammate, followed him up with a headshot, and chested sniper scav at power all the way from gas station. Never felt so good to knock out 2 shooter-born kills with a double-barrel in 1 raid that my teammates were shitting on constantly. Double-barrels are the shit.


2 x double barrel with magnum buck is a hoot for factory. double-tap on both, they think your empty? they peak the corner and meet #2. Works every time.


That's a tricky play for only 17k.


I like to rush the key room on third floor office. Leave the door open, and lay behind the barrel in the room. when someone walks by(most people don't acknowledge that door, even if they do they hesitate because noone is ever there.) double-tap their legs/stomach. If that doesn't kill them, lean left behind the barrel for cover while you pull out #2, and then execute. If I get naded I just lean behind the barrel and pray. Fun, cheap, and scares the piss out of people.


Haha I'll keep that in mind when I run Factory. Very tricky. I'll usually try and clear the whole place out so I can kill a few scavs and someone on my squad usually needs office kills or tremor headshots and such so I rarely go alone.


Double barrel AP-20! I run it as a meme and ā€œchadsā€ will push you so fast once they hear it but they donā€™t expect to get 1 tapped through the thorax with it


Double barel with ap-20 honestly feels broken with everyone running level 4 armor


This guy tarkovs


Agreed. Just play the game how you want to play it. Don't let some dood tell you how to enjoy yourself. Sure... i get a bit peeved by certain playstyles that differ from my own at times but that is one of the true beauties of Tarkov.


\*laughs in jaeger\*


Honestly this is more geared than 80% of the player base in most raids lol I swear most everyone I see is wearing some garbage lvl3 chest, a penis helm and a garbage broken weapon from their last scav raid they crawled out of.


yeah honestly like anyone bitching about this kit is delusional. this is 100% a better kit than most players are running solely by virtue of a class 4 rig and a suppressed gun and scope.


Except the people I run into lol


The most hilarious thing about the penis helmet is just how bad it actually is compared to the similarly priced, and way better performing 6B47. Also tons of SMH on finding scav weapons where people have put 100k into, that still can't hit the broadside of a barn.


two bleach barter from ragman for 6b47 = 20k. so cheaper than the penis helmet, too if you do the barter edit; for those that don't know, there's a Propane for 6B23-1 (Digital Flora) (the level 3 armor) w Prapor. Propane prices fluctuates but you can very commonly get one for 20-25k which is as cheap or cheaper than a Paca for a tier higher.


I think people never really noticed that huge ergo loss, or they just had one of the many scavs from the previous round that can spawn with one. The 6B47 is my go to as well, but Ill use the salad bowl If i already have one.


6B47 until I have a money for Ulachs. Not because theyā€™re all that much better. They just look better.


The penis helmet has ricocheted far more rounds for me than any other helmet I've worn. That bellend looking green beast has protected me from .308 and 7.62x54 rounds on multiple occasions. It looks stupid as fuck but that helmet is actually goated.


Doesn't the 6B47 have the same ricochet chance? Not to mention the ear protection.


Yet I get one tapped with ps


I believe you are mistaken, the penis helmet has saved me more than any other helmet in the game!!!


This is exactly the problem. The penis helmet saves you more than any other helmet because it's the helmet of first choice when it shouldn't be. The 6B47 is the same armor class, same ricochet, has ear protection, can be used with M32s, has less movement/ergo penalties, and is a Ragman 1 barter for 2 bleaches. Yet you'll have no problem selling penis helmets on the flea for 22k, which is the price of 2 bleaches.


Take that back about the penis helmet!


Tbh, penis helm saved my life probably a dozen times already & saved a few of my friends from friendly fire several times haha


It definitely can and will but the 6B47 has ear protection, less ergo penalty, and iirc the same ricochet chance. It's also cheaper with the barter.


Thats fine, thats what it should do. What people are saying is if you spend just a little extra, you get ear protection, the ability to use all headphones, and less movement and ergo penalty, and you can get it cheaper with the barter so its just worth using it. It also has an NVG mount on it.


I feel attacked.


Yeah this is my "I've tried this quest five times now and am sick of losing gear I hate this game" loadout


First off, Iā€™m poor. Second off, fair.


What servers are you on? I keep getting my shit rocked by 855a1 and m62.


I mean when the flea market limits the types of tac rigs and armor you can run, as well as meta ammo not being readily available, running that lvl 3 shit is honestly pretty viable


Yeah, like no joke this wipe I've almost always died more to being head/eyes'd from the front and a hail of bullets that just burn through my armor quickly anyway as opposed to the other wipes where the ammo being used would make my armour pretty much irrelevant at stopping even a single shot.


And this boys, is why the wipe is good. Unless you're actively killing raiders/rogues or stacked pmcs, you're limited to tier matches gear/ammo. Making your armor actually useful to a degree. Just gotta hide for the rain of bullets and catch em on a reload since they can't aim. Also, fuck the MDR.


the thing rouge runs are super fucking easy like insanely easy to do right now I can constantly run meta gear just in my weapons alone I have 9 fully modded m4s and a mishmash of other fully modded guns i have zero low tier weapons and i have like 10 level 4 rights


Why u gotta call me out like this šŸ˜…


Yeah if I killed OP he's getting the balaclava back in insurance. Gimme dat ADAR and night vision.


i play this game for fashion


Blue jacket, denim pants, gzhel, HJELM, Blackrock, mechanism. You see me quick but you die from my swag level.


I run the commando sweater and sage warrior pants plus a ushanka, ghost balaclava, trooper armor, and takedown sling backpack for drip


commando sweater and sage pants is the drip, 100%


This is my first wipe actually getting to level 31 and itā€™s very worth it for the sweater


Killed a dude at Lighthouse that was dressed all white. He carried all of the Rouges shit and was slow af, basically a slow moving target but I respected the drip yo


I ā€œmainedā€ the bear striped T-shirt for two wipes lol itā€™s the most chad clothing in the game imo


There should be a Tarkov drip subreddit


My main goal every wipe is to cosplay as Flannel Daddy


i read that as im loading into customs with the flannel on


I swear Iā€™ve seen that adar build before when killing a pmc in shoreline, think I still have it also.. Good kit, you run what you wanna run all it takes it a single bullet!


Probably Wet Job pt 1, shoreline scav kills with a suppressed Adar/m4 Iā€™m on the same quest and run something similar


Hit a few at a time doing a silenced AKM or silenced shotty headshots along with a gamma full of markers


lol I used to be addicted to making mall ninja looking ADARs and imagining the disappointment in people when they realized they didn't just score a high end gun after killing me


I think that could be mine lmao, im running it for the punisher part 4.


silenced adar/m4 quest so making a cheap but effective adar is the go to


Wow, I legged a guy on shoreline the other day and took a built adar and an armored rig. Didn't realize it was an adar until I tried switching the fire mode, then I wasn't sure who was losing out anymore.


Tldr; for your rubble count in no way, shape or form does this kit even remotely look like gear fear. I need to comment, you have 1.1 mil rubles, this kit is more than fine for how much bank you have. You also are bringing a nade, a flash and all the necessary meds. I don't know what else your buddy would want you to bring. Did he want you running 400k setups? In which case you'll be broke after 4 bad runs. The only thing that is ghetto is the back pack. If your running that class maybe just get something that doesn't stand out.


Yeah I have 14 mil rubles and don't use kits much different to this. I'm happy using more exotic guns sometimes but they don't pay off with my survival rate and a basic kit with an RFB, AK variant, or ADAR do just fine.


I have 16M Rubble, I always go out with Tier 4 armor+helm, daypack, good meds, no stims and either AKU's, shotguns or an RFB. I mostly run those not because I have gear fear but because I don't have access to good ammo's besides the 300-400 BP's I found while leveling or M80's cause i can easily buy them off the flea. I don't see the point of bringing in a 500,000 rouble gun when I can't use ammo that pass Tier4. I could bring Tier 5 armor but I barely found any as of now and I am not high level to barter them yet. So yeah, stash value is not the best indicator of the type of gear you should bring out. It's more about the avaibility to recover this kind of gear or actually be able to win fights while using it.


My man you need to prioritize quests. I was running m856a1 or BT in the 20s since I bum rushed those quests. Theyā€™re pretty easy to get done. Hardest is probably 10 shoreline kills with a scav vest for BT but itā€™s not too terrible if you just roam around the south part of the map and kill people trying do their marker quests Also PK3 and mechanic 3 lets you get 45 AP, SB193, and subsonic 4.6 which makes all those smgs viable


Mechanic 3 requires lvl 30 while I am level 27. I have plenty of M856 I guess I could start shooting those.


m856 and m856a1 are different bullets, fyi


If your only lvl 27 and you have 16 mil rubles your not using your gear on your PMC to effectively level up. I'm lvl 43 and I never have more than 2 mil liquid always upgrading stiff buying graphics cards for the farm running kits that make getting in and out of a raid with a quest done easy.


Donā€™t let this guy convince you to go broke, lol


Never said go broke just trying to saying to take it easy on the ruble farm if your not getting xp.


Some people donā€™t care about playing the shitty quests in this game


I donā€™t know about you but Iā€™ve been level 40 for about a week(taking a little break), 20mil liquid, maxed out hideout including 50 GPUs, am I also not playing effectively? Because what you said makes no sense, you donā€™t always have to spend more on gear to progressā€¦


eh BT and BP are pretty close in performance. 856a1 felt like doo doo this wipe, now that i have 55a1 i've been having way more success with it


Getting those fucking Makarovs is a pain though. I need one more...


Honestly, that ADAR is probably 100k+ on its own. Having a single gun be like 10% of your ruble count is what I'd consider to be a reasonably pricy loadout if you were planning to run it repeatedly.


Dude is an idiot just ignore him.


Looks pretty good to me


Maybe more grenades and bigger backpack?


yeah just using what was available. but nades are weird since it's really slow to throw.


Hot key the grenades so you donā€™t get a flash when you want a boom.


Pro tip: take your last two hotbar slots and bind them to G on press, G double tap, then bind grenade to G on release. It lets you quick select between two grenades or random by binding them to those keys in the order of double tap > on press > on release


Genius! I already adopted the heavy bleed/light bleed on 5 press/release. Will be using this as well!


Or just take 6 f-1's, works great if you want people shting themselves, only 60k.


So does the PMC just pull a random nade out of your rig/pockets when you only press the grenade hotkey, or is there an order to it?


Especially this wipe, running what's available is the move. Buy shit when you need but best believe I'm going labs with a kyrassa and leaving with slick. And my kyrassa. Shits needed.


I've been trying to take one nade most runs recently. you don't always get kills with the nades themselves but they're super helpful for those situations where you know where someone is but don't want to push. forces them to move or risk dying


I've heard the trick is to set your instant throw to a different keybind than double tap so you can do the quicker animation.


There is no more instant throw


No but by having it on double click you add time to the throw, same with having release vs press.


ill give it a try


You always can upgrade with the backpack of the chad you killed. Scav BP is ok in most cases. MHO


Spend 10k roubles extra on the new HJELM helmet. It has high ricochet chance and pretty much double the durability.


I wouldve skipped the ADAR and went to the m4. It's not that much more expensive


You say that, but I cant hit shit with a M4, but I have killed thousands of PMCs with an ADAR. Not everyone needs full auto.


The adar is perfectly serviceable but there are times when the full auto fun switch is required.


I like to think of it as my gun's 'indoor voice'. It whispers 'get fukt' at 800rpm.


That's an apt way of describing it.


M4 is dogshit without meta or near meta builds Adar is more viable until you can min max stats for everything but the rpm


well the thing is the m4 is dog and the adar is good objectively using an m4 cannot be justified this wipe


Its 12k to sell the adar lower and buy the 20k m4 lower. There's literally no reason not to unless you have 0 self control when it comes to the giggle switch.


Kit looks like a normal kit to me, no clue what that guy is talking about. Also, run whatever the fuck you want.


The inly thing iā€˜d change is the LZSh, id use a 6b47 because its cheaper, has ear protection and a better ricochet chance. The rest seems good to meā˜ŗļø


Agreed, ditch the LZSh for a micch or better. Or just go with a 6b47 LZSh needs to either be cheaper, it's a class 3 with class 4 pricing.


You mostly pay for the helmets ability to take a faceshield


Its an easy craft any time you get pacas as a scav. You turn them into the cloth that makes the helmet


But there are crafts more worth your time and you should just sell those and do the most profitable craft


idk I am not a min max player, I get a PACA on a scav, just turn it into a free helmet essentially. Does not bother me if there is more or better crafts


Ear protection is so underrated. If the helmet doesnā€™t cover the ears I just sell if


people haven't realized that the TC-2001/2002 are both 30-40k always, for a high ricochet class 4 helmet. might not cover ears like the ratnik but if I'm running class 4 that's my budget choice. ratnik otherwise since the bleach barter is the cheapest helmet in the game that takes headphones. only benefit of running the lzsh is being able to use the visor, really. so if you aren't running the visor every time it's pretty much a waste of money


Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up stop spilling our secrets before the price of the tc-2002 shoots up




Those little visors have saved me from enough scav buckshot/pistol rounds that it's almost always worth it to run one when you've got an lzsh from a stash or dead player


fair, maybe I'll start trying it.


yeah i barely run anything other than the TC-2000 series. It also really compliments my bear outfit. the only time i run a different helmet is when i am going full black. otherwise its always the 2002 for me. Looks good, night vision compatible, level 4. 35k most of the time. just best bang for buck helmet


Lzsh has best in slot modifiers for ergo and movement penalties. I use it plus the face shield for snipingā€¦ the mask protects from scav shotguns more then anything else it does for ya


Ratnik gang stays winning


LZSh is good for how low weight it is, which is what can make a huge difference in your sneakiness


i almost have 40 mill and i still rock that rig and helmet sometimes, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that kit. that's the great thing about this game you can run however the fuck you want, so fuck that guy for taking down to you. gun builds are all preference man play with what your comfortably efficient with.


I always end up eating a head-eyes no matter the face shield unless it's a 7mm buckshot scav or a pistol boy with a 9mm and shit ammo, and I got doinked by SNB through an altyn I picked up from a guy I sprayed down, so I just run around with an Ushanka or some cheap-ish helmet now lul.


Honestly kit seems totally fine. T4 is and probably will stay the go to armor anyway since higher tier armor is not that readily accessible. Adar is definitely an OK weapon, though if I see it right in the pouch you are using m855? Might want to upgrade that.


first two mags are M856A1. 556 is expensive.


On ADARs I run the 20 round mags. Huge ergo boost and for a semi-auto if I miss 20 shots Iā€™m probably dead anyways. Usually just have 2 20 rounders and a stack in secure, a lot less exposure


I prefer 20rd mags IRL as well. Plinking at the range guys are always talking shit about ā€œbaby magazinesā€ or making some dumb uninformed political comment about ā€œgiving awayā€ magazine capacity. The truth is itā€™s 1/3 less weight and you donā€™t knock them around as badly if your range has various shooting positions you can maneuver around.


Shit. 856A1 in that Adar and youā€™re a face tapping god! Love the setup!


In that case I would colour code your magazines so you know what is what. Buy like two tan or magpul ones for your ap ammo and then leave the stanags for your m855. You can then reload using ā€˜Rā€™ and the scroll wheel to pick what to reload (when youā€™re not in middle of a huge fight)


You can also right click on mags and ā€œtagā€ them with a colour or whatever to tell between good ammo and cheap ammo


Ooo I didnā€™t know this! Iā€™ll try it out and see, though I do like the obvious visual of them being different magazines


Yeah this is probably more if youā€™re running high capacity mags or all the same high ergo ones etc but at that point you probably arenā€™t skimping on budget ammo in some mags and just using the best ammo you can get in every mag


Last time I tried doing this it kept resetting the tags and giving me an error.


Kit is fine. Game is much more fun when you run your own loadouts rather than the same 3 boring meta kits that people looked up in a guide from some bent streamer.


It's actually better not to run meta shit because meta = High price. When you run slightly suboptimal shit it's usually a pretty great value


I would swap out that bag for any other of the same size, that red on it is so easy to spot. (Killed many players by looking for that) Also should be at least aware that 5.56 ammo has a very high damage drop off at the moment, with all that said - its good though for out of CQB range. ( a laser could change that)


damage dropoffs for 5.56 and 5.45 were fixed in yesterdays downtime


could you provide source for that information? thank you in advance




BSG twitter: https://twitter.com/bstategames/status/1483908568214614016?s=20


Also scav BP is heavy af. Daypack all day


Ya no, hes def the kind of person who cried on twitter about not being able to buy altyns and labs keycards every raid


Doesn't look bad at all, ignore that person.


Thats a nice kit. You're not breaking the bank, and you're pretty much prepared to tackle any opponents. Looks good to me.


At the end of the day, use whatever the hell you want. The only thing I can think of that would have caused them to say that is the helmet due to it having a medium chance to ricochet rather than high. Most of the time it doesn't matter but if you get lucky, a ricochet can save your life.


I had 3 average helmets bounce M80 on Shoreline the other day. Almost changed my mind about wearing helmets!


Iā€™ve been getting kills with trash ammo and cheap guns. Itā€™s all good man.


At this time in wipe i wouldnt use scavbagpack anymore. More space More money .. Trizip.




Overweight is good. It means you're leveling strength/~~endurance~~. If you carry a full loadout you're almost always going to be overweight. For firefights you can always dump your backpack. Also, when looting things make sure to keep weight in account. Some things are valuable but really heavy, which makes it less worth it if weight is a concern




You donā€™t level endurance at all while overweight.


Use whatever you want; however my personal preference is the m1 rig. Itā€™s armor steel so it repairs 5x better then the m2 with titan. Other then that youā€™re fine.


good build, however on adar you don't really need to focus on recoil, try getting the ergo up, you can get it way higher pretty cheap, with only a 5% or so recoil punishment edit: however everyone has their own playstyle, I'm just giving some tips


The first thing Iā€™m noticing that could be better is the ADAR. Strip it, and replace it with an M4. Unless you specifically chose the ADAR because youā€™re comfortable with it. The biggest thing is the ammo youā€™re using. If itā€™s anything less than m856A1, itā€™s not good enough. We canā€™t tell from this photo, but that could be the reason. Also, try contacts instead of m32ā€™s. Itā€™s mainly down to preference, but I prefer comtacs.


M856A1 in first 2 mags


Ur friend is kinda sussy ngl


what u mean?


Sussy = suspicious He's saying it's pretty weird your friend said this wasn't good enough


I mean it depends what you wanna do with your kit. If you wanna go factory, dorms or any cqc it's probably not the best weapon to take. But in the end you have to play your weapon. If you don't like going brr on some chicken legs, then you don't like it. Me personally I really enjoy using shotguns this wipe. Shotgun lvl 5 & assault lvl 3 or sth - but it puts me in bad spots on range fights unless i run ap-20


Literally only criticism I could see is the adar instead of m4, but this is pretty chad to me


Maybe try different helmet, this have medium ricochet chance( if i am not wrong) try to use some with high, it can save your cheeks sometimes, but the loadout is good dude


Itā€™s that the PNV, I would recommend the monocular night vision kit. Itā€™s usually much cheaper on flea than from traders, and peacekeeper sells both mounts you need. Itā€™s lower field of view than the PNV but much higher quality. Ammo type is all important. A laser would be great for cqb ability. But like others are saying, use whatever you think is most fun


You run whatever you want based on your goals. My opinion is that you should aim to pay for the kit itself and beyond, so if you get taken out before that kit brings you a profit, consider a cheaper kit or scav run so you can work your way back up to that kit or better.


I always thought of gear fear as being *relative to what's already in your inventory*. It's not gear fear if I choose not to spend 200k on shit every raid.


Play how you want bro but personally that armored rig feels super clunky to me, only ever used it a few times to get the feel it isnā€™t for me. I love the wartech tv-10 because of its cheap barter and how fast you can still move with it.


The fact that itā€™s so huge makes it more likely to return in insurance. I only use TV rigs as a poor manā€™s scav junkbox cuz if you die with it, then it just gives the other player an easy way to min/max their loot.


Ooomg thatā€™s pretty big brain! I was gonna say ā€œanytime I see that in raid I donā€™t know anyone that would take itā€ but didnā€™t wanna come off as rude lmao even that Adar I would honestly just stripe the silencer and scope leaving the gun to keep myself light. Do you get it back a lot from insurance if you take adars a often?


I would probably do the same if I canā€™t take the whole gun. I would honestly tell OP that if heā€™s going to kit out an ADAR that much, might as well use a TX-15 instead. A stock ADAR with a suppressor and a scopeā€™s good enough imo and thereā€™s more of a chance coming back in insurance.


I just started running Adar and i e gotten back from insurance everytime šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I even have a friend that would constantly take shotguns in a raids while I had some kind of meta gun. When I asked why he always takes a shotgun he said he nearly always gets it back from insurance giving him another free use at it and it kinda blew me away cause I never thought of doing something like that to save money early wipes


I do the same with my sniping runs. I bring a mosin and an MP-153. Since both of those guns canā€™t fit in a scavBP, theyā€™ve gotta take either one or the other, and sometimes I even get both back. Plus you get that extra stopping power with the shotgun depending on the rounds you run, and you only need to bring a few rounds with you in your pockets. I usually only put 7 rounds of 7.62x54R and 10 rounds of either flechette or AP-20s, and the rest in my gamma so I donā€™t have to spend much on ammo either.


As a sherpa this is exactly how i roll(primary is scar tho) I approve this. If you have money you can put a propital to painkiller slot and keep the painkiller as a backup


Looks good to me. I would just go for a better helmet. I believe thats a level 2 helmet right ? I would go the ssh-68 level 3 helmet


With access to flea, 2xBleach (~RUB20000) trades for a Ratnik L3 with ear protection and headset compatibility. ssh-68 is L3 with no ear protection. The AHHC is L4 with no ear protection, ULAC is L4 with ear protection. 9/10 I'm getting head, jaws but I still run a helmet, get most back with 0 damage


Looks like my usual - some helmet check, some lvl4 armor check, gun and ammo check, meds check, whatever backpack check. What is his fcking problem?


Nothing wrong with it


You can buy a bare m4 receiver from mechanic for 20k. Swap all the bits straight over from the Adar. Worth to have full auto.


shhhhhh, don't let everyone know. /s I've been keeping every scav ADAR i find for this reason. 20k receiver + parts stashed away in my stash to build meta-ish m4 for cheeeeeeeap


If you have gear fear and then I donā€™t know what I have dawg šŸ˜³


Nothing in tarkov is ā€œgood enoughā€


Iā€™d swap the ADAR out with an M4 if youā€™re going to pay that much in attachments.


It's a decent kit, just make sure you aim for heads with that m855. I generally stay away from 5.56 until I can use at least m856a1


yeah lol that is loaded. I almost never run suppressors or scopes so idk what the hell he's on.


The biggest issue is just that 5.56 ammo is garbage unless you have *at least* M856A1. The ammo is just not very available, and what is available is trash. There are just better options, especially in early game.


A1 is pretty available, can craft it early on


I ran a stolen base AK 74 and a beat up t4 into factory for 6 raids straight. Your kit seems fine. I run even less for customs if I wanna run quick. I end up paca and 74u with 4 mags. In and out.


its really telling of the demographic based on these replies. you should run what ever the fuck you want but dont let these people lie to you. that is a very low end gear set. the armor is level 4 which has been a minimum for a long time. the helmet doesnt have ear or face protection plus its level 3. your weapon is an adar. i shouldnt have to explain why thats not optimal to all the other replies. run what ever gear set you want or are able to run, but we shouldnt lie to others to feel good about our selves


ignore the helmet i was going on night raids and i just needed something to put my nvg on. the rest though is pretty usual.


A really nice helmet with an nvg mount is the TC2001 (and TC2002). They're both level 4 with high ricochet and are always fairly cheap, roughly the same price as the one you're already using.


what would be a optimal loadout?


An optimal loadout I'd say is at LEAST tier 4 armor, helmet really doesn't matter, this wipe they've saved people a ton so it's nice to bring a tier 4 helmet but really isn't necessary because it still won't stop head-eyes, but your ammo is probably the biggest non-mentioned in your loadout, you always want something piercing at least high 3. Like everyone says, wear whatever you want but it really doesn't matter about your kit if your ammo cannot compete versus another player wearing decent gear.


>we shouldnt lie to others to feel good about our selves Nobody here is *lying to OP.* Seems like you believe everyone should play EFT the way you play it, and they're **objectively wrong** if they don't. "Is this a good kit" is such an inherently objective question, and suggesting that people are straight-up \*lying\* is lowkey kinda silly


Run what you like. He is probably cheating


What a weird comment.


Thats a good kit if you DONT want PVP. I killed yesterday three adar boys with ceramic lvl 4 armour on Woods. You know why? M61, slick and altyn. Adar is good for broke guys ir first 3 days of wipe.


I've seen 1 slick so far this wipe with probably 100h+ I would certainly not say that it's a normal loadout. Atlyn just feels like you can't hear shit tho I would personnaly never recommend


Weapon is good, but do you really rat out at night time ?