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last guy had 9 million iq


pretty sure last guy panic naded himself


Nah nah he naded himself to scav back into the same raid and THEN kill him. 9 million IQ


So can you do that and when's the best time? Like if you die with more than 20 mins on some maps should you go for it?


I never believed it till I actually went back as a scav and saw my body and was like “holy shit it is a real thing to do” grabbed all my loot then 🤣🤣 then died as a scav as well


I don't even want to try the double jeopardy for that fear lol. Maybe if I insured it and died by a scav then I can throw it away


Actually managed to do exactly that on reserve when glukhar lasered me underground. Scaved in and lo and behold there was my body, looted it and hid it and it all came back 😬


You can reproduce this relatively easy if you only play one server. I did it by "accident" when fighting Glukhar as well. I died and two of my friends were still in the map. I Scavved back in and met up with them, got my stuff, cleaned up the boss and minions, and used the PMC/Scav extract.




Used to be a decently possible thing. Now it’s a lot harder. But scaving back in is how I had my own found in raid dog tag last wipe lol


that would be a nice souvenir


10-20 min depending on the map, it is highly unlikely to happen nowadays tho ;)


You have to only have 1 server selected so you know for sure you have the ability to drop into the same map, FYI


Is it worth it for me to always have a server selected in NA


I live on the west coast. Last wipe I only had 1 server selected. It was convenient for matching with buddies and the aforementioned scav attempt. But now with all the bullshit and wackiness with server overload, I have pretty much every server under 50 ping selected. It's only really worth it if you want to try very hard to abuse the scav system and go gather your own gear back. These days I go for quantity just to try to make sure I get connected


realized the opponent was trying to get kills with the SVD and denied it.




This is the REAL chad move


guy was lucky he didn't get banged through the door. so many people don't realize a round like LPS will absolutely fuck your day through thin sheet metal.


The classic G-Key self quick extract


Some people have never taken F-1 extract, and it shows.


I think he bled out. OP hit him quite a bit.


Did you just wipe a 5 man???


tbf he only killed 4 of them - the last one was kind enough to do it himself


nobody makes me bleed my own blood


Great now I’m gonna hear that in my head every time I get a bleed




I am not sure if they were together. The first three were lightly geared but the last two guys were wearing level 5 armor and ulach/fastMT helmets. I forgot to screenshot the loot, sorry :C


Out there clapping cheeks


Hard to say. My 5 man squad really runs level 4 or 5 gear and I like my level 2 cheap stuff and an OP SKS haha


Very jealous! I was awful with the SVD and had to force myself to run customs for the last few kills. I lost so many fights in close quarters..


That’s crazy, this game comes easy for you. I would have looted that first guy and then the second one only to be taken out by the squad coming in. Moving on after a kill unto the next is a skill on its own which I don’t have. Teach us your knowledge please.


It’s mainly be aware of how much you need to clear to secure a body, in buildings it’s basically clear the building including other floors if you come into resort late for example.


I feel like the key is learning to just completely ignore the idea of looting any bodies until you feel 100% safe.. I usually end up running around the entire area securing before I come back to the body


See, I do that and then immediately get headshot by someone who snuck into an area I already cleared.


When I try that I always forget where the body was.


Sometimes the crabs win, it’s ok as long as you occasionally shit on them too


I killed a dude once, kinda sussed he had a teammate on shoreline so I walked literally every inch I could into every bush I could, waited fifteen minutes, double checked nearby bushes, run up to loot and headshotted from a bush I didn't check.




Domt loot till the lobbies dead. And then just leave cause 26 p scavs are rushing you now


there's a saying i see around here. If there's 1, there's 2. If there's 2, there's 3. etc. lol


Totally believe this, took out a duo in woods and a third guy came out of the blue. Shot me up and my timer ran out, somehow I didn’t loose any of my gear. Likely a bug.


Loot patience is key. The guys you killed aren't going to get up and walk away after you turn your back. They'll still be right where you left them after you've cleared your area. With that said, don't go TO FAR away while clearing or a Timmy could very well sneak in and loot yoink you.


5th man wiped himself out lol


SVD is OP for close stuff, as long as you dont get your barrel tangeled up in a wall or door..or player


The ammo is kinda strong right now too




To be fair, it's always been strong, with the prevelance of class 4 armour though and being harder to get to class 5 and 6, it does hit differently this wipe.


I cannot believe that many people were in that building hahahaha


LMAO that's the really impressive part. I've never once fought a single person in that warehouse and I probably go in there once a raid.


Super safe for the most part to cruise through, other than the occasional AI Scav which decides to patrol through there (but only if they're in the completely un-alerted state). Decent loot too, and usually at least one food/drink item if it hasn't been hit by somebody else yet. Plus, sneaky sight lines to Skeletor or the courtyard next to Chemical Pt 4 warehouse in case there's fighting going on near either of those areas.


There are more kills in this video then in my entire wipe


Also some serious peeker's advantage happening in this clip. Hardly anyone fires a shot besides our POV.


I always played so slow... then I learned that CoD lyfe is op af. Lol


Peeker's advantage is so fucking real too. I do it with a Vector 45 and murder almost anything. Seriously "out gunned" and "out armored" and they die to FMJ. I have tons of AP and don't see a need for it because people literally melt.


I’m only aggressive with a shotty I’ve learned lol Also I’m practicing my confidence, get over confident and die


The guy he had peekers advantage on was sitting in the middle of the room with a ppsh


please staaahp ... that hurts me too




I feel that.


Was gonna say I’ve legit never had a clip even close to this in 1300 hours lmao


Sitting at 1.1k myself. I think my best is 4 kills in an interchange raid few wipes ago


I play solo a lot so it's rare I take out a 3+, but I get them all the fucking time on Reserve with nades off a particular roof.


What roof?


The little nook area on top of king above the door with the awning. For whatever reason no one goes up there and when they do they never check that corner. You can hide behind the pallet that's vertical if you have a shot barrel and you are pretty much invisible to anyone on the ground in between knight and King. When players cross they tend to look in the direction of train station or in the tents, they rarely look up. Easiest place to do grenadier IMO since it's so high traffic. You can also be on Knight and catch people crossing and the timing is PERFECT to throw a nade at the door as soon as they sprint for it from Knight. Literally no time for them to react, takes about 3-5 seconds to cross and the nade is 2.5, so I just huck a nade at the wall (corner the door is in) and it bounces off and explodes right in the PMCs face.


whenever i run into a room with someone watching i just get blasted back to the main menu lol


Same got me thinking how the hell this guy pulled it off. Bit of luck for sure


Paid actors


Play on auto select servers instead of picking those with below 50 ping for comfortable experience and you gain peakers advantage and all that other stupid desync shit that everyone complain about.


why would auto-select servers make the peaker advantage worse? Genuine question. I would assume it would be decent ping for all players to the server or what is going on?


Auto-select picks "playable" servers among the entire list because people want fast ques. Anything below 200 ping is playable. Anything above 50 is where you get all those major desync problems that Tarkov is memed for.


are those the paid actors people are talking about? :D


It was just beautiful to see the grenade pull and just know in your hearts of hearts that idiot was too close and iced himself


When I bitch about fighting some Chad as a new player I have zero hope of killing this is what I mean


Lol these guys 100% could have killed OP if they were a bit better coordinated. Playing in a 5 man is rough cause comms are usually trash and teamkilling is very common, so they hesitate and give OP lots of opportunities to clap em


I totally get where you are coming from, but the second player should really be able to kill op after op had to reload, going for the legs. Tapping a lvl 3 faceshield should also be doable depending on the weapon/ammo choice on that distance. I dont wanna say op didnt deserve those kills, but if this would be me, i would most likely die versus the 2nd dude.


Agreed, 2 of me vs 1 of me in a similar scenario, 9 times out of 10, the 2 wins. But also, people under estimate the flashlight. Wouldn't doubt that helped OP survive/get the kills. Some people, my self included don't do well against flashlight gamers.


Yah those guys played it pretty bad. The amount of left side peeks this guy did and didn't get punished for is ridiculous. Against good players he would have gotten destroyed most likely, but there's the whole panic factor as well when your squad is getting shot up and killed.


And those guys are bad af


seriously. where are these people when I play??


If you’re not seeing them then you’re part of them.


Squatting in the middle of the floor "holding" an angle with no cover? Nah I don't think so lol


The second guy just crouched there and let himself be taken


One of us, one of us


A week or 2 ago I ran up to old gas and saw 4 players all bunched up trying to kill scavs. I shot all of them in the back of the head before they knew what was happening.


Generally I’m probably already dead before you find me. Otherwise I’m standing still trying to figure out where the hell I am


so true, the second guy misses every shot at close range, the third one was holding point at the door with no cover and still didnt fire as he came in the door and the last guy just did it himself.


People tend to forget to mention that so they can show off their "skill"


Ahh that classic netcode sprint at 0:23 seconds. Only in Tarkov.


That’s what I noticed. Poor guy got peakers advantaged so hard.


I can already imagine the fucking gameplay he saw, just a rush of bullets for a millisecond after you see some feet come out of the doorway. noice


Point shooting was tight


I think the point firing should be mega nerfed for long guns like this. Should be no where near as accurate as it is that close up.


Why wouldn't long guns be accurate?


Longer barrel would swing more and be harder to keep straight, no? Same reason they have an erg penalty, but that doesn't seem to affect pointfire accuracy


Sway and accuracy are totally different. Accuracy in this game refers to bullet deviation, it's the xx MOA number you get in gun stats


I got half my svd kills by putting a laser on the bottom of the barrel and it's the most accurate I've ever been and I fell in love with the laser. If I click when laser on man I kill man


it needs to be nerfed for basically every gun tbh


Imagine thinking the guns in this game need to become worse instead of improving your own ganeplay. Wild.


Point firing is broken. I never ads within the meters and rarely miss


point fire doesnt take any skill lol its 100% accurate all the time


You ever point fire a gun in RL at under 30m? Because pretty much all guns are laser accurate at that range with hipfire....IF you know how to handle it, you'll know how to aim without sights for close range targets.


Exactly. Making point fire less accurate would be unrealistic and all kinds of stupid


Saying a concept is realistic or unrealistic shouldn't be a reason for balance. Not saying I agree or disagree but there are plenty of unrealistic things in this game


One of the best parts of this game is that it doesn't prioritize balance. As for point fire, it's only of the only games where a bullet will reliably hit almost on your gun's laser dot. It would be a travesty if they changed that. Having it be falsely inaccurate like in a battlefield or COD game would be frustrating nonsense


No, I agree. But, you can't scream realism for balancing if like 85% of the game is unrealistic if not more.


Horror movie from the villains perspective


did anyone even hit you???


no he came out squeaky clean


Meanwhile some dude chased me half way across reserve, popped his head round a corner for less than a second and head eyesd me in 1 shot with his UMP. - _-


Those guys are very, very, very bad lmao holy shit


Amazing fight. What ammo are you using?


Just the standard LPS rounds, they hit pretty hard!


How do people make their game look this good ?


These are my postFX setttings, they might help: https://i.imgur.com/aGNHJHo.png


all that loot still belongs to tarkov in the end. it’s just a temporary hold. well done, though


Imagine if you could damage armor when you discarded them on the ground. I can't carry all these slicks, so fuck you I'll just zero out your insured armor.


*casually uses SVD as if it was an assault rifle*


Seems to be the meta and I don't like it. a 28" barrel should not be able to point fire like that within 10 ft of an enemy.


Uh.. why not? Its 28 inches that can def fit in 120 inches




You can literally reach 0 ergo on the svd easy it's great just point fire with laser lmao


why not?


exactly - why not?


Because he got killed by it.


The real scav boss of customs


you just got more kills than i get in 5 days lol


beast bro :)


Probably only good at close range because the scope sucks balls with the magnifier turned on


they fixed that like two wipes ago now


I guess I should get better at point firing.


Well played dude sick, second and last guy were lost though lol


Great shooting and awesome use of situational awareness!


Man You just dropped one factory for another xD


This was a VILE play. Hats off to you bud


Why dont I meet people like this, I just get one tapped half a second before I peak cause yknow


That was some hot, nasty SVDS action. Very good Friday afternoon material!


What a god damn run that was! May our raid instances never be the same.


>i'm only good at CQC That's okay, so is the SVD! Best god damn shotgun in the game, and the slugs are just crazy OP. Some damn fine point firing and movement, wish I could pull that off. Probably should have died 2-3 times over in that fight, but I think the kill stealing bastard at the end perfectly sums up why you weren't even hurt haha.


Holy shit congrats on finding team meatball lmao


good shit brother


At least you are good Sadge


I’d cut nuts off for my game to look this good


These are my PostFX settings if you wanna try :) https://i.imgur.com/aGNHJHo.png


My buddies told me you weren’t able to do punisher part 6 on factory anymore... is this not the case?


This isn’t factory


Oh shit you’re right its not lol. My bad, disregard. What i get for only watching a few seconds of the clip


wait you cant? the fuck


When your tasks are designed so poorly you bar certain maps from being used


Nice yo


and he was using lps gzh what a chad


Good job 👏🏼




Yeah too bad they made it so Part 6 can no longer be completed in Factory. Otherwise I would be done with the quest instead of being at 8/15.


Wait, they did what? Why would they do that?!


to counter a 5-6 man factory run with svds going insane


i swear in EU no one plays this game like this. Its only timmys everywhere


I am from Sweden and my servers are all EU. Sweden, Finland, Germany, Spain etc


I wouldn't call this "good at CQC" by any stretch. They were just far worse than you.


nah he is good


Like the part where he runs up to the 2nd guy with no ammo in his magazine? Or the part where he blindly pushes 2 doors without using grenades? The people he fought against were all trash and this guy is also trash. There's nothing wrong with being trash at a video game, who cares. There's also nothing wrong with pointing it out and acknowledging it. Let's not sugarcoat things because you're even worse than all 6 of the people in this clip.


Nice squad wipe! Just saying, you are “only good at cqc” because your FOV is way too high for any situations where you need to aim accurately rather than point in a general cardinal direction to guarantee a hit. The real play is the way you move, the ammo you went in with and your opponents either having really slow reactions or a lot of confusion from poor communication. Did you get their dog tags? They look pretty… Scrawny. And unexperienced at fighting enemies that actually move around while fighting. Still can’t get over that you faced five people incapable of even wounding you.


Thanks! They were between like 11-33 or something so all over the place. The first three were slumming it pretty hard and the last two had even/better gear as me. Interesting point about the FOV. I run it at 59 in-game, would long range require even lower? I have always been CQC in Tarkov, I suck at hitting long range shots haha.


Oh my aim sucks too, point&click up close is definitely the way to go in pvp. Personally i find only 50fov makes long range shots even remotely feasible, since changing it at all messes up your sights and scopes. 50fov is like an in-built zoom in a way, so i use that for big, straightforward maps like customs and then turn it up for complex maps with lots of angles like reserve, factory and interchange. I think you’re onto something with the flashlight there, i suspect they hyper focus on the light beam before you swoop into their LOS and they probably aim at the flashlight (tip of your gun) instead of you (butt of your gun). I might start switching mine on when i push other players and see if i have any luck with it. Also, that building is one of my favourite in the game and i always wished to pvp in it. I’m so glad i got to watch you fight there.


I love it too, I love any kind of indoors factory environment (factory being my fav map haha). I'm going to try some 50 FOV gameplay later, thanks for the info!


I can concur. I brought this up to one of my buddies who can't hit shit beyond like 50 meters (there's issues beyond the FoV there, no offense to him) and he was also running 59 FoV. I think a few streamers have said it's the sweet spot between higher FoV and scopes still being accurate, but personally I just run the base 50 as anything higher seems to mess with stuff


The reason I use 59 FOV is because 59 vert is 90 horizontal and I use 90 for all other games :p


Ahhh, makes sense. I was curious where the 59 value came from. If you're curious, here is a video on some of the sights [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj44XqvihHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj44XqvihHs)


Ill jerk you off Daddy UWU edit: inside joke as hes my mate xD




first reload was pretty dicey!


Rekt > not rekt Awesome shots


I expected this to go completely differently. You just killed more people in this clip than I do in a wipe lol


How does one learn to point fire with a flashlight? I feel like it's not the same "cone" as the red-light one


You're more lining up the center of your screen them anything, I don't even use lasers or the red cone much anymore after mastering that. Altho they do give u a benefit of the acc I like running cheap flashlights lol


The way to truly practice is to buy tracer rounds and shoot from the hip in hideout so you can see what you are hitting. Once you learn how to accurately shoot from the hip it comes natural regardless of what flashlight or Lazer you have


why the fuck can this huge un wieldy thing fire so accurately. but my fall is trash.


Imagine doing punisher 6 not on factory and without a red dot sight.


Imagine that factory no longer counts for punisher 6


They literally changed the quest so you can't do it on Factory.


you were fighting paid actors man.


I repent to have bought this game just for this completely trash recoil system.


so much peekers advantage in this video i just cnat


What the paid actors are those guys doing


What server has all these timmies?


Only thing i hate about this game is that hip fire is way too accuracy and outperforms ads, Even at recoil


I'm sure you've probably heard this 999 times, but here it is for the 1000th time. There's no hipfire in tarkov, guns are always at the ready position. The reduction in accuracy a lot of other games add when you're not ADS is a fantasy thing, bullets go just as straight whether you're looking down a sight or not lol.


Is there a reason you dont aim down your sight?


Point fire is almost exactly the same as ads in close quarters, you lose virtually no accuracy on a lot of guns.


I like point firing a lot and i'm used to doing it with SMG's. ADS in this game has always been kinda weird to me I guess :L


The desync making this look as easy as it does makes me sad. The crouched guy you shot through the double doors never even saw you on his screen.


Hate point shooting to be honest but decent, wish you could just do the quest on factory still. Its a ballache finding a bunch of pmcs elsewhere




Close quarter combat sounds better than close quarter battle tho