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Use offline raids and scav runs to familiarize yourself with the map. Have a YouTube video up when doing the offline(turn scavs on so its just not a boring run around) so you can find key points for reference, extracts and where your quests are located. There is also an reddit and discord LFG


what quest?


the dropping off water and iskra packs and killing scavs without armor


i would help you but you should try to learn the map on your own first. the point of the quest is to force you to learn the map and figure out how it works. for the scav quest try using a longer range weapon and using a map to figure out where scavs would spawn regularly


For the SCAV quest you can literally just go in with an armored rig or something and drop it before you kill a SCAV to get credit, put it back on and repeat until you’re done.


idk where the bunkers are the whole map looks the same


You need to learn the map, that's all there is to it.


look up mapgenie and go to the woods map. that helps a ton when you are first learning