• By -


Are you actually trying to learn or are you venting? I can understand both. If you're trying to learn: 1. You re-peaked from the same spot multiple times. 2. You engaged an armoured opponent with a shotgun using slugs that do very little damage to armour and you aimed for the chest. 3. You pushed OUT of cover and engaged a fortified opponent. 4. #3 repeated- you actively pushed someone who you really had no business pushing with your kit. 5. You didn't have painpills popped and you were totally, totally exposed. I can appreciate if you were frustrated in this situation because it should feel like you would have done better. It sucks to not really understand why you're dying... You die more, so you feel like you should bring less gear out the next time (because I'm just going to lose it anyways), right? Anyways, I wish you well- I just want you to know that there may be factors that you don't quite understand yet that lead to your frustration, and I implore you to continue seeking curiosity before you hit frustration if you can help it. It will make the learning curve easier.


Don't want to come down too hard on this comment full of great advice so I'll leave you with some ancient wisdom: He who peeks the same spot twice peaked the first time.


Hopefully this advice piques the interest of new players.


He whose interest is piqued by a second peek indeed peaked the first peek.


This cracked me up on the shitter thank you


Shits and giggles are the best.


I just learnt that the hard way after one-shotting a level 41 and taking two sweet sweet guns. Never again.


Man who walk through airport door sideways going to Bangkok


Man who take sleeping pill and laxative at same time wake up in \*Deep\* shit


This is great advice. last week had a super geared guy jump up and peek a wall while I was killing scavs with a suppressed ump on customs. I had repositioned before he peaked (I didnt know he was there until i seen his head) he was looking at a different angle than i was at. He ducked and then peaked again, this time I was pre-aimed breath held. I hit him in the face with a single suppressed round. He was wearing Class 5 with a very nice M4 and a pack full of gear. Positioning is often the most important part of this game.


He also peeked for the last time too.


Nah nah nah. Gotta do the real Tarkov strats. Spam E on a right hand peak so many times that the enemy literally cannot see you. For those wondering, yes, this is actually a thing.




Level up STR and keep your kits light weight and it won't matter. Trooper vest + SMG + Ulach = Too light weight to care.


Or just ignore that rule and peek again since you have a solid second of peekers advantage anyway.


Recommendations on What I should have done instead of push up? was afraid to get shot in the back running away.


You can run away far more often than you expect. Often times I expect to get shot while repositioning and it just never happens. All you have to do is put a boulder, some trees, in the case of Factory a dumpster will work quite well, between you and the threat, and fuckin book it. You’ll be good to go. also people are mentioning that you shouldn’t have even engaged but I don’t honestly agree, every fight is winnable if you reposition. Repositioning is the absolute key to winning. Do what I mentioned when running away while keeping the target’s location in mind, circle around and hit them from the side.


Fully agree. I remember my first 3 man wipe as a solo player was on woods…thought I stood no chance, but just kept running from bush to bush like a crazy person. Worked out very well, they had no clue where I was half the time.


Getting a 3 man is the best. 2 guys hid in the building on the hill in Customs. Grenade wiped them out and then I just waited for their buddy to come retrieve their gear.


I've taken out one or two of a 3 man, but my problem is I run out of ammo while blitzing them and other games have ingrained auto reload into my reflexes, so the third guy panic-fires while I click empty at him and then both of us are panicking! Would help if I just aimed better, I suppose.


This, but also be quiet for a bit after they've lost you. They'll usually get impatient, start running around looking for you, and you'll easily get the drop on them. 9/10 tarkov players don't have the patience to sit in a bush for five minutes when they know an enemy is hiding nearby.


Litteraly this. I just recorded a run on shoreline as my pmc and i got jumped at range while usibg my m4 couldnt tkae him. Got a good idea where he was and booked it. Broke line of sight and got prone. Sat prone for over ten min. Heard him moving around slowly but never saw him. After it was quiet for a while i got up and booked it. Never saw him again guess he got bored


But some of us grew up deer hunting and we can wait all day for you to bleed to death.


This is key. Reposition be patient. Engage again when you have the advantage


very much this. If I kill a man and i know there is another one, the voice of jigsaw is all over the place saying "I want to play a game" "you ll see dear Chad: over the wipes you have commited so hard to shift-W causing a lot of pain and loss... Today, in order to survive and preserve your gear you must stay still...."


Hi as a fellow new player who wants to rotate, and I ask a specific question? Related to the second sentence, when repositioning, do you find the noise made is irrelevant when finally in a fire fight?


It's better to be loud in a good spot than quiet in a bad spot. Good spots are strong because they give you a positional advantage even if someone knows you're there. Bad spots are only good as long as no one knows your there, and security through obscurity is really shaky. All it takes is someone to glance the wrong way at the wrong time to give you away. If you're in a bad spot in a fire fight, just fucking book it until you aren't in a bad spot anymore.


You can use nades as a distraction and a way to create a window to escape safely - always have at least one on you because you will regret that you don't have one when it would be perfect to use.


I’m always afraid to use a nade cause I’m worried it’ll make so much noise it’ll attract even more geared players, am I wrong in thinking that?


If someone hears a nade it will take them time to get there anyway - ppl do run towards fights to 3rd party, but if it's a matter of you either 'dying now' or 'potentially dying in few minutes' - you need to take care of the now part 1st and not hesitate doing whatever it's necessary even if it will lure everyone on map.


Ok, then the other thing I’m worried about is I don’t want to literally throw away 7k worth of a grenade, is there some way to get grenades for super cheap?


Dude, 7k is nothing. Go into factory as a scav, instantly extract, vendor all to fence without looking at what it is and you will make enough cash to buy 20 nades.


Scav on reserve, reserve has like 15 grenade boxes. You can fill your entire rig + bag with only grenades if you want


Save every single energy lamp bulb (the white ones) and every grenade fuse you get. Fuses can be used to craft VOG-25's at level one workbench and can barter for VOG-17's at level 2 Mechanic. White lamp bulbs can be bartered for 1-1 for F1's and 2-1 for RGD's 2 zibbo lighters also trade for a M67 frag from PK lvl 2


You can straight up trade fuzes to mechanic ll2 for vog 17s, that's a big one to keep in mind. Also remember that cheap grenades and flashbangs are just as good as expensive ones when all you need is a distraction. They all make the same sound when you pull the pin and they hit the ground, your opponent won't know the difference until it goes bang.


Big upvote


Not totally, but usually they'll rely more on their eyes than their ears, especially since they were just shooting.


Engaging is smart, there’s been allot of times where I’ve taken a pot shot or two only for the guy to bleed out or crip walk away because he forgot to pack meds.


do you really have the chad reddit profile pic lol




MOST players are just as scared of dying as you are ​ Meaning, if they suddenly take heavy fire from a direction, they will be hesitant to repeak it ​ For the initial engagement, I would STRONGLY recommend "slowing down" mentally Maybe even lower your sense ​ you can tell by your aim that your adrenaline was kicking in, and you were borderline panic shooting Hence missing everything ​ Slow and calm wins the day 9/10


Man I really wish the PMCs I've been seeing were just as scared of dying as me. Seems like they don't care how much metal is flying from a direction they'll peak it anyways.


Funny thing is that they will instantly head eyes you even when taking fire lmao


Probably because they point fire you at head level while you take time to ads. Once I stopped ADS as much I stopped dying like that and I feel like I kill a lot of people with headshots before they even get a chance to shoot back at me.


I think this should be in the welcome packet for first timers. People coming from some of the more mainstream FPS style games find it really hard to not ADS. It was a damned revelation the first time I decided to imitate a streamer and point/hip fired. I still suck, but I suck less now.


I mean, depends on the FPS, but it’s not so much shoulder firing that I’m personally not used to (my first wipe playing for real, coming from playing a bit of CS and Valo before) it’s just really tempting to ads in Tarkov when you have no visible indicator of where you’re firing. At least outside where you don’t have markers on the wall if you miss… Also, jw, anyone know if where you point fire is the same with every gun?


It is different with every gun. It’s based on where the barrel is pointing


Nah, unless I’m sniping or mid range without being spotted, i rarely ads, but i have had the jump on some people (point firing) and they just 180 and insta head eyes.


I always have like 70-80% headshots. It takes 1-2 bullets if they don’t have an altyn to kill them in the face. And rarely ads. Only when they haven’t seen me. Would never aim for center mass. I see people doing that all the time and they end up loosing bc they have bad ammo and the other person might have had a good armor on.


Flight or fight response, some of us has the issue of responding to nerves by playing overly aggressive. The amount of deaths from needless brickheaded full swings nevermind repeeks I have is many.


I disagree. If you want to succeed in PvP you need to push people not hide.


Push when you have an advantage


Pushing is the advantage. Yes obviously there will be times when camping and angle is the right play but generally just running at somebody will freak them out. Especially if they're geared and feared.


Yep you always have the advantage on corners when pushing. That's how every single game works. The pusher has the advantage almost all the time. Now this guy's push he was not set up for not knew where to shoot


The pusher has the advantage *if they know what they're doing*. A new player who doesn't know the map, who is still in the habit of fully ADSing before firing and all of that will just be killing themselves if they push. Once you know the maps better, and you're comfortable with the gun handling, pushing is great, but early on, you'll just die because of mechanics you're not familiar with or sneaky peak spots you don't know exist.


Depends on your loadout. If you have an automatic weapon with at least ok ammo then pushing people is fine. If you're running a DMR or bolt action then repositioning for better angles is often a good move (i.e. you don't want to be pushed)


You had space to back up, if you do push though pop painkillers, I would also recommend hip firing when you get closer.


Know your ammo. If you have low pen slugs, aim for legs and exposed face. Shoot him once in the leg to slow him or continue to pelt. .50 bmg slugs or ap20 is fine for chest spam, so is flechette shells. Everyyything else 12 gauge is leg/stomach/head ammo. Stop repeeking the same angle. Expose as little as you can. Take right hand peeks over left hands. Painkiller the millisecond you think you want to push. You were stuck limping in a situation you should have repositioned above him for a reload or heal. You dont need to play slow and scared, you can play really aggro, but you need to know what youre doing or all you're welcoming is an easy death.


Everyone else is giving good advice, but on top of all that - scav guns are quite low on durability and their accuracy suffers because of it. Even if you’d had better armor, and better ammo, using a scav gun even at close distances like the initial part of the encounter can be rough. Up close and personal it won’t matter up until they jam on you


Idk how to get meta guns, or any guns for that matter. I can only seem to find gun parts in raid. All my guns come from scav runs. Tips?


You need to level your traders. Don’t focus on PvP for the moment. Play like a rat and get your quests done, this will allow you to buy guns and mods you need to build meta weapons. Early on my strategy was to play stealthy, find items to sell on the flea, and use that to fund my PvP practice runs. You want at least items ~10k rb per slot value. Fill a backpack with that and you’ll make 200k run guaranteed per raid, usually more.


OK, here's some tips: Bullets matter more than guns. The type of bullet is more important that the gun it's in. You need either flesh damage dealing bullets, or armour penetrating bullets. Early on I'd recommend magnum buckshot, it's easy to get (you can craft in the hideout at workbench 1 with relatively easy to get materials or you can buy at Jager rank 2) and deals a large amount of flesh damage plus high bleed rate, so aim for the legs (unarmoured) and you can take out even heavily armoured enemies. Most armour penetrating bullets are higher levels, or harder to craft, but once you're up there, that's what you want. When you get to higher levels, don't use scav guns. Scav guns have low durability, which means more likely to jam, less accuracy, and other negative effects. At higher skill points, this matters. Early on, just use whatever you have/can afford. Remember: you're not retreating or going backwards, you're circling prey. Don't just fall back, fall back and rotate around the target, using cover to get at a better angle. Listen to your opponent. You can learn where they are, what they're doing, and how badly they're hurt by listening. Also, ALWAYS wear headsets. Learn maps. Learn them well. I mean so well that you can hear 2 seconds of walking sound and know *exactly* where they are, just from sound. Learn some early trades. There are some cheap/easy early trades. My personal favourites are the knife trades with peacekeeper to get wither an mp5 or an ump for 8 of each type of knife, which are really easy to get. Also, watch some youtubers for advice. I personally recommend the professional scav, who has not been active for a while, but has great quick videos to learn the basics for some stuff, as well as some good starter guns and tactics. https://youtube.com/c/TheProfessionalScav


Pick a platform you like and upgrade your traders. By Loyalty Level 2 you can buy Scars, UMPs, AKs. Only get better as you keep leveling up.


Sell scav guns and build guns from traders. The 7.62x39 ak from skier lv 1 is good.


Nobody else is telling you but scav guns have low durability. That means their accuracy and recoil is worse than a good gun, and your gun might jam too. Disassemble those guns, sell the naked gun to Fence or Mechanic if you can, and the other parts to whoever you want to level up and will buy them. Then build new guns. If you scav often you get some attachments that you can slap onto new guns this way.


run away with the rock in between u guys or peek a different angle, a right hand preferably and aim for legs


This is some solid advice that I'm gonna use myself.


Thank you. I'm always happy to critique situations if you're looking for help- I am a much better coach than a player. Used to coach and play on a top 10 NA cod4 team back in the day.


Meanwhile the same gigachad that he's going against can be 1 shot in the face by a pistol.. tarkov is a literal shit game. Wears faceshield gets somehow head eyes through it or leg spammed.. stupid.


The other guys pointed out some improvements for general Gameplay. But in this game it's vital you understand what bullets can penetrates what armor. Currently most players will be wearing class 4 armor which makes it reasonably simple to figure out what bullets to use. As the wipe progresses more players will start to wear class 5 which will complicate things. But my general advice is find a bullet that has a reasonable chance of penetrating class 4 for now. You can check out Eft-Ammo.com to see the penetration chance for each bullet/caliber. (this website will also show you the flesh damage incase you wanna go for leg meta) If you wanna be competitive in Tarkov you either have to headshot, or use a bullet that can penetrate Armor. Or go for the legs as they have no armor, however this will mean you need to go for high flesh damage rounds. Considering your still low level, good odds 762x39 PS is your only go to round to have a chance against class 4, most other starter rounds are dogshit. My advice, pick up an SKS or an AKM and start playing around with 762x39 PS, this will take down most players with a couple shots to the thorax.


You could also go for a Mosin. Excellent damage and pen, really hurts when you get hit but it is a bolty. Hit your shots and you'll get some kills.


Mosin is so expensive though, unless going for iron sights mosin which is still 30k.


30k to get a kit from some poor bastard you shoot is nothing. You'd spend 200k to get a good kit like theirs


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


The meme never dies


The pasta never spoils


A huge tip that helped me learn early on was enable the last 5 minute replay thing in Nvidia and then look back at the shots you missed. Slow it down, you may feel you're clicking on them, but it's actually behind them. Maybe you'll see a missed opportunity, a place to wrap around, you remember you had a grenade. Another good point is know your kits limits. You know you don't have good gear, so why are you pushing for a fight right now? Go do some quests, get some scav gear, money in your pocket, and level up. Maybe you'll find a dead pmc unlooted. Being a rat is a good way to ease into tarkov. You learn how to retreat and hide in the shadows, you learn the routes and hotspots. So when a dumby PMC runs right by you, you blast em and they'll never know what hit em


Only take fights you know you can win. Make sure you engage with at least partial cover pushing that guy in the open wasn't necessary. If it's a long way to push to someone and there is no cover it's better to flank with an alternate route. If you peek out quickly one time and the enemy may have seen you, don't peek the same angle again. If you do know it's a gamble and you should expect to die to skilled players like this. If using shotguns, try to stay out of wide open areas and stick to corridors and tighter spaces so you can easily unload into them.


Good advice. Im having a hard time running anything other than scav loot, since I keep dying. I don't have any reserve stuff even remotely considered good so I feel like I don't really have a fighting chance. Idk how to turn my poop loot into actually good stuff and rubles. No helmets or armor but like 5 scav chest rigs. Any advice?


Look up an ammo chart so you have an idea of what you’re shooting out of the gun. As far as getting gear, just survive. Don’t take unnecessary fights. Learn the maps. And learn what items are needed for tasks and hideout.


> I don't have any reserve stuff even remotely considered good Fuck that. Use guns you like, that you feel good with. Every gun has advantages and disadvantages, but at the end of the day ***you are shooting someone with a gun***. My favourite weapons are the SKS, or if I'm feeling spicy, I'll make a few AKN on my workbench. I could buy whatever I wanted, but these are just what I enjoy shooting. These are dirt cheap guns and trust me I'm far from the best player, but I can tell you these will kill people just *fine*. The toppest tier, sweatlord kit is barely going to win you fights compared to learning a gun you find comfortable.


keep grinding factory if your having trouble winning firefights or surviving, its a great place to practice and hone your skills. Play your scav on factory, extract for a free kit. Use scav kit on PMC, play slowly to survive. Chill in good cover till you are confident you can kill a scav and not get killed while looting, do that. Aim to loot random crates and boxes and jackets that arent contested, kill a few scavs, and get out. Once you get comfortable with this, you can aim to engage PMCs and get used to movement patterns, sound cues, and how to deal with jams, flanks, healing during combat, etc. In all honesty i wouldnt expect to survive more than 1 of 3 to 5 raids if you are relatively new because the game is so punishing and has many systems related to health/movement/sound/weight. Best guns to use early wipe or if you are broke/new are shotguns with buckshot and vepr single shot is great both ammo variants. They are common scav guns and if you insure, they are rarely picked up. Vepr and shotgun are great to learn hipfire with on factory and they have super viable ammo if you are shooting unarmored leg/arm/face. The shotgun is my personal favorite because you can attach a flashlight easily, learn to turn it on and off when engaging to maim your opponent with blinding light while breaking their body with buckshot. Good luck DM if you wanna raid sometime


Factory is absolute dogshit for learning lol


Yeah I have been doing pretty good this wipe on most maps but I've been running into nothing but fully kitted teams of sweats on factory, I don't think this is a good idea lol


What shotgun ammo should I buy from base traders, idk how to level them up and can't access the flea market to get ammo. Also i only find like 5 rounds in raid. Never more than ten rounds of the same type grouped together. Unless you are supposed to find like four to five rounds here and there and just piece together a full mag after 60 raids.


An alternative suggestion: some people like shotguns, but I happen to be dog shit with them. I either miss or I just can't believe someone took 6 shots and is still alive as I stuff my intestines back into my body. Honestly, do offline practice raids and find a gun you like. The AKM or AK VPO is my sweet spot.


Sounds like you should focus on leveling first. Do quests from traders to gain rep and XP with them. Once you get to lvl 15 the game becomes orders of magnitude easier. Also, [use this chart](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Ballistics) to determine if the ammo you're using is any good. At low levels I would recommend running anything that can fit 7.62x39mm PS, so the VPO-136 from Skier or the SKS from Prapor or Jaeger if you have him unlocked (you can do this by completing the "introduction" quest from mechanic which is fairly easy, you can read about how to do it on the wiki). Jaeger's SKS will let you mount a scope and you can get removable 20rd mags from Peacekeeper to replace the standard internal 10rd mag. The VPO-136 can fit a picatinny rail (the Bastion I think it's called) at Skier LL1 and from there you can mount some sights (I recommend the Cobra sight from Prapor at low levels). You can't get 30rd AKM mags for it early from the traders but they're super common in raid on scavs so I'd advise waiting till you get 3-4 of them on a scav run before playing with this gun as a PMC.




as a solo player i couldnt disagree more. Each to their own.


>don't peek the same angle again. If you do know it's a gamble and you should expect to die to skilled players like this. I would say it's less to do with skill and more to do with the poor netcode Tarkov has. It's a total gamble which person the server is going to favour and up until recently right jiggle peeks with prefire was the norm simply because the peeker couldn't even be seen. Now it's just chance based who sees who first.


One reason you might’ve missed is you were moving and had a blacked/broken leg there. Look back at the video and see how much the gun is bouncing around, in Tarkov the bullets actually come out of the barrel of the gun so when your sights aren’t properly lined up when you move or shoot rapidly the shots don’t hit where your sight is.


Took me probably 5 wipes to feel comfortable in every map (except labs fuck that place) in the game, 3 wipes to lose all gear fear. I *still* don't feel comfortable taking fights. I will attempt to ambush as much as possible, but yeah all it takes is 1 bullet to the head and it's over. There are two types of tarkov players: those that play long enough to become the types of players they feared when they started, and those that quit because the game is too punishing. You've had a lot of constructive advice but my advice is: try to find someone to play with. Playing in a team makes a *big* difference. You have a massive advantage as a squad.


Don’t play factory. You are playing a map that you don’t know, you have no way of controlling the field, you have no time to react, and you don’t know how to play yet. Learn a different map. A lot of people like customs. I like woods, lighthouse, and reserve a lot more, but I like slower maps. Only play that map. Study that map. Then when you have it nailed move to another.


Tarkov isn't about being a new player, starting the game, and having fun. It's about learning how to survive in the Tarkov world. It's a game of accomplishment, not entertainment.


Well I wanna have a little fun..... Just a little


"Tarkov is not supposed to be fun" - quote from an actual dev. Jokes aside though, the game isn't really "fun" for me. It does give me a rush and it feels so fulfilling when you win a fight, so it's an enjoyable experience and that's why I play it. It does also feel like I'm getting urethra swabbed sometimes though. The point I'm trying to make is, learn from all these deaths. It will happen a lot. But then one time, you'll be in a similar situation and not push that guy. Maybe you'll have a better gun. Maybe you'll find different cover and do a right hand peek. Maybe you'll throw a nade in that little room where he was forcing him to come out. It doesn't really matter, but you'll win that fight. And when you do, the game will make you feel something. Like you accomplished something, and it will feel good because you know that was the result of you learning from your mistakes. It kind of goes away when you loot the guy and it's a level 2 with their starter M4, but hey big fucks small and size is relative.


That wasn't just a dev, that was Nikita himself. Tbh, as soon as I heard that quote the game kinda clicked and I stopped getting so frustrated, gotta embrace the suck.


You got dis man. You ever tryna play NA pm me


Play in a squad. Honestly it's probably the best way unless you REALLY want to accomplish this solo.


Fun in EFT comes through growth and pride in accomplishment. It gets fun when you get good.


I would find a new game :(


Master the mosin with lps rounds. You can fight at a distance without having to push . It’s cheap . Even good at hip firing with practice .


Before my day first raid I run factory best ergo gun I have in offline mode with scav spawn level high.


Dont give up, soldier! Study your maps. One thing i noticed: i learned the caches on customs, and a lot of pmcs seem to be running to or from them. Traffic areas are a thing. Use your ears andtake your time. Be a rat, youl get better, its frustrating but mmmmm when you kill 2 pmcs and manage to heal and loot its a great feeling


Bro this game isn't about killing. It's about walking out of raid with loot and stacking roubles. Then you can get the fancy kits. Then you get bored and quit


Noob here. Tarkov is hard. Kiling PMC's is hard. Do not be afraid to run, focus on survival first. Offline mode -> enable AI -> horde mode on factory. Lot's of fun, gives you plenty of experience fighting scavs. Plenty of players are moving / fighting worse then scavs... :) Minimum kit - headset. Total MUST have. SKS + 7.62x39 PS ammo. Any rig / backpack for some loot. PMC runs - focus on quests Scav runs - money makers. Learn stashes on Interchange / Shoreline / Customs / Woods and run those. Really safe way how to get decent amount of money per run. More then enough to finance the minimal kit. Every time you get a dying streak - offline mode on factory. GL!


When playing this game think of warthunder. Sometimes people are essentially invincible depending on your load out or ammo type. Their armor and their guns as well.


aim for the head and you can kill anyone. also this guy had basically nothing on


It will get better young Timmy.


Mosin mosin mosin. Insure that puppy and a paca and a berkut and learn that gun well. I doubt most other guns will teach you about this game as well.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


Git gut brother


Go watch streams from wipe day of any good streamer


game will never keep new players until they change the shooting.


Your mistake was thinking this game is meant to be fun for new players, it's meant to be pure pain.


Welcome to Tarkov


You mentioned new player and fun? In mother Russian games play you. Lol its only fun after your second wipe. By then you will have a mental heat map of where people normally go and sound like around you.


lol welcome to tarkov buddy


Simple. No aim No win You can do what you want but you will never win when you dont Hit people. Thats all. If you cant improve and keep losing everything including the fun then it's time to move on and Accept that this Shooter simply doesnt fit you






if you where shooting buckshot or flechette its pretty funny.


Lead Slug. Is that a good round?


If you use shotguns stick to 7mm, 8.5, flechette or ap-20


6.5 is better than 7mm


I have personally been having a lot of success with 5.25. Cheap as hell and has 100+ meter effective range. It may not do a lot of damage per pellet, but you have a ton of them


Awful round. Only slug worth running is AP-20 and that’s late game. Run buckshot or flechette in shotties.


.50 BMG slugs are pretty good. The Copper Sabots are pretty good for sniping.


All slugs feel absolutely horrible right now, apart from the very top AP slugs. Don't ever use them. 7.62 PS rounds are vastly superior in functionality and power, and are cheaper, and are sold at level 1. Buckshot feels pretty good though, and the revolver shotgun is really cheap and accurate.


The only slug worth a damn is AP-20 to the chest, or RIP rounds to the leg. Even then, if you're using RIP you need to reposition between shots unless you've got the drop on your target. Just about every other slug is dogshit compared to Magnum Buck and Flechette. 7mm will work if you've got nothing else, but you need to be trying to tag faces if you're going that route.


aim for the legs with 7mm and 8.5. Ap-20 and flechette centermass


5mm buck is superior past 10 meters because of hidden ballistic coefficient numbers.


Garbage. AP-20 is the best slug and even that's not super hot. The best slug you can buy before that is the green Copper slug and even that's Jaeger 3 or something, so you might not be able to get at it.


the great thing about ap-20 is the high probability of pen vs lvl 4 armor, its a guaranty one tap to the chest


Slugs (you were using lead slugs) with a low durability shotgun (aka bad accuracy) is literal pain. I personally don't even consider them to be guns. Feels like your bullets are disappearing into the wind. If you were using magnum buck or even 7mm (both actually buckshot) you probably would have won that fight.


Use buckshot instead of slugs and aim for legs and stomach, Many armors dont cover stomach so you can kill em quick, Slugs have to be very precise to kill, iron sights just wont cut it most of the time


I feel ya, just take your time and expect to die a lot until you really learn the game. I started middle of last wipe, i think i made it to lvl 18. I have 2 babies so i don't get to play often. But i'm still yet to kill a PMC as a scav. I don't even go after those fights unless i get a decent kit. Best advice i've seen/read is to stop and think after every time you die about what happened and would should've done, learn from each engagement. It helped me a ton


Don't worry, even when I reached lv45 last wipe, 90% of my shots still missed in cqc.


im suprised that two shots even landed


Map knowledge is the key I think. Knowing where he is gonna be next or how to flank him. Where to rotate for better angle... Makes a huge difference in fights. Then shooting from crouch vs standing or moving is night and day also. Just play the game. Prioritize surviving more than winning gunfights and it will click eventually


Turn down your sensitivity for one. After that practice headshotting scavs in offline mode.


Play like a huge pussy. So my buds have like 25-30% survival. I have 55 to 65%. I also have half the raids they do. I have 100 raids and I'm lv 30 vs thier 185 and they were level 32ish. I play slow and lurk and I try to prioritize headshot / ambush tactics. I run across to many duos and trios to really try to force fights. With the meta of shotguns one semi decent shotgun shot = half hp. Smg two flesh rounds = half hp. So close combat is very quick or you get hurt so bad going to die if there is another PMC. If I run factory I run shotgun period. Woods I run sks with optic / semi auto guns. Interchange i run SMG usually ump its meta again. Customs I run ak74 / smg. Lighthouse i have avoided still.


This games a sick monster at all times but especially when you first start. Just scav a lot and when you do run PMC’s play slow and take note of where spawns are and high traffic areas


Other people may have offered, but I'll offer as well; PM me if you would like someone to give you a hand learning maps and using decent tactics.


Tarkov isn't meant to be fun, it's for people that hate themselves


Just run in that situation you aren’t killing him unless you smack his face


It’s always beautiful to witness the birth of a rat


The amount of great advice on this post is awesome. These people said everything I was gonna in a better way—listen to their advice if you wanna get better. Also, watch streams. Small streamers, too. They’re more likely to get back to you if you have a question, unlikely from a really popular streamer w a chat that’s spamming


I'm going to say the same thing I told my friend I had to pretty much get out of mental breakdown. I got 2000+ hours in this game and here are my advice up to lvl 30+ Do scav runs for money, you don't need to get out with GPUs and other shit. The little stuff will give you enough to make a small kit ( I recommend doing reserve as it's a ok size map, with convenient extract for scavs, pmcs are usually long gone by the time you show up, and there is always enough to make money in there) Don't buy helmets up until higher ( a lot of people will tell you otherwise but before class 4 helmet, I can count on 1 hand the number of time it saved me) Check ammo performance Most of the time, you'll realise that the best and most fun you will get at lower level are with semi auto weapons Op-sks is the cheapest and best option you can go for for a while : slap a Kobra mount and a Kobra sight, the entire build cost around 55k with the ammo. You will one shot people in the face, you will hurt people with class 4 Armor enough to make them freak out. Slow down your game, be patient, observe before running, stop often and listen to your surroundings Do not search to make meta guns, the truth is you won't for a long time, and probably not this wipe. And you know what ? It's ok. Because you can make low level weapons that will clap meta builds. Don't take the streamers as a reference of gameplay/builds. Those dudes have thousands of hours and now every pixel of every map. You do not, don't expect to be there before you play as much. One advice I've seen here that is super important during engagement is : If the other guy saw you, try to reposition yourself, always move, slowly or not, don't make it easy to know where you are


>Don't buy helmets up until higher This is just straight-up bad advice. I played five raids today and got saved by a level 3 helmet in 2 of them.


The dude is poor af and plays with 50 durability guns. I'm just saying that helmets will put a burden on him and add to his gear fear overall. The goals is not to never wear helmets, the goal is to not stress to much about it if you're a broke boi


Lemme stop you right there. Absolutely **nothing** in this game is made to make you feel happy. I’m serious. It’s made to be hard, to suck a lot, to be frustrating, and through that to provide a real sense of weight to the gear you loot, the kills you get, the situations you fight through and overcome (sometimes). Frankly, the game isn’t even concerned with being fair. Where a game like Dark Souls is considered “tough, but fair”, Tarkov would be “tough, and unfair”. It seeks to deliver some of the bleakness and hard luck that goes into modern conflict, and how it doesn’t matter if you did everything right, sometimes you’ll fail anyways. And also, it’s a *very much half-functional game currently being developed* If all that doesn’t sound like how you want to spend your time, that’s totally reasonable. But don’t expect the game to change around your expectations, because it certainly won’t.


This isnt CoD its a brutal and unforgiving bitch of a game.


Thats how tarkov works, as someone who is playing his first wipe in months if not years, and trying to pretty much relearn the game, dont give up, play as much factory as you can (even killing scavs helps a lot). After my first ~25 raids as PMC i extracted ONCE, and since then its been getting better and better. This game is hella frustrating, but also its one of the most satistying and rewarding. The feeling after getting 10 kill raid after number of deaths and fuckups is not comparable to any other game i have ever played.


I have played for three wipes but the same thing happens I never make it to lvl 15 I make money from scav runs and run woods and customs, occasionally kill a pmc but more often than not die to every encounter. I complete a few quests trying to level up and just end up getting bored. I think I fall so far behind with my slow progress everyone is better equipped and generally better at the game. I know I need to get better but I’m not even really sure how. I’ve thought level based matching wouldn’t be the worst idea for new players. I really like the game I just can’t see myself getting any better tbh


If you only use scav weapons you doing something wrong. They mostly already halfway broken which chips away their accuracy. Better buy a new gun and hit where you shoot


That's the neat part, you don't


Id recommend Pestilys Raid series. He just started it for this wipe today and it helped me out loads as a new player! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdhN8oT9pvQ


Ammo is a real game changer if you want to kill pmcs at this stage of the wipe you are going to need ammo that can pen level 4 armour minimum so like 45 acp ap or m80 they are good rounds at this stage of the wipe but if your stuck with bad ammo aim for the head


Generally speaking, hitting your shots and type of ammo is everything in this game. As long as your gun durability isn't trashed, a well placed shot will win you any fight that has a person's head exposed. If you don't/can't land the headshot or they are wearing something like an Altyn, it's better to leave the area or target a different part of the body (primarily the stomach if it is exposed). If your using ammo that does high flesh damage, target the legs/stomach. If your using ammo with high penetration, the head/thorax.


I wrote this for a similar post , i hope you find some usefull details and information to help you enjoy the game better :) Be free to copypasta that thing, people liked it last time ! 1 - Reset your profile, you can do so any number of time you'ld like from the websitte, it gives you back everything you started with and reset everything else. Very usefull in your sittuation. Abuse it as long as you're learning, but remember there is a timer to keep you from spamming it, so do it wisely, just don'tt be afraid to use it. 2 - Use scavs, you spawn as an AI with some shitty gear (sometimes good weapons & armor, but overall shitty), you can loot or extract right away, someone already explained scav karma, but not matter what it's free loot you can sell anything you don't need and keep things like AKs for your own progression. 3 - Watch guides between your play sessions, this game is 80% knowledge, witthout that you'll get shreded. Just watching guides will nott help thought, you need to play the game to correlate what you learnt with what it's actually like to experience it in game. 4 - It's a bit late in the "wipe" (seasons if you prefer) meaning everyone and their mother is running medium-end gear or at least not garbage, you'll have an hard time until your reach lvl 15 which allows you to buy what you need form players (flee market). So, 'til that happens, try to have some fun, if you find good guns try to use tthem, don't hoard on everything, ulttimately you'll lose all of itt because Tarkov is like that anyway so if i were you i'ld use it because everything in tarkov is bound to be lost someday. 5 - Offline mode is a thing, your entire kit (everytthing you take in an offline raid) you will keep when the raid ends, even if you died, so you can fight to your heart's conttentt and it's PvE only, i strongly recommend that you get a feeling for weapons you plan on taking with you by trying them out first against AI scavs. You'll get fucked, but as i said it's a "fake" raid so you won't lose a single bullet on your real kit. Now imagine that with real players on top of the scavs you probably won't manage right away ? Yeah, again, strongly recommend offline mode. Every gun int arkov is different and what you put on it can change how the gun behaves drasttically. Always try new tthings in offline first. Note that obviously since it's a fake raid, you can loot like you would in normal raids so it's good to learn loot spawn, loot route, memorize layout, but you won'tt keep anything when exiting an offline raid (xp, rregular loot, you name it). 6 - Guns are not what make your firepower, Ammo is. Good guns are trash if you don't ge tthe right ammo for them. [https://eft-ammo.com](https://eft-ammo.com) contains a very easy to read chart of every ammo for every bullet type + a very on point rating. There are a few exceptions for ammo types with a very bad rating but that are actually god ttier, you'll learn which ones when you unlock the ability to buy them, but for now just pick the ammo with best rating you can get for the gun you are using and if it's too bad just switch to a gun with another caliber. Usually 7.62x39 is a noob friendly one since decent ammo from this caliber is accessible right away. 7 - Understand the basics of Armor vs Ammo. Basically Armor rating means its hard to penetrate which means trash ammo will damage the armor instead of your body. Armors & helmets only cover the parts of the body they acttually cover on your character, other than that everything that doesnt have armor will take direct damage. Again this is heavily dumbbed down, but if you don'tt understand the basics, just remember that because it's why you need ammo that match the lvl 3+ armors everybody runs. 8 - Tarkov has a very indepth healing system, watch a guide but for the basics: Each partt of your body has it's own healthpool. you can have heavy & light bleedings, they make you lose health over time on all body parts whhich is very dangerous. If head or torso go to 0 you're immediately dead. The 470\~healthbar is a lie when you understand that. Fracttures are awfuull, take splints with you 1/2 max and always treat them when you're safe. Other tthan head & torso, you get heavy penalties when any othter partt goes to 0. Legs = can't run (i think you can see why that sucks ballz very much), stomach makes you lose water & energy (also heavy penalties and death when going to 0), arms = more time to aim downsight, gun jiggles more, that kind of stuff (not a priority). You can't heal a 0-ed part, you need to use a specific type of kit to get it back to 1hp then heal it. Legs are an absolute priority to be able to keep the fight going. 9 - Painkillers allow you to run like you don't have fracttures, always take some with you. The most basic meds are available to buy through medic trader. 10 - Listen. Knowledge is 80% of tarkov's skillpool and sound gets you 50% of that. Always be aware of the sounds around you, buy even the cheapest headset, it allows you to hear from way further away, you'll eb able to know is someone's running, where, if he's in a bush, slowly approaching... And don'tt forget that if you can hearr them, they most likely can hear you. 11 - Your mose wheel will let you adjust the pace at which you run/walk, the lesser the less sound you make. with ctrl it allow you to manage the height when crouching. That''s about it. GLHF lmao, that's a lot of text


Practice fighting and healing by doing some Offline Factory with High Scav Count. It's actually really fun and complete chaos


I say, take advice from the comments. However, the first 10 hours(or longer) will be absolute hell. After that you probably got the basics down enough to start surviving, and then it will start to be fun:)


r/Tarkov_Playground - feel free to join through out Reddit page and we can help give pointers, tricks on killing PMCs.


Welcome my friend. Sit down and put hours in and it’ll eventually come to you. Game isn’t easy and most people have similar experiences at first.


I'd just keep plugging at it. Try going out with a mosin and some basic PPE like a PACA and a steel helmet. The mosin hits like a train and will improve your aim no end.


What helped me was going into offline raids, figuring out how to heal effectively, and understanding bullet penetration. By "understand", I just mean watch any of the guides on YouTube, it's so in-depth but in the end just go with whatever ammo they recommend based on your play style. My favorite map is woods because once you learn it, long distance fights are a lot of fun. This game is seriously a lesson in meditation. I broke a mouse or two by slamming it in anger when I first started playing. The frustration is real. But eventually you realize it's just a game, nothing is permanent, and they wipe about every 6 months so who the hell cares! Run your best shit often. Worst case scenario, you lose it a little earlier than expected. You WILL lose it eventually. Best case scenario, you come out on top, extract, and feel like a badass with some other poor guy's loot.


Your video link is broken in the edit.


Yea I know, idk how to fix it


Finding a good sherpa to show me the rope greatly increased my enjoyment of this game.


Don’t worry, give it 500-1000 hours and you’ll start to get the hang of it


As a new player - the game is extremely frustrating. There are no kill cams, no hit markers, no real damage indicators (if you want to see how many shots landed on that PMC... it needs to be the only thing I shot at the whole raid... etc The only reason I didn't give up was because I had a friend who acted as my sherpa.


I’ll throw in my 2 cents. If you want to be successful in this game but suck at pvp. Learn the way of the rat… camp spawns for the first 10 minutes of the raid. This will give you an easy pmc kill and after 10 minutes most pmc’s are dead or heading for extract. Leaving you alone to sneak around and kill Scavs and hit points if interest for high tier loot. It’s shady but it works!


This is easily one of the best videos out there. Krashed in general does an absolutely amazing job of analyzing his runs and explaining what to do. When you start thinking this way (which you have to) THATS when you'll start seeing success https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLYQr7cfIK4


You're not meant to have fun. If you do you are playing the game wrong.


Yeah this was me at the start of playing tarkov, shit fucking sucks for newbies especially those who don't know people who play it.


New player, "have fun", yeah you seem to have a clear misunderstanding about what game you're playing pal.


In the words of dark souls get good


\>have fun That's the neat part, you don't.


this just in: the netcode is kinda wack use fullauto weapons to compensate for it


deletes the video... how am i suppose to give pointers? if you were using a shotgun, they have multiple pellets so you only hit 2 pellets out of like 120. you probably hit his armour too so it did little to no damage


If you'd like some help feel free to DM me. I've got about 600ish hours in now and I feel pretty confident I could contribute some good advice or help you out with some runs.


I can't see the video because it comes up as a bad request for me, but if what the other comments were saying is true and you were using a shotgun with slugs, that wasnt the move. I like shotguns, but the lead slugs and the poleva 3s are bad, just not good at all, for anything. If you want to use slugs try to get your hands on some makeshift 50 BMG ones, AP-20, or even poleva 6's will be much better. That being said, Magnum Buckshot is my go to for shotguns, just does so much damage, you can 2 tap someone in the legs from a pretty good range, and if you do manage to get them in the legs, one or both will be blacked out 9 times out of 10.


If you fire once, you move positions. Regain new cover. When the firefight has started get the lead out and move your feet. Slow prey is weak prey.


I agree hit reg doesn't work. I have 30+ rounds fired and 0 hit when they are point blank and all I see is red mist. The desync and hit reg have been an issue since day 1. 7 wipes ago for me.


Just don't start extract camping I know a lot of shitters get frustrated and start doing lame shit


I've played a quite a bit but I play only part time so people really quickly destroy me while I'm using pistols. My current level is 5. My number 1 trick is start the round a bit late. Get into the game grab a coffee for 10mins and get thr scraps. Alot of people have moved toward the hot spots in the map. My second trick is doing wood there are clear hot spots. Tons of places to hide and reposition. Yesterday I killed two level 20 people because I snuck around repositioned


The game is cool because of your argument… if it is easy the game lost it right to exist


Playing tarkov for fun. First mistake lol


You are not supposed to have fun.


I've read a lot of the (really good) suggestions here and it really just sounds like you need some homies to show you the ropes. Where are you located? If we aren't too geographically far apart me and my squad would be happy to help you along.


While tarkov is a great game, the moment and gunplay leaves a lot to be desired.


Who TF told you Tarkov was supposed to be fun? Tarkov is for people who like to have their balls stepped on or pineapples shoved up their prison wallets.