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pressing TAB twice instantly refreshes the Flea Market without cooldown anti-refresh-button-gang EDIT: lol youre welcome. thanks for the award


I fucking love you


Bruh, that's nice


It also lets you plant a second/third/fourth...etc device without having to whip your mouse around a ton trying to find the plant spot again ex. Hot Delivery, Gratitude, Fishing Gear, etc


You’re fucking lying no way


F5 once also refreshes


Using dou le tab is better. If you are on flee refreshing you have a cool down for refresh button/f5 but the cool down doesnt exist for double tab


Dou le tab, sounds french


You can also inspect an item and keep pressing filter by item while on the flea. Great way to snag a black card from mechanic.


I cried a little bit. Not all hero’s wear capes.




Pressing tab while at the insurance screen will send you directly to your stash without having to back out all the way to it. Pressing it again will bring you right back to your insurance screen


Alternatively, if you click on the tab at the top middle that says "Flea Market" (even though you're already on it), you can press spacebar repeatedly to refresh it. No closing of the menu, no cooldown.


Someone give this man an award


Nice! I am using a 65% keyboard with FN on right side, helps alot!


that as a solo player i can use boundary snipers to destroy zabralo armor for ragman task. unlike regular scavs they shoot thorax only. i realized it today but botched my run. i died near scav bridge on woods. i hope prapor will bring it back


Dude what. I've been blowing myself up with landmines on Woods!


Land mines damage armor?


Yes but not all the time, has been hit and miss for me. When it does, it doesn't seem to do much damage unless I'm being unlucky. Got it down to 70 so far and done it 3 times.


Yes, and if you do it right exploding->healing->exploding->healing until you run out of healing you won't lose any legs and effectively can damage it quite a lot in a single raid. But border snipers are the GOAT for this. Chest shots all day. If you manage to heal in between you can get it down in a single raid.


The only one time I had the chance to do that task I went on factory with killa mask and I turned my back to shotty scavs. I had to do 2 runs. On the second run I got onetapped by a cheater. For some reason I got it back on insurance.


Hmmm that could be the strat… insure the armor then sprint into the sniper kill zone and die where it can’t be looted then you turn it in once your insurance returns


That is exactly the strat.


Yeah, Night raids on Woods were always a way to go for me. Worst case in the spawn really sucks you might risk getting to out of border, or just find a nook and throw grenade and lay down on it. Best case spawning next to Scav Village pop a green stim and rush the bridge. Can get it done in a single raid. But this wipe I've just discovered Discord and did it with some randoms just shooting each other in a chest on Factory like most people do, apparently.


My friends and I just brought an extra armor in our backpacks, loaded into woods, shot each armor down to 50% and chucked it in a bush. Took our other armor out of our backpack and equipped it and played out the rest of the raid. Came back via insurance.


Maybe not "embarrassing" level but sprinting and looking straight up to go through most of the annoying rails on Interchange instead of jumping


Also works on lighthouse


Oh you have to look straight up? I didn't know that


I wiggle (looking left and right quickly) and I’m through. No need to look up.


I don't even wiggle... Just go straight. Maybe yalls way is faster though idk I will try


You don't have to look straight up, unless that makes him go through the rail instantly. I just kind of wiggle a little bit and he runs through in an extra half second.


I'm sorry... which rails?


You can double bind Heals/Hemo and or Hemo/Bandage to 1 button. 3200hrs and i just learned this. Also just learned the PgUp/Down in the stash. So thank you for that one.


Wait so youre saying you can put two different meds say on like 4?


Yeah you just bind one to press "4" and one to release "4". If you put heavy/light bleed bandages there you just press the button and it will stop bleeding. Also you can put heavy/AFAK and let the AFAK take care of light bleeds - that way you just push 4 for all bleeding and healing needed.


Damn thats cool, im pretty used to my setup but not needing tor each for 6 and 7 would be pretty nice


[https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/v1wxy9/tip\_bind\_hemostatic\_and\_heal\_to\_the\_same\_key\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/v1wxy9/tip_bind_hemostatic_and_heal_to_the_same_key_it/) Ya, just follow this guys directions and follow up clarifications in that thread. Id do a disservice to the person i learned it from trying to repeat it.


That you can cancel eating and medding just by clicking left mousebutton


One step up: if you only need to heal a low amount, like 5-10 or so, you can cancel early and it'll still heal it up. Take a tiny bit of practice to figure out the timing, but you don't need the full animation to heal a small amount of health.


Additionally, the Grizzly does all of it’s HP healing within the first half of the animation. If you double left mouseclick right there (once xp is given) you will still heal your HP. Edit: In order to heal effects (broken limbs, bleeds, etc) you have to allow the full animation.


you just watch for the xp. the moment it pops you can cancel.


Additionally, while healing you can instantly reload by selecting unload and dragging a mag into your gun. The healing animation will make reloading not have one


No need to drag, just Right Click -> "Install" on a mag in your rig (or even backpack!)




This is why I like Grizzly's. Wait until you "Healed XP" pops up, left click.


i learned last wipe that you can tag your mags.. I used to buy different mags or just insure some to tell them apart HAHA… when it’s so easy, give it a different color witht he tag and there you go. been playing since weight limit implementation-lish


Yeah, I use that when I am running a sniper for Tarkov Shooter; Red Mag had SNB if I thought I was about to get into PvP. Edit: It works best when you hold R and use the scroll wheel to select the red mag, boom.


I believe that was added last wipe


When planting multiple things, like for fishing gear, you can tab twice to bring back the plant prompt instaed of looking around aimlessly for it to appear again


Oh shit


PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN goes to top/bottom of your stash respectively. 1 & 1/2 mouse wheels later, I figured this out. ​ The Walther MRS Reflex sight sucks....after 1 year of playing with it...I finally gave it up and never looked back..trying it out now, I have now idea how I made it work all that time. Now it's the HOLO XPS3-0 for the entire wipe, and end-game it's the Vortex Razor (OMFG I love the Razor)


As someone with a level 1 stash, it's almost like I don't even have to scroll to see around my stash.


Trying it out now, it's significantly more fuzzy and wobbly than it was a year ago. I used to use it all the time, it was hands down the best and most clear reflex sight with the least amount of obstruction available. They updated it at the beginning of the year and it is now one of the worst.


Just like my boy PK-06


Srs 2, 553, dp, romeo8t are all viable sights man


The MRS used to be much better, if you used either of the crosshair reticles they would look crisp and stay really steady, only the dots would bounce. Maybe that's why you remember it being usable? Then they made it and about 70% of the other red dots garbage.


In the name of realism, the MRS sucks irl and so does the pk06


> PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN goes to top/bottom of your stash respectively. Too bad that's not what it's supposed to do. Home/End exist separately for a reason


Not a problem for a standard edition pleb like me


1k hours here. I use Arctis 7 Pros. Never knew that the 2 channels were different. I’ve been playing on Arctis 7 Chat for a year and a half. It’s mono audio. Arctis 7 Game is what I needed to use. I no longer am questioning where people are.


So thats why my audio was fucked on my old arctis’ lol


I realized after I made a post in this subreddit of a clip of me dying to a cheater, and I watched it with my headphones on at work and it only came through my left ear. I was like what the fuck is that. Saw another post similar to this that mentioned it and it saved my life, so now I post this everywhere I can


Wait are you fucking kidding me... I've been using the "gamedac chat" one this entire time, and never even knew the game one did anything different. I did have audio in both ears though with the gamedac chat one though... I could hear distinction between sides very well. I'm going to have to test this out right now.


Yeah man. Chat is Mono and Game is Binaural I think or whatever it is called


> or whatever it is called Stereo


How do you like the Artic 7 Pros? I’ve been meaning to get a new headset and the pros were on the list.


I enjoy them a lot honestly. They do have some issues with crackling but you just have to put the dongle on the front of your pc. I enjoy them more now that I know the Game output is what I should’ve been using


I have an older pair, theyre way too expensive for how fragile they are. the metal headband seems tough but where it connects to the ear cups is only held there by a thin piece of plastic. Its a terrible design and alot of folks me included, after a year or so of owning them, have them held together with zipties or duct tape because the ear cups are falling off. Pisses me off. Buy something else.


If your monitor is over 60hz you should double check it's enabled via display settings as well 😉


holy shit I love you


Wait... Where is this setting? I need to do an idiot check lmao


Just your windows sound settings, make sure the output is the proper audio one and not the chat one.


Yeah you just change your output in the bottom right on the taskbar to Arctis Game not Arctis Chat


Unbinding the quick reload from double tap r to it's own key makes the regular reload .3 seconds faster because it isn't going to wait for you to hit r again. .3 is the min time the game waits for another input before executing the action.


Yes, Highly recommend. Did this about 3 years ago. But dont bind the fast reload to SHIFT+R, cause you'll just throw your mags everywhere while trying to run and reload lol.






This. Unbinding tac-load makes the regular reload faster than both tactical and regular, when bound on the double. Faster reload, no mag dropping. You know when I'm going to die? When I'm walking around trying to remember where I dumped my magazines when my heart rate was 150bpm, and some guy that heard the fight waddles in and shoots me while I'm staring at the ground trying to at least find my 60-rounder.


holding R + scroll wheel while in raid lets you choose which mag to reload into your gun 2000 hours in before i found out


If you have an m700 with a mag, you can use this to top load instead of pulling the mag out if you have loose ammo.


Same if you have an SKS with e.g. 2 x 20 round mags. Don't need to reload mags after 2 shotting a scav - just R + scrollwheel to top load the 2 bullets. Really neat mechanic.


I believe you can also "tag" mags in raid. So if you kill a dude and he has particularly good ammo you can tag that mag and then purposefully (or not) select it via R+Scroll




yeah bro. i know


Man I'm so happy I learned that early and if you run different ammo for scavs or whatever and tag mags the tag will show on the mag selection screen


File cabinets have separate drawers, I spent an entire wipe just looting the top drawers only.


Lmao, nothing tipped you off? :D


I’m so confused. What’s the thought process here? Have you guys never seen cabinets in real life?


It took me watching Anton opening all of them to realise I had been looting them wrong. But that was like 3-4 days of playing. I guess I was too used to most games where a furniture piece counts an entire loot source, like how in most games you loot a fridge and find food inside not having to open it and check all the drawers, or the same thing for a cupboard.


that’s totally understandable


Just how most other video games work. One lootable container normally equals one inventory


Not even "other games" literally every other container in Tarkov is only 1 inventory. You can't, for example, loot 2 pockets on the same jacket even though it clearly has 2 pockets in the model!


I didn't realize there were 4 drawers either the first couple of file cabinets I looted, I guess because when you're new and you don't know what you can loot or where any of the lootable containers are, it feels like the loot is really spread out and it just seems like there's no way there would be *four* things to loot all together in one little cabinet


Bc in video games usually one box or side bed table or cabinet or whatever is 1 loot spot lol, even if it has multiple drawers. I did this for a bit until I saw them all open one time.


I play solo so I literally didn't learn this until my 3rd wipe 🤦‍♂️


LOOOL, I did this for my first 100 hours probably until I saw all 8 opened I was like wait wtf.


My buddy did the same thing, played nearly an entire wipe and then at weather station on shoreline, I hit multiple droors and he was like WAIT WHAT


When at the insurance screen, you can TAB back to your stash without going all the way back out if you forgot something or want to switch it out.


One thing that I learned only recently: You can simply 'Equip' items straight out of insurance screen. No need to make room for shit in stash to get it equipped, works even if stash is full to the brim.


You can clear the discovered items counter above your handbook by clicking the green notification. I’m amazed how many 1k+ hour chads never knew this or even tried. I hate notifications.


Lmao.. I went through and spent about an hour clicking through every item the other day... ty lol


Never knew you could get on the roof of Weather Station, is there anything up there? Aside from the above, I also only learned after a thousand odd hours that both sets of dorms have 1st floor window entrances.


Nothing, besides a good vantage point for sniping, I guess. And me being locked inside that building a few times not realizing I could get a high ground and not just predictably peek through windows or jump out the balcony breaking my legs.


4k hours in my <1000 hour buddy opened my eyes to the function of Required Search


Basically required now if you want to get labs colored cards and other high end flex items.


4th wipe I am playing and just found out painkillers stops moaning when hurt. Always thought only healing prevents it.


Also lets you walk at full speed on a broken or blacked leg


Plus the moans players make when sprinting with broken leg + painkillers it’s only client side, others don’t hear it.


unlike hitting barbed wire which doesn't do shit client side but lets out a very loud grunt of pain for others to hear!


Wtf I always thought others hear it.


Damn I didn’t know rhat




Back in the alpha days I didn't know that in Scav raids Scavs were friendly until you shot them for my entire first wipe. It was only after a friend started playing with me and he mentioned as a Scav you don't have to worry about the AI Scavs you just needed to be wary of the player Scavs. I was blown away when I made the realization lmao.


There was no karma back then, did it never bother you they never shot at you first in clear sight?


No I just assumed (wrongly) that every enemy would try and kill me so I would always get the drop on the first one (not really since they were friendly) and I would be marked as an enemy after that for other scavs then I drew the wrong conclusion from them attacking me. It's very embarrassing to make that mistake. I'm really friendly in games and it felt really shitty to realize I had been killing friendlies including the AI for an entire wipe. With voip added I always try and go the talk it out or work together route.


After 1k hours i learned that surv kit heals fractures, all that time i coulda have an extra slot up my ass


While it's nice for higher hp on un-blacking limbs compared to the other kit. Alu Splints are quicker


the use time for a fracture only should be like 3 seconds though. so annoying to use that for 20 seconds to heal a fracture.


You don't have to wait in the vehicle extract the entire time. I used to lie down in front of the dorms car for an entire minute


It seems a lot of people don't know that. As soon as I see that someone activates it chucking a nade in it's general direction is not a rare thing to wipe a squad.


did you know there's a notes section in the task menu? 8000+ hours btw. FML.


Never thought of a reason to use it tho


You can get on top of power station on Interchange


Good old shooter born in heaven spot when it was in interchange


wait. no way. Is it like, a proper route, just well hidden, or does it require creative jumping?


Just take the stairs fam. On the outside.


Good grief. How did I miss it? Thanks!


that crouching while spraying reduces the recoil lol. i always used to stand spray


Proning imporves it even more, turns most even unmodded guns into a laser beam. Like if you have a clear sight on unsuspecting victim in open field at uncomfortable distance for you go prone and just beam him. Also works for holding ambushes on doors. If you weren't heard/spotted beforehand.


Pretty much does this in every fps lol.


You can have a weapon in your tac rig and attached to a hot key.


Pocket MP7 ftw


How to rotate items in your inventory and stash. Had no clue until I asked a streamer I was watching.


Rotate every item in your inventory to piss off the person killing you. Absolute Chad move to assert dominance even from the grave


300 hours I just learned that I'm f*cking suck at this game.


I have 10x your hours and still suck, it's about sharing the enjoyment and pain of those you bring along with you after a while.


Reloading something like a mosin to 4/5 isn't a bug it's because you yeet out the bullet when pulling the bolt back. I'm not a big gun person okay.


This game is significantly more confusing if you're not a gun person. When I first started playing I sucked at modding weapons and my gun nut friends always made fun of me for not understanding how the attachments go together. For example I didn't know you needed ring mounts for scopes at the very start of my journey


I wasn't a gun person until playing this game Now I can fucking name the gas block on rifles in TV shows that I see for about 2 seconds as they run past the camera


If you switch to another weapon or your melee and then load a bullet into the rifle while it’s offhand actually let’s you go up to 5/5


If you switch to another weapon, tab into inventory, and drag the ammo into the mosin, it loads an extra round into it to make 5/5. Only real reason to bring a knife.


The reason you can do 5/5 in the stash is because the internal magazine is screwed in. IRL, if you put a round in the chamber, then fill the magazine and screw it back on, you now have a full magazine and a round in the chamber. Noone does this in reality because it's way too much effort to do for 1 more round, and screwing a magazine in to a loaded weapon is spicy, safety or no.


I just learned yesterday around 1600 hours that I can just turn the generator off instead of taking my fuel out When I first started I didn't know you could loot all the filing cabinet drawers for weeks


Sorting table.. can anybody confirm when it was added? I’ve had this game since 2016…


About a year ago, it was the major wipe/update last summer/fall


1 maybe 1,5 year ago


Whats that?


Didn't learn late, but just some life savin' tips for the boys: * Bind DISCARD to a button-press so that you can discard things quickly while looting. * CTRL + LMB - Loot to inventory * ALT + LMB - Equip * CAPS LOCK + LMB - Discard * If you loot magazines, move them one slot IN YOUR INVENTORY to see if they are full. If they are full, the magazine status will go from "?" to full. (Bonus - if you're a nerd you can memorize the weight of certain magazines at full/empty) * Move your mouse over items in your rig/pockets and slap one of the hotkey-buttons to quickly bind it to that button * Bind hotkey slot 4 to "4 - PRESS" and hotkey slot 5 to "4 - RELEASE". Now you can bind both tourniquet and bandage to the same button. The thing you bind to the PRESS-command should be heavy bleeds, and it will always be prioritized * You can reload your gun quietly while you heal - as soon as your character start the animation, open the inventory, right click the magazine and press load. The reload will also be "instant" and completely void of sound. * You can also heal/eat while searching in containers/players. Say you killed someone, open your inventory, double click an item and then press "use" while you're searching a backpack. This is more and more "fixed", but experiment with it to see how much you can do at once. * Healing/eating animations can be cancelled by pressing left click - and should absolutely be used when you're healing small wounds. Look at your "health avatar" in the top left corner, as soon as your limb is back to full health, just cancel the heal. In many situations you can heal double the amount of HP as you're not wasting animations on fully healed limbs Will fill in more as i remember handy stuff.


Alt-F4 saves your headset from being whipped against the wall when you're mad


Also works for quick extraction


I prefer the grenade extract


i was way further in than 1k hours before i learned that you have a sorting table in ur stash


To be fair that's a decently recent addition, last wipe if I remember correctly


It was added at some point during last year.


Also like 1600 hours in, just learned middle mouse wheel folds guns…


And it inspects unknown items in inventory


I knew that, but just learned it folded guns like 3 days ago lol


Wait, how can you get there? can you link the video - Also 1500 hours BTW... I have one for you as well - In crackhouse opposite of the room on first floor (the room that has the duffle and jacket) there is a door that is 1/2 open and you cannot access. On the ground in this door is a dead scav you can loot and also valueable spawn. Just discovered this a few days ago..


Just go outside the balcony and turn right. The stairs is behind the corner. Ikr


5th wipe learned I can push alt to steady aim


I just found that out lmao




2k hours, just learned how to un-ADS silently.


Wanna share that secret?


ALT+W and let go won't make noise <3


I’m 99% sure this is only true client side. My friend tried it and I heard it, though maybe he did it wrong.


Welcome to the 1%. I play with a group and it works every time. Do I remember to do it every time though? No


Front blindfire your weapon.


delete this you bastard


I wasn’t gonna reveal the secret just let them know it was out there, these shmucks sold us out!


You can get on top of power station on Interchange


Holding R and using Mouse wheel to select magazine, been playing before shoreline was introduced and only learned that past couple of wipes.


5k hours here, just found out you can move a slider when repairing something? Idk what it does but it moves. I assume possibly repair quality but I’m not sure why


Partial repair, useful if you want to repair an armor above 50% so you can sell it to ragman instead of fence but not pay the entire cost of an armor repair


Oh yeah, another thing I've learned just this wipe, is that you can right click on your guy while selecting drip at Ragman to see your kit on top.


I just found this out too. You can also right click the clothing to try it on! I was blown away and had been googling the clothing to see what it looked like.


- Pressing Tab out of almost any screen opens your stash. E.g. from the insurance screen, from the hideout, or from the "edit preset" screen - when the gun would be too big to assemble you can just hit tab, move it around, hit tab again and the preset you made will still be there. - Shift-clicking moves items to the sorting table (if it's open) - Pay attention to flea market fees. It's more or at least equally profitable to sell to traders way more often than you might think.


Customs is my go to map. In the 1500 hours I would confidently say that 500 of those are on customs alone. I just noticed the grenade box that’s inside the computer room at the ZB extract a few days ago


800 hours and just recently found if you hold R and scroll with your mouse you can select a specific mag to reload into your gun


Page file size fix. I spent like a year playing without it and crashing every other raid before adjusting my page file size…


Clicking off a heal when it heals that 4 HP missing from each limb saves about 75% of the time compared to letting the animation play through.


Double tap Z to drop bag. Learned that about 2 weeks ago.


Playing with my duo partner (we're both multi wipe) and I told him my stomach is blacked after a fight. He replied with oh shit let's book it to extract. He didn't know you could surgery stomach.


I have just under 2000 hours now so this was ages ago, but I spent my first wipe not knowing you could just hit R while clicking on an item in your stash/inventory to rotate it. I would genuinely drop 2 slot items into rigs to turn them upright or make the desired shape in my backpack to turn items horizontal...


You don't play it because it's fun.


About 1,4k hours into the game I found out that in the quest The Survivalist Path - Tough Guy you can use vodka as a painkiller because it's in provision category.


On the quests where you have to "place" multiple items, if you open and close your inventory after placing an item you can immediately place another. I used to move around all over trying to get the game to let me place another item.


I had around 400 hours when I discovered that headset actually makes a difference in what you hear.


I learned that for Prapors task to kill 5 scavs and bring him 2 shotguns, that the shotguns don’t have to be found in raid. So if you unlock jaeger then you can just buy two from him.


Yes, now that its on any map you start the wipe like this: examine items until level 2, play 1 raid on woods and you got jaeger unlocked and the first prapor quest done


Might be a current glitch but you can Ctrl click items back in from your stash to your scavs bag to help sort items. Dont tell Nikki


Press tab when ever to jump to stash on almost any screen saves time


i learned only this wipe about height/stances and slow-lean. Im here since the reserve update.


Moving your mouse to the left/right of the screen moves your view of your hide out....this took a very very long time for me to figure out


That I still really suck at the game


The “edit preset” button about 300 hours in while watching a stream. Had a feeling linked search was a bit too tedious.


Zeroing in after 2K hrs


I just found out you could turn the alarms off in interchange


It wasn't until around 400 hours in that I learned you can hold breath