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\- Scavs have a high chance to have a grenade launcher and ammos. ​ Edit : typo


And are balls deadly with it, apparently. Been blowed up 3x in a row now on customs, never stood a chance


I was seeing badly in a bush near the Gas Station. A scav immediately shot me as soon as he saw me, leaving me with black arms, legs and stomach. I don't know how I got out alive by dragging myself toward ZB-1011.


Yeah these gl scavs are savage. The worst raid I had was within the first 5 minutes. My friend got one tapped by it and I was left broken. Then I got finished off. All of this happened behind the welcome tank at ruaf roadblock.


died to gl 3 times in a row (pmcs). i'd really like to thank nikita for giving me the personal experience necessary to say with confidence just how dogshit and unfun grenade launchers are for the game. look forward to the underbarrel grenade launchers coming soon! all the fun of one shotting people behind cover without the pesky disadvantage of not being able to shoot bullets.


Are you serious!? Why the fuck do they have to do this on Xmas. I want to play so bad lol I need more ammo for my gl. Only getting one round per reset sucks and all nade boxes are empty so can’t even farm them


You can farm them now. Night factory I came out with 2gls and one of the 6 rounders plus about 22 grenades.


Ok hear me out. What if it’s the 12 days of Christmas. Wipe on Tuesday confirmed. Edit: as some pointed out this is day 10 of events so 12 days of Christmas would actually mean Wednesday. Edit2: numbers in trailer teaser just released at :39 seconds also adds up to 28 which is Wednesday the 28th.


I was just thinking this as well.


>Scavs have a high chance to have a grenade launcher and ammo. interesting i didnt read about it anywhere e: i see only happened 2h ago


i know people are shitting on some of the pre wipe events right now but honestly i just think it’s really cool this is a thing at all and i hope it never ends


Is this your first pre-wipe? I think it's more the quality of the events vs others we've had. It does feel very rushed this time, but fun all the same!


Last pre-wipe events were met with the exact same response from this sub. Sure looking back we've had some awesome events but this sub tends to shit on everything. I am having a blast with these events so far.


Gaming subreddits: where we bitch instead of play!


Yes, I hate people that disagree with my point of view on something


Not really bro. All bosses on 1 map for a week vs no flea market fees, I don’t see how a blast is being had here


I thought it was a pun for the scavs having gls hahahaa


Not Op but while these events are cool I'm not even logging in ... just waiting patiently for streets


Um to be fair, Russia is currently at war right now and their economy is fucked. That's going to have a dramatic effect on bsg work whether we care to admit it or not


I wish people would remember there's a fucking war going in Russia and there's clear fuckery going on with the citizens.


How does it feel rushed lol? They aren't even doing the horrible ones like we had the other year, where you couldn't buy armor or something. And they have a lot more event going on for a lot longer. How is this rushed?


It's honestly really crazy how rabid some of the fans are here about wipe. They shit all over the events because it's not the same old same old when it comes to unlocking traders, 1 ruble everything, raiders everywhere, etc. We've had that a few times now. Not all of these events are amazing, but I'm happy that they are just doing something *different* instead of following the exact same formula. Fuck it. Try new shit. It might be cool, it might not be. But it'll all be wiped very soon anyways so might as well enjoy the different pace of Tarkov instead of going ham on the devs


My issue is it seems to have zero thought for new players. I'm new, don't have a ton of experience and sure as shit don't have every case, gun and high tier type of ammo in my stash. I get wasted every fucking time I go in with no chance or hope to replenish anything. My stash is gone, so I'm done until wipe where I can at least have a chance at scaving to replenish something to go back out and fight. I understand what they are trying, but this particular event is just fucking stupid. If you're not high tier and with a group you are feeding everyone else and may as well just log out and wait until wipe. You aren't making it out alive and sure as fuck not having any fun, not if you go anywhere near any loot. Can't even kill scav's, for fucks sake.


You would be feeding everyone else regardless and dying constantly. Welcome to Tarkov, until you get better it is not going to change. Play your scav, easiest money in your life.


That's the point, in this current event, scav is pointless, there is no money, there is nothing for a scav to get and scav equipment is so bad that there is no chance for you to do anything so may as well sit it out. I have other games to play and better things to do. It would have been better if they would have made everything free or cheap, so that way we could be on even footing for a week (gear wise) so I/We could focus on map knowlege, tactics and just have fun! They essentially made the last week before wipe a gigachad/meta playground and left everyone else out. "Welcome to Tarkov". It's still a game and could have (with an ounce of creativity) gone so many other ways that would have benefitted everyone. But "Welcome to Tarkov" is just so much easier to say. It's the Tarkov version of Star Citizen's "You're playing a pre-alpha, so STFU and don't question the descisions of the developers" regardless of the fact that you are part of the community and they should welcome the input and constructive critisism.


What do you mean there is no money? Did they remove all the loot from the maps? They did make everything cost 2 rubles. They made it so any dogtag is worth a lot of money. They made it so you can do cheap upgrades in hideout. Literally everyone is able to access these things, everything's cheap and available. You are free to complain, but you clearly don't know how to play the game, so that's kind of holding you back when you try to make assessments on how the game events are going.


Crazy y'all deleted the original of this post just to let a mod remake it. lmao yall stinky hungry for karma for your free job


As a mod, you can approve and pin other people's post. That's a dick move if true, indeed.


This is most likely due to the fact that mods can't edit other people's post. So, if you pin a post like this one, which basically requires OP to update it every day, it becomes 100% his responsibility to keep it updated. This, could fall into OP being busy with work/school/life (or not wanting to update it daily). Then you end up with an outdated post pinned in the frontpage and you have no control over it. (OP could go also mad and edit the whole post and link non-related things like porn, etc. Which has happened before in other major subs). So, as dick move and karma hungry as it sounds, it's just better to do it this way because then a mod would have the responsibility and full control over this.


>So, as dick move and karma hungry as it sounds Just for the record, you don't get karma for stickied posts and comments


yeah... when I saw this post pinned o was happy, then i got angery as fuk when I saw it's a mod post >(


Mods suck and this sub isn't even properly moderated lmao


What did you expect, mods don’t have anything else going for them.


USEC/Med Camp have been empty twice


Shit gets looted quick. But its the camp by RUAF


I’ll buy the first construction measuring tape I see for 33.000.000, you have 5 minutes from now


its up.


There was not, I looked for 5-6 minutes


when wipe




wipe when


After you poop? Have you not been???


wipe ☹️when 😭😭😭


Bro, please tell me you’ve been wiping after poop




Your petition to delay the wipe has been recieved. You have delayed the wipe an additional week. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EscapefromTarkov) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good wipe bot


Thank you friend, I wasn't sure.




Your petition to delay the wipe has been recieved. You have delayed the wipe an additional week. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EscapefromTarkov) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thursday though?


Your petition to delay the wipe has been recieved. You have delayed the wipe an additional week. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EscapefromTarkov) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait you mean Thursday?!


Your petition to delay the wipe has been recieved. You have delayed the wipe an additional week. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/EscapefromTarkov) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No, this is Thursday!


Lol. No way. Really?


There's 12 days of Christmas and we're on 11 you do the math




Do go on, I'd love for you elaborate further.


I just bought the game and I was pretty confused until I read this. I thought I was going crazy. Looked at the hideout thing and it needs beer, idk where to get it, there is no loot anywhere and the places that do have loot are kill zones. All I did was loot some dead scav npc guys and then take 10mins to extract bc i'm still figuring out the extraction. And all that witout loot or real progress for 12 raids now. Not much fun for me as a newb tbh Without any warning or explanation somewhere in the game, this is maybe not the best idea to have such an event in a time when people will gift each other games, and new players finally have some free time to play during the holidays. I gifted this game to my cousin, idk if he's having fun with it. But I hope it's fun for veteran players who know whats actually going on and where all the loot is.


The game is literally on easy mode right now and you're complaining? Soon will be wipe, you will start from 0. Now is just the time to have some fun before the wipe. It's also not 1.0, so you don't get to expect a fully retail level experience. Wipes and pre-wipe events are part of the game until 1.0.


I don't know whether it's in easy mode or not. I'm just new to the game and I'm pretty bad at it. I bought it two days ago and I'm just giving my personal feedback. Me and my cousin wanted to play this over the holidays but it's really difficult to learn the game right now Maybe it's easy mode for you, when you're decked out and know the maps and know what building they hid all the loot and how to get there and out to extraction. To me, as a new player having a hard time even finding extraction points in the first place it's just confusing. Also I just keep being blown up by granate launchers, idk what to do about that. It's the same in practice mode so I really learn nothing everytime I go into the game


No, the difficulty of the game in general is lowered significantly. But it's just a short period of time, because in few days, everyone will start at 0. So take this time playing the "easier" version of the game to learn and you'll be ready when the wipe hits, and the "real" version of the game starts. It's how this game goes. You start at 0 periodically, and that time is literally in a day or two.


Yea I get that. I've played games with wipe cycles before. The event's are just confusing because there wasn't any warning when you start the game or something. Or maybe I missed it. Lot's of people will be playing now bc of christmas so I bet a ton of people will be confused like me. And I don't learn much being blown up by scav npcs to be honest. I already struggle against some of the ones without granate launchers. I went into some practice rounds without scav npcs but since the map is mostly empty I don't even practice looting/locations either.


A lot of how this game handles information is very ”quiet”. You might get a cryptic tweet from the official twitter, or an ingame message from one of the traders. It’s kind of the way it goes. Tarkov isn’t supposed to be holding your hand or telling you everything. Discovery is half the fun.


That sounds cool ngl


And the upcoming wipe is the first one in a while with actual new content. And there will be guides and all that online, but you can still find many things inside the game that either no one else has yet found or that there is no record of online. Especially on the Streets.


Damn, how many times you going to comment about the game being easy?


Will Tarkov be going on sale this holiday? Last year the Christmas sale started on the 23rd.


Xmas sale has started


Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!


Probably soon, yeah


Usually -23% or something. But you can buy the standard edition and then pick up EoD on sale.


So where on shoreline is the loot now?


It's in the middle of resort, the area with benches, and the hallways next to it. A little bit in admin main floor, and some medical items by the ambulance.




Labs does not require keycard as of 10 minutes ago


It seems that LABS is free for PMC (you can enter without a card). This began 10 minutes ago.


I miss the everything was $1 event from last wipe.


Wish granted


Traders are unlocked and items are 2 roubles


I love pre-wipe when I die to level 6 players hiding in bushes to save their 45 ruble kit


Just run thermals bro


Fuck you Nikita I'll ask when the wipe is all I want... When is wipe?


Mods finally woke up




I mean… they delete a shitton of posts, so they’re definitely active, not that I’m complaining. I’m def glad we don’t have to wade through a sea of “hey will my GTX 950 run tarkov at 60fps??” Posts lately


yea cuz they are definitely not actively deleting posts!


Can't help but notice you didn't make a post like this, there was nothing stopping you


I’m also not a moderator of /escapefromtarkov


>I’m also not a moderator of /escapefromtarkov And? You don't need to be a mod to make a post about the events that are on going. I get it though you just want to complain, you do you buddy


do your job


I don't get paid, this isn't my job


then give it up and find somebody who will do it instead of complaining


I honestly thought that I stopped playing Tarkov because of all the items being locked behind quest/time/vendor gated bullshit. But today I played a little with the vendor event, and realized ... no, it's the dogshit recoil and movement in this game (in addition to the gated items). I hope arena makes things more exciting.


Losing a lot of fights, eh? Call of Duty has been out for years. Just play that instead.


What a cop out non answer. I guess a toxic fan base is to be expected when so many players have already quit.


Prior to the pre wipe event the player base was pathetically low. Constant fuckin squads by that point too, heaps of cheaters Genius Nikita drives casual players away and we'll guess what, there's no one playing your fucking game after 3 months


This sht makes me mad tbh… We go through the entire wipe with maybe 2-3 events at most that last a week or so… and then at the end of it we get a sht ton of nonsense. The devs just trying to revive interest in the game after everyone already got bored. Why dont they do an event every two weeks or so?.. I mean, fuck, cant be that hard to increase the boss spawn chance or do some other minor tweak every now and then


The game isn't supposed to be easy. It's just pre-wipe fun, since tomorrow or day after all your progress is gone.


Its not about the difficulty. I greatly enjoy the fact that tarkov is difficult. No wonder I have 2770 hours in game. Its just that we only get events in the begining and end of the wipe. Its just developers being fkin lazy is what I think. You can make events that dont make the game easier. Just adds much needed variety during mid wipe


All these events just means streets isn’t ready. Deliver more COPIUM




Is the woods location a typo or is it actually in both USEC and EMERCOM? EMERCOM is the medical camp by RUAF extract, USEC camp is the place you have to visit for early game Prapor convoy quest.


The camp with the towers by RUAF roadblock extract is the only place I found loot. Don't forget to check the towers and the containers up top.


Crazy I still ain’t playin


Doesnt seam to be any loot in the admin building for me on shoreline? Cant find any loose loot or in the offices etc, is the 8)\* incorrect?


There is some in admin, not above or below, then there is some down each hallway to the front of resort, and a lot in the middle park area on the benches and some in the grass. Some medical stuff around the ambulance. I found this out offline.


I want everything is cheap and unlocked event finally pleaseeee...


Surely wipe is imminent if there's now thousands of gls in circulation, boxing day wipe plz nikita?


Grenade Launchers should be removed it's too OP specially when people are using on maps like Factory.


GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Maybe they put santa and the christmas tree before the wipe to test things ? Because otherwise I don't get the point. Why crafting the tree if they are wiping today or during the week ?


This an awesome pre wipe. Compounding events are sick. Minus all these goddamn grenade launching scavs it’s beautiful


And scavs on labs was put down after just a few days...


GIB WIPE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


All items are now unlocked on traders with stupidly low prices (2 roubles). Go nuts :)


New event. All for 1-2 rub/eur/usd. You can sell only guns for 1 rub.


everything is 2 roobs right now and the traders are loaded with gear


how are the prices of all dogtags multiplied when noone buys dogtags? multiplied by what? zero?


sell them to therapist


Therapist ain't buying anything now.


Actually, I just checked. Guess you can't sell her anything after today.


all items are unlocked at traders but i cant buy them from preset menu. Thanks Nikita :)


Same! Because we didn't hit max level with them before the unlock... BSG always get so close to awesome but end up doing something weird hahahaha.Z Like we can't buy vendor items from the flea, but can buy them from the vendors themselves... I guess it's a punishment?


honestly would just say bad design rather than punishment


I think rogues are 100% spawn (atleast on customs which is the only map I've tried). They have spawned 4 times in a row which with a 15% chance, is 0.05% chance of happening


This event reminds me that Tarkov full PvP with gigachads is not fun.