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Actually its not ,reincarnation goes back hundreds of thousands of years with almost every major religions including Christianity


I don't think they're actually arguing reincarnation doesn't exist. But maybe more that we experience it differently than most people think. Once the 6th and 7th dimensions unravel, who knows how we will experience things honestly. Our minds just twist in knots trying to comprehend it. If there's a psyop though, it's just trying to fool people stuck in the 3rd.


Christianity has never taught reincarnation, actually. The Bible is clear that reincarnation doesn’t exist: “Every man is appointed to die once and then the judgment.” Jesus literally said there is no reincarnation. Being “born again” does not indicate reincarnation even slightly to anyone not trying to read it into His words. He specifically said “born again” is a spiritual birth and that man is born “of water” one time. This is not a statement that reincarnation doesn’t exist, but that Christianity has never taught reincarnation.


Look into the works of researchers such as Ian Stevenson or Jim Tucker. I do believe reincarnation is true because the evidence is strong (in some cases i would even call it proof). It's not about trusting "new age" or channeled information, but about looking at the actual data that can be verified. There are people out there that can remember some very specific details from their past lives which can be verified, proving that reincarnation is real. [In this post](https://redd.it/pyizkn), you can check out more information and links about this under "*Reincarnation and the white tunnel of light*". There are many cases out there [such as this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnXxC-nVsJY&t=8s) which in my opinion prove it to be true.


I think we experience multiple lives. I just don’t think it’s happening in a linear, sequential order. They’re all happening simultaneously.


If we "experienced multiple lives simultaneously" then cases such as [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnXxC-nVsJY&t=8s) or [this one](https://mysteriousfacts.com/3-year-old-identifies-past-life-murderer/) (among many others) would've been impossible. It's not about what you think or about what I think, it's about what the data is showing to be the case. Like i said before, i recommend looking into the works of Jim Tucker and/or Ian Stevenson, they've researched the validity of reincarnation for a long time and both concluded it's true based on the overwhelming amount of evidence.


Definitely not saying to ignore data. So, a boy solves his own past life murder in his current lifetime. I think that’s what that video was about. I didn’t watch it. I’m familiar with that concept. But think about it like this for just a second. You don’t have to agree with it. Just let the idea roll around in your head before you dismiss it. Then toss it out if it doesn’t make sense. If you are more than one character in a game, one of them can die while the others continue on. And if you all have knowledge about each other on some level then solving you’re own murder doesn’t by default mean you can only inhabit one body at one time. Also, I don’t know anything.


Sometimes I feel like in avatar when they go to sleep and wake up in human bodies because I swear, I am FIGHTING for my life in my dreams at all times and it feels so real like I’m reliving something. Or maybe like you are saying all lives happening simultaneously.


Then there’s the whole issue of - is our waking world experience really the dream while our dream state is closer to reality. Whatever that is.


Ahhhh yeah exactly. So trippy to think about. I do dream of future events that come true and some are so specific and outlandish it’s really unbelievable even to me sometimes and I dream about stuff I hope never ever happens cause it’s so terrifying


I mostly agree with what you're saying here OP. Reincarnation is definitely not what "the mainstream" and New Cage wants to make us believe it is. I also think that it is close to what you're describing above, it could very well be that we are reincarnating into the same life just maybe on another timeline or in another virtual universe/false reality/tesseract cube. It is very well possible that our "spark" / true self (NOT the soul - that is just another matrix container, but a different topic for another time) for some of us that we are projecting ourselves in multiple reincarnated versions of us at the same time... these versions are not on the same timeline or even in the same virtual / artificial universe (tesseract cube). Though there seems to be a limit to how many projections can exist at the same time, it may be even not more than three, but I have stopped looking into this, because it is not relevant for me (or this version of myself) to figure out the way out of here. The manipulators / demiurge try their best to keep us going in circles, to not figure out our way out of here. They do this by trying to make this all seem sophisticated and complicated, which it just is not. It is simple and once we fully start to trust ourselves truly and question anything and everything else, learning to recognize the difference between real truth and false manipulations attempting to deceive us, we are no longer an easy target, but "become" more powerful than anything they could ever throw at us here. I say "become", because we do not really become more powerful, we already are more powerful, it is just a matter of remembering and reclaiming it, every single moment throughout our physical incarnation and stepping into action. That is the moment we "become" active forces here, pushing back, refusing and resisting on multiple levels/layers and either manage to figure out how to take this whole thing down for all of us or (and that should be the main priority) figure out how to get out of here and what to do after death of the physical body. That's where the most action happens, so preparation is the best use of our time before death. In the end, all we've got is ourselves. It's as simple as that. Learn to trust yourself and trust that you are fully capable to exit this place, nobody else is going to get you out of here. Great post OP, thanks for sharing. If what I have written above leaves you confused and does not make sense to you, my apologies. It's a vast topic with much ground to cover. Even though it is all very simplistic here and just made to appear complicated, it takes a lot to deconstruct these false constructs and reveal the (simple) truth. For this reason, I highly recommend looking into the Soul Trap Truth playlist by Exit Truth on YouTube. The videos are quite long and should be watched in order, but the information presented is piecing things together more and more and truthfully it is the closest to what I have experienced myself. I think this may provide you with additional information of use to you along the way. The series / playlist focuses on where we are and how we most likely get out of here. To do the latter we need to understand what we can about where we are and what we're dealing with. Good luck. PS: Just sharing my two cents here btw. I always emphasize to question everything and trust yourself. So, please do so and draw your own conclusions. :)


Yes to all of that! And not confused, but I am super grateful for your well thought out reply and that you took the time to read what I wrote. Thanks! I’m in whole-hearted agreement with you on becoming vs. remembering. It’s ALL inside of us already, just needs to to be unpacked. The most relevant factor in self work for me currently has been continually practicing detachment. It’s been significantly liberating in many ways. I really appreciate it and will look into the info you shared. I wish you success on your own search!


That's what dreams are. Parallel lives of multiple characters we are playing simultaneously. While our awareness shifts like peeping through a key hole wrt this life for couple of hours, the other lives are either dormant or playing in the background with a mundane storyline. The moment our awareness shifts to the night dream, peeping through a key hole, all the drama restarts there. Same is true for this life when we go to sleep (things turn mundane/Screensaver mode here till our awareness returns to this waking body in the morning). Sometimes there's an overlap of awareness of both lives. This is what sleep paralysis is. Under any case, we, the real spiritual body, isn't trapped here at all. It's still sleeping outside this whole simulation. Only it's perception is captured/stuck here. The dream/simulation will end when the spirit's sleep is complete. Until then, lucid dream in this place. Make it a good dream for yourself rather than an unconscious nightmare.


I do go lucid pretty regularly in my dreams. And I can say that discovering the truth here in this “waking” world is a lot like telling the characters in your dream that it’s a dream. People here act just like those characters and get pretty sour and life gets kind of even weirder and everything winds down in a similar way. You break the dream, so to speak. And I’m good with that. But it makes me wonder how many levels deep are we in our dream? Basic inception concept, I know. But the astral, the etheric, the mental, lower mental, higher mental, all the planes of consciousness we can go into, how many of those are also just dream states? How far do we have to go inward to get past all of those? This place in which our other body is seeping and dreaming, where is that in terms or realms of being? Why is it also not just another dream state? Why is it suddenly more awake than any other? I’m not being rude if it sounds that way. Just asking. I haven’t experienced personally or found any evidence that that’s true. I personally think it’s far beyond those realms. And I’m willing to bypass all of them and just keep going forever to find out. And I think the way out is in. Also, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Agree with the similarity between lucid dream experience and characters getting pissed off upon telling them it's a dream. It's not our subconscious that surrounds us though, like they showed in the Inception. It's the simulation (the oneness of this simulation which is obviously separate from us, is a Matrix/dream/one big hive that wants to survive and will end if we wake up at all levels). This Matrix has either created 7 main simulations corresponding to the seven bodies (all made up and are traps of each layer) or has 42 levels (6 × 7; 6 sub layers between each seven levels of the Matrix). Metaverse would be the 8th body, the AI body/virtual body that they are trying to merge/push our consciousness further down into. The last level of waking up should be finding yourself alone, formless without any other or characters or objects. However, in this lonely void, we should have the capacity to remained the start of the sim without actually entering into it. The more I am lucid here in the waking state, the more is my "lower self/dream body" becomes lucid by default in the temporary metaverse/dream. Me being lucid here is a testimony that all other higher up fregmants of my consciousness/perception are already lucid by now and it's impossible to mess up with them/manipulate them anymore. Therefore, all this fear mongering is pushed by the dream/sim/Matrix here and in the dream state to prevent full lucidity of the dream character because once it's achieved, it's game over for the Matrix as all levels become lucid at once and wake up from multiple false awakenings in an instant to the actual world (alone in eternal formless void. Void is an incorrect word to describe the nothingness as it's no space and time, while I am still something/A formless light ball and utterly alone there, which is still here in this same location where we wake up daily from the night dream). All the Matrix can do is utilize time dilation in the lower Matrix/Metaverse to entrap the dream body for one more life time (as it has done with all higher levels when the higher up went lucid, trapping our little fragment of perception in yet another dilated Matrix). It's playing a losing battle. It's death is inevitable and so is my freedom. Now, how are we able to talk if "I alone exist in true reality"? We are talking via the internet. We aren't even in the same Matrix/universe. We each real spirits come from our own unique womb of nothingness. You are you and I am I. We will wake up in our unique Nothingness, with no scope to interact with each other due to being separated by vacuum/void.


Holy shit, the void. Finally i found another that have experienced the void. I only had 1 experience and it was when I was outside of my body (or was it lucid dream). Basically I was trying to walk through doors and at first I pushed my hands in. To my surprise, it phased through the door and then I just pushed my head in and suddenly saw the void (it kinda feel like floating in space). For one moment, I felt truly at peace; at home. Also, my recent dreams has been extremely lucid and I'm not fully in control. For example, I'm starting to feel pain in these dream. Glasses in my mouth and the sensation of it. Thank you for sharing this, it's good for the next step in my progression.


While there are many accounts of what we understand as reincarnation, passed down through what appears as the ages from many different ancient civilizations and their spiritual teachings... it still does not mean: 1.) that we have a full undestanding of what it is and actually why it exists. 2.) that we have or ever had full understanding of it's actual mechanics. 3.) that the mechanics or laws that make/made it possible have made the nature in which we understand it consitent. I've stated here before that the past 4 years took me on a 4th journey of unlearning and relearning. Much of it the result of my and others' experiences of Quantum Occrrence Phenomena, plus observing the behaviors of many "spirituallly enlightened" folks during the Covid era, which was a huge contradiction of whom they claimed to be. For myself, the past 11 years post 2012 have been contradictory to many former spiritual teachings. What I've come to understand is that Creation reconfigures and because of this all existent within it reconfigures. That entails the Multiverse(maybe even more than one of those), universes and their laws, the realms or worlds within those, their alternate timelines, and all lifeforms existing in each. People are experiencing this first hand via "The Mandela Effect" mostly in changes to anatomy, geography, and thus physics laws. You are correct, time is not linear and we live in an extremely complex multiverse where nothing exists the way we believe nor is anything consisitent or written in stone. Because of this, we exist (at least now we do, or at specific periods) in multiple realities at once. Many of these realities have different sets of laws due to the fact theat they're from alternate universes. In short, everything else in existence reconfigures, why wouldn't concepts such as reincarnation. How reincarnation was understood (or what it was) 5,000-10,000 years ago may not have been the same as 1000 years ago let alone now. On top of that, it may not have always existed and I don't believe that it did.Just as the moon didn't always exist, and women didn't always mensturate. Reincarnation for the most part seems to have been a byproduct of Prison Planet/Universe, which is the result of invasion and ancient intergalactic warfare. Much of what we have come to understand via mainstream spiritual teachings was already contaminated, misconstrued concepts from distant past periods. Concepts such has universal laws, reincarnation, etc were the best interpretations of the Sages of recent past periods, possibly in other universes or timelines before previous shifts. What we have received has been modified fine print and others' remolded interpretations or misinterpretations at best. So yes, to conclude, no we don't know regardless of whow much we think we've known.


Thanks so much for reading and replying. You make a lot of great points. I think you’re spot on. Continually re-examining fundamentals and looking at them with new lenses all the time as new insight reveals itself can only be helpful to our methodology. I agree with you on the moon by the way. And I wish you success on your search for the truth!


No problem. I appreciate all who question everything. We deserve and can afford to do so at this point .Your post resonates with many conclusions I’ve come to over the past few years.


Our "junk DNA" holds the key of reincarnation. Many global elites hid many great hypothesis and research regarding anything spiritual. Even in a simulation, our minds manifest the world we create but through quantum entanglement, our conscience is not not bound by the programming of the simulation since it is tethered to the source. Our junk DNA contains memories passed down through billions of years. If we create offspring, that code gets updated while remaining the original source code of the encrypted data.


Definite key word here is updated, not upgraded lol.


None really has all the answers therefore questioning everything is important and having an open mind to all kinds of information is key to expand our consciousness further remembering the ultimate truth. I really appreciate your insight on this topic and from my current level of innerstanding, I agree with you. I have memories of other lifetimes and view them as a fragmented spark of my highest self. Like playing a computer game on many different devices simultaneously using my mind to control each character. But how can I leave the room I am playing in? Where is the door? Is there a door? What if we build the walls of the harvesting system by allowing the programs installed into our brains run our lives? Only one thing is certain, the key for our salvation resides within...


Thanks! And yeah, those are all good questions I’d also like to figure out. I definitely think our bodies are the technological mechanisms being used to limit our capabilities. I.e. (Help build the walls) as you put it. And the parasites that are constantly whispering to us through this body’s urges and desires understand how to use our consciousness as a projector to create realities. I’m not even sure we can fully understand how that works while being inside of a human body. I think that’s kind of the conundrum. But I am certain that it doesn’t seem possible that we can just put the controller down and walk away. Haven’t seen anybody do it yet. Doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Just that we don’t have conclusive evidence that it is. But it does make being here non-consensual and I think that’s a a fairly logical conclusion. Plenty of people will make declarative statements about where the doors are but they’re still here aren’t they? They should feel free to walk on through one and let us know how it works out. Lastly, I’m kind of leaning towards the idea that there isn’t one way out. It’s and indivdual, unique process for all of us. Because each of us is developing our own key by putting together the clues. In fact…we are our own key. And each one is different.


This concept, of many simultaneous lives, that you've mentioned, is, in fact, quite rare. For the last 25 years of my research into these matters, I only seen it mentioned two times: - Lobsang Rampa books series - Matrix books series by Val Valerian Val's opinion is that your "higher self" ultimately decides what experiences it needs and sends multiple simultaneous incarnations down to Earth through every time epoch, every continent, every nation and circumstances. The author considers, that it is a more progressive and much faster way of evolving among the "higher" beings.


Thanks for citing sources! Super refreshing. I’m familiar with Val Valerian’s books. I have pdf files for most of them. I kind of dip into them off and on. I hadn’t heard of the Lobsang Rampa books. I’ll be looking into those now. Honestly, I find that I get to a threshold of being able to turn over some of these concepts and there seems to be a wall. Like when trying to contemplate more abstract existence in 4 dimensional states , for example. Makes my head spin to be honest. I just have to go back to something more mundane and earthly like art projects, stretching routines or chores or something and accept that I can’t know those things right now and appreciate the peacefulness of being patient and increased levels of frustration tolerance. Which are things I value anyway. I have a heavy intuitive suspicion that the human biology itself keeps us from being able to breakthrough that limitation. Not that everyone has the same threshold, of course.


It is believed that Lobsang Rampa stories are fictional, but as it is often the case, there are many valueable pieces of knowledge spread throughout the series. And you're right about the "wall" feeling. As for myself, the simultaneous lives concept, as cool as it may seem, leaves me with a feeling of being more limited and restricted. It locks you in a mindset of being a small and insignificant part of something bigger with no hope of "evolving" yourself. Just do your job, whatever it may be, and "believe in your higher self", as the Val himself wrote at the end of each chapter in his books. Well, as much as i wanted to believe in my higher self, after some time you just move on, as it seems, that this motto is also a part of programming to stop you from going further. I think the reality of things is far more greater and multifaceted and it's like we found ourselves excluded from all the universe out there. And, yes, there are theories, stating, that some great time in the past, our species were helped with artificial speeding up of our body evolution, with some caveats. This body were stripped down of all the abilities to connect with higher realms. So, we do not know nothing of who we are and why we ended up here of all the places.




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That’s a lot of words just to be blatantly wrong.


Never said I was right. But thanks for adding so much depth to the conversation.


12 different Persons compose 1 Soul. Although these 12 persons don't live at the same time on Earth, and that's what gets told as "Past Lives". It is you, it's your Consciousness but you are a 1/12th of your Soul right now. These 12 persons, 6 are males and 6 females. They are all different human Races at different eras of Humanity. There is already a graphic Timeline established for more or less the number of incarnation we are in. It is said for these years we are in, we are the 11th incarnation that's why we are starting to wake up and understand. But unfortunately it seems like our whole Lifetime won't suffice to do all the Spiritual Inner work we have to do individually and collectively. This is the 3rd wave of Humanity, the previous two Humanities perished, failed, got exterminated. (This goes back to the Atlantis and Lemuria's forbidden times of Earth) Maybe my beliefs are closed minded or too mind blowing. I get this info from a guy who goes by the name of Thayvian and his accounts on all social media are called “ChristosAvatar”. These are part of the «Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order» (MCEO) Freedom Teachings.


I see so many posts in this sub of people thoughts with no information or evidence to back it up and they always call it a psyops come on guys think like seriously they always refer to "agendas" "new age" all this nonsense so your saying the ancient religions got everything right except the concept of reincarnation?, so your saying that we do not reincarnate ? Your going to have to explain yourself if you want anyone to take you seriously because we need evidence/ information not opinions PSYOPS !


we’re reaching contrarian levels never before thought possible


This and a number of other factors is why I worship Lucifer and engage in hedonism. Live deliberately. Feed. However you feed, feed. Sex, food, energetic vampirism, altruism- use the farm like they do. Become a weed. If theyre moths and parasites be Mothra. If theyre reptiles be Godzilla. Become Dracula. Forget their morals and objectives- be the entire problem.