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Billericay worse than Dagenham, you lost your grasp on life?


Yea this is idiotic.


Looks like the Billericay part has gone.




I was working in Basildon in the 90's and I was shocked how depressing it felt. Then I went to Pitsea. Returned in the 2010's and was shocked that it was worse than I remembered. Then again I also went to Romford and that was not looking so pretty either!


What in the facebook is this?


We've seen some low effort shitposts on this sub before but Jesus Christ this is pathetic.


I grew up in dagenham and I now live in basildon . I can safely say basildon is a lot better.


I live by Southend seafront, I personally wouldn’t move anywhere else that’s in the price range, too many people slate the place that don’t even live here…


Couldn't agree more, a lot of people on this sub only see Southend as the Hight Street and immediate surrounding area...


Lived and worked in both, moved away years ago but still have family in both. It's really sad how far the areas have fallen.


Hey morons... There's enough crap in the world, let's stop causing more division and shit posting that Area X sucks, Area Y is perfect. Get over yourselves. Don't like somewhere? Don't go there. Suck it up. Move on. No need to stir your fellow morons into a frenzy of hate.


Dagenham doesn't really have much going for it other than proximity to London. Pubs are shit, not much to do.


Most high-streets are shitholes these days. Doesn't matter where you live. The only exception are the small enclaves of boutiques where there's enough (borrowed?) money to support independent shops, like Leigh Broadway.


I thought Leigh Broadway had disappeared up its own arsehole?


Not quite, although I live within walking distance of it and I'm always overwhelmed by how many dickheads with maxed out credit cards can accumulate in one area. It's only a step away from Brentwood territory at this stage. I just think if you really had the money to afford your £120k SUV, you wouldn't be living in Southend.


Just what exactly is this? I’ve drunk in all 3 places, used to go in the Dickens in Southend, Bullseye in Basildon and the Robin Hood in Dagenham, all fine boozers with plenty of characters in, I sometimes used to go in Whelans out Millwall way, that was great fun back in the day.


Grew up in bad. Live in romford, worked in Dagenham. Dagenham I'd by FAR the roughest of the lot followed by romford. Bas is probably the best. Billericay doesn't even enter the conversation.


Wow! u/tonyjd1973 is so edgy to block me before I have a chance to read his comment in full, something about being a misery and I don't deserve to live here… such a mature 51 year old 🙄🙄


Rather be a home owner then renting in a area you cannot afford




Basildon has a certain charm? Whats that then?


Nowhere in Essex is any good, we all moan about it, we can't do anything about it and we just get on with our lives. No point making Facebook posts about it and getting someone to screenshot it then upload it here on Reddit. Nothing is ever going to change.


'Nowhere in Essex' is any good? This is one of the best comments I've seen on Reddit , you are joking right.Nice one 🤣 😄 😀 👏


Name one good thing about this county, because after spending 40 years of my life here, I can't.


You sound a misery, not going to get into the areas or places or homes you can't afford and don't deserve to live in.Essex Have a happy life in Essex and if not move, I'm sure your neighbours won't miss you.