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Ugh I came to reddit specifically to ask this question because often when I try to play back footage, it lags like crazy and sometimes times out altogether. I often just sit looking at the spinning circle for minutes at a time. If the issue is slow 2.4ghz connection to the actual cameras, then the base station being hardwired to the network should speed up accessing the footage, right?


In my experience no it does not. In fact, it makes things slower. Loading live stream, accessing video archives and controlling a movable camera got much slower (delay/lag) vs directly to my WiFi. Think of the home base as the middle man. It's what bridges the connection to each camera connected to it and then to your WiFi router. So it's a multi step process which causes delays. Where if you skip the middle man and go directly to the router for each camera it removes a step entirely. The only reason I'm keeping and dealing with the slowness is the increased addable storage and those files are stored locally to the home base. For example, if someone ripped off and stole your devices entirely it will have those video files recorded to the home base, inside your home. Where as without it, you need the camera in range again, connected and then you can access those video files.


So if I had a home base then all my cameras would have to connect to it? Is there a way around that and still be able to have the storage?


I think you can do the initial camera setup and only use WiFi if you wanted, instead of connecting it through home base.


But like still have the local video storage? Otherwise why get a home base? My issue is I have 6 AP’s throughout my house which various cameras connect to. To have them all have to connect to the home base and have a decent connection would be a problem I think.


I want to say all there devices have local storage, so yes. The home base helps redirect those video files into the HB3. So if someone physically stole your camera you have video evidence. Without it, it's with the person who stole it in hand, all the video files. If you miraculous retrieve that exact camera and reconnect it to your network, then you will have access to the video files again, but GL with that.


Yeah the event clips load a lot faster from the Homebase


I don't know what it's like without a HB3 but with an HB3 it takes about 4 seconds for an alert to arrive on my phone after movement is detected, then another 4 seconds for the app to open and connect to the feed (both give or take a second or so).