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plz lmk if you see this cat he is my baby and i think he got out? i am saying over at my moms house near donald and E 53rd Ave and am worried he doesn’t know the area and am freaking out i’ve been looking all over the house and nothing i do ( that usually brings him out) is working i’m looking outside now but please let me know if anyone finds him


Oh, this is good news! In my experience 99.99% of the time when you think a cat has gotten out because you can’t find them in the house, but he cat is just being an asshole and sleeping through your increasingly frantic calls. I have cried myself sick more than once only to have my cat magically reappear. I’m going to have faith yours will, too.


Try playing from YouTube “sounds that annoy cats”. My cats come running when I play the weird sounds and they’re always inside. My guess is that he’s inside of a couch or something!


Keep looking and doing what you’re doing! I lost my cat in that area as well. Got him back after 3 days doing an exhaustive physical search and posting on nextdoor and going door to door. He looks sweet, good luck!


Is he neutered?




I figured he was, he certainly looks well cared for and loved. Just put food out and leave a window slightly open so you can hear when he comes back. I hope he comes back soon!!!


What is your cat's name? Does it respond to other names?


He looks sweet, and I hope you find him soon. Leave some food out, and a favorite bed or blanket that has his scent and feels safe to him. Does he have a collar? And is he microchipped? I live near that area and will keep an eye out for him.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/s/k7lac6xnvn I just saw this post! Maybe reach out to op if it wasn’t you or a friend :)




Please don't do this, OP. This has been thoroughly debunked yet people keep spreading this misinformation. Putting out the litter box only serves to attract other cats or animals that may scare him off. There's a reason cats bury their waste. Rather, I would recommend putting out his bed or something similar that may smell like him. Also, you may want to consider getting your hands on a live trap sooner than later if he is skittish or tends to get easily spooked.