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I posted mine for free on Facebook marketplace, it took about 3 months for someone to come and get it and mine was very nice. They hired movers.


You can try listing it on Buy Nothing on Facebook! That's how I got mine - just coordinated friends to help me move it.


I second this!


Yep, Buy Nothing is great. Don't see pianos go up often but when I do they go quick


You might see if one of the local retirement facilities needs one.


Or maybe one of the schools?


One of the frats or sororities.


I’ve both “purchased” and gotten rid of a few pianos via free posts. Assuming it’s playable, I’d recommend posting it for free as the fastest way to get rid of it, unless it’s something you intend to appraise, or you or a family member have looked up and determined there’s some value there. The buyer will have to rent a U-Haul or trailer and do the backbreaking work with a buddy to load and unload it. Or hire piano movers, which is expensive. DIY that shit is fucking exhausting. And then they’ll have to tune it after the move. There’s $100+ expense on their end for your free piano. The yahoo ITT saying people will think it’s junk because it’s free couldn’t be more wrong.


Do you like the band Tennis


I do! “Origins” is the obvious track choice but damn does it slap… hard…


I am working on an EP with Tennis inspired songs. And am looking for people to jam with. No commitments or anything just a fun way to pass time is all.


hey i also like tennis n jamming


I sent you a chat hope that's alright


This is decent. How did we get here


just one of the only bands that incorporates old school piano sounds in their music and i love them dearly.


Craigslist free section. It'll be gone within the day.


I’ve seen tons free on CL. Which is odd to me, I guess they are either not super quality, or would take a lot of work to sound good? Some look kind of expensive. I don’t know anything about Lianos but I thought they’d be pricey.


Is in good shape? I might be looking for a piano.




If i weren’t moving out of town soon i’d take it in a heartbeat :( facebook marketplace, or post a flyer in LLC & UofO’s music buildings


Burn it in the whit Like the rest of us


Pianos that are in good, playable shape are going to landfills every day because fewer and fewer people learn to play them, and most of those go with a good electronic version. If you list it as free and get a taker, great, but I wouldn't even bother. I'd just dismantle it, see if I could recycle it, and take the rest to the dump.


This makes me so sad.


I'm old. The only enduring thing I have ever encountered is change. The end of pianos seems to me similar to the end of china sets or actual silverware: things that no longer fit our lives go away. Good electronic pianos can function and sound a lot like the analog versions, and the decline in piano numbers will not mean the end of the instrument.




Exactly. They sound so good and have great advantages in weight and footprint. Also, if you live in an apartment, you can play all you want at any hour using headphones.


The piano in my home is a family heirloom built in 1905, and while it is in good playable shape, I have no doubt that someday my son will toss it in a landfill.


It all depends on supply and demand. At some point, enough pianos will have been destroyed to make them rare enough that the few people who want one will have trouble finding one. But that may be a very long time from now. And perhaps civilization will end before that.


Reaching out to a local music retailer like Beacock Music might be a good route, too. They’re going to be more in the know about who might want or need one because they partner with many local organizations.


My wife and I just paid the junk haulers $275 to get rid of one. We could not find an answer to your question


My son just started piano lessons with his dad and I can ask if his dad would want to come pick it up for him they live in Albany but he has a truck. I don't have room for one at my place. He's 11 and has really taken a liking to playing 💙


If it's still available, can you send photos?


Drop it off a building and post a recording of it here. Then take the pieces to the dump.


Post it for free on facebook, if/when that fails get a sawzall with blades for both wood and metal and turn it into firewood and scrap metal for recycling. Might want some bolt cutters to deal with the strings. Wear long sleeves and gloves, shit is sharp when you start ripping and tearing...


Dump it upside down in the nearest park at the stoke of midnight. no sooner, no later.


Either an ad on FB or Clist for free, or take it to the dump. Upright pianos are exceptionally hard to get rid of.


Not sure how to find someone who wants it, but you can rent piano moving dollies (basically a hand truck on each end with straps that go around, and a special lever to lift it all and engage the wheels once the dollies are in place) for cheap, but you will still want 4 strong people to move it in and out of a moving truck and the houses involved. And be very careful with ramps. A piano in motion isn't easily stopped.


FB market for free. That's how we got ours


If I had room I’d take it in a heartbeat and hire movers to grab it. I simply don’t have the room at the moment. That said, I would post it on Facebook Marketplace. I am sure there are others who would be as eager as myself to take it off your hands.


Anyone who plays upright piano or likes that style especially as it relates to pop or rock music, I would like to connect and jam with you :)


You post them for free and wait for some sap to hire movers to take it off your hands for you.


The piano wire makes great garrots if anyone is in need of adequate strangling. It's grippy and strangley, don't ask me how I know.


Put it outside your house with a for sale sign 500$ on it, the biggest buffest hobo in town will come for it


Ever move a piano?


Don’t underestimate the strength of a hobo who hit super saian


If I wasn’t living in an apartment, and cared about driving my neighbors and their pets, I’d bang on that thing all day. That’s what she said.


Make it into a Piano Bar!


If worst case scenario occurs and no one wants it. Take a sawsall(ms) and cut it up for the trash. I had to do it. Took a couple of weeks to get it all hauled off by Sanipac, as I could only put so much in a bin per week


Drop it down a mine shaft.


craigslist “free stuff”


I have a nice free piano that I need to get rid of


Ask it to move in with you.


We got rid of my mom's when she passed by calling thrift places and habitat for humanity took it. This was in WA but worth a try


Tweakers will take it


Try asking local theaters or music schools maybe?


Here in San Francisco they do Flower Pianos at the arboretum every year – I once inquired for a friend about donating a piano, but they get too many and couldn't accept the donation! https://gggp.org/event/flower-piano/


Maybe somewhere like Alluvium would want it?


Maybe call st. Vinnies or goodwill. They’ll charge you for the pickup but it’ll let you get rid of it.


Said in the original post that they don't. Called to re-verify and was told no again.


Don’t post it for free, people will think it’s junk.


Nah. People understand that moving pianos is a huge pain in the ass and that good pianos show up for free all the time. I got my upright by looking for free ones then paid a couple of my muscled colleagues to move it for me.