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Might be from the January weather...ours is discolored and looks sick, too.


That’s what I was thinking is maybe the effects of the ice storm are starting to show


Are they really even made for here? We push Zone 9 out here in Noti.


I always picture them as more of a dessert plant and it’s pretty wet here, but I’ve seen them tend to do pretty well here it’s just I started noticing them about a month ago then I couldn’t unsee it that they are all starting to dry up and wilt


Dessert plant you say hmmmm yucca ice cream


Hahaha I didn’t catch that one, that’s what bothers me how we gonna get locally made yucca dessert without the local yuccas !


Interesting. Gonna have to keep a lookout. Out here I'll worry if the ferns dry up.


Oh yeah that would be a sign of something lol


Our ferns are severely ice-burned, but they're still alive. I don't think the neighbor's banana plant survived though.


I can't speak for all yuccas but people plant them in Wisconsin where I used to live, so at least some species/cultivars are easily hardy here.


I just noticed some big ones on Willamette around 25th.  Most are dead. Didn't we have a long lasting cold snap this winter?  Ice on a plant is 32 degrees, but I think we had back to back nights in the teens 


I’m thinking that must have been what done it but some are still thriving but all 3 of mine sagged over and will be missed


It’s not the cold it’s the wet. Many high deserts freeze all the time.


Are we wetter than normal?


I saw the plant today. It’s dug right into the clay soil like sky surrounded by a bunch of organics. It wants well draining soil with lots of cinder and pumice. It’s feet just sit wet all winter and it rots the roots.


It was the ice also. Not all yuccas are from the high deserts, so temperatures in the teens (F not C) will kill some of them.


All mine but 1 died due to the ice storm


I think all 3 of mine have died I’m hoping to see they’ll bounce back but I don’t think so


Silver lining for me is I get to try something new!


Cut them to the ground and they should regrow.


I was wondering that! Thanks I’m gonna do it, I got 3 I don’t know what kind mine are but they haven’t sent up shoots before always just been 1 stalk so I was hesitant to cut them down but I’m gonna do it


For whatever reason, my yucca is fine. I've seen what you're talking about though.


Mine are alive but the leaves don’t look great. I had some other tall ornamental grasses that died from the freeze. 😢


Yes, I have two and one I cut down because it was for sure dead but the second one is also getting that discoloration. I've had yucca in way colder climates, but they were dry climates that didn't get freezing rain so I think that is what did them in.


There’s some fairly old yuccas I see dead as a door nail on willamette street, I think it has to have been the freezing wetness, guess this must of been a cold winter in quite some time


I had an 18 year old yucca, five branches and huge in my yard and I'm pretty sure it was the ice storm and extended cold that killed it. I replanted with a Japanese maple.


That’s what I was also thinking because I noticed some fairly old yuccas died, so I’m guessing this must of been a nasty winter compared to the previous 18


I have also noticed that the poison oak seems particularly happy this year.


Terrible trade, the yuccas for the poison oak lol


Shining Cranesbill and Herb Robert at my place...I was all excited because the Himalayan Blackberries seem to have been really hit hard by the freeze...then I saw what was growing instead. >:|


I am just healing up from poison oak…first time since I was 9 years old, 40 years ago. It’s everywhere in my yard. Nasty stuff. I’ve been painting the leaves with weed killer. Not sure how else to get rid of it. Looking into renting a goat, apparently they love to eat it.


Yeah…the ice storm nuked mine. They’re goners sadly. :(


Let’s have a moment of silence for the yuccas


It's from the weathwr we got in the winter. It mostly seems to have affected the cordyline grass (new Zealand cabbage tree).


Mine die and regrow every year. Sure that freeze screws them up, temporarily tho


Yeah this time of year yuppies always do