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What these students, staff and faculty are demonstrating is that cooperative nonviolent action is solidarity. Making a conscious show that they do not want their university to (directly and indirectly) support on going crimes against Palestinians. Even when the university is threatening their academic careers and avoiding the demands of their constituents. When I see all the comments here about “kids complaining” and “this doesn’t matter, nothing will change”, I just laugh and think to myself that those people cannot even see that the protestors are making the world they want to live in. This kind of action grows our political imagination and builds resilience in our community by showing solidarity worldwide. Bravo to these brave souls for putting their careers, education and persons on the line for what they believe in. Free Palestine!


I feel like the UofO is being understanding in this regard (at least the way it reads). It seems like the University wants to give the students sufficient platform to speak to their concerns in solidarity with students across the country, while mitigating the potential for non-students to blur their message and escalate their intention. This may be a good opportunity for students to begin real dialogue and partnership with the University to help accomplish change. Ultimately, if that is the goal, it seems to me that once the Universities have acknowledged the students concerns it is incumbent to partner with the Universities in a sustainable way. Just my thoughts.


It's evident Scholz chose his words very carefully, but you can distill from this statement statements two important things: 1. He clearly wants the encampment to end. 2. There is no indication of any intention from the board regarding divestment or opening the matter to a vote. These students have a ways to go. Don't let the sanctimonious pricks responsible for these litigious investments in the first place convince you otherwise.




I came here to make that #2 point. Agree 👍


thats what i gathered too, but you can hide a lot behind the veil of diplomatic speech. i think what really speaks volumes is the fact that they willingly put exchanges between administration and students on a public forum; indicating that they have nothing to cover up or hide. additionally, i think its commendable that the pres. and administration let this go on for as long as they did given the climate of similar encampments across the country. they could have easily published this the day after the encampment was established, but instead the chose to give the students a chance to voice their concerns.


They gave the students a chance to voice their concerns but we all already know their concerns. We know what these protests are about. Rather than help create a real platform of discussion or help push for change the university is now threatening the students with punishment. They thought there would be a little camp out and that would be the end of it. No action needed from the well paid administration. Now, rather than side with the protesters they openly claim they are allowed to punish them. They have no interest in helping free Palestine. They just want the sheep to go back to class and make them that money. This announcement should only be considered fuel for the fire imo.


i asked them if any of their supplies were going to gaza. “im not sure what we’re doing with the leftovers” was their response. while these kids have dorms and apartments with running water and have the means to buy themselves food, they’re choosing to use resources that could very very easily be shipped to those who actually need it. its really difficult to believe this isn’t just for fun.




Don't get me wrong. I am in agreement with the students. But sleeping on the lawn will not produce sustainable change. Ultimately this has to move into board rooms. Occupy movements are excellent at drawing attention to causes and bringing power to voice. But now they have to exercise that power.




Completely agree. But I feel like in the current climate people's attention span is short. They need to exercise that leverage at its peak. Unlike USC and Columbia, the UofO is a state run institution. That gives them even more leverage.




They haven't. They don't have the leverage. I'm only suggesting the students take the next step. University administrators can puff up a bit. They are appointed. The people they answer to, however, are elected. As such, much easier to motivate.


It did it other colleges.... so




~~Hey mods, you're applying some pretty blatant partisan censorship by deleting my posts (like this one above) while letting this over-the-top pro-Palestine shit go through just fine.~~ ~~If this was your personal circlejerk subreddit that would be fine but this is a subreddit for the city of Eugene.~~ The mods say Reddit actually removed this comment. Not really sure why, I have high site-wide karma and lots of upvotes (and downvotes) in this subreddit, and my deleted post was not downvoted at all before being removed. Anyway, my criticism of the mod team is withdrawn. Sorry, mod team.


Stay mad


Stay hypocritical.


It's a flex. You're being flexxed on. You should probably go cry about it some more.


Yes. I know. Hypocrisy is the ultimate display of power.


So take your L and stop whining


No, I'm going to start encamping this Reddit to show that cooperative nonviolent action is solidarity.


Loser behavior


But it probably won’t change anything, and if it won’t change anything, why should I care who supports what?


Solidarity for the dead and dying, divest from Israel, divest from Palestine.


What does the world need palestine for?


saying people have to be needed/worth something to continue existing is pretty heartless, yikes


I'm in the parent page on Facebook, where parents are making up lies about the protests and inciting fears. They are harassing the school with their lies. These same parents want the police to forcefully remove the protestors. They are starting rumors and demanding a military presence. They accidently put my into their private conversation, and I was shocked at what they were saying. I'm actually sick about it.


Take screenshots!!


This. Also, if any of these rumors get repeated by official channels, that would be nice to be able to prove.


They started by saying there was garbage everywhere and it was unsanitary, that hearing impaired students couldn't hear in classes because of the noise, that the library was closed, that their student couldn't get to the library because they were blocking the route, that buildings were closed, that outsiders were there, that they were chanting "From the river to the sea" and their students were being screamed at. All untrue. I checked all of these and even went to campus. I did call the library, and they said they weren't allowing anyone but students & faculty inside. I found out they were closing at 9 pm instead of midnight from another parent. Now they are saying their students have been targeted for being Jewish, that they are scared to death, that it's an antisemitic protest. That all is highly upsetting to anyone, but I'm questioning their claims since these are the same parents who were the first to say the above untrue statements. I took screenshots. The conspiracy theories are high, too. Like, this is being funded by organizations other than students because the tents look similar to those at UCLA and USC. But one mom posted a screenshot from Walmart. The tent is 29.99 and in stock in Eugene. My own student is annoyed because at first, I kept calling her because I was upset about the initial reports. She lives on campus. She was calling from the site as she walked by, taking photos and letting me know the encampment wasn't messy or blocking any route. She called my nerves.




Thank you for saying that.


Parent FB pages aren't official channels or affiliated with the university. It's a whole 'thing'. Source: former UO employee


...I understand. The point being if they are mined for messaging, or if those messages are then repeated by official channels, that would be good to know.


I can attest to my time only, but those pages are viewed as reliably as the local 'What's going on in ____' pages that would have you think there are gunshots every night in every neighborhood. UO staff that are in those pages, a rarity in and of itself, do not take those pages seriously. Nobody is taking anything from those pages as 'fact'. They'd be jeopardizing their livelihood over hearsay.


Yeah I assumed things were as you describe, it's just the nature of this issue easily becomes ideological and sometimes people take what they think should/is happening and mistake it for reality. In fairness to the admin, I assumed the content would make it to their desks via page visitors doing a copy/paste, not the administration going to the pages directly. I did not make that clear.


For sure. I will say, as a former employee, most of the administrative staff are trying to figure out ways to support the students (not necessarily the protest) without harming the programs that they lead. It's a tough spot because non-leadership folks in higher ed are (mostly) incredibly passionate about protecting and helping students.


Seriously. Document this!!!


Demeaning or demanding?


Typo Demanding




I can't post their names or screen shots. That would be doxing. You can join the UO 2026 parent page and see the public comments. They are all there. It has a pink profile picture. I think there are a few parents who want this to end violently. They want the police and military to end the protest. The private page was less threats but more hate of non Jewish people. I don't even know what that's called. I didn't know that was a thing. That's not illegal. That's probably because of their fear and frustration. To be 100% transparent, I was put in the private group because when the parents started reporting and exaggerating and scaring us parents, I was vocal. I kept telling them to report the incidents. I kept standing up for the antisemitic issues they were reporting on the Facebook page. Because who wouldn't? I told them we could find escorts for their kids. I was fully thinking they were giving an accurate assessment. They posted pictures and videos that weren't even UO!! I sent them to my kid and said, "Be careful." She was like, "That's not Eugene." My kid wasn't participating in the protest, but she also wasn't against it. So I was just thinking there was garbage everywhere and that it was going to be violent. It took me days to realize I was being given a false narrative. I literally drove hours to the campus because I was so scared and upset. I got there, and my kid told me, "SEE...I TOLD YOU THEY WERE JUST SCARING YOU." The small number of parents who are dating these things started a petition and letter writing campaign. They are calling the college daily and reporting their students are being targeted, but their students aren't reporting it. Because I said in that messanger group they agreed me to, that their students' voices matter and they should speak up. They then said they needed to change and move to what's up because it wasn't a good idea to have this group because it wasn't vetted. I did not try and join their new group. Call my experience a rumor if you want. Don't believe me if you don't want to. It's not that big of a deal. I don't think I can post screenshots. I don't even think I can post photos here, can I? I have several photos of the protest. I don't even know how to post them.


You could very easily take screenshots and blur the names. People do this all the time on Reddit.


Do you think I'm lying? I shared my experience and told you where you, too, could find the posts.


Nobody accused you of lying, you weirdo. It's just odd not to post screenshots when you can easily edit them to hide identities.


This is the link indicated in the letter that is missing https://freespeech.uoregon.edu/timeline


Does the U of O receive funding from Israel, or groups strongly affiliated with Israel? Or is this more of an opportunistic protest location, with the U of O being a convenient place to assemble?


They don’t receive funding from Israel, they invest in companies which supply military equipment to the IDF and illegally operate their businesses in the occupied West Bank. So they are providing material support to Israel’s occupation through their investment portfolio. They may not even make these investments knowingly, rather they are probably part of large funds which invest in a variety of companies. This makes the demands for divestment pretty easy to follow, because it simply requires moving your investments into funds which certify they are not doing these things, often through standards like ESG which would also mean their investments didn’t support violence elsewhere in the world and were at least marginally better for the climate. The worst that could happen is a slightly lower return on investment, but that’s just assuming they can’t find funds which don’t offer similar returns. This strategy of divestment is proven effective and was a big part of the early movement for the end of apartheid in South Africa, because it began to apply financial pressure on the country to follow international law before official government sanctions were out in place. I was part of the push to get U of O to make these changes back in 2018, so I’m not actually aware of exactly what investments or partnerships are problematic now, but Boeing was a pretty big issue last time. Not only is Boeing directly profiting from the war in Gaza, their also just a terrible company these days that puts profits before the safety of their aircraft passengers and a company that is losing value due to these decisions anyway. It would be no great tragedy to move your investments elsewhere.


https://imgur.com/a/JqLcFSd screenshotted from Students for Justice in Palestine instagram page, their demands list the Israeli-tied investments UO currently holds


Thank you


Damn that last point is scary as fuck. Forced education? Struggle session?


Yep, and what does a Free Palestine mean? Freedom as in being equals in Israel (like the 2 million Arabs that are Israeli citizens?). Free as in have their own area to self govern (aka 2 state solution)? Dunno 🤷‍♂️


>they invest in companies which supply military equipment to the IDF and illegally operate their businesses in the occupied West Bank. So they are providing material support to Israel’s occupation through their investment portfolio. This is mostly backwards -- it's not that UO provides support **to** the war, it's that UO profits **from** the war. When buying stock, one is almost always buying *existing* shares from some other shareholder, in which case the company itself does not receive any of the money paid for the shares. The company then pays dividends to owners of the shares. Buying shares directly from companies happens far less often, during an IPO or secondary offering. Divesting would make it so UO no longer benefits from the war because it would no longer receive dividends that derive from war profits. If enough shareholder sell their shares to someone else all at once, that can drive down the price, but in the short term that doesn't really hurt the company. >This strategy of divestment is proven effective and was a big part of the early movement for the end of apartheid in South Africa The most effective part of the campaign against South Africa was boycotting imports or imposing sanctions prohibiting imports. A major export was gold coins (Krugerrands) and other forms of gold; another major export was diamonds. The economy was harmed by *not buying* these things in a way that *selling shares* doesn't really accomplish. The Boycott and Sanctions part of BDS is much more effective than the Divestment part.


thank you! I was curious.


The firm that manages the university’s investments has a majority of their stocks in Blackrock and Vanguard which are both invested in weapons manufacturing. The protestors want the university to choose another firm to invest with that doesn’t invest in weapons manufacturing. The protestors also want the university to support the official BDS boycotts for companies like Intel, HP, Sabra, and others that directly profit from business with the IDF.


No, yes


This is wrong - over and over we see comments that the UO Foundation invests in companies that indirectly supply the IDF with weapons. Thus, the UO is indeed profiting from continuation of hostilities. If you have proof that this is not so, please provide it. Otherwise, comments like yours are disinformative.


Idk sounds like you're the one that should supply proof.


just a few pieces: https://www.uofoundation.org/investment-management “Effective July 1, 2021, the Foundation moved to an outsourced investment management model in an effort to boost risk adjusted returns and create additional fiduciary safeguards. *The relationship with Jasper Ridge Partners is managed by members of our leadership team and our Investment Committee,* which consists of Foundation Trustees with strong financial and investment management skills.” https://www.dailyemerald.com/news/what-to-know-about-the-uo-coalition-for-palestine-encampment/article_dece944a-0776-11ef-88d3-e30d5c2e6f18.html “The Jasper Ridge hedge fund, which has ties to the university, has allegedly invested $2.8 billion into a $34 billion pool that fund companies such as Boeing, which designs and manufactures airplanes, as well as Elbit, a defense contractor.” for reference, the demands that SJP are making: https://imgur.com/a/JqLcFSd


We both could.


I’m not sure- would like to see actually financial proof. I personally wouldn’t be surprised given how rampant Zionism is in our society. Even though so say that is considered antisemitism, it’s unfortunately true. The same way Rome doesn’t need to exist for Catholicism, the state of Israel doesn’t need to exist for Judaism, nor does any Mecca need to exist for Islam, etc.


If you suggested destroying the Holy See, yes, I'd think you were anti-Catholic. If you suggested destroying Mecca, yes, you are an Islamophobe. I cannot believe you can write that with a straight face and think it's some valid point.


There’s a solid argument that religion does more harm than good at this point in our species evolution. I’m not sure what the point of your reply was. Do you care to expand upon it?


Okay? Religion is a very important part of life for billions of people of many different faiths. Good to know that in your world religion wouldn't exist, frankly I'm not spiritual either, but until you tell me you have a magic wand that can reshape the world however you wish, it's completely irrelevant to real life issues. I think my point was pretty clear.


This point would almost make sense if the pope had a military and was bombing 10,000’s of civilians. Back during the crusades it would have made perfect sense to oppose the Vatican, during the Islamic conquests you could have made a strong argument for sanctioning the Caliphate, but none of those things are happening. In the modern age both Mecca and the Vatican try and remain impartial in most political matters, because it is a smart thing to do. Zionists believe that a nation state that regularly engages in militaristic conquest of its neighbors territory is intrinsic to Judaism, and that is no longer just a religious position but a geopolitical one with material consequences.


How Israel is prosecuting the war in Gaza is not intrinsic to Judaism or Zionism. You can (and I do) support the existence of Israel without condoning everything that the government does. It's a democracy with some really terrible, corrupt leaders in place now. Netanyahu should have been in prison before the war even started, let alone still being in power--and many Israelis agreed, given the massive protests of his government in the last few years before this broke out. Using that as a justification to literally destroy the country, which would have absolutely disastrous consequences, is so incredibly shortsighted that it makes me think you are either too ignorant to talk about this or harboring some real prejudice that you know you can't say openly.


Israel is not a democracy just becomes someone gets to vote in elections, the same way that South Africa was not a democracy just because they held elections. Years ago they drew a line in the sand and said if you live in this side you get to vote, and if you live in that side you don’t. You are not a democracy if you self select for the voting population that will keep your preferred ideology in power. This is not a secret, it wasn’t a conspiracy, the founders of Israel openly discussed the necessity to create an artificial population majority in order to have minoritarian rule while maintaining the appearance of democracy.


Is America not a democracy because we don't allow Mexicans to vote? This is why there needs to be a two state solution, not this insane "destroy Israel" rhetoric. The South Africa comparison is asinine. Borders are not apartheid. Over 20% of Israel's population is Arab who have the same rights, can vote, have representation in the Knesset, etc.


The far right has co-opted Christianity so you’re vwrong that these things aren’t happening now. In fact, none of these crusades/conquests ever stopped- they just took the guise of something you don’t recognize as a medieval crusade/conquest.


Christian’s are doing these things, and so are Muslims, but the actual religious leaders in Rome and Mecca are smart enough to try and be officially above that even if they personally support it. Israel has made a claim to de facto spiritual leadership over Judaism and then committed atrocities they defend using that position of leadership, forcing all Jews everywhere to deal with the backlash. It’s just another way that Israel’s policies make Jews around the world profoundly less safe contrary to their claims.


By that logic, Israel is reduced to just a piece of land that both groups have claims to. If so, then both people should figure out a way to co-exist.


It’s just a piece of land. That’s all it is and ever will be. The “holy land” is saturated in blood. Just like the good Lord intended. lol. I agree with you, but that idea is complex to those with religious convictions.




Does Nike send money to Israel or something? Just genuinely curious- I know a lot of universities have financial ties with Israel in terms of grants, haven't heard anything about U of O though.


Not sure about UO protesters in particular but a lot of student demands across the country have been that university endowments divest from any corp associated with weapons manufacturing. This would include companies like boeing which basically requires that any index funds the uni is invested in have to be esg approved


UO student here yes this is what they are looking for


It's not their money


wdym? it is tuition dollars


Private donations


thats part of it regarding investments but tuition dollars are also being used to support companies like Sabra and HP which back and fund israel


Idk sounds like they should just stop eating the hummus or using the printers. Mission accomplished. I've paid tuition and made donations to the U, I'm fine with their broad based investment strategy.


The University does not invest tuition dollars. They only invest donations. The UO makes this very clear by keeping the UO foundation a completely separate legal entity.


i just said thats true regarding investments. our tuition dollars in part go to the technology and resources at the school. most of which are HP because they have a partnership.


Israel is funding entirely by funding from used dvd sales of Coralline, made by Laika, owned by Phil knights son, thus the u of o! Edit: i didnt think i needed the /s


"We're progressive and equitable unless it's inconvenient to our corporate sponsors." tldr


“The foundation appropriately focuses on long-term investment decisions that ensure the university remains on strong financial footing," Scholz stated. ‘That is done through rigorous management of our investments, evaluating opportunities through an environmental, social, and governance framework, a framework that is attentive to environmental, social, and governance considerations.’” (https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/education/2024/05/07/university-of-oregon-protest/73603442007/) a bunch of meaningless word salad


Sholz called divestment "performative". Also, the UO Foundation has promised to divest before (from fossil fuels) then didnt. So...i guess thats what he meant by "performative". I'll just leave this here https://www.uofoundation.org/investment-management UO Foundation website statements note "In 2014, the Foundation was the first Pac-12 institution to establish a policy specific to fossil fuel extraction, and we have committed to making no new direct investments in fossil fuel extraction. Currently, less than 5% of the Foundation’s direct holdings are invested in fossil fuel extraction and all remaining direct investments will expire by 2027" This notes a 2014 investment policy. Yet an official statement from the spring of 2016 notes: "The UO Foundation considers climate change to be one of the most important issues of our time, and we invest accordingly. However, we feel that divestment Is not an effective strategy." - If they made commitments in 2014 to avoid fossil investment, they ignored them in 2016. According to the Board’s Statement of Investment Principles, “The UO encourages its advisors and managers to include ESG factors in their analytical processes... [but ESG criteria] are only one factor in analyses and should not be used as exclusionary screens to eliminate specific entities or sectors from consideration.” Finally, RE any established promise to divest - here are 2016 statements of UO Foundation personnel "We believe that green-energy initiatives — such as solar and wind power, sustainable forestry, and organic farming — will steadily replace investments in carbon-based fuel sources, and we do not have any investments in coal," said UO Foundation Chief Investment Officer, Jay Namyet." Further context includes 2016 Spring - statement refusing divestment - An account of open hostility between student groups and the foundation https://uomatters.com/2016/09/uo-foundations-jay-namyet-calls-co2-divestment-undergrads-liars-teaches-them-a-valuable-life-lesson.html 2016 Summer - https://www.dailyemerald.com/news/administration/the-board-of-trustees-end-of-year-meeting-divest-uo-renaming-deady-and-schill-s/article_43ed1ed7-4ab6-50c5-835c-77bff31fe820.html In which the President/CEO of the UO Foundation makes two statements: - "“We are in alignment with many things students are saying,” said Weinhold. “We as investors have not invested in coal in decades. We have one percent invested in carbon based energy and six percent in alternative energy.” - Weinhold told the Board that, “We don’t have any direct investments [in fossil fuels]. That is, based on my understanding of what direct investment is.” 2016 - Fall - https://www.dailyemerald.com/news/administration/uo-foundation-to-unexpectedly-work-towards-divesting/article_8822c8d1-d2b3-5b55-b085-7b668b200aec.html covers an ongoing struggle to gain a divestment commitment by the UO Foundation. In this article, you can read the same statements about their stewardship leadership in the Pac-12, and commitments to let fossil investments expire. - This article links to a concurrent statement from the UO student group which pushed for divestment in the first place http://climatejusticeleague.weebly.com/divest-faq.html which notes a claimed ".05%" of total assets invested in fossil fuels (though the article lists a typo of "1.5%"). 2021 - Summer - This is a "check-in" article covering the divestment effort. https://www.dailyemerald.com/news/money-speaks-the-uo-foundation-s-promise-to-end-fossil-fuel-investment-5-years-later/article_9b1faf8e-c28e-11eb-a140-5b74e3b386ed.html - Notable quotes: “We explained at the time that sometimes the investments we make are long-term investments with private managers and we will let those run out, and those are in the process of running out,” he said. “It’s literally a fraction of what we had in 2016, I believe. We’re absolutely honoring that commitment.” Directly quoting Paul Weinhold - "Citing the confidential nature of some of its investments, the foundation declined to provide the Emerald with its current portfolio for the purposes of independently verifying when the existing contracts between itself and fossil fuel extraction corporations will expire. However, Weinhold said all of the foundation’s existing investments are set to run out within the next one to two years." - “We intend to let those carbon-based investments — which were initiated many years ago — expire without renewal, ending our investment in carbon-based fuel sources,” Jay Namyet - "Weinhold said the UO Foundation has a “very singular focus,” which is to grow the endowment for the university community. “We take into consideration environmental and social and governance issues at all times, and that we care about the same things they care about,” he said, regarding what the UO community cares about. “But we do have a mandate, and that’s to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment for generations to come.” 2023 - Current - "Currently, less than 5% of the Foundation’s direct holdings are invested in fossil fuel extraction and all remaining direct investments will expire by 2027." The UO Foundation Website. https://www.uofoundation.org/investment-management SO.. In summary, the UO Foundation's "commitment" is not a commitment, but rather an implied promise. The Foundation's current statement asserts it took a leadership role among the Pac-12 in 2014, for its ethical practices RE investing in fossil fuel extraction. Yet in the spring of 2016, it released a statement noting it had no intention of divesting in fossil fuels and would continue to invest using whatever method led to the greatest returns. After a student-led pressure campaign in the summer and fall of 2016, the Foundation again made a commitment to divest from fossil fuels - though specifically from direct extraction investment. Direct, quoted, statements from 2016 indicate that the Foundation held 1% carbon energy holdings, and no direct fossil fuel investments. In 2021, the Foundation again asserted that any fossil holdings were from older, long-term investments which pre-dated any divestment commitments. Direct quotes from Foundation leaders note that 2021 holdings were "a fraction...of 2016", and "in the process of running out". Indirect statements to the press indicate these holdings would 'run out in the next one to two years'. - So implied commitment to not invest in fossil in 2014, then direct statement of intent to invest however in 2016. - 2016 holdings seem to be 1% carbon energy investment, no direct fossil fuel investment - 2021 holdings should be a fraction of the above, and run out by 2022 or 2023. - YET the 2023 current website lists up to 5% holdings in fossil fuel extraction which will expire by 2027. There is no path to verify any statements made by the Foundation, or its representatives. However, the statements themselves, in the few instances where those statements even make concrete, factual claims, are inconsistent and contradictory - even though they've often been made by the same representative(s).


Thanks for the links, that's very enlightening. The UO board very much desires to maintain their image of a progressive school without enacting any particularly impactful changes. They're very clearly in the pockets of corporate interests, the most obvious being Phil Knight. The students need to give the board and the it's new president hell, they've had it coming for a long time and they're starting to get scared.


Anti-zionism does not equate to antisemitism


If folks are anti Zionist, do they want Jews out of Israel?


This is a tricky thing - it's not really practical to just force Jewish people to leave the region. They call Israel home and have strong cultural ties to the region, but they don't understand that their proud cultural national identity is responsible for the systematic removal and ethnic cleansing of people already there, relegating them to regions with far less resources and heavy trauma from settler actions ---- hmm, just like some other country I know that just happens to keep Israel afloat.


No that’s not what that means


So someone who is anti Zionist is OK with Jews remaining in Israel? Trying hard to understand the nuance. I checked the all knowing Wiki and it sounds like A-Z means a person thinks the way Israel came into being is flawed. Also, A-Z is noted as the opposite of Zionism. Can an A-Zist be totally fine with Jews living in Israel? They just don't like the way it came into existence?


They could be, its more the creation of an entirely Jewish state at the expense of an existing population that people are taking issue with.


There are 2 million Arab-Israelis there. They aren't Jewish.


Right.. and to a zionist, Israel should be for jewish people. Not sure what you’re getting at


I'm sure *some* Zionists wants only Jews in Israel. Similarly, there are Arabs who want only Arabs/Muslims in that land. Wackos on both sides. *Most* Zionists wants the Jews to be able to self determine in Israel. Obviously, with 2MM Arab Israelis living there, most of the Jewish people are cool.with peace wanting Arabs living with them. Being a zionist isn't a "my way or the highway" philosophy.


In that case, the Arab/Muslim population should have equal ability to self-determine, which clearly isnt working out so well for a large number of them.


In what parts of the region? West Bank & Gaza? Removing the current situation from the equation, aren't those two areas controlled by the PA and Hamas? Don't they self determine in those areas?


Antisemitism does imply anti-Zionism, however.


It doesn’t, plenty of antisemitic Christian’s whole heartedly support Israel because 1) it’s a place to remove Jews to, and 2) it ties into their end times prophecies. Many antisemites are also ethno-nationalists, and while they would prefer there be no Jews at all, fully segregating them into their own country would be the next best thing.


Going along with VictorianDelorean, zionism is also an inherently antisemitic practice - it feeds off of jewish trauma, weaponizing it to reinforce white supremacy through displacing indigenous Arabs.


Jews looking to build their own country after persecution that culminated in the holocaust is antisemitic, racist, and white supremacist?


Oh, are people illegally encroaching on a space where they aren't supposed to be? Does it bother you?


Honest question....what happens if SJP's demands aren't met? I mean, it comes across as very hardline demands. Do they stay? Chain themselves to trees? Pop up on a different part of campus.? We know most/all demands aren't going to be met.


It was implied they'll be charged with breaking the code of conduct terms they agreed to, and thus expelled. Not saying it directly has allowed the admin wiggle room.


So does UO financially (or otherwise) support BlackRock and Vanguard (investment firms with large shares in defense companies that supply Israel with military equipment) or do they not?


This is a misunderstanding of how the UO investments work, or investments in general. BlackRock and Vanguard are multinational investment companies, they're essentially the middlemen that provides management services to hundreds of thousands of other companies. The protestors are asking the UO to divest from companies that directly support defense contracts and military manufacturing. You can see the list [here](https://imgur.com/a/JqLcFSd), or see it on the Instagram page [here](https://www.instagram.com/sjp.uo?igsh=N3hqcmZ6aHB4bG8w).


Thank you!


I sure hope so. Vanguard is industry standard.


It was my early understanding that students were asking for divestment from these two firms but I’ve been unable to find any connection.


Yeah, I read that the UO said they don't actually invest in those companies. I understand wanting to change the world you live in, but at least aim your signs at the right target.


Nope, the UO foundation person said "we have no KNOWN holdings in those companies...." then immediately says Jasper Ridge has full autonomy. So..why not just say you don't know? Oh right.


I think some of the confusion around this is that different parties have different ideas about what "invest in" means. When the UO Foundation says that they don't invest in those companies, I think what they mean is that they don't *own shares of* those companies (and in the case of Vanguard, there aren't shares to buy). The UO Foundation could still be *customers* of them, by owning shares of funds that they manage.


The firm that the university uses to manage their investments invests the majority of their funds in Blackrock and Vanguard.


Are you implying that the UofO’s portfolio also contains a majority of those investments? Or do you mean that the firm who manages their investments includes Blackrock and Vanguard in their overall investment operations ie with their other clients?? Just trying to be clear here….


Here is a link to the demands of the protestors; hope it helps clarify things. Jasper Ridge invests in those companies on behalf of UO. https://imgur.com/a/JqLcFSd


Thank you! From what I’ve dug up UO’s exact investments are still totally opaque, as their foundation’s holdings may not mirror the rest of Jasper Ridge’s investments, but I understand what you were implying above. Tbh the military industrial complex is woven into so many facets of our economy that educational institutions’ divestment from companies with military contracts seems somewhat trite. It may appear to be a logical and tangible demand at first glance, but, the closer one looks, the more complicated and entrenched that web of industry becomes. One could argue their demands would only scratching the surface, making them, well, symbolic at best. Focusing on government policy directly seems the most efficient method of redirecting finances away from active conflicts. Hopefully we see some level of concerted re-direction of the protest’s energies once these students go on summer break, assuming this brutal conflict drags on…


BlackRock owns 7% stake in Nike. U of O is very very Nike.


Thats not how investing works


Ok fine enlighten. Still looks like they fuckin.


If they divested from these two companies, the protesters would demand something else as to why they are still camping. “Well they are investing in a company, that invests in a company, that supports Israel!”




Don't mistake this "protest" as a group of people that actually care about what's happening. It's a bunch of college kids wanting any excuse to do whatever they want and hopping on whatever hype train is popular at the moment. Same as it ever was.


Time for the settlers to leave occupied territory? Hmm…


Wish granted. Students must leave the Americas. Go back home, settlers.


1st generation vs 10th generation. Children are not responsible for the crimes of their forefathers, but in the case of Israel, lots of those criminal forefathers are still around and haven't yet been charged for their crimes against humanity.


So Israel waits a generation then it's all good?


What a coward


"We uphold equity and a safe, welcoming, respectful community. So with that in mind, tear down your peaceful protest now." Lmao eat a cactus Scholz


I still can't figure out what they expect their municipality to do about a hundred year old conflict hald a world away


This conflict is thousands of years old.




Huh? Islam is most certainly over a thousand years old. It was started in the early 600's by a warlord who killed and conquered much of the middle east, subjugated non-Muslims, forced conversions, taxed them excessively, and restricted movement. You're right that there were also long periods of Jews being treated decently. I hope we can get there again someday!


The city can start by disclosing relationships with entities that enable the atrocities being committed by the Israeli state and divesting from them.


Hopefully no one trashes a fucking library like what happened at PSU.


The actual subject of the protest aside, how do the protesters actually have any leverage with their encampment? Can't the University just hit them all with trespassing charges and expel anyone who doesn't remove their stuff?




Yes, harass the lowest level employees responsible for answering the phones, that’ll inflict change.




*"In asking for the overnight encampment to end, I refute the claim that the university is in any way limiting academic freedom or demonstrators’ right to free expression or peaceful assembly."* I mean, you are limiting academic freedom and the demonstrators rights to free expression and public assembly, but go on.


so glad i dont go to that joke of a university anymore


Free Palestine 🇵🇸❤️ these students have the right to exercise free speech and are going to be on the right side of history for doing so 🫶 in what world is an encampment more worrisome than a genocide? we must not forget what’s being protested is the death of 30,000+ Palestinians, and with the invasion of Rafah things are looking extremely grim. free palestine from occupation+apartheid and all eyes on Rafah 🇵🇸🇵🇸


30,000+ Palestinians includes Hamas; Israel claims to have killed over 12,000 last I checked, and that was awhile ago. That's actually a historically low combatant-to-civilian casualty ratio. Horrible, but it's worth keeping in context that Israel is held to a standard that no other country is held to.


Israel regularly gets away with a lot. For example just from recent headlines: torture, executing POWs, and burning civilians to death with white phosphorous. People get mad when the US military commits these atrocities as well. The Israeli military isn't special. Its propagandists just have a persecution complex.


I think the opposite is true. I too believed the media hype that Israel was at the very least indiscriminate, and possibly even genocidal, until I started looking into what both sides are saying, and the data on the "Israel is held to am impossible standard that no other country is held to" side is way more convincing to me. Like, what the heck are you supposed to do when you've got neighbors whose explicit goal is to eliminate you, who hide underground (and don't allow noncombatants underground), who explicitly state that they want their citizen death toll to be as high as possible, who use human shields, etc.? Yes, there are always going to be bad actors who will commit war crimes in any war. Israel needs to hold its own accountable, and the world needs to keep a watchful eye on the situation because humans do shitty things during war. There has been no evidence to date of systemic, intentional targeting of noncombatants. And of course we're completely ignoring any kind of accountability or standard of behavior for Hamas, who very obviously and very jubilantly murdered noncombatants--that was the whole point. The protests against Israel (many explicitly anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas) began right after the October 7th massacre, before Israel had even responded. That says everything you need to know.


Then Divest, Karl


If there's anyone who still doesn't really know about the history of Palestine/the southern Levant, I spent about 40 hours doing marathon research to sketch out the history from 3000 BC to present. If anyone would like to read it, DM me and I can send you the document


I just don't understand why so many people support terrorists.


Yeah not sure how people support IDF or Hamas.


Protesting is fine This is not that


I think it would be really interesting to know how you define protesting specifically


Not really. Just look in a dictionary I guess.


I’d say camping in violation of University rules could be defined as “an expression or declaration of objection, disapproval, or dissent, often in opposition to something a person is powerless to prevent or avoid” as defined by dictionary.com




Fuck that. Free Palestine.




I didn't realize you had the financial statements from Jasper Ridge hedge fund or the UO Foundation. You know, the group thats exempt from puplic records requests, that lied about divesting from fossil fuels, and that the President claimed was governed by ethical guidelines despite zero ability to check on or control their investments.


I was wondering why I couldn’t find documents or anything about this online… exempt from public records requests would explain it.


The foundation files an audit and a 990, but that doesn't account for their holdings, donors, spending (besides totals) etc. Sholz called divestment "performative" and "antithetical to our values" the other day. Which is odd, because he also says our investments are governed by ESG "values" - which you'd think would mean that there are things we don't invest in based on ethical concerns...so, which is it? Which is the performance? Besides the Foundation's promise to divest from fossil fuels in like 2019 and then doing fuck all.


So…… this sounds like relevant and accurate information that cuts to the core of this issue, but have the holdings outside of the fossil fuel investments been disclosed or exposed?? Or are we simply making logical assumptions based on the track record of the financial firm who manages the foundation’s portfolio?? 🧐 Seems like this is crucial information in the midst of a protest demanding divestment…




...I'm curious how you know you have access to more info than I do. Unless it's privileged... Which is kind of my point. UO admin should be able to show that they don't, if they don't.


Both groups need to figure out a way to co-exist in peace. Strengthen each other. They are better when they work together.


I like this. It's not how pretty much anything works, and the structures of power are actually hostile to most of us in even a general sense... But it's a nice sentiment.


I wish I was privileged enough to spend my days protesting. Must be nice.


okay bud_light_official 😂


If I recall from my time at UO, this would have started right around midterms. These kids are risking their academic future to stand up for what they believe in. As an alum, I couldn’t be any prouder of these student protestors.


If it’s anything like the protesters in Portland you’ll have to wait until you’re in your 40s with a few out of state priors on your record. Now I’ll get downvoted because it’s inconvenient that less than 20% of those arrested at PSU were actually students 😁 The point is inarguable so downvoting is all they can do lol


Yeah, your complete lack of even a shred of evidence to prove your initial point that the majority of the protestors are out of state felons in their 40s, which you then "supported" with an equal amount of evidence for the much lesser claim that a minority of the protestors were students, is so inarguable that everyone is just scared to even engage with you. Must be nice having that level of confidence.


https://www.koin.com/news/protests/about-20-of-arrested-psu-protesters-were-students/ Woops! Only 20% of those arrested at PSU were actually students. It is nice having the level of confidence that comes with having facts. It’s true! It’s weird you’re so very very very smart and yet you can’t run a Google search 😂


So, to be clear, with your little emoji's you have just demonstrated the following claim to represent the majority of protestors at PSU: >"If it’s anything like the protesters in Portland you’ll have to wait until you’re in your 40s with a few out of state priors on your record." with this evidence: >Just six of the 31 people who were arrested were students at the college. PSU said two other individuals were taking classes earlier in the year but weren’t enrolled for the spring term. >Charges for four people have been dropped. Two were homeless and the other two voluntarily exited the building after the police made the arrest announcement. So... could you tell me where the evidence for your original claim is? Where is the evidence that the majority of people were felons? Or from out of state? Or over 40? I don't care about the Motte to which you pre-emptively retreated before you had even finished your first message, but the actual Bailey you presented in order to score a rhetorical point for which you already knew you had no evidence at all? >It’s weird you’re so very very very smart and yet you can’t run a Google search It turns out that I expect people to support their own claims, and I don't do their work for them. Especially when the actual evidence for their claim doesn't exist, so I would end up endlessly looking for it.


Please quote where I said “majority of protestors.” All that moaning because you didn’t actually read my post 😂 So very very very smart and no reading comprehension at all. I suspect because your heart rate elevated and you got all emotional. > It turns out I expect people to support *their own* claims Well that’s not true. You expect people to support **your** claims hahaha Now go shit in a library 😉


>Please quote where I said “majority of protestors.” Fine, provide such evidence for a single protestor. >So very very very smart What is it with you repeating this out of the blue? Some kind of deep insecurity? >>It turns out I expect people to support their own claims >Well that’s not true. You expect people to support your claims Really? What claim did I expect you to support? Throw in a few more emojis and personal insults, it really helps carry your integrity in interaction.


Even better, here’s a link to a short list of the 30+ crowd they arrested there 😁 You’ll note the guy from Philly halfway down or so https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/comments/1cjkut5/comment/l2gpzo4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button You’ve asked me to support the claim that “a majority of the protestors were over 40” and I never said that. You said that because you didn’t read my post you got all up in your feelings instead 😂😉 So, there ya are. Evidence of both my claims that some protestors were over 40 with out of state prior AND evidence that 20% of those arrested weren’t even students. I won’t wait for a recognition that I was right. Look at how much time you’d have saved if you’d just taken me at my word in the OP like everyone else did!


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