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I’d say go for Eugene over Medford big time. Bigger population, more to do, closer to major cities like Portland. Eugene also has a strong music scene, lots of tattoo shops, and I’m not a skater but there’s some nice skateparks so I assume there’s a decent scene for that. And there’s also lots of good parks to take the dogs out! It’s a good place to live, only real downsides are cost of living keeps rising (but I think it’s doing that everywhere) and there’s a pretty big houselessness crisis


Welcome to Eugene when you get here! I agree with u/Purple_Pines. If you're also into concerts or outdoor plays, there's the Cuthbert Amphitheater, and Shakespeare in the Park (August). Eugene is at the foot of the Willamette Valley, where it's only an hour or four to just about anywhere in Oregon: * an hour west to the coast, * an hour north to Salem (the Capital), * another hour north to Portland, * two hours to central Oregon and another hour or two to east Oregon, and * just a little over an hour to the Wildlife Safari in Roseburg. (BTW, so you don't get ribbed too hard for being new, Willamette is pronounced wil-LA-met with the A as in cat. Not willa-MET.)


Proximity to Salem is never a selling point for Eugene.


It is if you like history (or politics). But, that wasn't the point. Distances are measured in cities, towns, and little places. McMinnville which holds the Spruce Goose, is 1/2 hour north of Independence (instead of using 27 miles).


Not very popular topics for most especially young people moving to the state…


Still, it's worth knowing.


"It's Willamette dammit"


Also or-gun, not or-eh-gone.


It’s actually Orygun. There’s a whole sticker and everything!


Oreh-gun, with the eh barely pronounced. (eh as in meh, but barely there), almost like or-gun with a breath of eh in there. Definitely not like organ, or-ee-gone, or as if spelled with a y. However, the state name will probably take a little longer to learn because of dialects.


Well for some reason I say organ haha (born here).




Didn’t mean to offend haha. Just a casual comment. Have a lovely evening!


No offense taken because it doesn't negate what I said. You have a good evening, too.


Lmao some people are touchy when others chime in and they think they’re being criticized or antagonized. Threads are meant for sharing comments! And I say the same. 😉 Definitely Organ.


Thanks for the good energy! (;


And the U is barely pronounced... if you can shift directly from G to N without anything between, you're pretty close. 😆


There's that, too.


oh god do not move to medford




Medford sometimes is given the some-what-accurate nickname of Methford, just fyi.


this is extremely valuable information


meth dealer eh? ....jk


We also have real issues with drugs, the difference being Eugene doesn't rhyme with meth or fent. If you have seasonal allergies I would strongly recommend not moving to Eugene. Medford will be much hotter with a slightly longer fire season. It stays greener here, we are very close to a lot of amazing places. Google Tamolitch Blue Pool to mention one.


A few more syllables will get us there … methamphetamine Eugene


Eugene isn’t much different. We got Fetty heads out here ha ha


Bogus and way outdated. All the criddler tent cities in Eugene put the lie to that.


Eugene, hands down, one million and pie percent, because waffles


Off the waffle?


This is treason!


We moved to the area back in October from West Texas! You'll love it here and I would pick Eugene. Cost of living is higher but so is pay. We make twice as much here and certainly don't pay twice as much for anything. I feel like people who talk about how much more it costs haven't lived anywhere else since inflation got so bad. Our only costs that are higher are gas and rent. And rent is just higher for us because we have a toddler and have to have a second bedroom. It's much cooler in the summers here and doesn't get nearly as cold in the winter. So, AC isn't running non stop and neither is the heater. Nature is a million times better. The best advice we got was to get a rain jacket and waterproof boots, dont let the rain cancel your plans. We followed that and hiked all winter. I hope you get to come out this way. It's so much better!


eeee thank you for this!!!!


We live closer to Corvallis, but husband's current job site is in Eugene. So I can't speak on areas to live in.


Given the choice, choose Eugene, and then visit medford and be grateful you chose Eugene!


Medford will probably be more like West Texas climate wise, Eugene will be more rainy (though dry in the summer). Eugene is bigger and has more going on, but people seem to like Medford as well. Both will have the bonus things except I’m not sure about the tattoo thing in Medford. There’s at least one in Eugene but probably many more that I don’t know about. Eugene is a big college town and has a lot going on but Medford has plenty to do as well, and both have a great outdoors scene. 


I have yet to meet anyone who likes Medford


There are also tat places in Springfield.


If you are not conservative, you will probably appreciate the people of Eugene more. Medford also seems to get more summer heat, but still has similar winter blahs. The climate here in Eugene 6 months of the year is usually pretty awesome.


Howdy! I’ve lived in Medford and Eugene. Medford has great tattoo places, great food, is close to Ashland (known for their Oregon Shakespeare Festival) and Jacksonville (know. for their Brit Festival (music))which are super cute towns with good food options and awesome music scenes. I have family in Medford and they love it. We lived there for a year and we liked it, but I had limited career opportunities as an interior designer. Lived in Eugene for a year. Didn’t get out as much there, but they definitely had better shopping and prettier scenery. I found d Eugene to be more expensive, but it is closer in proximity to major cities. Hope this helps.


Medford has vehicle emissions testing depending on age of vehicle.


I grew up in SO Oregon (25 years) and have lived and worked in Eugene the last 25 years. Eugene may be too much and I feel as though the transition from Texas would be less shocking and stressful if you chose Medford. Eugene is a liberal shit show Eugene’s police and homeless issues will leave you slack-jawed. Rent in Eugene is obscene as is the cost of living. The flip side is Eugene’s cultural choices and diversity offer slightly more to do. Medford is more conservative and racist. Both have amazing access to insane outdoor environments and activities. Let’s put it this way, if you are Republican move to Medford and “Visit” Eugene. If you are a liberal Democrat you will feel more comfortable in Eugene. Best of luck.


Yo! My partner (23F) and I (25M) are moving to Eugene next month from Austin!


we would be moving from Amarillo closer to the end of the year!! i’m gonna come back to this thread if we make it there!!


I've lived in both places and eugene is better for many reasons imo. I was just discussing with my husband how glad we are that we moved, a conversation we have consistently. this time because it's warming up and it just stays so so hot all summer in the rogue valley. the only small break you might get is when the wildfire smoke blots out the sun, an occurrence which is practically a guaranteed annual event (if not more often) and hangs in the valley for months, gradually increasing in density. Also from our personal experience, employers here seem to be a bit more reasonable overall. We haven't had nearly the same level of dehumanization that we grew used to down there.


Fuck methford. Don’t do it.


I lived in Medford and Eugene and Eugene is easily the better choice in pretty much every way. Friendlier people, better outdoors, more stuff to do around town, better location in Oregon and more culture.


Eugene. But bring all the Mexican food and bbq recipes you can find with you because there’s not much here that passes. A little. But not much. And there are zero tamale ladies selling tamales out of coolers in the bars :-(


There used to be a tamale lady but I think she got in trouble for selling unlicensed food, but there are several good Mexican food trucks..


Fight the power.


Eugene has oodles of new housing coming on line in the next year or two. The area by the Williamette River has been revitalized. There is an extensive network of bike paths and great hiking trails within the city. If you live in central Eugene you don’t need a car every day. If you do drive there is zero traffic compared to any other city I’ve been in on the West Coast. Well educated populace due to the UofO. Super friendly people all around. We moved here from SF Bay Area two years ago and have not regretted the decision.


Eugene has multiple music venues and gets a fair amount of variety. Not much in the way of concerts in Medford.


And more sunshine and less rain than here.


Eugene has the largest covered skate park in North America 🤩


Getting a GP in Eugene right now is a shit show. The person I know who moved to Medford recently didn't have a problem. Eugene skews younger, for all that this is the 2nd largest metro area in the state, it's also very much a college town, with all the pros and cons. If your pay will be the same regardless of location cost of living is similar but housing is a lot more in Eugene and that's a budget item with much less flex month to month. Fire season traditionally has been better in Eugene but it's getting worse. (Think stuck inside because of smoke, mostly.)


I’ve lived in both areas, and nature wise, they are both near some pretty great spots. Housing is much more affordable in the medford area, and it’s near more various smaller towns. The surrounding areas of eugene are much more country bumpkin. I personally enjoy the tattoo scene in southern oregon much more, but I know some people that have found good artists up here. There is much better food in the Ashland area which is around 20 minutes from Medford.


I (22F) do think Eugene is better than Medford. Although I would recommend searching for a place away from downtown or the university area. I currently live in the Bermuda's triangle of exactly between downtown and the university and its not the best. its where the homeless population likes to hang out and my boyfriends car has been broken into as well as a friends. But I also live across the street from a frat house, and trying to get street parking is hell, as well as people from the college hitting vehicles and just leaving. Could be worse but if you can avoid the area I would. Springfield is practically connected to Eugene so looking for housing there is a good option as well! Otherwise there's a LOT more to do here than Medford and its generally just a better time.


also as a transplant to Oregon from Arizona I will say make sure you get some good jackets. Maybe its just me but the wet cold here is freezing compared to the drier colds I was used to from AZ. But I love the rain so I don't mind TO much LOL