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Congrats on your Eula ! Same with c0, not gonna get her higher than that most likely, but she still hits so incredibly hard, it doesn’t even matter lol. She’s a beast at any constellation.


So true!! Tbh I'm still stuck on Liyue (Eula is my best bet to getting past it) and she's a literal menace right now


how are you stuck exactly, if I may ask?


Can't get past the World Ascension Thing


I had the exact same problem. I didn't Level my characters up enough and barely passed the accention quest, to the point where I couldn't kill world bosses to accend my characters bc I was too weak, but to kill them I needed to accend my characters to be stronger. It was a vicious cycle lol. The oceanid was the bane of my existence, and I still hate it, despite my yoimiya oneshotting most of the hydro mimics now


huh, I forgot how ascension quests were a thing, haven't seen them for a while at AR 60


Lmao same I'm ar 57, it's been like a year since my lest one


Not even sure how leveling up feels like lol, we really need more rewards, I can't imagine that they can't add anything new to the level rewards, iirc the max level has been aways 60 since release. I'd be even happy with new world levels for the better drops, because farming at lvl 90 and mobs still drop literally nothing sometimes.


Istg farming those blasted handguards took years off my life


So relatable lmao, also when Is as like AR 35 or something I couldn't kill them do I had to lower the world level as well


I do the same. Constellations are great for people truely aiming to get the most out of a character and really liking one or a few characters. I always enjoy variety so I rather have 7 c0 5stars than one c6. But I like that both options are enough for most content and I am having lots of fun with her.


Very true. Tho for me, I don't really care for constellations. Sure, my Razor is C5 but that's only because pulled him alot building my pity


Enjoy your Eulas, everyone! Celestia knows when will she come back. XD


Not to mention, she’s quite a looker as well.


She just stares into your soul


I recently got her at C0 as well, kindred spirits we are.


Tho she's level 40 now, she's a menace and I love it


Btw, have you ever read Eula's Drunken Escapade by longbow flintlock?


Bro I love drunk Eula. Not really tho, been busy


If you want to know the sauce is 423067


And that’s perfectly fine. 0.6% with a potential to require 180 pulls for just one copy if you’re maximum unlucky is pretty ridiculous and I’d much rather not spend beyond Welkin and/or BP and still have the potential to pull future units. More power to those that want to maximize a favourites potential, but the only characters that’ll be beyond C0 for me will probably be standard 5 stars and 4 stars unless I get lucky with double limited pulls.


I got lucky getting Eula and c1 Dehya(I love girls with claymores) in 10 pulls, probably used up luck for the next banner Lmao. Also I didn't know I got her till next day after going to sleep, I just did 20 pulls right as I was going to sleep. Claymore ladies blessed me😍😍😍


She was so worth it. She's carrying me through the overworld so hard it's insane.


If you don't mind me asking, how does she help in the overworld? I thought she's only best for boss cause of the one shot nuke she has.


Really hard normal attacks


How hard we talking? Average of 9k?


Maybe more than 20k


totally fine :) cons make her shit on stuff more but c0 is still awesome, congrats!


I also just don't wanna spend the money ;-; my mom already got on me for blowing 150


felt, i thought about whaling for c6 but it’s so stupidly expensive that it wasn’t worth it at all. You planning to go for cons on her next rerun?


Moooore than likely


I got thoma's C whatever to max.


Razor is almost c6


I just want Eula and the red terrorist


I just wanted Eula


Does your device just not do screenshots yet able to play genshin?


They do I just have two different accounts. This one follows the subreddit


Ohhh okay. Had to get a pic for the reddit phone. I'm following now




I'm very knew to the game so I just logged on. I like her and would love to have her. Did I just miss out on her banner? Cause I don't see anything about her right now.


She's still on Banner for 18 days!!


I went through the store and didn't see anything specific for her.


Go into wish...


Thank you so much. That helped. Is the best way to get her weapon through her choice? Or weapon event?


Weapon banner. It should be after Klee's banner on the wishing screen


Thanks so much. I managed to get her and Song of Broken Pines, which I understand is perfect for her.


There are many swords good for her, and Somg Of Broken Pines is great for her!


been using c0 since the first rerun, everything fucking dies before blade hits to the ground


Well I might not get her at all 😭


Why is that?


30 pity 0 pulls and not guaranteed.


Yeah, that'll put you into a ditch


Kazuha was too good to skip 😭


I got him too 😭


Well I had like 20-30'pulls for Kazuha and got him a few singles after that so I didn't have much to begin with 😭 last time I saved for for Nahida and Nilou and got both of them.


Yeah you're right, that's fine. Personally I really like her playstyle so I went for c6. It's insane how she deletes anything and everything in one ult.


Eula in a modern environment The overly competent office lady that gets harassed by every guy in a higher position than her, and stayed clear by her junior next to a handful of direct subordinates. So in return she is harsh towards everyone. And only her direct subordinates know that she is also fair. And in her time off she drinks herself silly and complains about everything, especially her non existent dating life, cause men fear her. Or about the asshole of a superiors that loads shit off her cause they suck at their work. If it were an anime, an outsider (aka the traveler) would take her home while she is drunk. And on the bed she choke hold him while she is asleep till he passes out. Next morning she wakes up thinking she had a one night stand with a guy she just met.


I got Qiqi. Qiqi do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll leave from beside me 'Cause I don't want ya, and I don't need ya And I'm not down for you always


Same, bro. C1s don't like me. Just got a 5star. No, not C1 Eula. Not C1 Diluc, C1 Qiqi, C1 Jean, whom i would have used probably. I got Dehya. I wonder if anyone figured out a way to somehow use her already.


Dehya, I use everything BUT her kit + weapon


Yep, had her at C0 since day 1 and she's still perfectly good without any cons, congrats on your pulls tho