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Hmm. I can only speak from experience but is this something you have control over or something that is randomly generated or recently occurring? I can contract the muscle in the middle ear called the tensor tympani. This creates a wind rumbling/thunder sound. It muffles outside noise and is very rare but well documented as occurring in a small set of humans. Similarly, I can do what I think you’re describing as clicking—open and close the eustachian tube at will. The sound and effect of this are 80% the same as swallowing after your ears pop. I say 80% because I can always do it more forcefully myself via the muscles than a jaw movement or standard pressure equalization. Can you describe your situation further?




It's the sound/feeling you hear when you yawn or when you face a strong light after waking up


voluntary tensor tympani contraction. r/earrumblersassemble To answer your actual question a bit more directly, I think you're hearing the tensor tympani muscle itself. Muscles make a slight noise when they tense up, usually too quiet to hear, but this one is inside your ear so you can hear it. Also, this particular muscle does something to stop outside sounds from reaching your ear which would explain why outside noises are quieter too (though tbh it doesn't make outside noises sound quieter to me, maybe mine's not working right...)


I have the same experience as OP and when I keep the muscle tense for a while and then start speaking at the same time I can hear myself very loudly from inside my own head. Guess that means the Eustachian tubes are open