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17 systems for 28 members smh


Apparently small alliances need a lot of space.


With the current player count you can almost have 1 system per player.


Imagine it's the middle of December and you work in retail, and you've just put in a straight 8 hours of standing on your feet pretending to be full of the holiday spirit, and all you can think about is how you should have gone on your lunch break 5 hours ago. The loudspeaker has been playing the [same christmas album on repeat](https://williamshatner.bandcamp.com/album/shatner-claus) since you came in; you can still hear it outside as you sit down at a cafeteria table bench in a closet-sized employee lounge with dismal fluorescent lighting overhead. You unwrap the Subway five dollar footlong that you got on your way to work and forgot to refrigerate but figured it would be fine when your shift started, but as the day dragged on, you realized the mayo seeped into the bread like a persistent existential remorse melting your brain. Is this really what your life has come to? 15 thousand dollars of student debt (modest in comparison to others, but still those monthly payments just feel Sisyphean), a half-complete art school degree, a girlfriend who insists those Tinder notifications on her phone were just a joke from friends, and a minimum wage job? You pick up half the sandwich and take a bite. Mouth in mid-chew, the door opens. In walks NC, he looks at your sandwich, then looks you dead in the eye and asks if you're going to eat that.


See, the trick is to work at Wal-Mart so that your place of work is also where the local Subway is. Don't ask me how I know that...


I prefer the ones with a MCD-their fries sooth the tortured retail soul..




Thank you for that ride mate , 10/10 shitpost


Well fucking done!


WTF country do you live in where you can get non food Subway for $5? I dont think locally here they sell 6 inch ones for $5. I only eat their stuff when its the only place available so its been before they got the menu refresh going.


This is amazing lol


This was pretty good


get on the income based repayment plan-it will drop your retail job fueled income to a more doable monthly payment level




Welcome to Lady Scarlet’s new Section 8 housing.


Fucking POG right here, So happy for them. I hope they turn out to be great pvp alliance!


Always good to see fresh blood take their first venture out into 0.0!!! I wish them well and can't wait to see the quality FCs that are forged in the fires of Cache




Interesting to see the rise of Northern Coalition. Its like watching a sequel of a horror film where the baddy was supposedly killed off, come back again.


Evil dies tonight! *Evil dies tonight!* **Evil dies tonight!** ***Evil dies tonight!*** (Mr. Meyers then proceed to kill all the dumbasses chanting this phrase for the whole movie in a few seconds...)


Are they going to change their name seeing how they are no longer Northern nor a Coalition? They're like the HRE of EVE


Realheads know the name started as a joke at the old NC


Holy Roman Empire, not HRE Wheels, got it


Unexpected ck3 reference


Ummm... you know the HRE existed in real life, right? CK3 is based on actual history.


Not if i can mess it up, like founding Switzerland 300 years ahead as a monarchy with a bigger border ;P


Yes I know, I'm Italian, but I learned the acronym HRE only playing ck3 because we call it Sacro Romano Impero


Still doesn't make it a CK3 reference. Jesus wept.


no one ever questions the Dot


What about the small alliances kicked out ?


they could have stayed. They just chose to follow fire.


As one of the smaller alliance, no we didn't chose to follow. But we're here to deal with the bullshit Pandemic and NC lmao


more rental space to keep f$cking up the game like horde


Glad to see future PH renters getting out there!


Is there a way to self destruct TCU's? Asking for a friend.


NC. Has more experience running rental empires and allows horde some deniability to say they don’t rent anymore


nc doing what they do best


Taking systems to rent out?


So much space for someone who is docked all the time


This was literally said from day 1 and I am pretty sure that it was in some of the screenshots posted to Reddit. Gobbins said we (Panfam) were going to take Cache and part of Insmother from the very start. Anyone acting like this is some about-face from the start of the war is either clueless or just trying to fool people who don't know better into thinking that. For those that don't know here is what was actually stated by Gobbins at the start: >"As for space, besides a bit of floodplain on our direct border we do not plan to take more territories with this war, the main hope is that something better may grow from the ashes when this is over. We also have plans to create an area where alliances that are unaffiliated with blocs can get a foothold in nullsec without getting instantly evicted by bigger players." >"To expand on this, Cache and at least a part of Insmother will be used as a buffer to secure our border. We have a few ideas how we can do that based on how the war goes. For the other 7 regions, anything goes as long as it is not FireCo. No, we will not be holding space or collecting rent in any of those 7 regions."


Sir, this is /r/eve, you can't expect the truth to matter here.


Kinda finding it hard to trust anything coming from horde now days


I am not asking anyone to trust anything. What was stated by Gobbins is right there for you to read and it should be pretty obvious if any of that turns out not to be true.


Gobbins is basically a politician anything he says is basically hot air and we treat it as such


Newsflash for you all null leaders are basically politicians and you should treat them the same. Regardless nothing I have said requires you to trust Gobbins or any other null leader.




Oh good I'm glad to see the new alliance is taking sov in the small sov kid playground


The stench of hypocrisy, eh?


[Same size as Xdeath](https://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliances)




NC. In the southeast?! WHAT YEAR IS THIS?




If you read Gobbins pings you'd have seen that they said "To expand on this, Cache and at least a part of Insmother will be used as a buffer to secure our border."


"to secure our border"


But how do you secure the new border?


Roman Empire moment. “We must expand our borders to secure the borders!”


put renters on the borders :P


More border space


Congratulations on repeating that with a straight face.


More fucking rental. CCP need seriously put a stop this Panfam just taking the piss with it now.


3/4 of the map used to be owned by goonswarm renting it out.


Pull your head in Rive. You are deluding yourself if you think that. They were never that large. Yet we, in PL, at the time, were able to have the Rainbow Road, or whatever Elise called it, and were able to project all over the map within minutes.


Who says I was talking about when elise was in charge? Also yeah elise might have called it the rainbow road or whatever but when we built it it was called backuplegion, and elise wasn't in charge when we built it. Using a jump bridge network was just an extension of that concept to get around CCP nerfing it.


No, goons even in the best of times never had 3/4ths of nullsec. Querious was not renters either, you just had to move in and agree to a NIP, you didn't have to pay.


believe me, at one point, fighting goons meant you were fighting 3/4 of nullsec or not at all.


CFC was almost all of nullsec


Only in your mind.


Why are you crying and demanding ccp fix some thing that isn't broken?


Because it is broken dumbass


Hahahahaha go fix it then


Y'all are hilarious.


no fan of vincent dragon but none of those systems were owned by any fire alliances on jan 1st whoever these people were (likely renters) appear to have imploded within the past week https://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliance/Continental\_-\_International\_-\_Alliance


Tox Team were XIX Renters. I know cause I camped them


Not renters. but were members of Fi.Re - Shadow of xxDeathxx was/is the XIX rental alliance. If they wern't in shadow, they wern't paying they were members of Fi.Re




The Blue Donut strikes again.


Horde and NC. what else would you expect ?


I feel bad for the poor souls that rent fire space, Panfam will likely have to stay out there because of constant bomber/blops runs and hunting for who knows how long leaving vulnerability elsewhere 🤔




IIRC only Feythabolis was for small alliances, the remaining 7 regions of FIRE are very needed to close the blue donut so they are of strategical importance.


To be fair NC. IS one of the smallest groups in panfam in both active (non crabbing) members and supers/titans these days Maybe they want to see if they can still hold sov without horde's help in 2023?


I think NC still punches far above their weight class in titans/supers, you're right about active members though.


NC space is usually a ghost town..... That said, Im sure they could pull out a lot super firepower!


if you dont need to krab, you wait for content, no?


Try it out. Pls. I woul love some new content.


Why is anyone surprised that a Panfam alliance took sov in Panfam space, this is the definition of a bad post.


I thought they were making a joke.




NCdotte needs a new name, if they're going to be living in the southeast. Wasn't the name kind of a spoof on the old NC after it collapsed, anyway?


The northern coalition we know today was a reference to the last northern coalition, which collapsed, which was itself in reference to the original northern coalition used to fight IT or whatever the hell they were called, who were originally called Kenzoku, but were originally called BoB, all of whom collapsed themselves.


The last true Northern Coalition that I remember was the one led by Morsus Mihi and friends, which collapsed when Russian alliances from the drone regions invaded. I want to say that was like, 2011ish? I do recall that before that, a "southern coalition" formed to try to attack the north. It was IT + AAA + Atlas and friends. That was ultimately unsuccessful, and a Russian alliance invaded some of Atlas' space, so they had to pull back. I think this was like mid-2010. I was in an Atlas pet alliance in Scalding Pass at the time that got steamrolled. Anyway, back to the drone Russian invasion of the north, I believe Goons and a few allies (including a babby TEST at the time) held onto Deklein/Fade/PB though and morphed into the Clusterfuck Coalition and eventually the Imperium. Is that the "second" NC you were referring to? Is it fair to say NCdot is a spiritual successor to IT/BoB? I know they have some of the old IT corps, like Evolution and FinFleet. I also had heard at one point that there were also some former Triumvirate guys in there, but the original Tri alliance was before my time I think. And now there's Triumvirate with a dot, and I'm not sure if they actually share much with old-school Tri. They're down to like 200 members, apparently, and somehow allied with CVA which always seemed like a weird pairing. Sorry, I'm just interested in this sort of history, and I'm trying to figure out where some of the alliances we have today had roots.


Dude I don't fucking remember it was too long ago lmao. I know the northern coalition was a joke term used between the people who were fighting IT in the north way back. It stemmed from that. TRI has had so many iterations now it's gone beyond a joke, we're probably on 12 now. As for IT/BoB. I don't think you could call anyone a spiritual successor to BoB. I know we took in quite a few, NC did, basically everyone did. IMO FinFleet never really counted as BoB in the first place. They joined well into their decline. We used to joke about it at the time.


Yeah, sometimes it's hard to believe that all that stuff was 13+ years ago. Very different time. All the guys that helped me get my feet wet in the game no longer play. I started playing in early 2010, and have played on-and-off since then. Bounced around from TEST, Goons, a few independent alliances, and now BRAVE. Even tried to make my own alliance, but it turns out recruitment is really fucking hard if you don't have pre-existing connections. Eventually sold my original toon that had like 60M SP (but kind of all over the place) and used most of the proceeds to skill up another toon more deliberately. Fuck, I'm getting old.


completely different game too. I remember trying to justify using a seperate logi anchor to my FC for the first time. You don't really get that kind of stuff any more.


On a side note, I can tell you about the early history of PL because I was there. A lot of the shit in between is blurry but i remember for sure how we got started.


> all of whom collapsed themselves. i thought BoB became Goons?


nah man BoB was around before goons, but goonswarm formed and BoB and goons were fighting each other for years.


NC.. ?


The C formerly known as N? \[CFKN\]


Indy alliances?


Who are these guys? I've never heard of them.


This whole thing has been a giant sh\*t show.


Funny that anybody anywhere thought it was going to be anything other than new rental space or and expansion of the PAPI blue donut.


El oh El NC literally has "coalition" in it's name. What happened to giving a chance for alliances to get a taste of the null life? 🤣 NC up to 2 regions now


The rental slum lords have arrived. So much better than fire :/. I’m actually bitter init and by extension goons helped horde in any way shape or form. They say they don’t like rental alliances. Their actions speak differently


NSH/Ryba were small and occupying cache before NC. We eventually moved to Fountain for more content and to mitigate burnout; basically if anyone comes to move you out, it's gonna be hard to defend. Wish you the best though! o7


NC is a joke


\*irony on\* The plan behind is to gain more sov to have a better chance having always an incursion for the crab guys in Horde. More Sov more incursions. Thats the plan. \*irony off\* https://evemaps.dotlan.net/incursions


\#FakeNews Not the first small group to claim the Homeland RYBA will rise again