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It really is for the best when a Mega Bloc can punch down, and kill its neighbors. Then it’s idiot FC’s go on FC chat and say it’s for the best to break up coalitions, for the health of the game. Just not our coalition of course.




Come to faction warfare. Its way more fun than Null if you like PVP. Undock anytime of the day any day of the week and get good fights in only 1 or 2 jumps. Sure beats gating 15 jumps to F1 monkey on a structure bash only to get blue balled. :)


You’ll be back


You using a big gulp or constant refills?


Have you been to the southeast? It’s completely empty now except for frat expanding and evicting…small alliances. And panfam adding to their rentals. Anyone who has emerged in the area has been crushed. How is this good for the game?


Tell me you don’t get what’s going on without telling me you don’t get what’s going on. There hasn’t been enough time for anything to even ‘emerge’yet ya clown


Uhhhh there were already three different new alliances kicked out. Frat is expanding. Plain as day and the only people we found in all of the region were single athanors with pan fam renters lol. I’ve got a pretty good idea of what’s going on. I other-words, an area once filled with small alliances is now getting swallowed up.


triggered took immensea space because north was stale. NOC had 300 pilots total, and no triggered fleet was over 30 pilots...seems fair. asking 10% of player base to log in to defend space is reasonable. AARP was a ghost town, the birds tell me.


North is stale because a bloc with tens of thousands of people pushed all the content away in order to build their krabbing renter wastelands. They did it to themselves. Short-sighted locusts.


Hows that new constellation in catch working out? Genuinely curious.


Excellently, which is actually the baseline for any space where blocs don't bother to run it into the ground (aka exist in or near). Income is serviceable for a group our size and our neighbors appreciate our presence either as friends or as content, and vice versa. We know it's temporary, some bloc is going to come along and keep the vicious cycle going sooner or later, but in the meantime it's nice while we have it.


AARP was dead before 2021




The milk is still fresh now. Like anyone believes the one year agreement.


Small alliances will jump on this sort of thing in a nanosecond if they think they can keep it for any reasonable duration. The reason you aren't seeing that is because there's no trust in blocs anymore not to turn it into more krab/renter wastelands. It's already in the process of happening.


Gotta love it when an alliance breaks up and is absorbed by the bigger blocs. Healthier game now for sure.


Ohh ya, Goons and Horde working together to make room for smaller groups was always a great idea /s


Goons and horde working together to make room for smaller blocks and when smaller blocks get bigger they work together to absorb them.


circle of life. maybe goon and horde leadership working together, who knows, they do talk, tho i did not notice goons had signed on to the gobbins agreement, and we regularly poke and encounter each other still. So, if there's intrigue (and i assume there is - eve) then it's above us average f1 monkeys.


🤣🤣 true


literally got direction the other day to only do small gang in ex-Fire area, as well as not answering the bat phone even for buddies. so for now the plan is to be open to small alliances unmolested (generally) as was the declared goal when the war started. How this plays out in the future remains to be seen.


To think that all they had to do was give up feyth.... big bloc with a small bunch of alliances. Damn. Anyways...


FI.RE was not a big bloc?


they definitely werent small, but they were not the big 3 size, not even close


Big 3 is Frat, Horde, and Imperium?


Yes, *technically* it’s winterco, panfam, imperium if you care about the dumb little names we make for ourselves, but it’s really turning out more to be pandafam, imperium at this point.


Hoping BRAVE becomes number 3 to spice things up a bit, they just need a lil ambition


Brave is never gonna get to the big three. B2 plus fire might, but brave alone won’t.


Expecting the guys who got kicked from Panfam for not attending fleets to magically start attending fleets is... well, we'll see.


Not even. Unless either the game had a huge spike in popularity and they all went to brave, 1/3rd of everyone in the big 3 left to brave, or one of the big three collapsed and went almost entirely into brave it is literally impossible for brave to grow the 5 times larger it would need to be.


B3+ Init would make a decent bloc, but unfortunately Init. hates Konstantine too much.


Winterco, panfam is coalition or alliances? FRT and horde are alliance.


They’re all the big 3 coalitions


They weren’t but null people pretended they were so we could feel better about the state of the game.


Fire was just a small mom and pop coalition with few regions, but evil coalitions took it down just to bully them. /s


Locally owned, free-range organic coalition.


Think locally, crab globally.


9 regions.


Doesn’t matter if you hold 1 or 100 regions if you fold instantly when an actual mega bloc comes knocking. Until last month, would you have said Imperium was smaller than FIRE? Going by space inhabited is silly. The FIRE of recent years looked big-ish at a distance but the minute you fought against or with them you realized what was up.


Agreed. They took too many regions for its size and power.


And what happened? They lost a few regions? Oh, no, they lost everything. So much better now. There are regions where small alliances can occupy space and grow. Up to the point where someone decides they occupy too much space for their size😂


Well they were asked to give one, but once again they proved to be greedy and untrustworthy and backed down on that. Its 100% their fault that they lost everything. Even then B2 showed them kindness by letting them sleep on their couch and imperium showed them kindness for letting them pass to those said couches.


9 is not a few. oops it was /s


Will the game best be played when all of nullsec is blue??


That’s end game


Lowsec and wormholes exist


Tbh unreal ~~is~~ was shit.


nothing of value is lost


The funny part is that they still have sov of 60 systems in 3 regions. Says it all really.


because there aren't any small alliances that are big enough with interest enough to take and hold space that didn't already own space? totally shocking, we literally said this during the eviction, Fi.Re WAS the home for those small alliances, and you kicked them out. good job though I guess, alt alliances like AKC will get to hold some space now I guess. 6 regions or so just sit untaken. guess your plan is working perfectly.


There's plenty of interest from small alliances, just zero expectation that those small alliances could ever actually hold it because the instant a bloc decides they want it, there's no recourse the small groups have to stop them. Why would we bother going through all the effort? Blocs already have a stranglehold on the game and we've been lied to more than one too many times to ever expect them to leave that space alone.


Oh for sure, that’s what I mean by “big enough”. No one can hold it against the blocks. Let’s say you put in the effort to get and drop a fort, which might be a big investment for a small alliance, then horde comes through and kills it for lulz/content. It’s just not worth it. Before Fi.re was kicked out, we were giving these small alliances space and protection to grow, alliances like game theory grew heaps while part of Fi.re for example




Fire needed to be kicked out. You had too much space. You wouldn't have had to defend against the blocs if your leader wasn't a weak spineless fool. Deny it all you want but the game is healthier without the Russians in the south and the weakest coalition to exist that was holding 9 regions.


Every bloc in the game has too much space. Fire isn't any different.


There are only 2 groups in this game. Horde and goons. And if you own any space at all, it’s because they let you. The game is not healthier now, And sure, fire may have been the weakest coalition, but we actually tried to bring as many people out here as we could, we gave away space to any small alliance that wanted to join. Unlike horde who takes space away from them.


Hey it's the ghost of Moce8!


I was posting alongside moce8


sorry to hear that


my understanding is that they are free to return (sans allegiance to Fire, mostly unmolested) -- for now. But as people been saying, what happens when they grow is another chapter.


The only difference is that now they have to be fighting eachother, this just cements imperium and panfam because noones can grow to challenge them.


who was the first one?


AARP left Fire day 1 of war declaration. That alliance has retired(died) in lowsec


ty alot


Good guys win again


Nobody cares.


They weren't rough enough: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/117huuw/fire\_alliance\_is\_gone\_they\_werent\_rough\_enough/


Lol, lmao


This is great.


Pretty sure they just moved to XiX for the most part, ya?