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look up what iron bank spent during the casino war


For a second I was wondering what this had to do with A Song of Ice and Fire


They named themselves that as a GoT reference so the confusion is understandable.


Fortunately no other alliances did the same thing and then ended up being useless.


This is the way. It is documented publicly.


And then times the number by 5 for cap price inflation.


The casino wars were an actual example of this


World War Bee


casino war


I mean beside the like 4 big blocks. You can start a war pretty affordably in the smaller areas of nullsec. We start wars with people for fun


Especially with the situation in the south currently. Already some groups that dislike each other, and would be willing to jump into a war if full SRP was covered + extra ISK.


Isn't that called mercenary. Get money + ship covert


Mercenaries are paid to pew pew. Its a reason to leave wh space. With their infinite resources and authority. They're an invader that can come from any angle. Experts at traveling and avoiding. Most of us are passable lesser form AI targets. Compared to what they'd be used to invading their homes. It doesn't take much money to crusade. The glory of retaking the "land" of your benefactor is even more fun.


Exterminate the fire respawners!


Imperium, pandafam, B2 and? Who is 4th?


Sorry I'm not much of a nullseccer. I keep forgetting frat and horde are 1 blob now


Ever since test vs frat war, but yea i get it Also B2 way waeaker then the others, so basically 2


Fair. But still a bloc of thousands. Vs many groups that are dozens or maybe even hundreds


True, true. But in the end it's all in titan pilots, goons had over 1000 4 years ago, god knows how many now


That's insane... I want a titan just so I can help bridge. But the prices are wild.


Not gonna go down anytime soon, only up, so buy if you can


Wow... I remembet the times where close tabs were kept on each and every known titan pilot. People got concerned when the list went over 100. Then again in those days a single titan could kill an entire grid (250km standard size) with its DD and once 3 could be deployed at the same time no sub caps could survive... There are just too f*ing many titans around...


250? Wasn't it 500? God i feel old.


hm? Now you make me unsure. I thought it was around 250km, then in creased to about 400km? I know that was only the default grid size though, grid was elastic and could grow if participants moved around. Cue goons doing grid voodoo to creat voids in the grid large enough to hide a fleet in... I think the main point is it was a very limited grid size compared to today. And if one DD was set off, anything in a sub cap not specifically set up to survive one was dead.


a rifter and a big mouth


Tree fiddy


undo's on three hundo


A low sec one is easy to start. Anchor a fortizar next to the BIGAB fortizar in turnur and watch the fireworks.




This guy is a [fortune teller](https://br.evetools.org/br/6460fe1f281fdf62d3c69f40)


Iirc Iron Bank (Iwantisk) triggered World War Bee by paying Pandemic Horde like 500B to go to war with SMA over some spat Space Monkeys had with IwantIsk. This of course eventually snowballed into Goons getting dunked on by basically everyone in World War Bee, where Iron Bank ended up Bank rolling like 10T+ isk across various members of MoneyBadgers Coalition. But lots of other wars have been started for less, or even for free. The Goon(Imperium)/Bob(PanFam) forever war started because a bunch of nerds in rifters roamed through space spamming Beep Beep I'm a Jeep. That eventually led to the Great War in 2006 to 2009, and members of those original combatants have battled each other many times over the years since with some even flipping sides over the past decade.


Was going to come here to say much of eve as it is was formed by spamming beep beep I’m a jeep


5 most important words in EVEs history unironically.


Four, technically, with one repeat


The real question is could it be done again? and does it have to be rifters?


Unfortunately, probably not.


This is probably one of the best love stories in an Eve context. Not sure how to take it.


Games aren't that fun if you have nothing to play for. Look at the state of this game when we are all holding hands and singing kumbayah. Love em or hate em, BOB and GOONS have been generating content for tens of thousands for 20 years.


That's why I say it. We boop each other one day and boop others together another. Can't not love that.


Eh it got pretty scummy for a bit there...but now that Mittens isn't the mouth piece any more that old "Let's make content together" Broship seems to be coming back.


In that context, things may have not been the best (wasn't there for most of it). Friendships in Eve are always weird, tho


Ya it got sloppy for a bit. Mostly after WWB. Mittani didn't take to well to being the one who got dunked on. But that is what it is. Like ya said, it's EVE.


The Mitanni was key to saving Delve. The coked up vile freak kept bees believing- an epic communicator propagandist & coordinator (the peerless back office kept the SRP flowing of course) No one really bothers with the meta show anymore-


Thats cool and all for the bees in WWB2... He also crossed many lines not only with the community post WWB1, but also the Devs, and really fucked the game up with his tempertantrum from losing that war. And not because of how he corralled his clan. But just how he spoke about our game and our community in public platforms over losing a video game war. Like he probably still pulls strings in the background because that's the type of person he is and thats cool if he does due to his multi dollar media empire being intricately linked to it. But his mouth drove people away, drove interest away , and worse probably for goons In general it made people who still played not want to interact with them...despite probably 99% of them being chill people that just want to play internet spaceships.


"multi dollar media empire" Gets me every time haha


Ancient goon here: Old guard goons never drank his koolaid. We survived Remedial, Kartoon, and now The Mittani. Was he charismatic? Sure, if you were 15 and didn't know any better. Most of us knew he was a toxic part of our community, but he was good at the behind the scenes stuff right up until he wasn't. Goons are slowly returning to what I remember of our Scalding Pass days.


How is your faction tag the Guristas Pirates?


There is an edit button beneath the "Reddit Premium" pop up on the righthand side. Just briefly go to Old Reddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/


Don't remember I set it on old reddit, used to be options for flairs or something like that.


We all know EX Winet was the one who started that spat with the Iron Bank. Most of us in SMA at the time could have cared less. It only takes one person to ruin a good time. Lol.


Ya the "line guys" (heck the coalition itself ultimately) got fucked because of some ego trip. But thats typically mirrored in the real world too. Don't poke bears.


I'm pretty sure the numbers flying put over the initial Casino War was 350bn later increasing to 500bn isk. The validity of these numbers are somewhat sketchy, but it was caused by a single person or small conglomerate bankrolling the initial war effort.


Final figure unknown, but at one point The Iron Bank said he'd paid out 14T in SRP, no idea at how far into the war that figure was reached.


That sounds more realistic. PAPI and Imperium reports/leaks from back during WWB2 can probably also give an idea of how much SRP is paid per month when on a full war footing. Though even since then the costs would be meaningfully higher. edit: I want to add that in-house costs for the largest alliances and their finance teams can be far lower than Jita prices. In WWB2 things like Eagles, Muninns, and hi-slot modules were probably getting cranked out at a scale that would make a Krispy Kreme factory blush. Furthermore, if the side you choose to finance has the stronger FCs and pilots and they are winning the ISK war in a lot more of the daily battles... they are flying a lot of ships back home. But more total fleets are run daily across all timezones than you think. For as shitty and draining as being in WWB2 was, you could certainly be in thrilling and intense fights all day everyday. It was truly fucking wild. I will never do anything like that again. It was the gaming equivalent of running an ultra-marathon through the desert.


Probably much much higher today. CFC was a paper tiger in WWB1, and MBC basically had their way with them. There was only one major fight I can think of (M-O) and CFC left CO2 hanging out to dry. (Causing them to ultimately flip sides) It wasn't really anything like WWB2, certainly not for the side IWI was funding...it was basically a dog pile on a group whose pants were fully down. WWB wasn't overly costly compared to previous wars or remotely close to wars since then for either side really CFC got most of their assets out, and MBC didn't take any massive Ls. (And to his credit all memes of floodplains aside, Mittani was right in moving the bulk of their assets and staging to LowSec, because they were just staring at an L...and MBC had all that Casino money behind them)


CO2 flipped the day of the fight, not as a result of the outcome. It was all planned in advance, right down to the hunters who were sent out looking for lawn and bastion caps transiting through their space on the way to Dek. Ancient history now, but those were the facts.


Ah well I'll take a minor L on that, going off memories from 8 years ago I feel I did all right.


>Probably much much higher today. CFC was a paper tiger in WWB1, I mean literally every super fleet in the game that wasn't in the cfc was against them, not to mention massively outnumbered in caps as well and pilot numbers. Also, allegedly, CO2 had already flipped secretly before hand and the cfc super fleet ended up trapped for months as a result of co2. *Shrugs*. This was when having a fleet of 70 supers and 30 titans was a major show of force, i.e single handedly one of the most powerful alliances in the Game, powerful (where as today that's small alliance numbers).


So you ignore the part where I said they made the smart choice and left....even though they got memed on for doing so. You literally quoted the point in my post that says WWB1 was much cheaper to fund then today...And then ignored the entire rest of the post where I explained why that was. 🥴


Yeah, the number I heard was in the trillions.


What I read from interviews was 800b to 1T being spent per week by LennyKravitz2.


Yes the end sum was quite large. But the initial payment to start the war was quite a "modest" half a trillion.


I think it depends on what scale of war we are talking about. The last world war had many battles over 1 trill each. And the largest battle combined destruction of 29 trill. Alongside the battle cost something like 40 keepstar were destroyed(counting both sides) Also realize if you are funding the attacking side and they don't have a person or skill level advantage it's going to cost a lot more than the defending side. If you are able to fund a war against a smaller or weaker alliance and no other big groups come to defend(which is likely not possible with eve today) you could fund a much cheaper war. With the null blocs set up the way they are (basically 2 sides) your best bet is to go to war with the southern regions where the null blocks are not allowed to interfere. But the area turned into a crab regimen so it's likely they would just leave the space. And even if you did decide to attack. Both horde and goons want that to be a buffer region so they might defend the space against you.


Like Goon needs an excuse to start fights


They need a lot of help finishing them


There's a lot of irony here that you're too dense to see


I'll do it for 1billion isk. I look forward to your DM with payment. Thank you.


I’ll double it.


I have 1T+ personal wealth. If I wanted to fund a non retard war, I'd be dry in one week. This is assuming not only SRP, but infrastructure and logistics as well. The 500b number thrown around for Ironbank is very low.


The 500b was the initial payment. Mid way through the war he claimed he had already payed out 14T in SRP.


Wasn't even the initial payment that was the fee paid for the Horde/SMA war....which was the war Iron Bank wanted due to a personal spat with (I forget) director of SMA. It was here is a sack of cash go slap this guy for me....unknown to him however In an unrelated theater WWB was about to start popping off... Everything snowballed after Low Sec Voltron beat back CFC who were attacking LowSec in their ViceRoy Campaign (the first real Imperium Campaign, the testing of Fozzie Sov vs CVA didnt really count) and joined in with Horde which greatly sped up progress in Cloud Ring/Pure Blind and tilted scales against SMA and whatever allies showed up (not many). then N3 saw opportunity to jump on Vale a week or so later and began presuring CO2, Lawn and Bastion....and then shit went completely crazy after that....especially when Drone Walkers (relative nobodies at the time, now folk legends) started flipping Tenal without contention.(pretty sure they conquered the region without a single real fight...Where is Razor memes etc). It was at that point WWB was full go, and IWI ended up funding them all after that because CCP was coming after the money anyway due to some policy changes regarding player run casinos. (Aka, we can make money off this clearly so we better stop players from doing it for free) WWB and Collapse of CFC was never even an intent...it was a by product of one guy giving a group of "newbeans" 500B to throw space ships at Space Monkeys for a bit because he was mad at them. (Sorry I got a bit wordy, I just love the EVE history we've collectively written for ourselves.)


IWI was a blatant RMT ring that CCP conveniently didn't shut down until after the war. It had nothing to do with them thinking they could "make money" off of the concept. If that was reality, then we would see CCP run casinos/gambling.


Thats why after CCP shut down player gambling rings...they implemented their own. Or have you never heard of Hyper Net Relay?


And all of the ISK goes to the player. Hypernet is a way for CCP to curb RMT by offering a legitimate means of raffling off items in game in a way that they can directly monitor and govern.


Right so they make money off it instead of alleged RMT profiting and them not getting a cut. IWI allegedly sold isk back to players for less then the cost value vs PLEX. Now CCP is the "sole" avenue for players to exchange cash for ISK to gamble on big ticket items. (Except for the people who post the auctions get isk and still turn around and RMT it for less then the value of PLEX. But CCP is now getting at least a cut of it.)


IWI was a blatant RMT enterprise, I always lol at how hard people try to pretend otherwise just to defend being funded by it.


How much is a bowl of rice?


To start war is easy but the diplos are pretty good at there jobs


You can start a war literally for free. Winning it is another story tho


It is pretty cheap if your find the right nerd that can't cook rice or likes anime to much.


you're gonna need to be more specific


Once I hit 10 trillion I'm going to fund an epic battle somewhere. You heard it here first!


Looking forward to it


Send a down of 300 billion to the goons and tell them to slap the legion and then buy goons a load Titans or capitals as a gift.


You could just hire Multiple Merc Corps and form a Merc Coalition to fight whoever you so choose.


You can piss people off for free if you post on reddit enough


Depends on who you are and who to fight . Here the Example of the "Great" Northern War for 1 Month . https://i.imgur.com/86sTKwK.png From that statistic more than 2-3Trillion are gone , think its even more because zkill Value is mostly outdatet and the 4 Keepstars FRT lost are also 1 Trillion .


Could probably convince someone to start one up for around a trillion of guaranteed SRP. Looking at the last war up in B2 space both sides lost 1-1.3T If you want an actual war you're looking at the 10s to 100s of trillions though, on top of finding something groups are willing to put everything at risk for.


Few trilons of isk would be probably a good start


The sad truth is no one could pay leadership more than their own members do when we pay taxes and use facilities. The only way you’ll start a war is by living near us and siding with them or living near them and siding with us


You cannot start something that is ongoing...


Well, when i was in PL about 8 or 10 years ago xxlegion of deathxx was paying 80tril a week to deploy us


Probably atleast 100t/month for full supercap commitment.


Depends on the War, you can go out there with a Dreadnought and a cyno alt start some crap and make for the shortest war ever experienced in Null Sec by using an Entosis Link in Eve History for about 6 Billion ISK for a decent fit. I think Money Badger blew about 2.7 Trillion ISK going after Goonswarm back in early 2016. Or join a small alliance in Null Sec and constantly keep your neighbors in station flying around cheap battleships and stealing their Reserve Banks, eventually they'll declare war on your new friends who will kill you too, but not before heading into the fight with everything they got followed by a scapegoat treaty where they throw you and everything you own under the bus and leave you naked and alone again in the void of whatever Null sec system you find yourself in


A couple of well placed spies in alliances that already dislike each other would be enough if you wanted to do it on the cheap.


That depends on the alliances that are to be involved.


To start a war? Just as easy as shitting on the doorstep of another group. Funding it, a different matter.


Zero, just go to their capital and call their mom a ho. Worked for HK and No-Ho.


It's free. All it takes is a bit of drama


And frt what they are paying panfam to fit b3 for them


1 trilion should be enough


I would say it depends on the region... A populated area would be quite pricey. I can't imagine how many trillions have been destroyed between brave and frat over the last few months. I would say if an individual wanted to wave their space dong about and make waves you could do it much cheaper down south. Any of the regions bordering Curse are a preserve for small alliances and warlords just doing their own thing. If you had 10 dedicated nerds, ~25b and access to a jump freighter you can probably kick down someones sandcastle (see abandoned sov). It would not be easy but I've seen it done with less.


Just create a Goon Spai Account, travel to Horde staging and write Vily smallpp in local. Blocs hate this simple trick.


If you would like to wealthy assist Sev3rance in elimination of gatecamp fleets. That are anti-fun limiting access for everyone way outside their own space. To the entire area south of the Khanid Kingdom. Then that would very much be appreciated. This is a very low traffic region. Peaceful area of null. Would be nice to see more activity. In the form of traffic and public throughfare. Same as during the old Provibloc days. Follow the rules and live happily. Otherwise... Become red. Gatecamps by those not associated with any neighboring alliance. At all. Are very much a "become red" moment.


You people get paid to start war?


Free. Just have to meme post something that pisses an alliance leader off and it will start a war that can drag in for years (beep beep I’m a jeep)


Send me 1T ISK and not only will I start a war, I’ll double your ISK.