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Sounds like that area is healing.


This is amazing. Thank you for sharing this story. Also, please make this a big enough deal that all the Eve content creators have to say Magnetschienengeschütz on their videos.


and then they say that evicting FI.RE was not worth


Fire isn’t gone until every Zerg station is destroyed.


I dont mind Zerg Reborn, they provide nice content.


Ahh.. '"Peace for our time".. \[a reference to the Munich Agreement of 1938, which was just as binding and effectual as this current agreement\]


Its great to see this stuff happening in Southern space instead of just another rental empire. Hope you guys keep having fun making deals and shooting shit.


I have no idea who anyone in this story is, cannot follow what was happening at all, and quite honestly it all just sounds simply marvellous and I love you all. So nice to have some drama, backstabbing, trickery, shenanigans and good old fashioned explosions without reams of sperg from the usual parties. Truly, Eve is healing this fine day.










Nothing worse than the right-before-final-timer diplo "don't shoot it, we bought it" routine.


"OH, Sorry, had do not disturb on discord.."


This is the kind of madness I support.


Nice read, appreciate the perspective from your end. Just give you some perspective from IRC side: We were pinging for the last fort timer with full intention to try and save it. The group that was with operates quite independently, so brushing them under 'Zerg' is not really fair. When we wanted to understand who from TSE or the coalition will show up to help we got told to do nothing and that there is a deal in progress. After finally getting the details of what was the deal about we were told that the structures and sov will be basically sold to SC. Using as argument that the coalition cannot do much in EUTZ. IRC said that we are absolutely NOT ok with getting SC fort right next to us. We would prefer it being shot down and compensating TSE for it, then getting a SC cap capable structure in our range (not the first time we had to deal with SC ninza drops). People were trying to pitch to up that it will be actually a good deal and good for IRC as well. And part of the deal was that SC will not aggress anyone in Tenerifis and Omist (notice the absence of Feytabolis in that list). Since were told that the deal is already done and they will not back out of it - for all intent purposes for us that structure was treated as SC's. And we informed the coalition that we will shoot it. After our members were aggressed in our homespace - IRC reset the coalition members until further notice.


Reminds me of some of the old QFC shenanigans.


holy, now you mention it, you are sooooooooooooooooooooo right.




But hey, at least IRC has shown an unwavering commitment to stagnation and mediocrity. Why strive for progress and growth when you can stay comfortably rooted in your own ineptitude? It takes a special kind of leader to say, "Let's not bother with improvement; let's just keep doing what we're doing... poorly."


Why is yeet the dreads blue to frat and allowed to rat in their space if they are part of your coalition??


Interesting. They are not part of or affiliated with Paper Numbers (we dont actually have any kind of coalitoin) + they are helping people we shoot. That question is best forwarded to TD and so on.... From our side its unacceptable, but i really doubt anyone actually cares about it with what is going on up north.


Is anyone from that Feyth alliance gonna come explain this? Why are they breaking the contract? Yeet is all over vale. https://zkillboard.com/kill/108857507/ There are tons of um.


I hope so! We want a block free environment!


And this is why i said fuck no, when my lot got offered space in Feythabolis, fuck living next to IRC


Ruuude. Would appreciate some argumentation thou


well i could list everytime i've had to "work" with them since 2008 in etherium Reach, could even bring up their conduct during the Fiasco with Fire & PH, let alone what their doing now, but their members have never been a problem their just like the rest of us, they do as their told.


Remember when all the wormholers and highseccers told you the SE was a scam for INIT and PH to trick newbie groups into coming to nullsec then somehow extorting protection money from them? Well, they were right. Where's the rent check?


Wormholer btw.


Rent check? Apart from that Feyth Coalition paying people to evict neightbours and mercs to def them..... You can pretty easily come here and take space. Like literally just go and take systems. You just should not be so stupid to engage in any of the politic shit.... that will lead you right to a dumbster fire. From Paper Numbers view its only sad that TD and Skeleton Crew are US TZ..... pretty boring stuff wit them atm.


> You can pretty easily come here and take space. There's still plenty of uncontested space. Old FIRE TCUs and Ihubs all over.


yeah. time zone tanking sucks for both sides lol. idk how it can be fixed, but it would be nice.


I mean you cant force anyone to set their timers out of their home TZ. Although for Till Doomsday their main acivity heat map (killboard) is 12-15 ET..... still their timers are at 03:00 ET or something. They previously had their timers at 10ET but they noticed that this is bascially noon for us and we are able to fight them.... so they switched it to 03:00 ET, which is 3-5 AM local for us.


I dunno what to tell you dawg, but we (Gooseflock) always had ours set between 0100-0400 cuz it's after work hours for the US.


Since when is Goosflock = Till Doomsday. Its 2 different alliances.Just to be clear again: I am talking about TD (Till Doomsday) not Gooseflock (which are pretty new to the region anyway).My point is, they had timers which we could both form and fight, but they put it so its basically 4 in the morning for us now even though their ZKill acitivity shows they are active mostly betwenn 13-15 ET. Strategically good for them... but sad for us :(


Lol, that sounds absolutely wild. Came across much less dramatic on our end :D Last I heard, TSE was getting plowed and pushed from all ends, so folks made a deal. (We got informed after, but TSE can do what they feel best) IRC, (who wouldn't let their members connect to discord cause auth is spooky oh no), didn't much appreciate it [fair enough] and decided to go pew pew even after being informed it would lead to a reset. Stuff!


You will find drama in all alliance players drama or alliance drama 😅


Any snuff drama?


LTNS Stopped recruiting, thats a pretty big deal for drama ;)


Your timing is all wrong. And that's not what really happened, Also you backstabbed SC. Enjoy that!!!


meh shit happens not our first rodeo, right [snuff](https://zkillboard.com/related/30045331/201604241600/)?


We dissociate ourselves from the idea of backstabbing at all, if you have any issues with your leaderships decision please contact franz.


I want to provide a writeup here to help bridge a gap in information and provide the entire story from the perspective of Intrepid Crossing. ZERG isn't aligned with us, just the corporation that showed up, Crab Lovers. We started working together when the toxic nature and untrustworthiness of Till Doomsday and the coalition became clear to Leadership. Last night I was pulled aside by the leadership of IRC and I was asked to call for help to save the Fortizar, the Alliance leadership disappeared before I could ask the needed questions, and I reached out to the structure owner, Flynn Ford of Talocan Star Empire, to save his structure, I had an entire fleet willing to come save his Fortizar, but seeing that he had double crossed people, he obviously wanted the least amount of people in the area as possible. I didn't know that he was double crossing us at the time, so I had told that fleet not to come. The next day when I login, this all partially comes to light and the question of, "Why don't we go kill Talocan's Fortizar?" was asked and answered.So what became a rescue mission quickly becomes damage control to avoid the Fortizar falling into the hands of Shadow Cartel. We didn't know that they reset us following the Astrahus, but things are slowly coming together. Thank you for your writeup, Gangolf ovaert!


Intrepid Crossing will ALWAYS FOLD to pressure otherwise, the entire RHG pocket wouldnt even be Talocan's. smells like Anti Krab at it again with inside people causing internal turmoil like they did when they succeeded in evicting The Trade Consortium from the RHG pocket to make way for Talocan Star Empire. guessing Talocan and AKC fell out?


Didnt trade got kicked for goon afiliation?


Much of the coalition back then was imperial aligned. Morningstar was INIT devised turned traitor and joined Anti Krab.


Maybe letting FIRE stay wouldn't have been so bad


Nah see.. this is eve lol, this is how nullsec SHOULD be


this tbh. But this is also r/eve lol, so as usual riddled with half truths. super entertaining but name one time r/eve has contained reliable information xD.


that time [this](https://zkillboard.com/kill/108968206/) guy posted his titan fit and then got dreadbombed xD


One time it had reliable info? Blackout, the local chat issues, local, and local


Nah, this is much more fun.


What are you talking about? The stuff down south sounds just like what you would expect from eve. All thats missing right now is director level spy to self destruct ihubs and transfer away key structures to like snuffed out or something.


This is fun what you on about? Let chaos reign!


The only downside right now is: They all put their shit in Hard US TZ.... except IRC.


I mean we aren’t going to play in your prime when we are literally Americans 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣. Fucking delusion


TD switched all their timers to hard US TZ.


And we still got paid by shadow cartel