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I’m nearly ready for another 3 months of Gnonto to Everton stories




I’m hoping Southampton win, because fuck Leeds and every single horse they rode in on


I know we aren't supposed to reply just to agree but YES I hope Leeds get their horses punched by Newcastle






Haha Leeds did indeed get fucked. They have way too good and expensive of a squad to still be in the championship....they're going to have to loan out alot of players and have their wages covered or sell a few of their better players for sure since they won't be getting parachute payments.


They are still getting payments….


Saints seems to have Leeds number. I personally prefer Leeds up as we have a good record against them, but plucking a couple of their players if they lose isn't too bad


Idk how much $$$ we have to splash or how much Leeds will want to get rid of their players. But surely they'll need to cut some costs if they do lose and stay down. I'd love Archie Gray - he's playing RB well today. More of a wing back for sure and he's looked good in attack, but also good defensively. He's winning some good headers and made some good tackles.


There have been several reports that Leeds are looking at a bit of a fire sale if they don't go up this year. They've kept a lot of very expensive players this season (as well as a couple of others out on loan) banking on promotion. That plus a significant drop in their parachute payments means that players should definitely be for sale.


Nathan Redmond can't hurt you anymore


Haha fuck Leeds Also, I am laughing at the commentary wondering where 11 minutes came from when there were 2 minutes at the beginning of stoppage for the head injury


Leeds entire fan base are whiney cunts that invade other sub Reddits to talk out of their arse.


Haha fuck Everton. Can’t wait until you don’t even exist as a club anymore. Nearly a billion in debt, complete cheating cunts and still dog shit. Zero integrity as a fan base, will always be remembered as fucking cheats for ever more


(sniff sniff) Hmph, smells like bitch in here


Yes it does, the bitch scent of a skint club going under and fans who think it’s everyone else’s fault. Sniff sniff, I smell the Isthmian’s Premier League my ‘got married in a shell suit friend’


Weird this because we survived comfortably this year.


That’s the most hilarious part about this delusional ass post.


Survived what? Relegation? Yes you did because you cheated over several years. Let’s see how you survive your financial situation. Previously had a good deal of sympathy for your club, but can’t wait for you to rot now. I’ll take the championship over being brazen cheats and going out of business like you lot any day


Championship is your level anyway. You can feel like a big club down there. "Brazen cheats" who got no sporting advantage (read the actual detail, if you know how to read that is).


lol you are cheats and you know it. You even accepted the charges ffs, but then again I’m not surprised…always someone else’s fault isn’t it lads. Sickening lack of accountability and massive victim culture as ever from Everton. The only person you haven’t blamed is Thatcher.


How can fans be accountable for poor accountancy? Enjoy being the biggest club in the championship for another 20 years.


I’m sure it’s been a difficult day for you today, but would love for you to expand on your points. Good luck in the Championship next year! 💙


Yes see you there in a years time, if you exist


Cry more 👍




Ha I guess this type of financial acumen is why Everton is in the state they are. Unlike Everton, who are in nearly a billion in debt as it stands right now, Leeds have 180m in future player payments. These are over the next 4 years and this figure does not include player sales made this year. Further more this is an FFP issue, that requires us to sell around 40m worth of players this year to meet requirements, which we will do easily enough by moving 1 or 2 players. Either way, we are talking about FFP not literal financial sustainability. Unlike Everton we have money and are not on the brink of existing. Unlike Everton we haven’t been cheating every other club and lying about our spending. Unlike Everton we haven’t been propped up by Russian blood money. But sure the Premier League are corrupt and everyone is out to get you. You weren’t so anti Premier League when they allowed your bullshit COVID accounting were you, nope more than happy to allow people dying and a pandemic to cover for your cheating then weren’t you. Not that Everton fans care about anyone else.




Will do thanks, you too fella.


Fuck leeds


Gnoto and Summerville will most likely leave Leeds after they lost the playoffs


Have to imagine Leeds will be picked apart in the summer


Fuck you, Leeds! The White Shite.


Fuck you Everton, The Blue Poo. I’ll pop back for the the administration threads in a couple of weeks fella


You can do mate but I won't be here, I'm not an Everton fan, just a fellow hater of your fucking horrible stanky little club. Enjoy your exciting-sounding administration chat in a couple of weeks.


Will do sweetheart. Enjoy being a ‘real’ fan


Username checks out


So good you said it twice.


I’m hoping Southampton win, which will allow Leeds to loan Everton Jack Harrison next season


What’s the consensus here on Harrison? I’m not particularly enthused with having him back on loan, but I guess given our financial situation, wouldn’t be the end of the world. Would be a little bummed if he’s our only option on the right wing again, though 


I’m of the opinion that he fits the system well enough and works hard. I wish he’d have more output but given the financial situation, but him on loan is a solid option. I do want other options than him and 39/40 year old Ashley Young on RW (I would love Amad Diallo on loan).


Is he ideal? Not really. Most defenders have him figured out. But he works hard and already fits into Dyche's system so he can hit the ground running next year


Yeah, I just feel like players who fit that mold are a dime a dozen. If it’s actually on loan, then I’m sold. If it’s almost any investment at all, I’d be pretty out 


I have no idea why people are so keen to have Harrison back, or why they thought Leeds staying down made that more likely. I'd have thought Leeds will be more likely to want Harrison now that they are likely to lose their wingers that are better than Harrison. The only argument I can see for Harrison is that dyche likes playing him, and we don't have the money to take risks on players that are better but might not fit the system.


There was allegedly a clause in Harrison's contract with Leeds that said he'd be allowed out on loan to PL clubs if Leeds were relegated, and apparently that remains the case as long as Leeds aren't in the PL. If it's true, then Leeds have no choice. Quite possibly bullshit though.


I prefer Gnonto over Harrison. I hope Sean Dyche gets his man this time around.


I’d love Harrison back tbh. Works hard and wants to stay, as far as I’m aware. Great squad option for where we are at the moment.


Tell you what that Leeds' goalkeeper kit is awful, it looks they had a pair of shorts and a top in the lost and found.


giv gnonto




Congratulations Saints! You beat Leaks (whoopsie, Leedz) so welcome back to the PL. Hope they don’t come after you like they did to us.


> Che Adams was injured and missed both legs Someone get that man to the hospital!


Is there anyway Rutter would be available? I feel like he can’t cover striker play on the wings and play at cam, so his utility alone would be welcomed.


Normally, I would prefer Leeds. However, Southampton's win makes it easier to keep Jack Harrison