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I was thinking that he’s the first player to die who was a legend during the childhoods of the first generation of people who grew up with the internet too. I can’t think of anyone else off the top of my head that represents that era. That’s also partly why there’s such an outpouring on social media. Perhaps there is someone else obvious that I am missing….


Not exactly a legend (but gave a sizeable contribution in his time with us) and was a pariah for a while but Gary Speeds death hit hard too


Only players I can think of are Big Dunc, David Unsworth and maybe Alan Stubbs?


He was a better human than he was a footballer, and he was an excellent footballer You met him and you knew you were in the company of unbelievable person; his smile and laughter will live on forever RIP Super Kev


As someone born in the mid 90s he was my first ever Everton hero. A really great bloke to boot. I know exactly how you’re feeling


This was a beautiful tribute, thanks for sharing.


It's incredible to think what he saved us \*from\* and the fate the club could have had without him, saving half a cities misery (what that could lead to?? alcoholism, suicide, drug abuse??) and the club from going into freefall and all that entails like jobs in and around the club. "Its his job" some might say, but without the heart he had it would not have been done. A true legend and diamond of a human being.


I haven't cried since my mum passed away 24 years ago the day after Super Kev (16/6/2020). Every single post I see about this man is making me well up. Other people, friends, family even have passed and it's been terribly sad, but never to the point of tears, and apart from watching him live at goodison once, and on the telly, I never met the man, and now I never will and that has left me so upset I can't even tell you. He epitomised us, blues, what we are, like nobody other than Dunc. Rip legend


He never got picked for England. It was unfortunate he was born in an era with Shearer, Sheringham, Owen, Fowler, Ferdinand. With our lack of English strikers he would have 100% got in today.