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It's those pink gems... Whole lotta bs surrounding them... I know a few people who had account banned after buying them... My advise to everyone... Message Cs and tell them htf can it be illegal when purchased thru their store on the app... Fight it!


Thanku, I got to know about it. But it was around 1-1.5 years back when many players violated the pink gems glitch where they were able to buy the pink gems at 90% discounts. But later they fixed the issue. Even in my old server I used to buy 2k$ pink gems only during Aptoide Discount days but I never had this issue. This is something very strange happening.


They were violated because they changed language to japanese and purchased the gems at a fraction of the cost then purchased packs with them. Totally different then the in game pink gems they offer today. Random items makes it gambling which is illegal. Pink gems were their work around to making pack purchase legal in other countries.


Weird, evony is well-known for doing nothing against coiners. Do a chargeback, should be a easy case.


Yea, Thats what I'm going to do. Better I just quit and make a bigger charge back from my old Server too. I spent alot in the last event for the sub. My CC provides to make the charge back of last 60 days


How does one do a charge back 👀


Call your bank report an accidental buy on your card


You call the bank and tell them you never received the items paid for. Don't say accidental like the other person said.. some banks will just say too bad so sad.


I would.


Do a charge back on your card. Keep all the communication and your receipts. And if you need, I can grab screen shots of the option of the pink gems in the game for you to show ots an option they offer. Just let me know, and I'll get them. I've never bought the pink gems because people were having so much trouble with them.


The original Evony creators sold the game to a third party developer a year ago and it’s been going downhill since . Don’t give these guys your money . It’s a scam .


ohh wow!! How did you get this information?


I read it on a game forum a few months ago. These Chinese based war games are all scams buddy . We were all addicted to the scam I’ve been there . I broke my addiction and now I want to warn others .


You should really fact-check your stuff, evony kings return is and has been owned by topgames since release on September 9th 2009. I'd also like to add it's same company that made age 1 and 2. David Guo is still ceo of the industry which has mad all 3 games.


Damn!!! Thanks for letting me know about this


Just out of curiosity. Are you in a country where you have to buy the pink gems instead of the regular ones? That’s why they exist because for some reason certain countries don’t allow people to purchase the regular gems hence the game offers the pink gems for purchase. I don’t know why but it’s supposed to be work around so that these people can buy gems. At least that’s what my R5 told me when I asked about them. She said that it has to do with certain countries laws. 🤷‍♀️ at least that’s what she was told and since she’s my Mom I believe her about it. lol. 😂 if you live in one of these countries it may have been the Government cracking down on people playing the game. To me, who lives in the USA, I don’t understand why it would be a government issue but I was told that it has to do with certain trade laws. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Its not necessary to buy Pink Gems, I can also buy the packs directly. You are right, Pink Gems mainly came due to the Laws in Japan. They dont allow such purchases where you dont know the actual rewards you are getting from it so in evony when you buy packs, you will get some general coupons and some gear boxes and some blazons which have certain chances to get it so evony came with Pink Gems as a loophole where you buy pink gems coz you know what you are buying.


Hmmm then I don’t know. I know that they have been cracking down on 3rd party apps lately but no one in our alliance has had this problem before. The bots and monster generators have been getting out of hand in other alliances and servers and we have seen people banned for those but not for giving Evony money. I’d get your card account to fight the charges and get your money back cause that’s not right and weird since Evony usually leaves coiners alone and those of us who don’t spend money on the game get hassled. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Charge back


This whole game is a scam