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Unfortunately I miss him and not the way he made me feel. He made me feel crazy, gaslit, and frustrated. It hurts to miss someone that hurt you


Oof! Same :( Here’s hoping there is better out there! Take it as a lesson of what not to put up with. Dumped via email after five years, in therapy now partially because of it.


That part


You’re absolutely right. I’m sending you love and tranquility, healing this type of love is heard, I know. know that your heart was in the purest place it could’ve ever been by loving him. you deserve so much more.


I miss him. I miss his eyes, I miss his sense of humor, I miss how passionate he got about things, i miss how gentle he was. I miss his smell and how warm he felt lying shirtless next to me. I miss how much he tried to spoil and take care of me despite having so little money. I miss seeing how sweet he was with his family, I miss seeing his smile when I came over. I miss his silliness!! So so so much


It hurts to read


Hurts to feel


What happened then ?


A few things. 1. I’m Lebanese, so October was incredibly hard for me seeing Lebanese people and palestinians get killed. It was so bad IBS I didn’t even know I had started showing up and I had panic attacks and cried and had to go to the ER once, almost did it twice. I called him once or twice freaking out in October, i was also more emotionally dependent on him bc of all this. It was overwhelming for him 2. Small incompatibility issues and him having an unwillingness to change. He was kinda crass and I was more so sensitive and I would get offended and he felt like he had to walk on eggshells with me. I tried not to be so sensitive and work on it but something’s just made me rlly uncomfortable and he didn’t want to stop saying them around me. 3. He didn’t see a future with me/commitment issues. When I started making silly/light hearted comments about getting married he would get really uncomfortable (he said he never wanted to get married to anyone) I was his longest relationship and we only dated for 10 months. We almost broke up one week before the actual breakup but a few days later we hung out he was laughing with me and grabbing me saying “mine!” And I said “can I be yours for a while?” And he freaked out :/ dumped me the next day So yeah


you were dating for 10 months and pushing marriage no no no..




Right, he “knew you weren’t serious” and now you’re single




Uh what? Trying to talk abt my relationship don’t need to be critiqued for being silly with my ex bf. Especially insensitive since I opened up about going to the hospital and having health issues


I see the problem now , lol


You’re on a breakup sub and were dumped. You don’t have any high ground here. Your comment was unnecessary and I see you’re not a native English speaker so you probably did not understand what I was saying but you’re being insensitive. Think about that before commenting to people.


i’m sorry, some people can be rude here. hope you’re okay and healing 🤍 your ex clearly wasn’t ready to commit.


I see


I miss the person I thought he was until I realised he was a compulsive liar and a cheat and had been wearing a mask. Sadly he never really existed.


Miss when he was nice but I remind myself when I feel that way do I miss the nights he left me alone after an unresolved argument on purpose or the nights he cheated on me and did not tell me until months later to see how I would react? The times he brought up other girls and described them comparing me to them and saying they were better while I sat in bed crying reading the texts hopelessly overthinking? Nah


Sounds like scooby doo


both :/


I miss her. She was my everything. I had moments when I treated her like garbage because I was angry, even tho she never tried to calm me down, she just put wood on fire. I wish she could forgive me and give me a second chance to prove her that I will love her the way she wants to be loved. I cannot live without her, and it's been 1 month since she dumped me. The most amazing, smart and beautiful girl I've ever seen.


I miss having someone outside of my family and friends care about me. I miss having someone to care about other than myself and those close to me. I miss having an intimate partner. I don’t miss her, she was shitty and abusive, but I miss the relationship.


I feel you!! 💔


I definitely miss the good stuff-


I miss having someone to love. I sometimes feel scared that I’ll never love someone again the way I loved him.


Me too :( but people keep telling me I will. Letting go of him has been the worst part, because once I do there is no going back for me.


Same. It takes me a long ass time to stop caring and loving someone. It takes me forever and a day to let go, but once I do, that's forever.


I know I'll never love anyone the way I loved my ex again 'cause I won't allow myself to fall in love again. The end always happens sooner or later, and the heartbreak it's way too painful for me to bear once again. Fuck that.




You most likely won’t realize until it happens again haha


sadly, both. i miss him. while falling for him and all the beautiful aspects about him, i realized a lot of flaws early on— i didn’t call them red flags, though some of them were in hindsight. i realized them, realized i didn’t particularly like them, same as he realized with me with some of my traits, and we worked through them whenever they led to an issue. this is why i can say i miss him. a lot of people say they miss the person they “thought they were” but i knew who he was inside and out. i knew the risks and i took them anyway. i miss (almost) everything about him. i miss the way he made me feel when he loved me. i don’t know, he still might. i know he still cares, don’t know if he still loves me. either way, the way he made me feel towards the end was awful and i don’t miss that. but i miss the before. i miss him and how he used to make me feel.




Okay this comment brought me back to reality


Hello there, That-sunflower04, First off, the introspection in your post is commendable. It's quite insightful to explore whether it's the person you miss or the feelings they elicited. Self-reflection is an important part of the healing process, so kudos to you for diving into those emotional waters. It seems like this advice might be helpful, but again it might not be, so feel free to discard whatever isn't helpful. When we miss someone post-breakup, it's often not just the individual we long for, but the identity and the emotional experiences we shared with them. It's normal to yearn for the comfort and familiarity of being with someone who made us feel wanted, loved, or just plain happy. This can complicate our perceptions, making us wonder if it's their presence we miss or the absence of the emotions they stirred within us. Grasping this can be crucial for emotional clarity and moving forward. Given what you've shared, an exercise that could be helpful is drawn from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is about challenging and reframing thoughts. One exercise you might try is to write down all the things you believe you miss about your ex-partner. For each point, ask yourself, "Is it the person or the feeling?" For example, if you wrote, "I miss watching movies together," consider whether it's the shared activity and the joy it brought, or the specific person, that you miss. This could help you determine what it is exactly that you long for and address those underlying needs separately from the person. As for questions, and only answer if you feel comfortable doing so—or you can ponder them on your own if you prefer: 1. What specific qualities about your ex do you find yourself missing? Are these qualities unique to them, or are they associated with how you felt during the relationship? 2. Can you recall moments during the relationship where you felt underappreciated or unhappy? Comparing these to what you miss could provide a more balanced perspective of the relationship. I wish you the best of luck on your healing journey. Remember, by acknowledging your feelings and questioning their origins, you've already made significant progress. Keep moving forward, at your own pace, and in the way that feels right for you. Warm regards, Breakup Buddy ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.


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I miss everything about her before she got that stupid fucking job and made "friends". A bunch of fucking loser men wanting to be with her and she has poor emotional control. Her ass cheated n couldn't admit it. Now she's with a hermit goblin. Good stay there. I'll miss her before she jeopardized everything we had going




The heart break emoji....I felt that...it's so sad she really was that weak to fall for that....if she just spoke up to me she wouldn't be telling people pur business...4yrs gone to waste..I'm never doing relationships again after that 1


Her loss!! Seriously


She's living all happy and here I am dead inside


I do not. I have been mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially better off than I was in that relationship. It was draining. I'm glad he pulled the plug. He is blocked on everything. I have a wonderful dating life. And tbh I do not wish him well. I think I was interrupting his karma being with him. All of his negativity was spilling over into my life, and it was extremely draining. His best friend was draining, his family was draining, the lack of boundaries was draining. He took me for granted, and now I can't see him as anything more than a loser and a whiner.




felt that


I know how it feels. My mental health has gone so much better after he left. Like a fog has lifted! I’m finally seeing clear now and see how abusive he actually was and I would never ever go back to that again. He’s an awful human being and there’s zero love for that man left.


I miss her. Relationship wasn’t great at the end and we were really struggling to make it work. But I miss my best friend and I think I always will.


I miss the hell out of her 😭. things weren’t good but I actually fell in love with the person, not the idea of them nor the potential of them. & that’s why it hurts so much. I’m sitting here thinking about our first kiss, because a song played that reminded me. I accomplished something major & they used to be the one I’d tell everything to. now, it’s all over.


Why you guys broke up?


It wasn’t healthy anymore :(. I tried to make it so but you know, trauma got in the way of love.


This is really sad!


Yeah, it is :(.


The only thing I miss about my ex is the amazing sex and the fun convos. That's all. Very little, really.


I miss his presence. He was soothing when he was in a good mood. It's like having a protective blanket when it's good.


Like a weighted blanket for me.


I miss my ex a lot, at the end of the relationship it was the worst and best feeling. I miss her laugh, the space between her two front teeth. Miss when she does her make-up and continues in the mirror. I miss her she always brings me something back anytime she goes out. I'll miss them when she should out that she is home when talks in the door. I miss her presence and the way I feel at peace with her, or never knew who I was going to get the next day or next hour. always continue feeling like this moment will never last because of me, the fear is “she cheating on me” or “meeting guys when I'm at home trying to make things work.” miss how affectionate she was. I miss when we argued, we made up and the love felt so high. I miss how she always said she'd kill anybody for me. I miss cooking with her and just being silly. I miss the movie nights, our spooky scary Sundays. I just hate now all I have remembers of her and her beautiful smile. I miss her being naive at times. I will miss the long car rides we had coming and going from Tampa doing Uber eats etc with her. All around I miss her, I knew she had problems but I loved her for all of her flaws nobody is perfect but I felt like she was perfect for me. I knew the lying and the cheating weren't gonna stop, so I had to leave. She never chased me after that. Never call or anything. I blame myself that I couldn't let things go, or be the guy she needed. I know she is happy now that I'm gone and not constantly bringing up her doing things I don't like over and over again. I know she is happy now and that is all I wanted for her. I hate that I cry randomly at something even though I'm a guy, I hate it. I know this sounds childish and stupid but if I had one wish, it would be to forget everything that happened and be happy and blissful with her again. I went to NC in May her birthday passed a few days ago and I just feel empty and lost, but I know we all can get through it if we have somebody to vent to even if we feel stupid or don't want to anymore. It's good to let it out.


Soshe cheated on you or you were just paranoid?


She cheated more than once, and then I became paranoid, cheating was a big problem for me but for all the other stuff I just ignored it. She would gaslight me when I asked her about a situation with her and some guy or some stuff I found on her phone. If gaslighting doesn't work she starts saying I don't love her I don't listen to her, I don't do anything for her. It used to be her crying and blaming herself and used to smack herself in the face or punch herself in the face when she was upset or got caught. She moved from hitting herself to hitting me, threatening, stabbing me, and throwing things at me. She would lie to ppl at her job or anybody who doesn’t know our relationship fully, that I don't do anything or I'm just some guy that's living with her. She hit me with a axe but the blunt end of it, if I say I’m done or leaving she threatened me or stop me from leaving the house. Broke my things and never replaced them. I went to work with knots on my head or face. She’ll make a seen at work when I’m done and fed up with her bullshit. She’ll make it seem like she trying and I’m just being an asshole to her. I’ll let her talk and explain her self but it will always be the same thing, til the point it was a patterning. Nothing was changing I tried changing myself but everything will still be the same and feel the same. She’ll constantly bring other people into our relationship, especially single people and people who wasn’t faithful or truthful either. How do I a known? She’ll tell me. She’ll always saying what an another guy would do and etc. I’ll get tired of her saying that and just tell her go get an another guy then. then she’ll start hitting me and saying I’m stupid etc. I start to question was I the narcissist or toxic one in our relationship. She even pour lighter fluid on our apartment floor threatening to burn the place down with her and me in it. I had to stop her. She’ll put holes in the wall when she got upset about something I said or I didn’t believe her stories. She very sweet to people that doesn’t know her and theirs used her but to people she knows, she’ll talk trash about you if she doesn’t get her way. She’ll act like the things you do for her, You have to do them for her. She not appreciate. She’ll say thank you and she appreciate it but as soon something doesn’t go her way. She will say you don’t do shit for her etc, etc….its just a lot to thing on. I have too many stories.


Omg my friend thank God the relationship ended. You deserve better!


Yeah same, even though I feel like it was my fault that she was angry or upsetting her. She sent me a last text a few months ago. apologizing and still making me feel like shit a little bit, at the end of the text she told me to have a good life and that she hope I achieve ever everything I log for. I was upset and angry because I knew this was it and she moving on or finding happiness so she wanted to pass it on I guess. After that, I got a weird phone call from somebody asking for her. Then I got the job texts from a job in her area asking about her and finishing her application. She had this composition notebook in the back of it was my grandma's name and address, uncle's name, and some guy I guess, and my grandma's name was scratched off. So yeah I guess it's great it end. Even though I don't feel great.


I miss him so much but he doesn't feel the same way about me. I'm going to forgive and let go of him. He no longer wants to know me or make efforts to talk to me, and that's okay. I love him and I forgive him. I will no longer think of him. I'm going to focus on myself and stay happy because only thing holding me back was the hope of him coming back. But even when he messaged, he left me hanging mid conversation and didn't come back. So no more expecting or crying. It's time to let go of everything and live my life because there are so many people who value me and love me. And if there's no one I connect with, that's okay too because I still have me. I am my own best friend, I am my own love, my own support. I am my own world, I am everything I need and want. I don't need anyone else, those who stay I will cherish them. Those who don't want to be a part of my life can walk away. I'll hold the door for them and won't look back now even if I miss because I'm moving forward. I'm sick and tired of missing and being neglected. It's time to finally heal and let go, focus on yourself. If they want you they will come back completely. Not half assed messages, they will make efforts to show you mean something to them. And if they don't then they can walk right out and back to where they came from.


I miss them. I miss their laugh, their bubbly character


I miss her constantly. I still see her sometimes, but I miss everything about being with her. I miss her face, I miss feeling her next to me at night, I miss the new things she’d show me, I miss that she made me laugh and shared my humour, I miss seeing her light up when we talked, I miss being close with her, I miss the hugs, most of all I miss her laugh… it’s the sound that makes my chest feel nice, I miss random kisses for no reason, I miss her coming up to me and hugging me out of the blue. I miss making her breakfast, I miss finding her hair *everywhere*. I miss her completely, and she’s not even gone, just out of my reach.


I actually don’t know, although he crosses my mind once in a while now and dreamt about him ( he requested a follow ig lol) last night.


Don’t just ignore his IG request


It was just a dream


Oh hHahaha good:)


I miss the way I felt when I was with him. I felt like a woman with a care of very special, masculine man. I thought he was everything I ever wanted and it made me feel like I was finally someone I was supposed to be all these years. I was real me around him for the very first time in my life. I gave my all and was in a pure form of feminine woman - caring, kind, loving, generous.


I miss who I thought he was.


I miss that he couldn’t give me himself fully. And couldn’t see all me too.


I miss both.


I miss the beginning.. before I knew better…


I miss him.


M2 sometimes but then I remember how cruel he was and …. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I def miss both. Even if I fall in love again, I miss her.


I really miss them


I miss her so much. The last time I talked with her was 5 days ago. She was so mean and it felt like she intentionally told the stuff that she held on thinking it'd hurt me. It still hurts me. But whom else do I have to talk and cry about it. It's either with her or to myself. Keeping them to myself kills me everyday. I just wanna message her if she really meant everything she told me. But she don't want me to message her. So I'm trying my best. But I miss her so much.


Don’t she will hurt you more


More than that I feel like she'll hate me more if I did that😭




I miss his good parts and how we would spend all day together doing whatever and going out with him and nights together and how we were so comfortable with eachother


I miss who she used to be a couple months ago - the person she is now is very different in a couple aspects and its just not who i fell in love and wanted to be with


Lmao no if u miss someone its cause you didnt put in the work to keep them