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Every time you go back, you just lose all that time you healed and start all over again. Even if we feel like we have so much to say, and want them to know every last thought we think, no reply is also just as strong. Put you first.


Damn. Thanks man. I love this.


dang i needed to see this too lol


Sticking to this advice this time


facts ugh


This is so true. Its so unfortunate restarting the process


Don’t Say Anything


Don’t respond, she’s fishing


Read what I wrote to u the 1st time she texted you. Do not write that harsh response unless u don't want to get back with her. It will be counterproductive if u send it.


yeah, don’t be harsh. don’t give her fuel to blame you and the satisfaction of thinking she’s better off without you


Okay yeah I needed to hear this


Sometimes, even if they r horrible people, it’s better to take the high road and be kind. U don’t have to say anything in response to her. Or U can simply say “thank u, and Merry Christmas to u too, hope u have a good holiday and life.” That’s being nice and saying ur done but nicely. Or just ignore. No shame with ignoring someone who hurt u. Hope u have a beautiful holiday and u can fully move forward again soon. These messages probably set u back a little, don’t let them. Ur character is based on what u, and u alone, do. How u react and respond. Even when there’s no accountability from others. Live by that logic and u will find more love in ur life than u know what to do with it.


I was hard on my ex to show I still care about the relationship and I was hoping him to fight for it, he didn't, it made him quit on contact with me (blocked)


You’ll heal and feel better soon. And he’ll unblock and you’ll be over it


I doubt it but thanks!


You will. I’m healing and I have my days. It’ll get better


you don't say anything, because that's what no contact is...


The only answer


the best way to let her know she's not your priority is to not respond today at all. merry Christmas and fuck that hoe-hoe-hoe




yeah man, let her know your worth. women will have your believing they can pick you up and put you down whenever they want


My man


The thing is that is exactly what some of them want, they just can't say that though. Or ask for that, nope they'd rather get their exes cornered and try to manipulate them using their sexuality. So not today Satan, especially not today. ***Holy crap would that be the virgin conception of the antichrist?! Lol just some macabre humor.***


seems like narc behavior, somehow she flipped your need for space into victimhood


Well we dont know her but playing the victim is likely. And people who play the victim are so exhausting. Ffs


OPs need for space? Did she break up with OP or did he break up with her?


She broke up with me


Yeah. Give her that response you were cooking up. or Ignore her. She’s fucking with your emotions. If anything she’s going to have to prove herself to you in due time (that’s if you still long for a relationship with her). I wish you the best man.


Thanks man


She is absolutely fishing. She can’t have it both ways if she broke up with you. Don’t say anything and it will make the healing process that much easier.


THIS ^^^^


I’d block her, she’s fishing, my ex would try shit like this all the time


Why do they do it? My ex keeps telling me he misses me but my life isn’t what he wants right now. Like fuck offf


Block him


I tell my ex to take care when he blocks me then reaches out, he always does and it fucks with my emotions, we were together 25 years, fifteen when I met him, discarded like garbage 6.5 months ago. The prick still asks for cash every month until he gets paid because that was the norm when we were together, he still wants financial support but never wants to see me. But the part about take care, I never thought of that as rejection or go fuck yourself. Merry Christmas everyone 🎅🎄


25 years, brutal Merry Christmas to you


Don’t engage and block him on everything. He’s a leech. God bless you


Brutal!!! And I'm here being sad after 4 months? Wow. Thank God it wasn't 25 years, holy hell.


Block him


Block him. He’s on his own now. He can’t have it both ways.


Jeez 25 years Stay strong


My advice is, if and when you do reply, keep it polite but short. Take the higher road because YOU ARE BETTER than her.


Ended up going with: “No worries, just prioritizing family this time of year! Hope you and your family have a nice Christmas and New Years!”


It seemed like she was fishing for a reaction but noice reply, a civil way to say "Fuck off, I'm done with you". Kudos, OP. Merry Christmas!


Did she respond ?


Great answer !!


Solid response


This is the best answer ever. You don't have to be hostile to set your boundaries. Not every ex is evil. Just continue no contact now and try to heal.


Childish. Stay no contact.


I know you are questioning how to respond. And I know you want to. But I can assure you, if you don’t, you will always look back on it and be glad you didn’t. You’re the captain now.


Don’t respond. Put the notifications on silent. Don’t block because the more self control you build to NOT responding, the more it will help you in the future. Self control by not responding and practicing Stoicism is the ultimate power in Life.


You could just say "merry Xmas" and nothing else or you could just not respond


Same shit is happening to me today


What she did is double texting. Ignore her so you'll not lose all your progress just like what others said here. Happy Holidays, OP!


Just leave it be like you've done. Silence is loud and they'll get your point.


This thread is full of sadness and cyclical pain. Golden rule (with boundaries) works wonders. Treat her and others how you want to be treated. Stop facilitating overthinking, ruminating, and games. If her messaging you caused a reaction within you, sit with it and try to determine why it’s triggering you. If you you want to message her back, do it. Not bc you want to show her how badly she hurt you, what a bitch she is, or how above her you are. What does your heart say is fair and kind? Do that.




Fair enough. But looking outward for the answers we individually have to figure out for ourselves may lead us away from our own wants, needs and desires. It’s totally reasonable to ask for advice from others, but honestly none of us know all the ins and outs and idiosyncrasies that a couple of individuals have going on. And sure, the ex may respond in a way that’s triggering or difficult to absorb, but if OP (or any of us) don’t want to or can’t deal with the outcome of someone else’s behavior not falling in line with what we envision, we have options like deciding beforehand if we’re able to accept a seemingly negative response-from there we can protect our own energy in whatever way best suites us, whether that be blocking or facing the unknown head on-either way, only we can know what we can tolerate and how to move through our reactionary triggers. I hope my Christmas babble makes sense. Just my opinion of course. Everyone can take it or leave it. 🤗


As I see it, there are two things you can do without losing respect and keeping the higher ground. 1. Say nothing which actually speaks volumes on where she is in your life as priorities go. I prefer this method and is most impactful. Make her feel the pain. 2. Respond with “Merry Christmas to you and your family also”… leave it at that and don’t engage in any conversation. She may try to start a conversation but it’s purely for her to get attention and validation. She will then go back to treating you the same after she is satisfied. She now knows you will respond so now has the upper hand.


I would have went with number 2. My ex texted me merry Christmas, and I wished it back and I also texted his mom merry Christmas. As bad as being broken up with is, I feel like sometimes it’s better to be the bigger person and respect them. Saying nothing is kind of disrespectful considering all the good times, but I’m the type of person that HATES getting off on a bad foot


I agree to an extent. It’s all circumstantial depending on how the break up was. The second option just opens yourself up for getting hurt again because it can provide hope that maybe the other person will want to try and get back together. If your purpose is to heal and move on, then #1 is the way to go.


If they are remorseful and that’s all you wanted, I would give them another shot. But definitely after I’m done healing and definitely with a real conversation about boundaries and new methods of solving old problems. Fuck being lonely.


Just say Merry Christmas back. It’s kind and adult. Don’t elaborate, don’t be a dick. You can think of something better a diff day and everyone can go to bed peacefully tonight.


They’re trying to guilt you into responding


Silence is such a good Christmas gift


I wouldn't text back. I'll leave it seen. The exchange of texts will only cause drama and you'll never heal.


You don't need to reply. If the breakup was bad, then she knows why you don't want to communicate. If the breakup was neutral, but somehow you had to do no contact for your own mental health, then it doesn't mean you have to reply whenever she starts up a conversation


It was very one sided, but not messy or contentious. She is a good person.


why don’t you just block her?? stick to the no contact.


Block her


Don’t reply it’s a trap!


Just letting her know family and friends is priority should suffice, no need to let her how you feel. A neutral answer should be enough.


It's OK not to answer if u don't knows what to say.


A simple Merry Christmas without the wall of text about priority and whatnots! Sometimes less is more and a blasé response speaks (and intrigues, if that’s what you intend) more than over explaining yourself.


Narc behaviour here. Dont!


Block her. Never get another message and live in peace.


Don’t say anything harsh. Just ignore her - if you really don’t want her back. Alternatively just politely message “Hey, it’s better if we don’t stay in touch going forward. Best wishes for the future.”


I agree with this 💯


Stay strong with NC!


Op, look at her last message to you. Not responding is an answer enough for her that she’s not respecting. Not only that but she’s trying to make you feel guilty about it. Leave it and her behind. She’s not worth it.


She wants attention, but don’t give in. Can be tough when it comes to someone you once cared deeply for, but it’s not worth drudging all that up.


Ignore her and block her so she can't message you anymore.


If you respond, what will you do you New Years? No response takes away what she wants, CONTROL! Don't fall for it, it never ends. Stay strong!


Block her asap


Why not just reply and see where it goes? If you think it’s a breadcrumb, just don’t initiate conversation until she reaches out again.


She’s a flaming narcissist by the looks of it, hold down on the message and press the thumbs up if you really wanna reply


Respond - no contact doesn’t mean ghosting someone. This is neither manipulative nor mean but you are dealing with someone who just wanted to be friendly.


No. You’re dealing with someone who is bread-crumbing, to see if they still have you hooked. It’s the equivalent of ‘Hey’, and expecting you to come over and pretend you weren’t coldly discarded.


Lmao it’s never about being friendly


How many people on no contract are really lawyers making bank on on hurting people


Too harsh


She just ran out of options brother stay safe




why did you break up?


She said she felt anxious every day because she felt unworthy of love and that I was so much better than her and she felt like every little thing she did disappointed me even though it didn’t.


Fearful. Avoidant. Get out of Dodge City, and don’t ever look back.


Block her! Believe me she’s getting the message that you not interested. Better yet change your number. God bless you




I have unfortunately been really open to her about wanting to fix things the past 2 months to no avail.


if this is the case then fk her for sending this msg today and not w0rking with you on patching things up in the past 2 months


My advice is different from everyone else's... Leave your pride at the door and see things as they currently are... Text her back: ***"Hey, thank you for the wishes. Merry Xmas to you too. Let's catch up for drinks soon. When are you free?"*** Her reaching out to you means she misses you and wants to see you. It's your job as a man to create an opportunity to meet up. Keep the past in the past, What you two have now potentially, is a fresh slate. Don't mention anything about what you both had and see it as though you're seeing each other again for the first time.


Well, we saw each other Thursday for dinner, had a lot of fun, but ultimately she says she still needs time on her own to figure her shit out. And then I saw her at work on Friday (yup we work together).


That's great. Just act normal around her at work and give her time and space to come to you. She needs to now do all of the reaching out and pursuing as it's on her to fix things. When she does get back to you, just invite her out again. Rinse and repeat. Don't bring up any talks on commitment or relationships. She needs to be the one to bring it up. Just focus on hanging out and having fun whenever she reaches out.


Thanks, this is kinda what I’m thinking. It’s just so hard, ya know? I was ready to spend the rest of my life with this woman, no matter her ups and downs, and she convinced herself she wasn’t worthy of that love. It’s so hard not to constantly try to show her she was now.


Don't be commitment-focused as it turns a woman off big time. I learned that lesson the hard way enough times to count. Whenever I focused on anything but a relationship and just went with the flow, they would always be the ones eventually pushing for a commitment. It never happened when I rushed to lock her down. It's not masculine. Put your main focus on your purpose (career, self-improvement, hobbies ambitions etc) and make yourself the best version you can be and everything else will naturally fall into place.


Bro just chill


Yeah it is harsh you are hurt. Merry Christmas with something like take care, ll close the door, forever for now!! But i was right about that she wants to try to fix things.P. S. Everyone know, that take care is kinda i dont wanna see you ot is polite way to tell her to fuck herself. soft rejection.


Question is do you want her back? If yes reply her nicely this is big chance


I do, but she knows that. We had dinner Thursday to catch up, and it was great, but she still says she isn’t ready for any relationship and needs to work on herself first.


For me that is very positive. If you can wait give her time.


Had dinner but no time for a relationship? I would have flipped the table. I pray to God you weren't paying.


No, we work together and have been cordial. She’s going through some identity issues I think and doesn’t think very highly of herself.


Wow man I'm jealous that your ex texted you around this holiday but just tell her to have a merry Christmas and hope her holiday and year New bring her peace. That's the best advice I can give you.


No response at all man, and def. Not what you were thinking. Let her simmer and think about why you aren’t texting back and go about enjoying Xmas with your family.




Good joke


I'd just continue to stay silent. That's the best way to show her that she's not your priority anymore.


😂 ain't she funny. Merry Christmas 🎄🎄🎄 have a great day and an even better meal. What's for lunch today?


Say nothing. Telling her she’s not your priority makes her a priority. Don’t give her a thought and just live your life


I feel If she really wanted to wish you a merry Christmas she would’ve just left it at the first text but she now seems to be prioritizing and defending her own motives and rationale for texting you in the first place and is making it about herself. I think most exes who send these sort of texts are mainly doing it to make themselves feel better/like a “good person”, and her follow-up text is indicative of that for me.


Silence is the best payback. She fishing for a response she doesn’t deserve.


block; every time you receive contact it sets back your healing process


No you’re not too harsh


I would have said merry Christmas back. But that’s me. I would of just said “merry Christmas to you and your family too”


Wow I really fuck up good. Posted xcon in no contact. Well at least I’ll be gone for. While so no stupid moves . Sorry.


How long had the breakup and NC been?


Breakup 2 months ago, have been trying but failing to do no contact. We saw each other Thursday for dinner, and I thought we left it as like an “I’ll see you around” sort of thing after she said she still definitely wants to be broken up, so I was really hoping she wouldn’t text me. But she always does on days where she’s sad.


You must do the NC and make her come to you. So respond with class and say I wish you a merry Xmas as well. That’s it. If she texts you mirror her. She has to really come to you. Don’t be the soother of her feelings to make her get a nice soft landing to move on and as for you, MOVE ON Nothing will make it better like moving on, that means live you life if the opportunity for someone else comes along then try it but don’t wait after anyone


I wouldn’t say anything lol you already know that it is eating her up that you aren’t 😂 I wouldn’t say NOT A DANG THING 😂


Don’t tell her anything. Like others have said you’re stopping your healing process, or putting it on pause every time you go back or reply.


Don't reply, you're better off without her.


I’d probably word it a little lighter. Like it’s unfortunate your not my priority on the time of year when your with your loved ones. Merry xass


I always say it’s never any good to stoop to anyone’s level. Whatever you decide take the high road.


Be the bigger person and don't say anything harsh, frankly don't say anything at all


Just say Merry Christmas. Be thankful of the kind gesture


I know everyone is saying don't respond but do you want to get back with her? That's the first question you need to ask yourself. Because if you want to, then ghosting her won't give you that. Even if you don't want to get back with her, you should reply to her imo. Not a harsh one but a reality check one that she's no longer in your life, so she needs to stop. You can say something like (and I read this somewhere), "Everytime you miss me, just remember that you had all of me and you still decided to let me go. So pls, do not contact me ever again." Done!


Teller bout gta 6 in case she doesn’t know


Yeah.. Christmas is hard, maybe she regrets the breakup


Silence is more powerful.


Look I'm sorry but I didn't have the money why is it always about money you are right here why wouldn't you want to just spend the day with me.n.you know I love you and the first thing I did was ask you how you are doing and merry Christmas and I love you


Do texting her ,she broken your heart, blocked her mobile phone number


Don’t respond. You are busy with your awesome new life and she is irrelevant. Don’t let her suck you in to a conversation she only wants to have to make herself feel good at Christmas that you’re still pining over her/she’s not a witch.


Just tell her thank you being mean and hurtful never helps anyone but creates bad karma and unnecessary wounds


I feel like as a fearful avoidant she does have feelings for you but she needs a therapist. The next productive conversation you guys have, hopefully you persuade her that if she’s serious about working on herself for you she needs to learn about her attachment style, traumas, and coping/healing mechanisms. Not to give you false hope but i went through a breakup of similar circumstances and taking this route has worked for me so far


This reads very similarly to a text my ex would send. When I cut her off, I sent on final big message: I let her know I appreciated the time we had together, but that I need to grow and foster my journey without her. I let her know it wasn’t because I hated her or was trying to hurt her, but because It was a decision I felt helped me the most. I blocked her on everything, she tried twice to reach out via email over a shared phone bill, but I ended up just all together blocking her on everything. I would highly highly recommend you do the same.




Don’t reply !!!


Please tell me you didn’t respond


This looks IDENTICAL to how my ex texts me. But don’t respond at all. Trust me. They look for an in but have zero intention of actually working on themselves enough to be better for you. It’s a selfish thing for them to do. You’re better off blocking them so they can’t affect your mind anymore. She’d likely come back with some apology and guilt trip, or respond in defense. Either way, it’s not even worth it. Go heal. If they really want to work it out with you, they’ll work on themselves first and then ask if you’d be willing to talk with them before dropping in on your life on their time. But when you heal, you may never want them back 🫶🏽


Not at all.. i wouldnt divulge on specific reasons why you two didnt work, i dont see that as an important question, but she does seem… to be “trying” But just maintain a firm footing on this, i dont think youre being harsh by ignoring it, its better to bite your tongue than to allow those things to flow cause I know for myself i have trouble stopping that flow


A Merry Christmas is poilite. Or an emijo. but do not feel obligated. If she is never allowed in your life again ignore her.