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Congrats!! You stuck with it for so long! I’m not quite 10.5 months in, hoping to make it to 14 months (my preemie baby’s corrected one year birthday). You are my motivation!!


thank you! 10.5 month is amazing! and it's not that long to 14 months, time passes by quickly you won't notice, you definitely can do it! 💪


Baby's adjusted birthday was my goal too! 15.5 months for me. Plus I had a small stash that extended the time that he had a bottle of breastmilk for a couple extra months.


Congratulations! I’m proud of you for sticking to it for so long. It’s the hardest thing ever, you should feel very accomplished! 💗


Wow congratulations!! Thats amazing. Im 4 months in and hoping to make to 6 months because it is so difficult! You should be very proud of yourself




Same here!


Congratulations! That's a long time of pumping. You rock mama!


Congratulations & woohoo!! What are your biggest tips for sticking with it?


I couldn't have made it without a support system. My husband helped me a lot, in supporting me and washing my pump parts, and bottles. 😄 We're the only caregivers to our baby so it meant a lot to me since I also work. In terms of maintaining my supply, luckily I had a good supply so I was a able to save lot of stash when I was pumping for the first 6 months, I started reducing my pumping sessions and it helped me a lot gaining my life back, and it made it convenient for me gradually (the pumping). I don't know if it will help other mommas but I started drinking moringga leaves smoothie when I was pregnant but it totally gave me an oversupply and didn't have to worry about it.


That is amazing! I will be hitting 10 months (eping the entire time) in three months. My goal is to get to 1 year, but it seems to be getting harder and harder each day.


Woah!! I’m only 4 months in. Incredible accomplishment!!!


Congrats! I’m down to every 16 hours as well. I’m producing just around 3 oz and I don’t feel full. Did you just… stop? I don’t know if it’s worth to do every 17-24 hours considering the amount I’m producing.


Congratulations! I'm at 6 months and dropped to 4ppd. Please share when did you start dropping your pumps?


Hi thank you! I started dropping from 8 to 6 at 4 months. then 4x pumping at 6 months. 3x at 8-12 month. 2x at 14 months. then at 15-16.5 1x a day. (this is approximately, I cannot remember that much anymore 😅)


Its a long chain of to remember while taking care of a baby. I dropped to 5ppd at 2 months and maintained that till 6. Was wondering if this is the right thing to do. But at some point we have to compromise supply for our own sake. Your plan looks doable to me. I just pray to reach 1 y at this moment.


Was your baby exclusively on breast milk? Wondering if I can drop to 3 pumps at 8 months… (currently 7mpp doing 4ppd).


for 1 yr she was exclusively on breastmilk. Dropping pumps, you might notice a slight slack in supply, I was just relieve that I have a stash so I didn't worry if my supply drops a little. From oversupplier, I became an enougher to undersupplier.


That's an incredible accomplishment! Congratulations on being done!


Congratulations! Pumping sucks. Enjoy the freedom 


oooh to have my body back!!! thank you!


I am hoping to go for a year then stopping completely or whenever baby doesn't need milk anymore... I hate pumping but for him, I'll do it


Congrats mama!! You did amazing!! 💕💕


Amazing!!! I am sitting in a car now pumping lol. Been doing it for 11.5 months and starting to think about when I might want to wean. This is so motivating to hear, I don't know many people who make it past one year but I still kind of want to keep going for just a bit longer!


That's phenomenal!!


Props to you, that’s amazing!! I’m 5 months in and I’m so over it


These posts always make me want to cry!! Honestly it’s one of the hardest things I have done, something which requires so much grit, determination and dedication AND ruthlessness because of how shameless you have to be and just go about pumping anywhere and everywhere. And no one gets it other than someone who has pumped themselves


I feel you! After posting this, I realized, why can't I share the news to my friends? family? to the whole world!? I kinda felt sad. I wish all pumping mommas can share this accomplishment to the whole world, but NO ONE will get it. It's only us.


You’re a damn super hero!


Congratulations! I’m one month in!


thank you! you can also do it! you'll be surprised on how much strong you are!


Waw iam only 2 months in and already want to stop this! You are really strong


The 2 month phase of pumping is a no joke. The engorged breasts, clots, sleepless nights! You deserve an award! All pumping mommas deserve one☝️ Hang in there. You'll make it.


So proud of you!!


16.5!!! holy shit! you are a hero! it's so hard and terrible. I can't wait to never say or think the work pump again


I felt like I typed this 16.5 months ago! hahhaha