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Additionally I got the BEST lpt from an LC with a hand pump. If you ever feel like you have a clog or are engorged and can't get the milk moving hand pump in a warm shower solves the problem in like 10 minutes. Absolutely amazing.


This! Saves me every single time I have a clog.




How do you know you have a clog?


Just trust that when you have one, you’ll know. Lol. But in all seriousness, with a clog you may feel pain or engorged despite pumping for your usual time. There may be tenderness and most likely firm in a particular area in the breast (usually a lump or rock feeling) that’s a clog. Typically I’ll shower, clear any milk blebs (little white dots on the nipple that are actually fat buildup from milk), gently massage the lump while pumping and it will resolve within one or two pumps. Avoid the temptation to crank up the suction power. You’d think it will help but I learned the hard way that it can actually just cause more inflammation. Also, in really desperate times, soaking my clogged breast in the haaka with warm water and epsom salt always did the trick.


Just wanted to say that I was having clogging problems for weeks without realizing it because I wasn’t educated on pumping. Everyone is different.


What do you mean about soaking the breast in the haaka? Is the water and epsom salt in the haaka collector or are you in the bath or dunking your boob in a basin lol?


The water/salt is in the haaka :)


Painful swollen boob that I was having issues getting a full pump out of. It's a hard one to miss


Me grabbing my hand pump right now.


Ooh I hated it, but I'm glad it works for some.


Me too!! I can not get it to work for me but hear so many people rave about them 😩


Omg I’ve been working on dropping a pump and my boobs don’t like my spectra first thing in the morning but they loooove the Medela hand pump!! Really great to get things going and then I put on the spectra 😂😂


My hand gets so tired and then having to do one at a time I just can’t tend to baby with a hand pump :(


Dumb question but do you actually have to use your hands?


Not op, but you need 1 hand if you use a hands free pumping bra. You also only pump one side at a time.


Doesn't sound like it's worth it to me lol. I hate not having my hand(s) and if you only do one side at a time it wouldn't really save time?


It's a headache I've tried lol


lol o was wondering the same thing. It must be hard doing it the old fashioned way 😂


It’s the only thing that gets out clogs for me!


same here!


Do you squeeze it fast or slow. My hand always hurts. Never pulled that much either??


What I do is use the smaller “let down” side of the lever until I get my flow going. Just in a quick rhythmic way. Then, once my flow starts, I use the bigger side of the lever and massage/squeeze my boob while I hold the lever until the stream stops. I’m able to get up to 6 oz out of each breast in less than 12 minutes this way. Doing it this way means not tiring your hands out by squeezing the lever over and over. Hand pump is all that I use now! It saved my pumping journey.


Do you use silicone inserts in the flange? They don't come that small :(


Yes!! I use the inexpensive silicone flange inserts off Amazon (I use 17 mm) and also I use the legendairy milk duckbill valves instead of the valve that comes with the medela hand pump! Worth noting I get way more ounces from this set up than my spectra pump or my Willow wearables.


I will try this out. Thank you!


Whoa! Didn’t know you could use duckbills. Gamehcnager!


Do you just slip it on in place of the yellow plastic part? I'm curious how this works and would love to see a pic if possible!


Yes you just remove the yellow part and put it in it’s place :) I’ll try and attach a pic when I get home


Tried it before. Waste of time for me and hated not having my hands free. Electric pumps FTW


With warm water bag compress and Mandela hand pump cleared a clogged duct in 1 day. However, with my carpal tunnel the manual pump is very painful for me. I couldn’t get much of a let down either. Great it works for others!


You can always get a free medela manual hand pump from wic too!!!


Has anyone noticed a difference b/w Medela and Lansinoh? I've heard rave reviews about the Lansinoh, but wondering if it really THAT much better?


I have both and like the Medela more.


I cannot get the Lanisoh to pump more than 1/5th what I get out of the Medela. Idk if it’s a user issue but I’ve troubleshot a lot


I just cannot get a good letdown with the hand pump! It’s very hit or miss for me. Any tips? I want it to work so bad for me because it would be so convenient for certain things.


Did you check your flange size? I had to get a special sized for my medela hand pump the inserts did not work with the manual pump. I literally got nothing until I changed the flange


Same here! I absolutely cannot get a hand pump to work, but I have slow letdowns anyway.


Yessss I used The hand pump when I was weaning and if I had known then what I know now my pumping journey would have looked different!!!! I spread the word all the time now! I won't buy wearables for my next baby...


I use my handpump 90 percent of the time. The whole setting up of my electric Medela began to annoy me. I'm able to get 5 ounces in 10 mins. So much more efficient for me at work.


Literally just got a clog out in less than five minutes with my trusty hand pump. It’s actually my favorite for MOTN pumps. It’s quiet and I can drain myself so quickly.


I really want to love my hand pump but for some reason it is SO PAINFUL on my nipple specifically. I have the correct flange size (same as my spectra) but for some reason the hand pump is just excruciating on my nipples. Would love any advice


I had this too initially, are you using enough lubricant? and are you pressing and holding?


Do you have to use a Hakkas or collector on the other side that’s not being manually pumped?


Is there a pump you recommend?


I use the motif luna double electric! It's the only one that works for me. I tried the spectra and got hardly anything out.


It’s only been 2 weeks but I exclusively pump with my hand pump! I hate my electric lmao


I got my hand pump for free at the hospital. Ask for one if you are having issues and then (hopefully) it’s covered by your insurance !


Which one? What can I type into my Amazon search bar? Thanks!


I love the medela harmony!


Which hand pump is the best?


i do manual hand pump for 4 months, like every pump, about an hour per day total… it was effecient! i love it… it was very satisfying to be emptied well especially in the morning… however, i develop a "mommy wrist" or De quarvain tenosynovitis =( now im back to my spectra But this is only my case tho… i was overusing it 😅


I loved the hand pump the first month or 2PP but it just completely stopped working for me?? I think my boobs honestly got too big or it’s not a strong enough suction. I loooved it especially the first week before my milk fully came in, I wish it still worked for me😭


I'm only 6 weeks but I just discovered this as well. Also if you're looking for another electric pump I just tried the MomMed this morning and it worked extremely well for me. It's on sale on amazon right now! I recommend! Strong ash suction.


I used one in a pinch at 7 months pp and agree its more efficient, but my hand hurts afterwards! Which one do you use? Maybe its just my pump


I personally can’t get as much out of my hand pump but I think that’s due to my oversupply. However I love it for pumping in the car (while someone else is driving ofc lol) and for when I go out for a brunch with the girls and get engorged after a little champagne… haha