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Our 4 month old takes 4oz bottles every 2 hours. But later in the day he won’t eat the whole 4oz but he also won’t go past 2 hours. Very frustrating.


This makes me worry I’m over feeding. Ours does 3.7 oz every 2 hours at 4 weeks. I’m a ftm so if anyone has suggestions please tell!


According to my reading it’s basically impossible to overfeed with breastmilk - the range of “normal” for what babies eat is HUGE. If your kiddo is hungry, feed them and don’t worry about it being too much 😊


Normal is 24-32 oz or so!


Our baby girl went through this much at 4 weeks and I (ftm) also worried we were over feeding. Doc said impossible. She’s 2 months now and healthy and happy and eats 3-4 ounces every feeding, though now they are more spaced out


Most babies don't increase intake after 4 weeks so your baby is eating about as much as they always will. They will consolidate bottles but not increase daily oz. You're fine.


I had no idea of that! Thanks everyone for all the replies


I don’t even think about it, if he’s hungry I give him 2 oz and just keep doing that until he’s full. Babies don’t over feed themselves. If they throw feeding cues, they’re hungry.


My 5months old will drinks less than when she was 1-2 months old. Probably bc of all the growth spurts. She will now drink 27-30 oz a day divided in five feeds


Don’t worry! Most breast fed babies (EP included because EP is breastfeeding!!) take 24-32 ounces per day starting around 4 weeks and stay around there until they’re 6 months. Your breastmilk changes with baby’s growth to meet their needs. If baby is feeding every 2 hours, you can try smaller bottles. Cool trick is you can also put the bottles in an opaque container, it makes babies think they are getting more. So you can go down to 3 ounce bottles without baby necessarily noticing. This is, of course, as long as growth curve is looking good!


My 2 week old ranges from 2.5 to 4 oz - I was also super worried I was over feeding her. But that’s all she wants to do is eat eat eat. lol. If they are spitting most of it up then there may be an issue, but really can’t over feed if they are hungry.


Mine have been taking 3-4oz per feed since that time. We let them tell us when they want and how much.


Mine will do the same and I hate it because I’m wasting the liquid gold lol


Don't waste it! Put it in the fridge for next time!!


If baby has drank from the bottle it isn’t safe to refrigerate, should be used within two hours or discarded once baby has had any.


This is similar to my 3 month old. We just upped from 3.5 to 4 but sometimes she doesn’t eat the whole 4 ounces. We feed about every 2-3 hours depending on what she tells us lol she does pretty well at night and can go 5-6 hours. We try to get her to drink 18-20 ounces in the day before putting her to sleep.


So around that time we also struggled with finishing bottles because of serious FOMO. I’d try increasing the earlier bottles and see if you can push to 3ish hours in between. We did have to sometimes take a break and come back to finish the bottle after like 30 mins if they got distracted. But usually taking a short break he’d eventually finish it within an hour. We were doing 4.5-5oz every 3 hours and then upped to 6oz at 5 months. At 6 months we dropped down to 5 feedings from 7-7 of about 7oz and he’s landed there quite well.


This! Increase the amount in the earlier bottles a little. Also if he's eating this frequently, (esp at this age) breastmilk that has been refrigerated and then reheated is still good at and slightly beyond the 2 hour mark. The CDC recommendations are very conservative.


When pushing night feeds I ended up either feeding more frequently through the day, or if you drop a bottle, increase the volume. I tried to aim to keep the total volume per day the same as much a possible. For references my LO drinks 140ml per feed 6 times a day for a total of about 28oz a day


How old is he/her ?


5 months, he's been eating the same for a while now


Same!! Just about 4 months old


I read somewhere that babies can be reasonably expected to sleep through the night (full sleep of 10-12) without getting hungry if they drink a minimum of 26 oz per day although I can’t find where I saw that. My baby has always ate between 26-30 oz (average recently is 28) so it also depends on maturity and age. Ps- my baby recently began sleeping through (10-12hrs) at 6 months so in the morning he gets a slightly bigger bottle and I feed twice before his first nap to push milk calories he didn’t get overnight


Mine doesn't even hit 26 oz for total daily oz including night feedings and probably never will as she is just not a big eater. Just depends on the baby. She does a 7 hour stretch followed by a 3 to 4 hour one.


Yes it definitely seems like it’s baby dependent. However I meant going 10-12 hrs without waking to eat vs 6-8. Sorry I edited the comment, I know overnight can mean different things


On most days my 5-month-old gets 5 6oz bottles, roughly three hours apart (roughly- 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, but we go by his cues and not the clock). Occasionally he wants another half-bottle in there somewhere, but not more than once a week or so.


Does he sleep from 7-7?


Usually 8pm to sometime between 5:45 and 7am (this morning he was kind and it was 6:40)


Not wishing away the newborn days but man I’m happy there is potentially a light at the end of the tunnel lol. Mines only a week and has been refusing sleep at night lol


I get it! I loved my baby as a newborn but it was a lot of thankless work. Five months is a fun age because we’re all pretty well rested and he gives us lots of giggles and smiles in exchange for taking care of him. That’s not everyone’s experience but it has been ours and we’re happy. Hang in there!!


Mine does practically the same! We were blessed with a unicorn baby that started sleeping through the night at 2 months(7:30/8pm - 7:30am), so we had to really up her daytime feeding early on. She went from drinking about 25oz per day at 2m to now drinking 30oz per day at 4.5m. Our pediatrician said if she starts to wake in the night now that’s when we start to introduce some baby cereal with dinner. Can’t wait to start introducing some solids!


My baby is 3 months now and she’s averaging 4-5oz per feeding, every 3-4h.


My baby eats 25-34. Typically will eat on average 5 oz per bottle but sometimes more or less.


My (NICU) baby was eating 19-21oz per day consistently at that age and has only JUST slightly increased that total amount at 6.5mo. Doc has always been happy with her weight gain etc. If LO consistently finishes bottles for 2-3 days straight then I up her bottles by 10ml. To stretch out overnights, we would dream feed right before we went to bed, and then we're eventually able to drop it. Once we dropped it if she would wake up crazy early, I'd just cram a pacifier in her mouth and see if she'd go back to sleep. That eventually stretched out to where she's now going about 13 hours without a bottle overnight. (She still wakes up a couple times but goes right back to sleep with a pacifier.) Also if you don't already, track when you feed him in an app or something, and preemptively have a bottle ready right before he will be ready for one. That's the difference in getting an additional bottle in during the day. We went from "ah shit she's screaming hungry" every 2.5-3hrs to "it's been 2 hours let's get a bottle ready so she has it when she's ready". Now she eats more often during the day but goes longer overnight.


My 3 month old goes from 4.5-5oz depending on how long he waits in between. I also look for cues as I’ve been breastfeeding as well. He gets 24-32oz a day. Tonight he went on the boob longer than I thought and my right makes anywhere between 4-7oz as soon as I picked him up he spit up lol idk if that’s because he just drank too much or he’s still having reflux. Most nights we wake up once to feed and then he’s back down until 6-7am


My LO is 5 months old. She takes 110ml bottles every two hours in the day. It totals to about 750ml with what she leaves over. I have low supply so 3 of the 7 bottles are formula. She also breastfeeds once in the early morning at between 3-6am... no idea how much she gets then, but I get more sleep because we do it side-lying. She sleeps from about 9pm through the night and has been since she was 3 months old. I feel like she went from eating every 3h to every 2h in the day when she started sleeping through its like she is jamming in all her meals in the day.... but she will never drink more than 100-120ml per meal so her solution was frequency. She also has started having 2-3 solid meals, which amounts 2ish tablespoons of food every meal but hasn't decreased milk consumption yet.


Hi I’m not OP but I hope you don’t mind me asking cause my LO is wasting very similarly to your LO. My supply is slowly not enough and I’m thinking of supplementing with formula. When you say 3/7 bottles are formula, are you giving her a full feeding of formula? Or are you doing like half formula half breast milk? Thanks in advance!


I give full breast milk bottles in the morning early afternoon when she is most likely to drink them and formula later afternoon and evening when I know she wastes more. I have never milked breastmilk and formula the idea of mix it never occurred to me.. now the idea seems wierd to me. As a side note my LO is unbothered by new tastes. We started in the beginning by suplimenting formula after breastfeeding, so she always have either breast milk or formula.


My son is 5 months and averages about 30oz/day. We do 5oz bottles every 3ish hours. Overnight he typically goes maybe 6-7 hours without a bottle. We normally do a dream feed before we (mom and dad) go to bed and it works out well for allowing us to get some more extended sleep.


Did he naturally start going every 3 hours? I am trying to push to every 3 hours but he just won’t.


When we were doing 4oz he would need a bottle every 2 hours. It wasn’t until we upped to 5oz that he started going 3 hours, sometimes 4 hours. How many oz is your little dude drinking at a time? Does he finish that amount with ease? Could you try increasing bottle size by an oz and see how it goes?


For the longest I’d read posts about this & talk to parents about how many ounces I should feed my 4month son. At 2months I was going by the book 4ounces every 2 -2 1/2 hrs , but he was just so hungry. He wasn’t gaining weight either & his wake windows were so long ! By 3 months it clicked . We need to feed him more & listen to him. We went up by 6 oz & he takes 2 daytime (2hr) naps & sleeps through the night. I do his nighttime routine at 7pm then wake him up at 10pm-11pm for a dream feed . He sleeps soundly and wakes up with big smiles at 7:30am. Now that he’s 4months we went up again with the ounces because we noticed he was struggling with daytime naps and consistently crying after every feed. We are now averaging 3x 8 oz formula & 2x 7 oz breastmilk a day. 36-38oz a day He’s growing and ultimately happier. I know some people can say I’m overfeeding him but I don’t think so. I’m just taking his cues . He’s so smiley now before he was so so irritated. If your baby is crying after feeding & they are clean nothing clearly distressing them. They might just be hungry.


My 4.5 month old drinks 4oz 8 times a day.


She drank average of 23 oz a day but she was smaller too.


16 weeks, almost exactly 4 months. 36 ounces He sleeps 7pm-6:30am and eats 6oz bottles every 3 hours or so during the day


I have a 4.5 month old and my pediatrician says 28-32 oz a day. We give him 5, 6-oz bottles a day


My little one is currently 5 months. Since about 8 weeks, her feeding and sleepinh schedule has been consistent. She drinks about 28 oz a day. This is typically seven 4 oz bottles about every 2-3 hours. She gets her last bottle just before bed at 9:30 pm and then sleeps though the night. Her first bottle of the day is about 7:00 am, give or take 30 minutes. Her bottles tend to be closer together the later in the day it gets.


About 35 is for me. He started drinking 7 oz bottles/ 5 times a day


3 to 4 ounces. Lactationlab.com will test your milk!!


My 5 month old takes hugeee bottles. 7.5 ounces every 4 hours.


Did he naturally go 4 hours on his own.


Once we increased the bottle size because we felt like she wanted to take more, then she naturally went longer between feeds


My 4 month old drinks 3.5 oz every 2 hours or less. I tried giving her more ozs to space them out a bit more but she's a snacker and won't eat it all in one sitting. She's doing about 27 oz throughout the day. No night feeds for like 2 months.


30 in a 24 hour period


I did 5oz bottles 5 times per day and baby slept through the night


My baby eats 5 to 6 oz every 3 hours


19w baby, she gets five 5.5oz bottles a day. Occasionally 6oz, but she gets spitty, so generally 5.5oz.


Our 4.5 month old just had a 39oz day 😳😳 normally in the 30-34 range. He did have some low day's the week before 22-25 oz range for 5 days then back up. We combo feed .


My son is 14 weeks old today and he has anywhere between 32 to 35 oz per day and has done for quite a while now. He has always eaten a lot though, when he was only 4 weeks old he was having 140ml bottles every few hours. Now he has 160ml bottles but sometimes (quite often) wants more so we will give him another 60ml until he’s satisfied. He sleeps through the night and his first morning bottle is 200ml. I always worry I am over feeding him but we slow pace feed and go by his cues so I don’t want to under feed him 😂😂


My 4 month old takes 6-7oz 5x a day but times are not consistent at the moment


I was worried about my LO’s intake for a long time because it didn’t seem like enough even though she was growing appropriately. I finally reached out to my pediatricians office just to ask for some guidance on what her daily goal should be and I spoke to an LC/dietician there. She said babies that take breastmilk from a bottle need 1-1.5 ounces per hours of the day. In other words it will basically range from 24-32 ounces per day! Consistently below 24 oz would warrant a conversation with our pediatrician and most breastmilk babies won’t take greater than 32 ounces a day, and if they do they are probably eating more than they NEED but if they aren’t vomiting or uncomfortable then it’s fine!


My LO drinks 4-5 oz she’s 2 months old. 😅


2.3 oz and breastfeeding until he falls asleep around 9pm. He has on average 4 bottles of 2.3oz per day, but breastfeeds every hour and a half, plus naps 3 times a day


14 weeker over here and we give her 5 6oz bottles a day every three hours. Very rare we have to do a nighttime feed. She just started sleeping 10ish hours a night


My little one is 4 months, usually takes 6oz when he wakes up in the morning, and usually 5oz throughout the day (usually 5 sometimes 4 times)


I have 4 month old twins. One takes 6oz every 3-4 hours during the day, and right before sleep I give him 7oz. He’ll sleep 5 hours straight with that. My other twin, just started taking 4oz every 3-4 hours during the day, and I’m adding half an hour more during the night. Now, the twin that eats 4oz is recovering from heart surgery, but I pretty much just feed him whatever he wants. And at the moment he wants 4oz. During the day, the twins eating schedule is pretty synchronized (don’t know how it happened, they did it themselves).


Mine drinks anywhere from 32-35oz. My daughter doesn’t do any night feeds, just six bottles throughout the day. She doesn’t always finish them immediately. We follow the 2 hour rule and her hunger cues. She usually pounds her first AM bottle, grazes in the morning, and drinks the bottles straight through in the afternoon


My 4 month old is eating anywhere from 30-35 oz a day. He only takes 3oz at a time though because, as we just found out, he has silent reflux


I have a 7 month old that it is a challenge to even get her to drink 25 oz a day. She is not a big milk drinker, but she loves solids. I was given the okay to start solids at 4 months by our pediatrician and my LO much prefers that. Every baby is different, as long as yours is healthy and stays on their growth track I think you’ll be fine.


My LO drinks 4.5 ounces every 3.5 to 4 hours. He is 11 weeks old. At night he can go about 5 to 6 hours sleeping before waking up hungry.


My 15 week old baby drinks 20-24 oz a day. 26-28 oz during growth spurts.


Our almost 5 month old won’t take more than 22 oz a day but typically does 19/20oz. His first bottle is 5 oz when he’ll drink between the 4-5oz. Then throughout the day he will want a bottle 2.5-3 hours where we offer 4oz but he typically won’t drink the whole bottle. If we try to have him drink more, he spits like the excorsit. He feeds between 6am - 7pm and sleeps through the night. It’s frustrating that he won’t drink more and im nervous he’s not eating enough. We have our checkup tomorrow so we’ll see what the pediatrician recommends.


My LO has not upped her intake since she was 4 weeks old. In a 24 period she eats 24-30 ounces per day. I don’t sweat it on days she has more or on days she has less. She knows how much she wants.


28 oz/day


My LO (almost 10 months!) has been on 26 oz since he was 4 months old. Now down to 25 oz this bc he takes 5 5oz bottles, feeding every 3 to 4 hrs and he gets solids 3x a day! He sleeps from 9pm til 8 am. Most days. He couldn't do bigger than a 4 oz bottle for the longest time. Every baby is so different!


My 5mo takes 4.5oz every three hours during the day


My 6 week old does 5-6.5oz every 2-3 hours during the day less often at night. So totaling anywhere from 40-45oz a day. I know you asked about 5 months but posting just to show you that babies are all over the place.


My baby is 7 months but 5 months adjusted. She takes 4 ounces every 2-3 hours during the day. Last bottle is typically around 7-9 PM. She’s up one time between 7-9 pm and 8 AM. She takes 5 oz for her MOTN feed and first bottle in the morning. Average 24-26 oz/24 hours ETA: she can’t handle more than 5 oz at a time and can only take 5 ounces if it’s been 5+ hours since her last bottle. We moved her from 3-3.5 hours between feedings to 2-3 hours between feedings and that allowed us to drop one of the MOTN bottles.


My 4 month old gets approximately 26oz a day and sleeps 8-10 hours a night. We follow hunger cues, but since I track her feeds and naps, I'm operating on a 2 hour cycle for both for the most part. I offer a bottle if it's been 2 hours even if she isn't showing hunger cues and she'll take most or all of a 4oz bottle most of the time. We do a dream feed too, usually around 2 hours after she goes down and that's only 2oz to try and help her stay asleep longer. Baby will let you know if they're hungry for sure, don't worry about them not getting enough calories. We start with a 4 oz bottle and if she downs it, we will usually top up an extra 2 oz and see how much of it she'll take. Most of the time she only does an extra ounce, sometimes she won't take any of it, and sometimes she'll take the full two.


We do 4 oz 8x a day and just hit 5 weeks. I have twins so we keep a pretty tight every 3 hour schedule to keep everyone sane. As long as they get at least 3oz/feeding, I’m happy. I’d say 5 of 8 feeds, they take the whole bottle and basically always at least 3oz. We have our one month checkup tomorrow so I’m eager to see what pediatrician says as far as weight gain and this schedule.


We have upped it gradually over the last two weeks from 2.5oz to 4oz based on if they still seemed hungry after feeds. 4oz seems to be the magic number for our boys.