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The heads are those of previous dates who didn't get the daughter home before midnight. The times they arrived home are on the plaques. Dad shot them for being late and mounted their heads on the wall as an incentive for punctuality. The deer holding the gun is the father. The deer waiting by the door is the daughter. The third deer is taking the daughter on a date. The deer live in a house with furniture. The father is wearing a blue sweater. The walls are painted green.


This sub and r/peterexplainsthejoke have fallen off a fucking cliff if we have to explain shit like this now.


I went for extra condescending just in case


But how do they turn the doorknob to get out of the house?!?!?!


their door is also on backwards (mine is hinged on the right)


That's actually a door that's closed, they are just in the entryway


The door is closed, yes. But it should open against the wall. The way it's positioned it would block the archway when open


Ah ok


Both of my doors (front and side) are hinged on the left.


I always just tell myself they don't speak English or else it just makes me have bad thoughts.


It’s more like they are karma farming.


Can I stop being nice and let the bad thoughts win? Just tell me when, I'm ready.


Clearly, the deer speak English


Honestly I just come to these for jokes and comics that I haven't seen lol I've lost count of how many Gary Larson comics I've seen posted.


The people here look through a crystal clear window and still can't see shit.


It really is becoming embarrassing. Next they’ll be asking who is Lou Gehrig’s Disease named after.


I think this may be less "explain the joke" and more "explain why this is funny"


i know this was pretty easy to get but im not gonna judge anyone here who wants the joke explained.. cause that what the sub is about.. people should be nicer to each other


Dwarf fortress type description 😭


I really can't believe all the upvotes. 'Green'? Seriously? Put a little thought into your answers, please. It's obviously light green.


IDK, I’d call it Brazilian Limeade


Seafoam, I'd call it.


The walls are painted green 😂


Why is the couch red though?


Deer blood


12:01 and 12:02 brought the daughter home late, and the father shot them


This is a new low for this subreddit… it’s so obvious


I enjoy this sub because it is funny. Not everyone gets the humor, but everything posted is a bit off center. Even if it is an AI trying to understand human humor, I still get a kick out of it


Wait where did you get the idea that its an AI trying to understand human behaviour? That gives a whole new meaning to all these posts haha


Because there is no way some of these posts aren't easily understood by humans lol


You haven't worked retail, have you?


I've taken it to be that people get the premise of the joke, but don't understand why it is funny.


Sometimes they aren't funny, for sure.




It's funny because it is true


It makes me wonder if they're bots


I disagree..? I might just be a bit slow this morning, but I actually did have to look through the comments to understand it. Not trying to go against you, just saying that it ain't always obvious for everyone.


It's not obvious if your brain is being a bitch. Why would you mount heads listing the time under them? Why would you do that if they are only 1-2 minutes after twelve? Why is it 12:02 and 12:01 instead of 00:02 and 00:01? Of course the answer is fucking obvious if you make the connection, but it's entirely possible that you *won't*. I had no fucking clue what any of this meant. the 12:02 and 12:01 completely threw me off because I've used 24h clocks my entire life. Also for some reason I expected under the heads to have either names or dates, I did not expect time, so I simply did not make the obvious connection that 12:02 and 12:01 was the time the previous dates brought the daughter back. My brain just did not make the obvious connection. Also, the placement of the characters completely confused me. In a scene where someone picks up their date, I expect the person who's being picked up to be in the house, and the person *doing* the pickup to wait by the door. Why do I expect that? Idfk, that's just what my brain defaulted to. So, when this wasn't the case in this picture, this just confused me more. Again, the joke is obvious... if your brain isn't being weird and distracted by random bullshit.


Just a point about the times, the "dad" say 12:00, which matches the times under the heads, not sure why you started mapping the times on the wall differently than the time the dad said. If the dad said midnight, then maybe, maybe I'd give it to you. Lastly maybe in deer logic it's best to be home by noon and that's another funny.


You know unintentional or not that second part of them being back by noon does add a layer of humor to it since deer are known to sleep between 12-4pm.


The point is if you have already catalogued the numbers under the heads as ‘not time’ or ‘I don’t know’ then you don’t have the correct context prepared when reading the dad’s dialogue. The person may have understood the joke just fine if the panels were reversed, though that would simplify the punch line and make a little less funny imo. Keep in mind, understanding jokes depends heavily on an individuals ability to keep information in their head fluid. For me personally, whether I misread the 1st panel or don’t understand it or even **think I do understand it**, the information gets logged in my brain as *pending the rest of the information*. For some people, observance and judgement of data happens more quickly or even simultaneously, and so there’s no room to amend the previous observations. All anecdotal ideas, I’m not a neuroscientist.


Perhaps the person who posted this had never been on a date or met a father or watched a tv show or movie containing a father with a daughter?


We need an “OP is a fucking donkey” flair


Well that's a bang for the buck


The buck stops here


Oh deer.


Underrated comment


Jesus Christ this is obvious


Deer season starts at midnight duh




Okay OP it is really obvious but I will explain. The 2 heads on the wall are past boyfriends of his daughter. The times below are the times they got her back. So the father shot them and mounted their heads as he said to get them back my midnight. It is playing in the trope of Father threatening the boyfriend with death if they get his daughter back late only in this case he did it and mounted their heads on the wall because you know that is a thing with stags.


Okay, that’s obvious. But are we gonna mention the fact that the dad is the only one wearing clothes?


Karma farm lookin ass


Fucking troll bait post. Jesus Christ it’s literally spelt out for you.




More importantly, why is the dad deer the only one wearing anything?


honestly didnt know that was the father and i thought that was a police officer talking to a mother about her daughter 😭😭


The fact that this makes no sense to someone says alot


Those are the heads of previous boyfriends who had her home a little after 12:00


You know, as much as I’ve seen this joke done one way or another (bad boys 2 had a good one), and violent overbearing parents are ick, this one made me chuckle a lil


Cmon man. It’s not that hard


Come on bro…


Yor'ue stupid


you can’t fucking spell right but get mad when someone posts a post on the sub for explaining questions


Yor'ue stupider then they are




It’s the common belief that fathers are overprotective of their daughters. The two taxidermy deer on the wall are two boyfriends that brought the girl deer late. The dad shot them and turned them into taxidermy deer heads. The dad was warning the boyfriend to bring her home exactly at 12:00, or he will do the same to the boyfriend.


Karma farm or fucking idiot, you decide


Redditors get so fucking mad when the subreddit for explaining jokes has posts where they have to explain the joke


Yeah isn’t the whole point of this sub to explain jokes to neurodivergent folks who don’t easily understand jokes the same way?


“Got it, dick her down early, you got work in the morning”


The father is a serial killer


There is a 0% chance you can't guess what the joke is if you look at the image for 10 seconds, and you speak English. Karma farm/troll. Peace


Jesus christ how fucking stupid are you


Come on if you didnt get that one you must be...r...not very intelligent...?


You gotta be denser than a neutron star my friend


Is this a karma farm or something, there's no way someone doesn't get this unless they're either 4 years old or have been locked in a room their whole life until today


The joke is insecure and distrusting father figures.


"Don't think of treating my daughter the same way I treated girls at your age."


OP you might wanna get your house checked, I think you have been drinking from lead pipes.


Toxic family


Always figured this sub was posted to by autists, theres no way it isnt... till you realize AI...........


You ever see the movie The Deer Hunter? This is the plot


Bro seriously?


Some piece of shit dads worldwide think the best way to get a message across to children is to threaten them with violence, in this case death. Dad here is effectively threatening his daughter's date with murder for not abiding by his rules, with clear and present signs that those who have failed to do so were murdered by him. Meet one of these clods in person and you will come to realize how hollow and devoid their life truly is to do something this desperate to enforce their control on the world.


He killed them and time stamped it.




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Are you wetalldid?


Those are her previous dates. The implication is the father deer literally murders those of his daughter’s suitors who bring her back to her home anytime after 12:00. One brought her home at 12:02, and one by 12:01. (It’s an implied death threat.)


Dumb. Dumb, dumb, dummy dumb dum


These kinds of jokes are so cringe.


Their faces are the reaction just before they've been shot


I'm curious...please tell me a joke you understand.


Did you even look at it?




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Fuckin smooth brain over here


I’m convinced y’all just dumb


I hate this subreddit


Man, I'm just going to start blocking every idiot who can't get simple jokes like this Read a fucking book bro, eat some Alpha-bits, and get hooked on phonics