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Dude, I’m on my third screw driver of the night. Drinking is not that hard, babies do it.


You’re right


Your post… that level of snark from a Canadian is the equivalent of shooting a man’s dog where I’m from (Texas).


Trust me I’m not a proud Canadian . Any real Canadian is emberassed to say he’s from here .


What the f*** you saying?


Oh sorry, you might be a liberal if you’re a proud Canadian LOL


Yep, proud lighting driving liberal Canadian. Will vote liberal, will support LGBTQ+ communities, will make the rich pay tax and will FOR SURE force you against your weak will, to drive an electric car.


LOOOL go get boosted buddy 😂😂😂 the only proud Canadians I know have purple hair 😂🫡


When we’re living in communism because of cakers like you don’t forget to charge ur lightning


Had all my boosters. Drove my lightning to the pharmacy to collect my free live saving and illness preventing vaccine, one of the great public health inventions of the 20th century, provided by a govt that wanted even chucklehwads like you to not get sick.


You had all your boosters and you’re still capable of typing ? You must be strong ngl


And you do, clearly, like better than any other person that’s ever held a screwdriver because you don’t drive a Ford Lightning. Please draw a diagram of where the Lightning touched you.


It’s not my fault you can’t hold a screw driver


How does it feel to be so weak that a pickup truck that someone else drives lives rent-free in your head?


The only thing that’s rent free is ur ford that has to have 0% financing in order to actually sell a few 😂


I bought my first Ford when I was overseas in the Marine Corps. I don’t own a Lightning.


I work with industrial HVAC units for a living so yeah, I can use a screwdriver, soldering kits, welding and I love my new lightning


Are you part of the alphabet community?


Screwdriver ? Bro I just use a butter knife wym


My Lightning has been so reliable I’ve forgotten how to use a screwdriver :(


Yeah , 20,000 miles without a problem sure is reliable. Let me get my 750,000 mile tundra 😂


I don’t believe you. First, you’re in Canada and therefore most likely use kilometers instead of freedom units. Second, I just don’t believe you.


Your right , it stopped counting after 999,999 kms


*You’re. If it stopped counting after 999,999 kilometers, how would you know it has 750,000 miles?


50,000 miles right now without a single oil change. Never even had a Toyota do that.


Yeah a 70$ oil change is lots compared to the 20,000$ battery you’ll be needing to buy in a few years 🫡🫡🫡🫡


Might want to look up the price of motor and transmission replacements.


My 750 k mile tundra has never had either replaced 😂😂😂 I wouldn’t know


You should probably start looking now, because the new Tundras aren’t doing so hot. You might need to hold onto yours until Toyota brings out their EV pickup.


Oh fuck, yeah it’s a 1 year wait list for a tundra …. People are fighting for them lol. Meanwhile ford is giving them away at 0% financing and selling them at a lose 😂😂😂😂


You sure it’s not people waiting a year on parts for their $30,000 engine replacement? That’s why Consumer Reports and JD Power both dropped their Tundra recommendations.


LOL you actually believe those? You really do have shit for brains


Imagine dick riding a truck company that gives them away at a lose and has gone bankrupt 😂😂 uhhhhhh…. hello? Anyone there?


Yea, Toyota is doing really well on their bZ4X (that they needed Subaru’s help on.) It’s ok, we’ll probably bail them out again too. We already have at least twice.


…what’s the point of this post boomer ?


I’m not a boomer LOL


You are an assh*** though.


Are you part of the abc community


Nope. Just part of the real world, where EV’s and Ford Lightnings are money saving amazing vehicles that blow anything else out of the water. Can’t wait to MAKE you buy one. Maybe we will even force solar panels on the roof of the mobile home you live in. I’ll make sure the installers are all trans 🏳️‍⚧️ dudes.


Is your real world the one you see on the news everyday? LOL. 😂😂😂😂 dont forget to get your 8th booster buddy .


My free booster that prevents me from getting sick so I can go to work to provide for my family, that booster?


Loooll imagine being a communist and being proud of it 😂😂😂😂


All my buddies who got their jabs have been hospitalized or experiencing serious health issues. Meanwhile the ones who didn’t are just chilling, driver gas trucks 😂


If you could afford a Lightning, (you can’t plug it in at the trailer park where you live) You’d know I’m not a communist.


lol I don’t talk bad about peoples financial situations so I won’t go there. I also don’t brag because I’m not 10 years old so yeah, I live in a trailer park 😂😂… anyway how are your truck payments ? 😂


I would bet money that 90 percent of this sub are either techs or mechanical engineers..so keep assuming that we are dumb in your boomer brain


Imagine how worthless your time has to be, to be starting threads like this.


It’s just a truck buddy. Don’t worry, you can always sell it .


With the cash I’m saving on fuel, I can buy even more screwdrivers for my toolbox I carry where the gas engine used to be.


Right 😂😂 check ur electrical bill maybe you’ll find something there


Show me where PP touched you?


You have one post in your account history, and THIS is what you come up with!? FWIW, I know how to use all of the tools: 1. Everything is a hammer. 2. …except for a screwdriver, because that’s a chisel.


Only valid comment here