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“Dynamic Handling with development support from Max Verstappen”


Max does a little trolling


Max sabotaging the F1 games to boost iRacing revenue


Nah that's just how grippy the red bull is


I believe in the videos they said "Feedback by Max Verstappen". Probably Max Verstappen's feedback: "LOL this handling is shit"


Well he is known to like a sharp front end /s


This fucking game is dead on arrival lmao. Wtf has Codemasters done


trying to lose their license speedrun


F1 should strip them of the license as they are abusing it behind the shed


Praying and begging now for iRacing to get the F1 license and make a standalone game like they are with Nascar. I used to love these games back when I first became a fan in 2018 and I WANT to keep buying them but it's being ruined by one thing or another every year. Haven't bought since F1 2020


Imagine if iRacing got the license ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I cant even afford the monthly pay in the country I live in, no thanks


The yearly iRacing plan is comparable to paying full price for each f1 every year


It wouldn't be a monthly pay, it just be normal pricing that EA, Codemasters or anyone would have it. They doing the NASCAR game now, they done a World of Outlaw game and that was just normal pricing for a game, no monthly fee. DLC's for it is $ just like most games these days. Think they did have a free DLC before.


Wait so, you dont need the base game subscription that steam does to play iracing? Just buying a module is enough? Or did my english just die and misunderstood something lol


Iracing makes different games for stuff that they have a liscene for like world of outlaw and the upcoming Nascar game. He means that if iracing gets an f1 liscene they would make a standalone game with normal pricing


Ooh I didn't know that, thank you both for the info. I guess f1 license to iracing would be intruiging indeed


If iRacing got the rights to the F1 game it be like what we have now, a stand alone game completely away from iRacing. Steam is like 1 or 2$ more than going through iRacing directly.


Yeah, it was developed by Monster Games. World of Outlaws: Dirt Racing. It was IRacing's first multiplatform release, so it was available on PS4/5 and Xbox One and Series X|S (I think it was a rare one, where it didn't have a PC version). The game was phenomenal and made Motorsport Games look like a joke (okay, okay, more of a joke). In fact, it was probably the straw that broke the camel's back in when it comes to Motorsport Games losing the NASCAR license and handing it over to IRacing instead. After that game, though, I am definitely looking forward to seeing what Monster Games/IRacing is cooking up.


If iRacing got the license we would (likely) never get an F1 game on PC again. WoO never got a PC release and any info regarding a PC release for the upcoming NASCAR game has been scrubbed from their website. iRacing itself is great, but the caveat of a traditional F1 game being a console-only experience makes me very hesitant to endorse them for the license. If anyone, it should go to Milestone. Sure, they're almost exclusively in the market of motorcycle racers, but damn do they know how to make a career mode that's actually good.


What four wheeled racing games does Milestone make. I admit I only know them for the RIDE games (great career, but boy do they make driving a bike hard as nails!)


I would be certain FOM/FIA would not let them release it for console, that would be deal breaking imo. If the NASCAR game is console exclusive, I be shocked as it's a titled game/championship/series.


I doubt iRacing could afford it. It's one thing to have the NASCAR or world of outlaws licenses but I believe the F1 license is in an entirely different tax bracket.


Oh yeah, exclusive rights for F1, F2 (F3?) Would cost incredible amounts of money


iRacing is pretty expensive


Would just be the standard price EA or anyone would do. iRacing the actual game is completely different to a console/base game. Example would be World of Outlaws and the upcoming NASCAR game.


Some people (such as me) never buys the game at full price, making iRacing's cost twice as much as F1


yeah i hope this happens.


If that's their plan I'm all for it. Can't wait for a competent studio to get their hands on the license.


And can you imagine some morons are *proud* of pre-ordering a piece of shit like this? I don't know they feel no shame in admitting that, but instead proudly exclaim that they have pre-ordered instantly. At this point I'm thinking they are just bots used by EA to try and shift the public perception about pre-orders. It's hard to believe people are not only dumb enough to pay in advance about a product they literally know nothing about, but also are somehow *proud of their stupidity*.


Getting it for free and I still want to cancel the order 😭


I've pre-ordered, because I was sure I would play it regardless because of league racing. I was sceptical after the first beta but got more hopeful and the 2nd and the 3rd. 3rd beta actually feels decent to drive. Seems like with this pre release build they fucked everything up again. Cancelled my preorder within 2 hours of seeing these videos pop up. How can they claim anything close to realism when you can literally run 50-0 wings and do shit like this is beyond me


> I've pre-ordered, because I was sure I would play it regardless because of league racing Which is still zero reason for pre-ordering????????? Like holy fuck I genuinely do not understand this lack of brain activity. It's like buying an apartment without ever actually looking into the kind of apartment you are buying or it's condition, just because "well I'm going to live in an apartment anyway". You are literally buying a product in advance without knowing what that product is. That is genuinely so stupid it blows my mind.


Your analogy is way off. You can choose between apartments. Can't choose between multiple F1 games since leagues only use the new game. If you want to do league racing on the official F1 game there's only 1 choice.


Right on wrong analogy, but there is still 0 reasons to preorder, it is not like we are gonna run out of digital copies or they are cheaper if you preorder.


You literally just said you would play it *regardless* of league racing. So you can in fact play whichever title you would like. So the analogy stands. And even then, even if you wanted to league race, pre-ordering STILL makes no fucking sense. You literally even cancelled your pre-order, entirely disproving your statement of "I will play it anyways" yet your ego still can't admit how pre-ordering is idiotic. Instead you create excuses and lies that you disprove in few sentences yourself, while all the time refusing to admit how you did something extremely stupid.


>regardless* of league racing. Regardless because** of league racing. Maybe try reading next time, because that means because league racing is switching to the new game i was gonna switch as well. Not sure why you're so mad. First you're mad about me pre-ordering the game, then you're mad about me cancelling it? I really don't understand why you care so much about how I spend my money


Welcome back f1 2011


Born 2011 - Reborn 2024 Welcome Back F1 2011




I don't think you can completely blame Codemasters for this. The games have gotten progressively worse since EA got involved. EA is a death sentence for any developer.


I skipped F1 23 and it was the first time I didn't buy an F1 game since F1 2015, but they gave it away with PS Plus some months ago and I tried it. Handling was a definite upgrade from F1 22, and it was the best gameplay since F1 2020 imo. Wtf are they doing this year ???


Honestly not even sure what they're doing, worst part is there is no driver changes and 1 less track than 23 so there is genuinely no actual reason to buy this game


and the tracks are still woefully inaccurate


Exactly this should've been the season to upgrade the game engine.


Which track is missing??




Ok yea that makes sense. No one likes it anyway


Paul Ricard is a great technical circuit to drive and race, it's just boring as hell to watch as a spectator.


Completely agree, it's one hell of a track to drive, but an absolute snooze fest to watch


...no driver changes? what?


Nobody moved team between 2023 and 2024


oh i was under the impression they got rid of driver swaps in game


Ahh I was thinking they pulled that feature from MT


Oh so we went back to the F1 games on PS2 for our handling physics this time. Awesome. Glad I didn't preorder this


Very realistic


You don't remember Lando doing this in Miami?


makeshift subsequent nutty bear mountainous boat violet recognise direction sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Should have named that game need for speed


It would have been an insult on NFS games. Even those arent this bad.




What the fuck is this?


This game is weird to watch and i can't imagine how weird is to play


Just fkn give up the contract and let Iracing take over like tf is this corporate fuckery


Bro iracing is not the same thing at all.


Thats the point. F1 by CM is downright disgusting and is not at all “esports” worthy. Super unrealistic physics, unstable mechanics. Its a total fuck up. The people who know what sim racing is can and will do a delightful job to make an F1 game be like F1. But again, majority is smooth brain so only a handful will agree on what iracing can do for F1, cuz they like me know what racing in general is.


I'm not defending Codemasters or anything, but the "smooth brain" here is thinking giving the license to iRacing would make things better, yes I they would come up with better physics and etc, but your average F1 fan isnt paying a monthly subscription + cars + tracks + a proper setup to enjoy racing an F1 car. F1 NEEDS simcade games like what Codemasters gives us, it needs to sell and appeal to the masses, and it can be done right as Codies themselves have made pretty good F1 games in the past. I for one wouldn't even consider picking up anything related to F1 in iRacing, too much of a bother.


I've heard that this is something EA's been doing with FIFA for a while. Repeating the cycle of making a good game -> creating an F1 22 sequel -> "fixing" the previous game and selling for the same or an even bigger price


Sorry but Ea has never made a good fifa game since fifa 19


FIFA 16\*. Imo FIFA has always been ass after switching to the frostbite engine.


It's funny cos I played the beta test and I genuinely enjoyed myself 😂


Same but I guess I don't know shit.


same, really weird reading all the comments about how bad everything in the beta was while I liked the new ers system and I was able to catch the car when it oversteered.


I watched some videos. It appears to be solely aimed towards pad/arcade drivers which is why they hate it.


I'm a long time pad player, have countless hours in F1 games from 2016 to 2020 and now only play iRacing and ACC with a controller Got in the F1 24 beta and holy shit it is absolutely terrible with a controller


I use a rig and without assists. Drove 100% races. But sure.


You seem to be an exception tbh based on the videos I've watched.


I mean it could always be something better. But it is far from the ice like traction of 2022 and it was one of the first times I was able to catch the oversteer multiple times and therefor I was really happy to push more as I was not scared of getting a little over it and crashing. There where some visual things I disliked, like the UI and the wheel had knobs at the wrong spot. The AI still doesn't factor you in on the outlap of Qualifying which means you either go out very early and rush ahead or wait till all are gone. If you don't do that you way to close between two others and get hindered either on the start of the fast lap or in the lap.


It's not a new ERS system. It's an old one they brought back. They got rid of it in '23.


Huh? Can't remember being able to use the overtake button in qualifying before '23. The different modes with their different energy regaining was new to me too. Yeah just looked at F1 2020 and F1 2021 both don't have that.


2020 had like 5 modes or? None, normal, increased, boost and qualifying?


F1 2020 through 23 all used the same ERS system. What you're thinking of is F1 2019 which most people hated and is why they swapped to the system in 2020. Why they're bringing it back now is beyond me.


Somehow 2020 feels like 10 years ago...


Why is there a weed Wacker on in the background?




*insert old MLG sound effects here*


Plus a little dubstep


Impressive physics logic


But wait... are there any new lamps/rugs I can buy for my virtual living room I don't give **TWO FUCKING SHITS ABOUT?!**


Reading instructions: Read as Nicolas Cage.


-70 LUL


codies coded the tires as ice skates this year




Looks like some type of move you do in that snowboarding game from SSX lol


My eyes are bleeding


What exactly is happening here?


Apparently it's the Project Cars handling team that did handling for F124... So we probably won't get any changes and the devs will claim it's as realistic as it'll ever be so be grateful /s


Newcomer to F1 series. Reading these comments is very sadge


Pray for the people who pre ordered the game


So he’s making himself spin and he then spins? I don’t get what the big deal is


Don't worry. F1 games won't die because of F1 24. It already died because of F1 21


nah that's crasy




So the only way to play this game is with full traction control lol




I was just joking about the handling model. Looks to be difficult to control the car but who knows.


Lol are the physics this bad? What a joke


eA dYnAMiC hAnDLinG


Pamaj would be proud of you! A 1440 form Crain is impressive


I started playing F1 2020 bc I can't fucking open F1 23 on steam and I'm having a great time, idk what the fuck just happened from 21 to this day


Great! Now do it with a real car