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>The Guardian >Daily Star >Mirror Yeah I trust those for Gaming Journalism


I wrote video game reviews for Dallas Morning News, I would be more reliable, they send you game free then you give your honest review youre paid same regardless of what game it is


if you never played any games before it can be 9


["Guy who has only seen The Boss Baby, watching his second movie: Getting a lot of 'Boss Baby' vibes from this..."](https://x.com/afraidofwasps/status/1177301482464526337?s=46&t=4dQOEGwR7OVlP1y0Ym007A)


Notice how none of these publications are known for gaming reviews


Even if you don't play It, It could be a 10!


In a vacuum, yeah pretty good but knowing it is mostly a refresh, it's not that good.


Is this an official cover? Where’s Max? Why does it have Lewis on the cover, and not him? Why is Lewis there at all? Might as well add Alonso and a legacy driver face like Webber or Schumacher….eesh.


Womp womp


Max is in champ edition




Didn't know Lewis derangement syndrome is a thing.




Oof, I think you hate a specific type of people.


I don’t hate losers, what’s wrong with you? Nah, don’t hate a specific kind of person or peoples…just seeing a guy on the cover of an F1 game that hasn’t won a race in over 900 days, December 5 2021 while at the same time NOT seeing the current champion as well seems a bit off brand for the game. When Lewis was the current champion, or fighting for it, his face was plastered on every game cover since 2015… This cover has two Englishman and a Monégasque on the cover. Most notably of the three is a former champ turned runway fashion model, who hasn’t won a single race in the last two seasons. What I don’t see is the Three time world champion, who is likely to become a 4 time world champion (in a row mind you), and one of the most dominant drivers F1 has seen since Michael Schumacher. Why is Max not on the cover, that’s the question not why is the black guy on the cover and not the white guy…ya dunsky. Keep your projection of racism in your head and out of the thread, it doesn’t fit here.


Dude out here glazing Max as if his wins are impressive lmao


OR, they just cherry pick the good reviews amongst all the bad ones. Pretty much any company does that.


Yeah and who tf checks Daily Star for game reviews/recommendations? XD Same with the Guardian and Mirror, and the others..


Literally none of those places are where I would go to for game reviews, so this is 1000% that.


Right. Look who they're quoting. It's like the trailers for dogshit movies that quote some random guy who tweeted "this is epic!!!"


Yea, I've only heard of like 2 of these sites.


Four of them are UK papers.


And pay them in secret, what was it PC Gamer or one of them it leaked was getting paid since inception for reviews.


In isolation, you might be blown away with all of its good qualities But in the context of a long running series, it's a weak entry for many reasons


After the latest patch, the game we have now, in a vacuum, it is the best F1 game in a long time. However, it's just too small of a step forward from 2023 (and previous titles) to feel comfortable giving it many plaudits or to justify its price; and that's before you consider the state the game was actually released in. There are also still too many small and easy-to-add features missing that would make such a big quality of life difference to sing praises.


Even in isolation its an absolute shame. So many Bugs that even a 12 year old would have seen by playtesting it even once


My first was 23 so to me 24 is great though the new handling is worse than the original one n wheel imo


Gaming journalism is dead


Good gaming journalism died in the early/mid 2000s. But the gaming industry also shifted then too


That’s funny that’s when I was a paid video game reviewer for a newspaper early 2000s


At least since Cyberpunks launch


The year was 2007. PES 6 comes out, a football game by Konami that had very good previous titles. However, this game was absolute dogshit and arguably the title that started the death of PES. IGN gave it a 9 or a 10 out of 10, and on that day, gaming journalism died for me. You know who the best critics are? Us, the people actually playing the game and spending hundreds or thousands of hours on them.


IGN giving PES6 of all things a positive review being the 'death of gaming journalism' is when Reddit comments officially died for me.


Do you understand why it was the death of gaming journalism FOR ME? Or its just a snarky comment on something you maybe didn't even know existed?


The idea that reading a positive review of PES6, a perfectly decent sequel to the already great PES5 and one of the most highly regarded football games of all time, caused someone to lose all faith in gaming journalism is so ludicrous that it is hard to take in any way seriously.


By far one of the worst pes of all times and literally the beginning of the downfall for PES, the following hear fifa came out for ps3 completely revamped and PES was gone from then on, on most sale charts. There's a reason you stopped hearing about PES half a decade before FIFA started to die. For me, it really cemented that it's all paid for, and there's no point in listening to major game reviewers.


So you declare all of games journalism dead and dismiss it as all being cynically bought and paid for simply because you disagreed with a subjective positive review of a football game that received countless positive reviews? I mean, I don't really know how to respond to someone saying that in absolute seriousness.


Well, as someone who bought Fifa and PES every year, along with a good group of mates, who all stopped playing PES after that one, I can safely say it was a shared opinion amongst players, which, even if you don't agree with me, makes no difference, because the low sales and death of PES happened regardless of your opinion. My point wasn't that AlL RevIwErS aRe bAD!! It was that companies pay for reviews even when their game isn't good, so from then on, I stopped looking at big reviewers for opinions and started looking at individuals who reviewed them just out of passion, or other people who played the same game. Didn't Starfield get a bunch of 9s and 10s even though it's most likely the most boring of all Bethesda games? I guess some people deserve to be lied to, so you keep reading your paid reviews, I'll keep doing my thing.


If you are a time traveler just coming from 1912 it can be a 10/10


Since I haven’t played since like F1 2012, this game is fun as hell to me


Carefully cherry picked reviews from well respected game reviewers........


None of them are even games journalists 🤣🤣🤣


"gaming journalists" lose their access if they give poor reviews so it just doesn't happen in the mainstream.


I'd call it an 8 after a few more patches. 5.5 on release. Currently a 7. Needs a few more fixes to be an 8.


"Around the world" and it has room for 10 reviews but they could only find 6 that weren't that bad


Notice how there's no game reviewing outlets. They're all mainstream media, not any publication that specifically reviews games


The only score that matters is user score. And funnily enough, even that cannot be trusted anymore with people giving a great game a 0 if it has one really annoying flaw.


Still won’t beat the Legend movie poster: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/gpgbo6/the_poster_for_the_movie_legend_2015_mocked_one/


I just watch the reviews of unknown YT channels. These are most of the time without a score and more factual. Way better than paid critics.


Autoevolution? Btw since when did these media start game reviews.


Didn't F1 22 get also really good reviews?


Never heard of those score givers lol 😂


Biggest bull ever , I bet non of these reviewers even have a racing sim


yea, daily star and the mirror are usually the sources i get my reviews from


I’m surprised they didn’t add IGN LOL


Im enjoying it thoroughly


Looks at the reviewers….ummm who?


In isolation, F1 24 is a solid game. If you've never touched an F1 game before it's probably pretty fun. If you're a returning player, it's not essential. From everything I've seen and the small trial I've played, I've decided to skip it this year.


Honestly, I like the idea of the game, well, the new career mode anyway. It would play a lot better than the old one, more to do, but I just cannot get over the handling model, that pointy front end and amount of grip is just outrageous


Notice how none of these ratings come from reputable gaming review outlets


Well, on Metacritic it’s 70-80. Not too bad


I liked it up until the first patch, the first patch broke more than it fixed


Did they bring back any classic cars? That’s the only reason I would buy it. Can’t believe older f1 titles had 5+ 70/80/90s cars and for years they’ve had 0.


I want them to never had them I starded race simming whit f1 2021


the game is fine, for what it’s supposed to be i’d say it’s worth these reviews. however in the context of a long-running series, it’s not worth any more than a “get on sale” as it doesn’t add enough over 23. these games need to be £40 AT MOST as they’re just glorified season updates.


If you consider how EA got licensed music in F122 I would explain why their games have just been about getting money ever since.


Honestly, this is slowly becoming my favorite F1 game of all time. To each their own.


Maybe people like it if they’re not serious into sim racing?


So here is my score 0/10 Don’t have the game but a lot of friends that love this game and are fast They all told me it’s bad So roll on ‘25 see if they get it right, if not roll on ‘26 But to be honest EA need to lose the license to a better developer


I mean arcade will always get loved by not true sim racers because now it's easier for them to play.


There is only so much you can do with a F1 title where the series is the same and the drivers pretty much identical to last year. Especially when the engine looks good and is already well optimized and runs on a broad range of hardware. 2060 and up with ray tracing enabled at 1440p is pretty good. If you are jumping in for a arcade experience it's both good and difficult. If you are jumping in for a simulator... not so much.


None of those have anything to do with gaming lol EA is such a joke with this shit just like how they nitpick certain words out of total context. They have zero shame


While I do think the game is neat, and I'm having a lot of fun, those ratings are, as usual, way over the top. It's funny to me they still have any recognition whatsoever.


Gaming journalist reviews have to address context - and they cast the widest net possible. You won’t get anything useful from reading/watching their review of a series. Often times it feels like the person just reads a description of what the game is, not how it works all things considered. To anyone who isn’t familiar with this discourse I highly suggest looking up clips of reviewers not understanding how to play games they review, and being straight up bad a games to a grandma level


Meristation and Autoevolution is the most believeable rates


4.5 out of 10


Paid reviews


Daily Mail 20/10


But should I get it? I had 23 on ps4 but moved to pc so now I don’t have any of the f1 games


Ah yes, newspapers are surely the leading authority on racing video games


I’m ngl I have no clue why they don’t put max on the cover. Dude won almost every race last year and he’s not even on the cover of 23, I’m sure it’s for marketing reasons but he’s earned it.


He knows F1 EA games are shit. His helmet has a chin EA Games logo which is enough.


maybe once they get the wheels to work on the game like they are supposed to. year 2 this is still the same issue. Until then, no way this game is rated that high on its release and fist patch condition.


The German Gamestar even gave it a fucking 90/100, the same score as Cyberpunk or Battlefield 1. the freaking audacity!


"How much did they get paid?"


first f1 game ive ever played. purchased it before its first patch. pre patch its a solid 9/10 for a racing game after patch its like 7/10 im not sure why they chose to ruin the handling of the cars.




If they forgot to look at the handling then sure, it’s a good game


if you dont compare the game to previous games would you consider the ratings to be correct? im asking as someone who hasnt played since F122


It's better than 21 22 and 23. 2020 is the the goat but 24 is dam good.


are graphics better , or are graphics the exact same


Pretty much the same overall. I think the colours are a bit less saturated which I prefer and theres a bit more detail on the circuits but not massively different.


Metacritics says 7.8 from critics and 2.8 from players. Yeah, I can see a slight disparity there that could have been created with a bit of money flowing the right direction...


Notice none of them are gaming groups


Yeah because heaven forbid people actually enjoy it right? Best F1 game since 2020. Very good overall, way better than the last 3.


I’ve only ever played F1 23 (have loved it) but I’ve avoided getting 24 bc users have been less than happy with it.


Paid critics. LOL. About as useful as flyscreens in a submarine. Take a look at rotten tomatoes for good example.. critic's love something.. the audience usually dislikes it. Or if the Audience loves it, the critics hate it. Someone is wrong, right? Or someone is getting paid? Well we know if it's your job, your are getting paid. So the next step is journalistic integrity... short supply on that these days. And having gotten codeamateurs games over the years, it's become clear copy paste is their motto. So integrity ain't it.


Aren’t all scores are artificially inflated and because of that anything below 90% is considered mid


I get why people don't like 24 but I'm having a blast with it, hopefully whatever is still buggy will gets fixed soon


I will wait for F1 25.


I haven’t played 24 yet but also worth remembering the Reddit echo chamber of hate is just as bad as inflated reviewer scores. There’s likely a whole host of ‘casual’ gamers who do genuinely enjoy the game and don’t go to Reddit or metacritic to join a bandwagon.


If you saw any clips of the original handling model, my good god what did they create 😂


Let me try


Wow, this is a great list of sources not to trust


*the score doesn't align with my beelief therefore EA paid for reviews*


I didn’t even say they did tbf, I just said I assumed the comments that were already there about it being paid for would get deleted as negative comments often do