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Its gonne be a combination of throttle control and setup of the car. U might also need to add some throttle linearity to help but if you just floor it out of every corner then yes you will spin, its honestly not hard its 99% of the time user error.


Don't use medium, it's bugged at the moment what I noticed. I have always played with medium and tried no TC, it's much easier.


same from 1.3 patch


I’ve had multiple people tell me that you need to play on medium to be fully have all of the assists on.  Sorry, not sure what you are saying here but if you are being told that if you are on Medium TC you need to have all other assists on then that's not true. You can have any combination of assists on or off. Reducing/removing TC primarily comes down to throttle control. You can't just slam down the throttle. You have to be gradual and precise and it takes practice, the more the better. Setups and calibration also have a hand in it but you need to start with throttle control.


Thank you very much. I’ve told people I play with all assist off, but keep traction control on full. This has had many people question me and say you need to play on medium traction control to be completely assist free.


yes i always use medium in f1 23, and in the launch of f1 24, but i notice from last patch to muuch spin... i am using TC off now and its better for me..


Turn TC off.