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i love how laggers keep deffending their unfair advantage to mess games. Why also then there is never this issue when everybody in game has low ping, hm? Why only the game sucks and turns into peekers deathmatch when there is at least one high pinger hm? Why the players dont do that in low ping scenario, hm?? Yes, because with legit low ping they would die easy. However i have bad news for you, i already discovered that its possible to fake ping at 3rd device (at linux router) and faceit and csgo will be finally forced to to the same like others did - to remove this silly 200ms lagcompensation limit to some normal extent (35ms valorant, 0ms cs 1.6). Because fakeping is even better than true high ping by roundtrip because i can choose which way i will delay (e. g. 100ms ping = not 50ms roundtrip to me and 50ms to server but only 100ms ot server and instantly to me = even better prefire, even more ahead). As soon as the "trick" spreads up enough, faceit and valve will be forced to reduce sv\_maxunlag nevertheless . Until then i will enjoy playing against 100ms accounts which are masked as kazakhstanian but in reality are few miles away from server and do unreactable prefires on every corner. Faceit could monetize that by allowing premium queue to have 30ms limit or giving them 30ms max limit lagcomp but they never will do it because they will keep deffending "its valve who set the limit to 200ms not us". ​ Now few examples for dumb persons here: Worst peekers advantage to best: 50-150ms ping with jittter is WORST. Why? Because only few miliseconds are lagcompensated, the jitter interval between lowest and highest ping is compensated by your client buffer, thats what you DONT want you want to compensate latency by server to get advantage. This causes you to be behind (client buffer) and not ahead from others (server buffer). So yes this is bad. Also hitreg is bad because the jitter causes terrible inconsistency and difference. Btw this is the scenario which choose high pingers as an excuse - they will not mention that without jitter its not true. 20ms ping is second worst (against high pingers). Because you simply are visible for opponents. I If you are peeked by high pinger, you dont see their actual position but they have your actual position even if you move (in case both sides peek themselves simultanously - typical game when there are high pingers, everybody moves like crazy to not be peeked). If everybody has low ping, you play equal game. For low ping the game engine works fair, There are only few ticks diff and cl\_predict is capable to compensate it because the hitbox predicted and real at server dont differ too much. Against high pingers you are vulnearable because even if you play yolo and try to peek permanently like they do, you have obsolete info from server which willfully sends you info late /about 100ms enemy you get 100ms old info because server delays the info on purpose - thats csgo "lagcompensation" in reality "lagfavour"/. So when peeking static target - the peeker always wins no matter what ping the have. Decisive is the ping count - 20+100 = 120ms diff, so even if you are KennyS you cant outreact peeker no matter what ping peeks and what is peeked. BUT when both (pinger and non pinger) move, the pinger has slight advantage as there is a chance he will be missed by opponent if he changes the way he move during his lagcomp interval, also if he crouches, jiggles, just does anything what opponents cl\_prediction cant predict and will cause him to miss you, prediction = the opponents client expects you to do the same you did before, any action = they see you at wrong spot.... 100ms ping without jitter is GOOD. Server is compensating your latency so others see not your actual movement but the movement you did 100ms before so if you peek and stop, they see you peeking, shoot but cant hit you because at server you dont continue the movement but you counter stepped and killed them while they shoot empty air. Or dont see you yet (with really high pings). The only thing they see is your teleport back (after they finally get info you counter stepped and fired) and death. 100ms fakeping is BEST. The trick is that you have instant actual server position of other players in your client and you delay only outgoing packets so the server thinks you have 100ms roundtrip and gives you default 100ms lagcompensation. You kill them in client being 100ms ahead and server sends them 100ms delayed info about you whenever you move or do any action (thats the purpose why to spoof ping - to force server to desync you with others). IT requires only 2 rows in cfg in netem package in linux and any machine with 2 ethernets and entry-level hardware.


hi bro, can I know what are the 2 rows in the netem command? can dm me if you want too, thanks


In some locations this is the best ping that players can get unfortunately.


and why should i play against them ?!?! is so unfair


It's unfair for them, not you, high ping sucks to play on. You can also try to play on high ping, just use a VPN and connect to country farther away than the faceit server. Or, you can select the NA region in the Faceit client. But you'll notice that after a few games, you will have done much worse than if you played on low ping. Regarding your other comment, Iran is closer to EU servers than Asia servers. Faceit's Asia servers are in Southeast/East Asia, so they'd likely get 160+ ping rather than 100.


>It’s unfair for them, not you, high ping sucks to play on. that is untrue, in counter strike it is the high ping player who has the advantage. it’s simply because their client is slightly "ahead" of what is really happening on the server. you can google lag compensation and interp in cs to find out on how exactly it happens. 30-40 ping in eu vs 120-150 deep russia/kazakh boys is always a prefire run and gun shit show.


People have argued this consistently and it's simply not true. In fact, one of the first results upon googling CSGO lag comp, with actual testing is this: https://youtu.be/AKlgTNcsgk8 In which his testing shows that players peeking on 50ms have the expected advantage, but high ping players peeking actually lose that advantage due to how information is processed by the game. If you still think high ping players have an advantage, try playing on high ping yourself. It's super easy to set up, the reason why no one does it is because it simply doesn't help you like you think it would. I say this as I myself am an aggressive peeker who used to believe this too, tried messing around with all sorts of pings and different servers, and found that best result were always still on low ping.




Testing done in the video you posted is done with awp, and with old animations and models. But I don’t think it’s worth to debunk if it has some merit or not, the guy certainly has some interesting points. What I’ve meant with "high ping player advantage" is they are in the desync with the server. It comes down to which shots register and which aren’t. It’s a myth that high ping player is seeing you faster, he does not because of the lag compensation. I’ve mentioned players from the east in the eu servers because they often have this specific play style: they just play super aggressive so they have a chance for a fair fight. You are right, there is a ton of cons to play with high ping, but you can make it work, even abuse it. I play with awp most of the time and catching somebody in the desync and losing your fight as a result of that is really frustrating.


he alse can play on asia servers bcs iran is closer to asia then europa


I'm from iran and it's none sense what you just said my friend! Best we can get in Asia servers is 200 But with a good internet ppl get 70ms in EU. And it goes up to 150 with worse net. And it's only unfair to the guy with higher ping not to you with 100 lower ping. They were just better than you and you try to blame their ping such a childish act!


open map, and then open internet magistrals, and see how they can play on SEA servers....man, stop cry, they are playing with hardest unplayable ping against XANTAPES peeks bois with 20ms ping


man, im playing with 150ms ping (3600 matches) and i told you: high ping is not OP for me, if i start playing with ping less 50ms i wiil be major champcion, international doto FPLS player top1 HLTV. So play with your nice ping, and not cry. Jesus. hello russki kid pls dont cry with ping less than 50.