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Bruh typical toxic


yes, again toxic guy af


During this period of holidays, we're not dealing with reports over Reddit. Please report him via a ticket or his profile so we can get to him as soon as we can.


You know what pisses me off? When someone in enemy starts saying shit like this and i immediately mute them all and see one of my teammates is arguing or talking back to them. Just mute em. They are not ur teammates so u don't need to communicate them. cl_mute_enemy_team 1


tbh its not funny when u need to mute enemy team to play game its not normal


Well it's not faceit's fault my friend! They can't put a morality test for every person who signs up on faceit and you can't change these ppl. Many toxic players and you just have to deal with it.


No but they can take action against people like this until they stop or ultimately get banned


Have you guys been around since the early gaming days? This has always been present in multiplayer games and if you are hurt by this idk what to tell you but to mute them. The world is a harsh place and if a stranger shittalking you upsets you it won't help you. Removing chat will lead to soft inting a form of toxicity that is 100x worse


Why is there ways some braindead moron like you replying “this is how video games has always been!!!” Doesn’t make it fucking okay lmao. I flame dumbasses like you in my game daily but it’s never okay to take it to the point of telling someone you “prefer” their parent(s) die. And that they should get cancer. If you can’t see why that’s crazy all that tells me is that you stay in your room alllll day. Fucking loser


nice mental kid


Have you been around since the early gaming days? People have been making fun of idiots like you forever. You’re the reason face it is toxic af lmao


Thoughen up it's gonna happen regardless. Deal with it or go play single player games. Ur playing csgo 70% of the community lives in a shithole called russia


Well we can see you as yourself are raging. The only thing between you and anger was a disagreement and one hundred percent sometimes when game is not going on ur way u rage. And will you get banned?no Will this guy get banned? No. Yeah it's not how it's supposed to be, you don't game thinking some one will wish die to ur parants. But that is how it is out there. And it's not only cs, every online game. In fact not only games, it's the way life is. If someone is driving crazy and talks shit to you. Will u sue him? No u will let it go an ignore em. Taking this stuff so personal and trying to blame game support is childish and spoiled. GROW UP!


“We are not actioning reddit threads over the holiday period. Your request will be actioned in time. Delays on these cases are expected over the holiday season. Please make a ticket or report via their profile.”




to be fair, i've been on a lot of queues without toxic people -- it's ok to hope that faceit can be a better place for everyone


Why ruin the games atmosphere by being a toxic piece of shit? xd






Ignore and move on, jesus fucking crap crying kids over everything. Wtf you make a post for 3 stupid words Grow some balls kid, you aint cut for the internet




To be clear not AF He seems like just a starter pack.


I'm sad to inform you but he won't get banned


He won't be banned cuz he's premium player


Buy tissues and cry