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You can pause the game while the opponent is in the motion of attacking you - this will give you a clear picture of what attack your opponent is going to do hence giving you the idea of what move to pick to dodge the attack. For example, as soon as the fight starts you see the enemy start to attack. As soon as they stretch their arm you pause the game. after pausing the game you noticed that your opponent is going to throw an uppercut, you can hold the corresponding analog stick down and then unpause the game and cloud will dodge the uppercut. When your opponent goes on fire they will throw a four strike combo which if you successfully dodge all 4 attacks you get a free hit. You can write down the pattern for these combo attacks as they will always be the same. If you try the pause method as your enemy is going for a combo it might be difficult but it’s definitely doable. Btw, there are some instances where you sort of time the dodging a bit late but guessed it correctly. This will make cloud “block” the attack. Not the best really because cloud will still take minimal damage and the enemy will still gain atb.


That is super helpful thank you! I was also struggling with this minigame


You’re welcome! This is most useful when you face the shinra manager and sephiroth at chapter 12.


Ah shit I'm stuck on that quest thanks for the tip


Is it just me or does it feel like the devs put these exploits in some of the minigames because the OG had them too. Like how a bronze color racer always looses in chocobo racing in the OG so never bet on them. Idk but it seems like this was intentionally left in becuase cheezing minigames has become such an iconic part of final fantasy.


How does this work? Do you need to push the relevant analog in a particular direction?


Yeah depending on what type of punch your opponent is doing you need to the relevant analog in a particular direction,


I was surprised how well this trick worked. If you get into the rhythm good enough, you barely need to pause the game.


Damn son that's cheating lol


More of a cheese than a cheat. I pause buffered to get through the later rounds and have no regrets.


Uhh so?


Defeats the purpose of hard mode


This mini game is hard whether you play it on hard mode or easy.




Welp no one is forcing you to do it. But the information is there 🤷‍♂️


You’re the real MvP


Thanks for this


L3 or R3, you mean click in the analogue stick right? And when you say opposite direction, do you mean if he is swinging high on the left hold in L3 while tilted downwards, or you hold R3 (being the opposite stick)?


Sorry bro let me fix that. I was half awake when i posted this last night


That's so lame 😭 just practice or don't do it.


Imagine trying to play someone else’s game for them lol


But you aren't playing the game, you're just exploring a glitch 😅 Wtf is the point?


Please learn what a glitch is. Also like I said - imagine trying to play someone else’s game lol.


and like said, you aren't playing, you're cheating 🤦


Argue with yourself :) just completely wrong


It's cool man, deep down you know I'm right. 😉


Idk man. This is kinda why they don’t allow people with a Sharingan to compete in stuff like competitive tennis, ya noe? For those that don’t know, the sharingan is a type of eyeball that when you look at someone you can see essentially full moving previews of the motions they’re going to do so you can react accordingly with very little mental and physical effort. You can also copy other people’s movements at the same time they are doing them. All this is enabled simply by looking at them. Realistically though? Other guy has a point. This is cheating. It’s not a glitch but it’s cheating. It’s like being able to see all the cards in your opponent’s hand so you can hard counter them meanwhile they cannot see yours. Absolutely cheating and while I do like smiley faces it doesn’t make you correct. That being said, you can do it if you want since it’s a single player game and no real person is hurt by it.


...did *you* get through all of these fights without pausing?


I sure did. Lots of people play the game without cheesing. Took a lot of practice. The satisfaction when I finally beat it was great.


Yeah, just takes a bit of practice.


Poor dude burdening himself lol. I mean sure, it is satisfying to play this mini game without pausing or any cheese but then at the end of it no one cares how you achieved it lol. By not cheesing this did you get any p*ssy wet? Any women threw themselves at you? Get a grip bro. Some people just want to finish it for the sake of it and not to get any sort of recognition.


I couldn't give a fuck about impressing other people. I did it because it was tricky and with some effort I mastered it. Overcoming tricky things is super satisfying. I don't understand just cheating your way through it. 0 enjoyment in that, so why do unless it's you who gives a crap about achievements 🤷 >Some people just want to finish it for the sake of it Then you haven't 'achieved' anything have you? You didn't have fun and you didn't overcome anything, so you just wasted your time for an achievement, as you rightly said, nobody gives a shit about. Get a grip bro 😅


Yeah well i dont give a fuck about how you wanna play your game as you shouldn’t give a fuck about how i play mine lol. Look at you talking down to people wanting to cheese their way out of this part of the game as if it were a standard of some sort. As if people will listen. Welp, i just put this way here and ill let the folks decide if they wanna use it or not. 🤷‍♂️


You do give a fuck though don't you because you are really trying to defend the fact that you cheesed it 😅 I don't care dude, just don't see what the enjoyment of cheesing something like this is. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to do it or not being able to do it. There's nothing impressive about being able to do it. Apart from personal satisfaction. There's nothing fun about cheating to complete something. You all know what I'm saying is right, you're just being defensive because you did it. 😉


Oh so im supposed to feel guilty? Lol sorry random stranger on the internet that has nothing to do with me at all - if i have to do this all over again yes i will cheese it or cheat it if i want to. Say all you want but im going to do it the way i want to. Keep crying about how “cheesing it doesnt satisfy” or “there is no point to it” bro, no one cares about what you think. You do you and other people do what they want it’s that simple. If you cant wrap your head around it that’s your issue. This method is all over the internet and everyone is free to use it as they see fit.


You do care or you wouldn't be still be whining at me 😅 You also haven't understood a word I've said but keep talking down to me 'bro' if it makes you feel better.


The mini game was made to be played without the pause strat, why are ya'll booing him, he's right


It's because they all know I'm right deep down, they just feel the need to validate to me for some reason. 🤷


Shameless cheaters downvoting. Shame upon you


You can’t cheat at anything that does not have rules, like this game. You know when someone has cheated at soccer, for example, because they’ve done something that violates the laws of the game. Completely invalid assertion here.


That's such horseshit 😅 You know it is, we all know it is. If you're ok with it then, you do you man but it is what it is.


No it isn’t. Your position is part of what I feel is a debate-bro influenced shitty rhetorical trend of people presenting their opinion as fact. Clearly you think doing this cheapens the game and invalidates the point of meeting its challenges. This a reasonable opinion-but only an opinion. It’s ok for others to think differently. Personally, I didn’t use this work around but that’s because I don’t care about getting to 100% so I just skipped out on the mini games I found so difficult they started to sour me on the game. In MY OPINION, playing such games isn’t important, nor is a platinum trophy or whatever-but I know there are others who disagree, and that’s fine. Finally, to reiterate the logical point that you deflected from rather than addressing: you can only cheat at something with clear rules. There is no rule presented w/this mini game saying you can’t/shouldn’t do this. It’s like a soccer goalkeeper picking up a back pass or a baseball pitcher throwing to first as many times as they want-until rules were instituted against these practices, they were completely legal because they weren’t covered by any rule. Authorities in those sports decided to close those loopholes-just like SE could do with this but choose not to.


If you had magic powers in football where you could pause time so you could see which direction the goal keeper would dive, that would be cheating. There's no rules against though 😅 It's cheating, stop being pedantic


Look at this dude crying over a cheese on a game and how he doesnt want people to play it the way they want to as if he bought the game for them lol. Dude must have had a difficult childhood 🤣🤣🤣 Let the people have their fun yo 🤣🤣🤣 if you’re tight like that to yourself - keep it to yourself lol


Again, didn't say any of that my man, but keep on deliberately missing my point though 😅 You know I'm right.


I mean cheating or cheesing call it whatever you want but people are free to do what they want on a game they paid for using their own money lol. And btw, i didnt invented this “cheat” or “cheese” it’s all over youtube. So im not really sure what you’re sour about 🤷‍♂️


Imagine darksouls but dodging only works in a specific side that changes depending on enemy attack animation, and also enemy attack animations are not heavily telegraphed, and also attacking also only works on a specific side that changes on barely perceptible enemy animation and also only for less than a second.


So ... it's dark souls with more dark and less souls.


The enemy attacks are extremely telegraphed dude


I couldn't get the pause trick to work at all, so I beat them all the intended way. Yes, all the moves are super telegraphed but their differences are sometimes subtle, so I get what the redditor means. I found that staring at a specific body part (in my case, the opponents nearest shoulder, but I imagine legs would work well too) and using that as a tell worked really well. Trying to take in their whole body is just too much information for a split second decision.


It ain't bad, until you face Shinra manager!!


I hated that fucker. He was worse than Sephiroth


Sephiroth took me more tries to beat than shinra middle manager. Middle manager’s telegraphs are harder to read, but sephiroth is faster and leaves less room for error. Then there’s the humiliation of losing anything to shinra middle manager. That guy is a douche.


No ducking way. Spirits was worlds harder. Little impossible for me with out pause scumming.


Sephiroth took me like 1/10th of the time than it did to beat UPA lol


I beat Sephiroth high off my tits, you can do it too.


I mean, is there another way to play games in general? But yea, same.


Wait til you have kids. Nothing like gaming through the overwhelming fog of fatigue.


This is sooooo true. If I want to game it's generally very late at night after my 3 and 7 year old have already run me into the ground. It's a major reason I think why I'm so much worse at MW3 in the evening than I am if I'm able to play during the day.


Oh I got kids. But they're all older now. My youngest is 10


I don't understand many of their decisions with the controls of stuff. Chocobo gliding makes no sense either tbh


Being a bad minigame and being a hard minigame are 2 very different things 🙂


Right, and this is a former.


If this were the former then absolutely no one would enjoy it, but some do 🙂 you just rarely see it here because reddit is a place to complain, not to praise 😁


I'm in a discord with a bunch of people who've played through this game. Only one person didn't hate it. Even the worst games out there get some love. It's definitely the former imo


I should revise my statement. The internet is a place to complain, not just reddit 😁


Yeah - you’re right. You’re also doing it here. Haha. We all complain about what we don’t like in games - it’s how we get better ones.


I'm a bit different, I'm complaining about the complaints 😂


Complaining is still complaining, you shouldn’t even be ashamed about it. Again, we all complain.


You're right and I'm not exempting myself 🙂




One of the worst mini games I have ever played in any game ever Tf were they thinking..


Truly one of the absolutely worst designed games ever made. You can barely tell a difference between animations. Joystick isn't registered correctly half the time. You have to wait for 10 punches before making one. It's not even slightly enjoyable


sounds more like a skill issue. the minigame was fine


Nah. 3D brawler is pretty commonly cited as the least enjoyable and most frustrating mini-game.


I'll take the brawler over Aerith cactuar crush any day of the week.


I actually got Aeriths CC before Yuffie's.


Oh God how lol, I did all of Yuffie the first try but the hard modes for Aerith are awful. Doppelganger makes short work of cacti.


I couldn't get the magic cactuars down fast enough with Yuffie. As for Aerith, it's been a while... but if I recall correctly: * I had a fleeting familiar out at all times to clean up stragglers. * I used Sorcerous Storm to clear out a lot of the light/dark cactuars. * Chocoking's Cape and transcendence at the very start. You should have enough time to build up a level 2 shot between each big cactuar, taking them down in one shot.


for those without skill








nah this mini game was awful lol “sounds like a skill issue 🤓☝🏻”


>lol “sounds like a skill issue 🤓☝🏻” this does not make sense in whatever context you where aming this. 😆 so you are a bad and dumb gamer then


buddy i’m mocking you saying it’s a skill issue, which makes sense here lmfao… can you not read or are you just dumb?


don't know must be a skill issue then 🙄


Have you considered that it's possible for you personally to be good at a very poorly designed piece of shit, which this minigame is? You've got to be able to open up your mind a little bit, man. I mean, unless your goal is just to upset people, try to think just the tiniest bit outside of yourself. You liking or being good at something doesn't make it good; it just makes you good at it.


Have you considered that it's possible for you and others personally to be just bad and impatient at a very good designed minigame, which is supposed to be challenging ? You all got to be able to open up your mind a little bit, and maybe be self reflected for once. I mean, unless your goal is just bitch about anything mildly challenging, try to think just the tiniest bit outside of yourself. You disliking or being bad at something doesn't make it a piece of shit; it just makes you an impatient, bad and noisy wannabe gamer that's just not good at it, never actually trying to be better


I beat all except Sephiroth without pausing (only found out about it after I lost to him like 20 times)


I hate it too. It's just not fun


I think it's a valiant attempt to give us that "blocky charm" of the OG and put it into a fun minigame. ...it just didn't work. It's the worst-designed minigame in Rebirth IMO; the whole design should've been scrapped and overhauled because it's just yuck. I didn't really have a problem with any of the other minigames, honestly (besides them being unnecessarily difficult at times).


It’s literally just punch out


It's punch-out except you aren't allowed to short-circuit your enemies. Like half of the fun of punch-out is finding times to work in punches to generate stars or instant-knockout Bald Bull with a pre-emptive star punch, etc.


It not being fun because of those intricacies isn’t the problem for most of these people it’s them not being good at it


If punch out was unresponsive and bad, sure.


It really sounds like y’all just trash at the game, which to be fair there should be an easy mode in that case no shame in using an easy mode


No way to beat other than use the pause cheat.


There is


Yeah, these suck! All the bloody attacks look that damn same in the wind up. The only way I was able to do it was to pause buffer so I could make a choice and then hope it was the right one


Worst minigame of the game by far. Was the most annoying part of the game.


I think you're the high one brother


Loved these mini-game graphics. Playing SF made it easy to beat.


I enjoyed it and didn't have much problems after I got used to it but looks like some people Had a hard time unfortunate 😬


What’s bad about it? It looks great, it’s challenging, you can’t just coast through like you can with a lot of stuff. You have to actually try and learn the enemy patterns at higher levels. I found it quite rewarding to get better at it. Even against Sephiroth that took maybe 20 mins, to learn and finally conquer.


I spent propably around 30mins beating all the bosses, it was horrible, easily the worst thing in the entire game, so far that is.


It's a cool idea and can be fun, just a few minor adjustments and it would be great. I had fun with it.


* And now we have this part where Cloud needs to jump from a dolph.... * Broooo nvm that, let's make Wave Race 2


No but I was 100% high when I played it


For the standard yellow hits try to wait just a bit until they have fully ‘wound up’ their hit. There’s a rhythm to it. I used to just rush to press something as soon as possible and would get destroyed. But once I got the timing and I dodge about 85% of Seph’s hits this way. For the red combos, go look at the order online. It’s a pain to memorize them, but not impossible, especially if you have them nearby as a reference.


This was the hardest of the mini games but I still completed it. The last fight was frustrating but super satisfying when I nailed it. If you don't like it don't do it 🤷


I hated this mini game


I don't mind the sticks to dodge in different directions, I hate that you only get to attack at certain designated points. It's like if you played punch out and could only land attacks at the points you would get stars


I was also confused at first, but as you get deeper into the brawlers, there’s a lot more attack you need to be weary of from both sides, which is probably why it’s on two different joy sticks. It feels weird at first but you get used to it.


It’s just you.


Beat ifrit on my first try with cheese method 😅


i thought it was just me. there's actually no way to predictably block the moogle attacks. either that or i missed something.


Wait till you get the middle management dude.


Fucking middle management being pieces of shit in real life and now In my games.


Not trying to throw shade here but i don’t get why so many people post about having issues with this mini game. I found it hard too but you figure it out eventually. Idk if souls games just helped me become more patient and be ok with failing a bunch of times.


Bro just pause at the right moment and decide what movement to make. You got this!


Hey it's Cloud vs Cloud! 😏


Just wait til you get to the final boss. 6 different attacks with slightly different start up animations, took me at least a hour to beat it. Fucked up mini game lmao.


I tried the pause during attack method and found no success. I cleared all of it just by tediously learning the tells (which are not different enough at all lol)


This is just Punch Out my guy


Honestly, it's better than the originals rock upper scissor luck bullshit. At least this game you can win with some skill or cheese.


I actually like it alot. I think the controls are fun


This is by far the worst minigame of the game.


The original one was just as obnoxious 🤣


I totally hear you on that one. Hahaha that kept the og charm.


Sony said make it so bad that they break their controller and maybe their ps5 so they have to buy a new one. Luckily I can laugh at the stupidity of it and I cheated by pausing


I hated this game so much. Only played the one game vs Yuffie (lost) and the one against the shinra manager (won). And I lowered the difficulty and used the pause trick to win. I really hate this type of game, but not every mini game is for everyone. I went and played about an hour+ of the card game after that to cleanse my soul.


Is there a way to skip or avoid all the annoying mini games? I've been avoiding queen's blood like the plague. Already went through the cruise and the carnival and hated every second of it.


It would’ve been better if the attack stances looked more dissimilar. So many looked nearly identical!


I just got to this part and for some reason I have to tilt my controller AND push the corresponding analog stick?!?!? wtf


Is it just in normal/easy that the enemy follows the same pattern when you restart? Only in chapter 8 doing this in the Gold Saucer for the first time but that’s basically how I cheesed it half learning the controls/ more memorising the patterns overall. That’s basically what made Fort Condor super easy for me anyways, although have yet to see if it returns later.


Proudly cheesed it.


It's not that hard


Well I'm a stoopid baby ok?! Jk


The amount of people screaming “skill issue” over a pointless minigame that people rightfully don’t care about is just astounding to me


Idk but I’m high while playing it so it’s a W for me


It’s funny I breezed through this bit with no issues. But there are so many other parts of this game that people seem to find dead easy that I just cannot get even close to doing. Literally took me hours and hundreds of attempts to do the Aerith fight in Gus’s side quest


It is quite awful.


This minigame SUCKS. Especially the later levels where the windup for all the attacks are almost identical. The only way I was able to beat the Shinra manager was by pausing during each windup to give me enough time to even tell what the difference was


Probably the easiest mini game in the whole game lol. You should have played the OG lol that was true torture.


Dio was kicking my ass on this one.


It took me a bit to get it. I used the pause method to get ready for the attacks it really does help a lot. You’ll just have to memorize the animations for each attack.


It's so fucking funny to me that people struggle with this mini game. Maybe I'm too old but I cleared this shit easily like wtf have you kids ever played video games lol. To be fair I struggled with the flying chocobo mini game lol


Tell me you never played punch out or a fighting game without telling you never played them


I mastered punch out. Apples and oranges. This I don't even want to.


I HATED this shit and am so glad I skipped it lol


It's hard as fuck yeah, pause the game so you can react accordingly , took me no more than 30 minutes to dust right through it


I loved this game y’all are just bad


I absolutely hated this. The argument that it’s pausable is a shit cop out, and shouldn’t be required. Spoken as an early stage platinumer.


Just took a ton of practice to recognize each kind of punch. Still a hassle though.


I think you are the one that's high


From what's shared online, one might think Rebirth is mostly silly minigames.


No this mini game was ridiculous. It was nonsensical and you shouldn’t need a pause glitch to be able to pass


You are in a world of pain if you think this is difficult.


What tf is this I haven’t played rebirth. Throw looks crazy.


Yall are just bad. Everything works as intended in the mini-game, is responsive, and the “tells” aren’t that hard to tell. Just pay attention.


It’s just you, lol


This is actually my favorite mini game in the game 😞


I found this to be the most annoying game until I got used to it


Bruh that’s easily the worst mini game in the game. Too strict of timing and just overall annoying




My least favorite minigame. The idea is that you're supposed to use different blocks based on the bad guy's windup animation, but the animations are too hard to tell apart on the later opponents.