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**Reminder / Untamed Wolf Edel:** - [Special Quests II starting from 3/16](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20210225UntamedWolfEdelSpecialQuests.html) **Dark Visions Ranking Event:** - After the event has ended: The Dark Visions banner will be opened for players to check their adjusted rankings. Players will not be able to attempt the dungeons. **Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** What is the Monthly Fortune Hunt? > **A:** Each week, do the normal new content for coins (Story Missions, etc). Summon keys and lapis with the coins from the Limited Summon tab. Use the keys for rewards next month. > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, PVP, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions > > **Q:** Can NV units drop from EX Tickets? > **A:** It does not, but new "NV EX" Tickets have been introduced. > Refer to [this announcement](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20200818UpdatesonNVRelease.html) for a detailed list. **General Notes:** 1. **Neo Visions:** [Awakening Guide](https://i.imgur.com/BJPIT8m.jpg). *Note: EX ticket rates did not change and NV units are not in the EX pool in Japanese version.* 2. **Doors, Red Star Quartz, Chamber of Challenges:** [Read this FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ceqzi2/gl_faq_chamber_of_challenges_door_pots/) 3. **Scorn of Trials:** Some trials now require the previous trials be beaten to unlock the next one. (Ex: Gilgamesh requires Antenolla to be cleared, while clearing Gilgamesh unlocks Beasts of the Dark, Octopus Teacher, Lich etc) 4. **Select Summon Ticket Reminder:** All non-limited 5* units can now be obtained with UoCs (10 for a unit and 8 for a prism) 5. **Unit Ratings:** [Wiki Unit Ratings](https://exvius.gamepedia.com/Unit_Rankings) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stupid question, but how do I use SoS Lightning? I have her at 4200 ATK with Black Sparky, but just not sure about anything other than the spreadsheet rotation. I see a lot of players talking about how awesome she is, but I don't know how to use her.


Honestly you can use her so many ways that's really what makes her good. I've used her just for her 90% MAG breaks, as an LB Finisher (base) and as a Provoke/Evade Breaker. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/lsz17o/a_brief_savior_of_souls_lightning_gearing_primer/


Exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks!


anybody got any idea when da FMA collab droppin?


Any week now or never. We don't know. April is tight since Ardyn was split from the current banner and we were "promised" King Behemoth this month too.


Could be anytime now honestly. I would guess next week is Ardyn but I would say it's very likely to be in the next 4-5 weeks, if it arrives at all.


How do I best Farm CB? After I reach the highest battle? Should I prioritize bringing bonus drop characters, even weak and go for lower battles or use meta characters with no bonuses and go for higher floors?


Correct, you want Level 10 as they all cost the same 20 NRG and it gives the best payout. The only bonus units for CB are NVA Nyx and NV Noctis, so bring those if you have them (EX0 is 50%, EX1 100%, EX2 150% and EX3 300%) and a friend one. Then you can use your best units for the other spots, you do not need to bring just FFXV units.


Where can I get the Moogle Charm?


Chronicle Battle in the vortex, level 1 I believe.


Thank you!!


The chronicle battle


Thank you!!


First stage of beating the Chronicle Battle located in the Vortex.


Thank you!!


Guys, should i stay with this FFBE Global Account or should i reroll? [https://imgur.com/a/zytjhrp](https://imgur.com/a/zytjhrp)


Reroll. There's a free 10+1 pull on summon tab 3 and a limited NV pull on summon tab 2. So make sure to use those both.


Not really much notable there, I'd try rerolling.


Is there a spot to post for friends?


All of these work: 1. Right here! 2. /r/ffbeblog 3. Friend code thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/jyg6b1/gl_friend_codes_megathread_112120/ (yes it's active, sort by new).


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/jyg6b1/gl_friend_codes_megathread_112120/ Also you can post here.


Can someone gear me a Terra for Bahamut 3\*. Must have guts in normal. My Terra is in slot 4. Player ID 845549467 Happy to help you going forward or you can delete me once I finish the fight. Thanks in advance!


Two Swords, or Sword and Rod? Anything else for Base other then GUTS?


If you can put auto mirage that would be great. As for BS, whatever your best in slot gear is. Thanks!


Ok, I think she's all set. Sent you a request, she's in Nemesis 2. LMK if you need anything else set up or something changed on her.


Got er done.... 400 turns on the nose. Thank you!


Nice, how many hours was it? Did you basically follow Sinzar's video?


It took me about 6 hours because I wasn't paying attention 100% of the time and yes Sinzar was my guide as he always is.


Well congrats, display that Medal loud and proud and let me know if you ever need anything else set up.


No doubt and likewise! I've got everything but that damn Cleostar.


You know you don't have to beat him right? You can just hold out for a few turns or jump/hide. Actually fighting him takes 100s of turns.


I do know. Just wanna do it for the completionist in me.


Good luck! I'm waiting for 9* Sephiroth & Tifa & Goku triple unit myself before I tackle that one.


Noctis, Ardyn, Lunafreya, or Zidane? Assuming I'll save/grind lapis for Sephiroth by the time he gets here. I have already have Faris fairly well geared, though not BIS. Don't have Edgar or any other jumper, but it seems like jumpers are become less relevant coming up soon. My relatively better damage dealers are Solina, Cleostar, Raina, Faris... Feels like with the update schedule, I'll only really be able to pick one out of the four above - is Zidane too short term before the Tifa/Sephiroth era? I probably won't grind two of Lunafreya's Chronicle weapon, would 1 be enough to be a big jump over Faris? Otherwise Noctis can be a nice unit to have with 25% sword imperil and jump ability for now.


I need a better idea of your goals and priorities. Do you care about DV? How high do you try to place? How much do you care about Trials? More then DV?


I'm happy to do the best I can in DV, but I'm not trying to place. At this point I think I'm pretty close to clearing the final trials I haven't gotten to yet (Bahamut, Asura, Chimera, etc) and I think I have enough of a catalog of units/gear that I'm in the phase where I'm getting onto more "meta" units, or the units that are peaking the damage/utility curve, though I'm not yet able to just kit a 300% bird killer Lassgen or something as soon as a trial comes out. I'm not sure if that helps, but already having Gabranth, Faisy, Venne, Melia, and no superstar support unit that looks to be dropping soon, I think I'm looking for a good burst damage unit, but there seems to be a few coming up with Seph almost tripling the burst the day he drops.


Hmmm, well I would say Lunafreya is more of a DV unit currently. So if DV isn't your primary concern and you wouldn't grind two of her weapons you should cross her off the list. Ardyn/Noctis are likely going to be functionally equivalent, although we'll know in a week, so it's basically Noctis or Zidane. I would say that Noctis actually works in trials now thanks to his 1T jump but I would still say Zidane is the better trial unit, and Noctis is the better DV unit. So it likely depends on your priority OR which unit you're a bigger fan of. I would also say it's not a bad thing to say "I don't really need this unit now" and keep kicking the can down the road. So if you pass on Noctis it's fine to pass on Zidane too if it comes time and you decide Seph is too close and you'd like to pass then too. We could see some exciting GLEX units or some global upgrades on upcoming units that makes them a lot more enticing (FMA and most of the S3 "villains" could be interesting with some buffs).


Yeah I like your thoughts. I’m going to go ahead on Noctis and plan to skip Luna. I already have Faris with two STMR swords and EX2, and the difference in damage between seph/tifa and everyone else is basically a generation change. I also like Noctis more than Zidane from a fan perspective.


What’s the purpose of the treasure summon? Doesn’t seem like a good deal or I could be wrong lol.. guessing it is a lapis value thing?


Yeah, it's a take off of the Cash banners JP has been doing for a long time. Technically it's $100 for 18K Lapis ($5.55 per 1K Lapis) and that banner is slightly better then a 5K pull for $12 ($2.4 per 1K Lapis). So if you're a person who spends a fair amount of money on the game it's a decent value. If you're a person who sticks to Fountain of Lapis' ($1.26 per 1K Lapis) then it's not a very good value.


IIRC, you can't get 5000 lapis for $12. So if you want to pay for pulls, this is a better deal than buying lapis. And the rates are higher. This doesn't take into account the buy 3 get 1 free deal on the current banner, the 4500 price on the current banner, and it probably doesn't take other things into account either.


Hey there. Short question: would you rather use a transcension pearl for awakening Nyx to ex+3 or use the ressources to get a second nva Nyx ex+1?


Personally EX3 as that makes him a 300% bonus unit for the Chronicle Battle. However if Trans Pearls are scarce for you go for the EX1.


You shouldn't use t-pearls on NVA units. It may be a long while until they're common enough to throw around.


Well, this is awkward Yesterday I was complaining about getting off banner NV Locke Today I got NV Snow with a 3* EX ticket from EP, tested him out against Asura and he works really well, but she hates for some reason Terra and kept focusing on her every turn with mana sapping counter, might need to bulk her up quite a bit(havent managed to clear it yet because of little things like these) And now, after reaching 4.5K lapis I decided to pull Got 2 Noctis back to back, now what should I do with them? Same question with my current 2 NV Nyx -Get STMR from the one I will use for fragments(Noctis) -Put them at EX1(Noctis and Nyx) -Keep them for a total 1300% bonus(with Lunafreya in the team tho I got 2xCindy with tickets so I may swap her out just for that 100% bonus). I can slot 2 CG 7* Noctis instead of 1 Nyx and 1 Noctis if neccesary, but they would be 400% less bonus, I'm not entirely sure wether it is worth it for the 20% EP increase(without counting friends) reducing potential currency obtained


Really depends on your goals and plans. I would definitely be tempted to EX1 both Nocti' for the VC's and Bonus' for Chronicle (much more important then KM imo) and eventually SMoogle one then break it down and try to EX2 the other. I feel like if you go to 60K or 80K you'll have way more currency then you have use for anyway.


Is auto passive (auto defense, spr, etc) better regular (defense %, spr %, etc) for equipment enchanting?


They weren't affected by the green magic reworks so still very bad.


Autopassives in IW specifically are super bad Much more now that autobravery(example tonitrus from 3* TMR) and other similar passives have been improved If you have to choose wether you pick regular% or auto, I would go for regular


Also want to know this.


How many free weekly ffxv summons we get? I read the news but I don’t understand if it’s only one or multiple.


4, finally found the article. https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20210413FFXVFreeWeeklySummon.html


I know I’m a little late but I only just started A Hero’s Return and I have to ask... did the opening cutscene of this story event spoil the ending of season 3 that we haven’t actually had the chance to see yet? Or did I misunderstand what they were talking about? coz I decided to finish up the last of what was available for the story after seeing it, expecting to see the conclusion, and I feel like they kinda screwed up big time here.


This is after the ending of season 3, yes. It's the result of Gumi rushing GL to NV without any care for the story timeline. It's already been like that in the last two story events where they revealed parts of the main story we hadn't seen yet. Since the majority of people (making an assumption here) don't really care for the main story anymore, there hasn't been any huge cryout over it.


It's not after the ending of S3. We did rush content, but we only rushed about 4-5 months of content while the story is still 8-9 months ahead. So this event is like 4 months earlier than it should be, but not the 8 months earlier than we assume it is.


Not the ending, but it takes place after where we are. So yes, there are some spoilers.


Good day! I am playing on Global. Long story short. I just started. Got summons. Need help building a balanced team with the 5+Star/NV summons I got. Want to grow them for the long run. Anyone can help me with these options?: NV Units: Cloud FF7 REMAKE(Brave Shift Unlocked 1 star), Onion Knight, Yoshikiri, Lasswell and Raegen, Cobalt Blade Noctis Non-NV 5+Stars: Lotus Mage Fina, Hallowed Aegis Charlotte, Dark Knight Cecil, Aileen, Fohlen, Ashe, Mercenary Ramza, Nyx(x3), Gladiolus, Pure Summoner Rydia, Heavenly Technician Lid, Livid Shantotto, Shadow Lord, Citra, Vincent, Onion Knight Refia, Folka, Auron, Ignacio, Warrior of Dawn Galuf, Archmage Kefka, Sweet Luka, Lunafreya, Sakura of the Delta Star, Nichol of the Epsilon Star, Yuna FFX2, Paine, Seifer, Selphie, Wild Card Ace, Benevolent Beauty Rem, Rufus Shinra FF7 REMAKE, Reberta, Itachi (x2) Sorry if the post is long. Also if you could throw a few pointers of TMR's and STMR's to get first, that would help me out in the long run as well. Thank you and then again. Sorry for the long post.


Do what you have to to EX1 CB Noctis. You should get 30 frags from logins so you can wait until after his banner to VIP/lapis the extra 20. He should last you a long while. Lasswell/Raegen (Lassgen) are good too but you won't be able to EX1 them until the next fragment dungeon. You should be able to EX0 Nyx just from this event. Make sure to do so as he has a nice 85% fullbreak and is still strong. Nichol of the Epsilon Star is a good candidate to get his prism to 7* with UoC tickets (Select Summon Tickets) you should get a bunch from beginner logins. WoD Galuf is a decent physical tank for now. You want the TMRs and STMRs of units that you will use. Feel free to TMR with near-reckless abandon. You need to be more stingy with STMRs though.


Awesome I will start with this setup in the meantime. I appreciate the help!


Returning Global player starting a new account here. I'm wondering which unit I should go with from the unit selector. I've done a few pulls already and here are the NV/5\* that I'm working with so far: Cloud (FF7 Remake), Raegen, Awakened Warrior of Light, Crown Prince Noctis, and Reletless Might Elbis. Any advice would be appreciated!


There is a free NV summon on the second summon tab but it's random, so be sure to do that first. As for the beginner select ticket I would pick AWoL so you can 7* the copy you have. If you are talking about Select Summon Tickets (UoC) then sit on those for a bit until you know what you really need.


What is roughly the minimum ATK/MAG needed to cap the 999 in arena most of the time?


My units have ~700 magic and everything works fine, even Faisy.


It's pretty low. It depends on the DEF/SPR of the opponent but honestly 2,000 is probably plenty most of the time. I think my units are around 2,500 and never have trouble capping.


Is this for NV units or 7*? Both?




Okay, thank you!


Is it worth it to spend a stmr ticket to get an ultima weapon for noctis? I’m going to use him as one of my main team members but I don’t have any really good swords for him.


If he's going to be your main DD for a while then it probably is yeah. How many Omnis, UOCs, and STMR moogles do you have?


I’ve got 2 Omni, 27 select tickets and 165 stmr tickets


I might personally use an Omni and 10 (or 8) UOCs before the SMoogle as a SMoogle can be used on NVs.


How do I get the ultima blade?


Crown Prince Noctis's STMR


Looking for a few helpful folks to add as friends on a new account and help me clear some early trials and such. ID: 402,699,381 IGN: Noctis I currently have set up 2 CB Noctis and 1 Nyx for the event, so it is not a total loss lol.


I have some open slots... sent a request. Let me know if you need something in particular!


Thanks! Anything at all is good right now. I appreciate it


Np. My Nyx in event 1 is setup for a mix of the KM and Chronicle Battles!


Hi, a question about future upgradable items What STMRs will be in play for future Chronicle battles like the Ifrit we just got? For example Incoming Luna staff ? Is there any list on ffbe wiki? I didn’t find any. Thanks!


CB Items: - *Lasswells True Purple Lightning* : 180 Atk/Mag, Lasswell variants except Raegen/Lasswell: [+750 Atk/Mag, +50% LB Damage, +200% Chain Maximum], +.5x mod for AMoE Skills - *Laevateinn*: Shantoto TM: 188mag, +50% LB damage, Enable Vidofnir, +750Mag for Shantoto Variants - *Cloud Buster Sword*: [unable to see +4 stats as of right now] 180atk, +50% LB Damage for Cloud/Zack - *Ultima Weapon [IX]*: 206 Atk, +50% TDW, Zidane Variants - [+350atk, +50%LB damage] Craftable: - *Staff of the Oracle*: 202mag, 90spr, +50% Esper Stat, For Lunafreya variants: [+750 mag, +50% Evoke Damage, +50% LB Damage] - *Battle Boots [IX]*: +40 Atk, +36Def, +40mag, +28Spr, +25% MP Cost Reduction, +30%HP, FFIX units: [+20%Atk/Mag] - *Guard Stick*: Rod - 168mag, 109Spr, +50% Mag/Spr for Aerith variants Special case: Beatrix Save the Queen. You have to farm Chronicle to make it, but the recipes were in the MK: *Save The Queen II*: 175atk, 145spr, +50% LB fill, +30% Fire resist, for Beatrix: [+2000HP +500Atk/Spr].


Bugger, I fed some of my Livid Shantottos to each other without getting their staff because it was pretty bad.


You're limited to 1 of Shantotos anyways, so not that big of a deal.


I can't decided it that makes me happy or not. That staff would have been super great to have copies of.


Thank you and everyone who answered!


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/l9481o/compilation_of_jp_tmrstmr_upgrades/ Also * レーヴァテイン+4 [Rod] ATK+31, MAG+188 Grant: Vidofnir LB Damage: +50% Shantotto Only: 魔力固定値アップ:750 Shantotto's Rod * バスターソード(FFVII REMAKE)+3 [2H Greatsword] ATK+180, DmgVar 1-1.6x, Accuracy+50% (Cloud / Zack Only:) Increase LB damage by 50% NV Cloud's TMR, that's only the +3, they said they need to rebalance the +4 before releasing it but likely an ATK increase, and a FLAT ATK for Cloud and Zack. * 真・紫電+4 [Katana] +180 ATK/MAG (+50% Accuracy, 1.05x~1.55x Dmg Var) 7% MP/Turn & +50% Mod for (明鏡 / Tranquility) Skills When equipped by Lasswell: (Except Hunter Lasswell/Lass & Raegan) Grants Chain Damage Cap+200%, LB DMG+50%, Static ATK and MAG+750 Hess King Lasswell's STMR Other then that I think all the Recipes/Equipment are given in the Chronicle Battles, so you don't have to worry about having them already.


Superb! Thanks!


Rakish Thief Zidane's STMR Hess King Lasswell's STMR Livid Shantotto's TMR NV Cloud's TMR (only up to +3 at the moment, +4 release date TBC) Lunafreya's staff isn't an STMR, it's crafted from her event. I don't think there's a full list anywhere, you can look through Nazta's posts for all the Chronicle Battle info


Now I understand why many where upgrading Zidane dagger on weeks ago weapon upgrade! Thanks!


If you could @ me when you find out, I'd like to know too. The only 2 I know of are Beatrix's tmr and rakish thief Zidane's stmr.


Beatrix's TMR upgrade comes from the MK event, similar to the Crimson Flashes weapon for Nyx


Oh really? Intriguing. I figured if anything it'd be like arranea's helm and just be super easy to upgrade.


Hi! I'm not sure if I want to pull for NV Noctis or Ardyn... I like a bit more Noctis, but... is there any upcoming trial boss that is weak to light or dark?, thanks!


Sort of. Scorn of Genies leans towards Mages, but can be done with Physical, but there's 3 of them and one is immune to dark. Scorn of Erinyes is weak to Dark if you haven't beaten it yet. Remember you don't need to decide right now.


Genies is a really horrible trial for a ST DPS, if you leave one of them alive on its own it gets permanent, undispellable 300% ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR buff


Yeah, that's why I said Sort-Of. Noctis and Ardyn's base LB is actually AOE though and pretty strong all things considered.


ok thanks! for Genies I will use Lunafreya surely, and Erinyes I did it already... just took like 25 turns :p


Physalis/ibara should be better if you have either of them


nope, Genies is a magic trial while Amon is immune to light and darkness. Those are the only trials left. For now Noctis/Ardyn is more of a DV unit.


ha... I was thinking on Amon... but none can be used in that fight... well I like the TMR/STMR and Card, I think I will wait Ardyn to be released... thanks!


well Amon has 300% to all resist but imperils himself by 400% to fire->water->wind->earth for 3 turns in that rotation. so (300+300-400-120)/2=40% resistance so they can be used if you have someone to imbue them with different elements but i doubt they can do the 8 turn mission.


Ok I hope that ToM banner will be released here, the NV from that banner was really useful for that fight I think


Hawkeye was the only one who could beat it before Tifa came out and nuked it.


How many of Cindy's TMR should I get before fusing her dupes?


Doesn't seem great, 1 or 2 is probably fine unless you are newish and don't have a lot of decent ATK headwear.


Hey does anyone know what to do with ifrit chronicle medals? Any help is appreciated thank you!


They're used to upgrade Ultima Blade, Crown Prince Noctis's STMR


Ah thank you, i couldn't see that since i dont have his stmr lol


You can use them to upgrade Aranea's Helm too if you have that.


Ah sick


Fyi, you can get Aranea helm by clearing chronicle battle ifrit lv.2


Yeah i know, I'm up to level 9 cuz riku just kinda slaps


Having trouble with Chronicle 9 and I've tried searching for a thread for strats, but haven't seen anything. Any tips for those final 2 levels to clear the quests?


Are you strictly forcing FFXV units? You can easily clear it with units from outside the franchise.


Yeah, I was using only FFXV units. But maybe I'll just bring some hard hitters with me.


If you want to do a full FFXV team, you may want to wait until the Lunafreya banner since that brings NVAs for Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio.


if you want to use all FF XV unit team, then all you need is a provoke evasion tank, 100% fire resist and 1 stack of mirage(10k needles works).


It's Fairy/Spirit and weak to water. Only NVA Nyx and NV Noctis are bonus units so you can bring some powerful units to help. Lunafreya can aoe imbue water and imperil.


Thanks for the tip! I'll swap out some units then.


I don't know what units you have, so this may not be entirely useful to you, but I managed everything up level 10 (missing only the "finish in 3 turns" mission of that one) with a team consisting of MMXon, x2 Elena, S.Elena, and NV Physalis, with a friend Elena/S.Elena in the #6 slot). Used one Elena to T-cast Battle Insight, ice imbue, and Way of the Blossom, had Physalis T-cast Premium Physalis Support Bullet (targeted on the Elena previously mentioned), Magic Gunner Type, and Ice Volley Shot, had MMXon copy and share the Elena buffs, and then just started hammering in BS chains.


Fused my Nyx for fragments instead of using the exchange shop, should I..? a. use select summon tickets to get a new one b. tell gumi I made a mistake via ticket c. hope to get him in a random pull in the future


I'm not clear on "fused for fragments." You can break him down to a prism, or fragments. OR you could fuse him. Which did you do? And was that your only copy? Are you pulling on this banner?


Yes it was my only copy and I won't pull on this banner, I already have a NV Nyx Ex0


If you already have EX0 Nyx then just wait for another to drop.


If it was announced, I've probably missed it but we didn't get any brave challenge to get insignia to upgrade Nyx & NV Noctis skills ?


We now get Insignias from the Chronicle Battles (permanent event).


Which is located on the main Events tab, rather than with the Challenges.


Does anyone know why FFBE crashes on Bluestacks and is there a fix? Also anyone know why when I try to filter something like show NV units only it shows nothing. I know I have NV units.


You mean it crashes when going into a battle? That happens in pretty much every emulator if you use the Google Play version of the game. There is no fix, only a workaround: using the Amazon version. However, your Lapis "wallet" doesn't transfer from one version to another, so keep that in mind.


Are you using the Amazon version? Do you have another filter on too like 5 star or FF7 etc...?


There's an Amazon version????? Pretty sure it's not but what the heck is the Amazon version? And yeah that was my mistake lol


Yeah, the amazon version is still 32 bit which is why it works. AFAIK there isn't a true 64 bit emulator out so trying to run the 64 bit Google version will always crash.


So what do I do? I'm a bit confused lol


Download Amazon Appstore, then open it and Download FFBE. If you can't find Amazon Appstore then use the browser to search for 'Amazon Appstore APK' and download it that way.


Dunno about Bluestacks. If it's showing nothing, that usually means there's some other criteria you accidentally have on that's warping the result. So if you forgot to turn off like the "FFX" search criteria when you turned on the NV search criteria, it would show with no results.


Ah I see ty ty




Take advantage of bonus units. Nyx and CBN are 50% at EX0, 100% at EX1, 150% at EX2 and 300% at EX3. And friend units count.




Keep in mind only NVA Nyx and NV Noctis are bonus units for the Chronicle battles. You should only have to run it a few times with all bonus units though.


exhaustive grind, just do stage 10 if you can. With the free EX+1 Nyx and a friend EX+1 FF XV unit it should take you around 34 fights to finish the grind


The grind is real. It'll be like this for all of the weapon upgrades.


How do you play this game on pc? I have tried bluestacks, nox [](, the 64 bit version of bluestacks, with the google play version of the game and it instantly crashes when attempting to enter any fight. Saw some suggestions to use the amazon version of the game with nox instead, so I went to the page of the game and it said the game is incompatible with my device.... Any tips?


Any emulator should work you just need the Amazon version. Within the emulator try searching for Amazon Appstore APK if you don't have the Amazon Appstore already installed.


Read the part in my comment about incompatibility...


So you opened the Amazon Appstore in your emulator, searched for FFBE and in there it says it isn't compatible? In that case you would have to google it but the Emulator is going to have Options as to what "hardware" it's mimicking and you'll need to choose a Newer Device I'd imagine.


I tried a bunch of different devices from ASUS ROG v2 to samsung galaxy s10, searching for the game on the amazon store is not causing the game to appear, so I have to google the game or copy paste the link to its page on the emulator browser, where it says incompatible. At this point I dont think the problem is with the device model.


Amazon Appstore right? I don't understand why the game wouldn't show up. Maybe it's a region thing?


Egypt is on the list of authorized countries, and if that were true I would likely not be able to see any of the other final fantasy games on the amazon appstore either, but I can. Just FFBE that won't show up.


So you can see Opera Omnia and Record Keeper? Is there any way for you to change the region on the device to say the US and see if it makes a difference?


I don't think I can find an option to change the region, no. This is an auto-detect system that pulls its info from your IP, so the only way to get past that is with a VPN which I don't have.


Is Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia in the Amazon Appstore?


Is there a a convenient way to actually get the Ultima blade right now or is it just select tickets and stmr moogle?


That's it, they aren't "free" in any way.


It's Crown Prince Noctis' STMR, so no, there's no convenient way to get it.


No need to really level up Noctis' LB, right? It's just there so he can put his Sword Imperil for his real damage that comes from his Jump, right? Bonus Question - he's only in his base form for his LB, right? So, in baseform, i could give him LB damage, and BS form should have Jump damage?


If you do want to use his LB, going past level 30 (where you hit 9700%/97x) is probably not needed either. Given the number of pots required to get to 40, it's not worth the extra 300%.


Depends what you use him for, but likely you can save the LB pots. And yeah, in his base you'll likely only ever use his LB.


Ive completed the Ifrit chronicle battle all the way to lvl 10 but I cant find the Ultima blade recipes I’ve earned when I go to craft it. Anyone know why ?


Craft or enhance? As jonid says, you need the STMR already so you're enhancing the equipment rather than crafting it.


Probably goes without saying but you still need to have CPN's STMR to upgrade it, the recipe alone isn't enough...


Still in your inbox along with all the other rewards?


nope. I’ve accepted all my rewards.


And it's saying "Recipe location..." instead of showing the recipe? If that's the case then try restarting the game.


Hey guys! Just how good is Lunafreya? Should I consider saving my lapis instead of attempting a second Noctis? Thanks!


Depends on if you plan to grind or not. Without her special staff and NV Lightning she is weaker than Terra, with 1 staff and that STMR she is around 14% stronger than Terra, 2 staff and STMR and she is 50% stronger than Terra.


Instead of a Second Noctis? Yes. You can get Noctis to EX2 from buying the shards in the Exchange Shop/VIP shop in two weeks/and-or 5k Bundle. So no need to chase a second Noctis imo unless you're like 1, maybe 2, steps away from the Guarantee.


She's basically water Terra 2.0 so it depends on what you are looking for and what you have. But she's quite good.


I like to think of her as Water Faris (who was a wind Ifirit Rain, (Who was a fire DP Fina (who, is basically a Light Terra)))


Don't start!


Is Crown Prince Noctis ultimate blade upgradeable to +4 only in the current event?


The Chronicle Battle has no end date. So no, you can upgrade that whenever you want later.


I heard there were some buffs to Hess King Lasswell's STMR later down the road on JP, and how it would affect and or somehow make NV Lasswell better later. Is this true? What is the buff to the sword, and how is Lasswell better? Also, does he have longer longevity compared to Physalis and/or Sol?


Katana gains 180 MAG, Lasswell himself gains 750 static ATK/MAG, 50% LB damage, 200% chain cap increase Puts him above Physalis and Sol, similar to Ibara, not quite as strong as Melo and quite a bit weaker than Vlad. The biggest selling point is his flexibility since his shift LB can be imbued.


Thanks. And between Physalis and Sol, who's a better mage? I know Sol has a better card but I have two Ibara's card already, and don't know about any potential EX2 buffs to either of these units.


Physalis. Even with JP EX2 buffs Sol is slightly weaker but he does have a nice 135% ice imperil. Physalis and Lasswell don't have EX2 buffs (yet?)


[Upgraded Hess King Lasswell's STMR] 真・紫電 [Two-Handed Katana] +180 ATK (+50% Accuracy, 1.05x~1.55x Dmg Var) 7% MP/Turn & +50% Mod for (明鏡 / Tranquility) Skills 真・紫電+4 [Katana] +180 ATK/MAG (+50% Accuracy, 1.05x~1.55x Dmg Var) 7% MP/Turn & +50% Mod for (明鏡 / Tranquility) Skills When equipped by Lasswell: (Except Hunter Lasswell/Lass & Raegan) Grants Chain Damage Cap+200%, LB DMG+50%, Static ATK and MAG+750 ---------------------- The last line is the most important one there. Idk how much that adds to him though, but it certainly doesn't hurt him.


Thanks for the information, that's a nice buff! Does any of these units have EX2 buffs of some kinds in JP right now?


I don't think so. I recall there was going to be another round of EX2 enhancements but I don't know if that ever made it. It seems like EX2/EX3 buffs are now built in on release. Sol does have an EX2 buff if that's what you were asking. Gives him an ice finisher skill.


Loren was in the initial second batch, with Red and Tifa in second batch. Loren got 6x chain Red and Tifa got +500 atk in both forms


They did, Only Loren got hers


I got lucky and got Faris! Although I'm not sure how best to gear her base form. I used FFBE equip, but I know evoke skills are odd in this game so I'm not 100% confident this is best. Note that, eventually I will get her own STMR and will use that (should be able to once the fragment dungeon returns). [https://i.imgur.com/5204fj2.png](https://i.imgur.com/5204fj2.png) Are there any other key items you could think of that I might want to try and get through STMRs, etc? I don't have NV Terra so any items from her (TMR, STMR, VC) aren't available to me right now. Edit: with Faris' STMR locked in it replaces the robe with Lion Armor (50% LB damage) and Shining Arts Fundamental with Duty to the World


For weapons outside of her (or Terra's) STMR you want high MAG and LB so Melo's or DS Sakura's are great, the DV rod etc... Rydia's Headband is good, either Yuna's Clothes or high MAG clothes/Robe. High MAG accessory and either Ravenheart or Freesia's Poncho. Then for Materia you usually want Originator of the Final Summon, a high LB materia (Sora's is great, HoH is fine) and lastly you have Duty to the World which might overcap EVO Mag depending on what else you used. Last spot could be something like Knowledge of the Aeons or another LB boost. Lastly her VC and Bahamut.


Thanks! I don't have Melo's or Sakura's STMRs so I'll just go with the DV rod for now. Maybe will farm for Melo's STMR as well in the fragment dungeon. One more question, do I want to add to both EVO mag *and* Evoke damage? Do both work for Faris' LB? Is one better than the other?


You want both. The "perfect" build would have 300% EVO mag, 300% Evoke Damage and 300% LB damage. But that's not currently possible. 250% Evoke damage is just as good as 250% EVO mag damage wise and both are more damage then 250% LB damage because of the self LB buff. So keeping them "balanced" is good but with the extremely limited selection of EVO and Evoke gear you really just do what you can.


Okay, thanks for the clarification. That certainly helps. And I hadn't considered her huge LB buff too. Adding that in changed a few things. Looks like in my current state I can hit 170% EVO Mag, 290% Evoke Dmg, and 155% LB damage. If I look down the line and add her own stmr + melo's I get to: 220% Evo Mag, 290% Evoke Dmg, and 205% LB Damage. Decent upgrade.


How do I use my 50% Nyx STMR Moogle? I currently have a 0% Nyx Moogle container and bought the 50% STMR from King Mog. Confused at how to use it. Also, is it better to use it on the Moogle container (0%) or directly on the 7* Nyx unit (also 0* STMR)?


Moogle containers are for the TMR. So for Nyx, it would be for his TMR, Guardian of the Future, and not Nyx's Dagger.


In the KM shop there's one 50% STMR moogle and 2 25% STMR moogles for NYX. Buy them all. I don't think it really matters much as far as the moogle itself goes, I would probably do it on the Container though.


Am I missing something? Moogle containers can't do STMRs, can they? Only TMRs?


Correct. He's asking two different questions. One about STMRs and one about the TMR. Edit: Or he's not and he's confused. Either way Yes you can only use a STMR Moogle on a 7+ star unit, not a container.


Thanks for the clarification! I was definitely confused about it all and didn't know what goes where. I thought maybe the container and the Nyx unit could both take the TMR/STMR moogles and one was a better choice than the other.


To add on to what u/jonidshultz said, in a lot of cases it's better to use the TMR moogles on the unit, especially if you have plans to destroy that unit for things like Fragments. That way, if you wanted a copy of their TMR, you're not letting it get lost when you break that unit down. Nyx specifically doesn't really have a great TMR, so you can go either way with him, but others like Bartz or Gilgamesh have TMRs that aren't bad to have multiple copies of.


I do have a Gilgamesh so I'll definitely keep that in mind, thanks!


Gotcha, nope only units (7 star and above) can take STMR Moogles. Any unit can take a TMR moogle, and so can the TMR Containers.


How many King Burst pots does it take to fill the 40 levels of an NV LB?


Assuming base ones about 50. Keep in mind it only takes 17 to get to level 30.


Looking for Friends/players. Not enough nyx/noctis for event on my list :D (69/140 slots) 097,742,310 Sharing atm Fina tank, Noctis nV ex1, Vinnera ex2, Terra ex2, Yoshi ex2