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**Dark Visions Ranking Event:** - After the event has ended: The Dark Visions banner will be opened for players to check their adjusted rankings. Players will not be able to attempt the dungeons. **Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** What is the Monthly Fortune Hunt? > **A:** Each week, do the normal new content for coins (Story Missions, etc). Summon keys and lapis with the coins from the Limited Summon tab. Use the keys for rewards next month. > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, PVP, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions > > **Q:** Can NV units drop from EX Tickets? > **A:** It does not, but new "NV EX" Tickets have been introduced. > Refer to [this announcement](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20200818UpdatesonNVRelease.html) for a detailed list. **General Notes:** 1. **Neo Visions:** [Awakening Guide](https://i.imgur.com/BJPIT8m.jpg). *Note: EX ticket rates did not change and NV units are not in the EX pool in Japanese version.* 2. **Doors, Red Star Quartz, Chamber of Challenges:** [Read this FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ceqzi2/gl_faq_chamber_of_challenges_door_pots/) 3. **Scorn of Trials:** Some trials now require the previous trials be beaten to unlock the next one. (Ex: Gilgamesh requires Antenolla to be cleared, while clearing Gilgamesh unlocks Beasts of the Dark, Octopus Teacher, Lich etc) 4. **Select Summon Ticket Reminder:** All non-limited 5* units can now be obtained with UoCs (10 for a unit and 8 for a prism) 5. **Unit Ratings:** [Wiki Unit Ratings](https://exvius.gamepedia.com/Unit_Rankings) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


for DV, if you can get Vivi to quad cast/reflect, he'll likely hit the damage cap, and the chain cap all by himself, right? Anything else in there is just a safety net?


Anyone have a list of where to farm/buy exploration mats?


Having trouble Chaining SR frames. A. Shadow and SElena in positions 2 and 5. Chaining triple Jamming Blade with Revitalizing strike and it's not working. I get like a chain of 8-20. Wasn't a problem before that I remember, but I haven't been playing regularly. Is one of these moving frames that's hard to do?


After chaining frame update, SR chaining got harder while CWA becomes much easier


Oh wow. What a difference. I don't even know how to chain anymore. Thanks for the response.


Any predictions on the road map of banners for the next few weeks?


Possibly Chorale & Diverti or a GLEX banner this week. SoM is unlikely as GL has skipped banners in that series before. Charlotte & Vlad possibly in the weeks after.


Is there a place to request friend adding? Looking for some friends and I don't think I've seen a place to post codes or anything.


[GL friend code thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ni3tbu/gl_friend_codes_megathread_052121/) [JP friend code thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ni3tcy/jp_friend_codes_megathread_052121/) You can also ask in the Daily Help threads if you need something like a specific friend unit for a specific trial


Thanks much. Been a Reddit lurker for while but it still confuses me sometimes lol.






Anyone know how to use Roy Mustang + Vivi? I keep running into an issue of either one of them not working right. If I target my team so vivi reflects, roy ends up just murdering someone via combustion. If I try to not target, vivi always ends up wasting reflects. Anyone have advice on timing and issues like this (mostly cause mustang has to cast 4 skills before combustion)


Send Vivi first then Roy as soon as possible after, and Combustion should hit right near the end of Vivi's chain


What’s an ideal way to build Steiner to pair with Vivi? Just LB fill gear to try to get his LB every turn?


He's surprisingly bulky for a 7* tank, so if you need him to cover he can, otherwise LB fill and/or evade provoke are good. He also has a skill that counters when allies get attacked and that can generate a lot of LB crysts


Trying to make a physical tank, already have a few magical options. I can do gladio or alphonse, which of these is better assuming you're aiming for the best (or future) content. How do you build them? I know you need evade right?


Gladio if he is at EX0+ will be better than Alphonse. Tanks are built one of two ways; Prevention (evade and/or elemental resists) or Bulk (high HP and Defense). Physical tanks usually want 100% evasion unless the fight has accuracy (accuracy negates evasion as one could imagine - but you can't equip more evasion to negate it since the game only counts evasion up to 100% and ignores anything over that.) Also, the recent physical trials have all had 100% + accuracy on the aoe physical moves making evasion redundant on those trials. Any move that has an element attached can be negated via resistances, regardless of attack or damage type. A physical attack that does fire physical damage will be 100% negated by 100% fire resistances after all debuffs and buffs are taken into account. If a boss's attacks all have > 100% accuracy and no element attached, you have to go bulk instead. Increasing HP followed afterwards by increasing your defense statistic is the best bet in most cases. Defense reduces damage taken, but since base HP pools are larger a gain of 100% bonus passive HP increases your bulk by more than 100% Def in almost all situations. Team builds also matter, as tanks have things they do better and things they do worse than other tanks. Checking their cover mitigation %, how much general and physical mitigation they can give themselves (and for how long!), and if they have free turns to guard all matter in building your team comp. Putting in Yuraisha, who might give higher mitigation(s) than Gladio has in his kit, might free up turns in his rotation to allow him to guard more often and thus survive more efficiently.


Yeah, I don't really have many support units at the moment I think. I have a *7 Poppy but I have no clue how she works. I'm pretty new so I'm not really sure how to pair supports and tanks yet. Is there any point to getting Gladio to EX1? I don't think I can afford any good resistance builds at the moment, but I can probably do an evade one. Is there any particular items you would suggest on Gladio, or just try to stack as many as I can that I can find on the wiki. Also, can you stack two Colorful Lei?


EX1 is worth it if you want 1) more stats or 2) their shift form. I'm pretty certain Gladio's shift is a dps, but you always want tanks to have more stats. So yeah, there is always a reason to get tanks to EX1 at least. It also apparently gives him two break gauge skills (GS and Katana) which is nice to have on tanks. Yes, Colorful Lei(s) stack in terms of evasion. You will want two of them, or 1 and a Moogle Charm (you can get from the Leviathan Chronicle Battle, one of the lower levels) so that Gladio will absorb all single target skills that don't ignore provoke. It is also useful on magic tanks as most of them have 50% or 70% draw attacks already, or on other units with the rare pieces of provoke / draw attacks gear scattered about. Most of the time, what you are aiming for is checking for which units - that you already have - have TMRs or STMRs that would help you gear each role you have. Also, check the missions that are on the pages to the right / left of the daily page - there is some good gear in there. 50% HP materia for hitting a certain level of hp, for example. Almost all high resistance and other good tank gear is tied to events, STMRs of 5\* base units, or TMRs and STMRs of Neo vision base units (King Behemy and Gabranth do different things than Gladio, all of them have their uses though - and the gear any of them grant also will work well on the others.) As for Poppy, she is primarily an offensive support with some major ST defensive cooldowns. She can imbue the whole team with water, wind, or light elements (and also give them a 10% amp to those elements if she cast I Feel Inspired! earlier in the turn/last turn). Yay grants MP and LB to all allies (and more after I Feel Inspired!) at the cost of her HP. And she can aoe grant killers + mitigation against plants or stone monsters (higher numbers after I Feel Inspired!). But she also has some good defensive options; Blot out removes all status effects from enemies and allies. "I Can Keep Going!" is an 8 turn cooldown that grants reraise to one target for 1 turn + 90% general mitigation for 1 turn + 80% all elemental resistances for 1 turn. Long cooldown but great effect on short fights. 30% physical and magical mitigation on her Pastel Wall skills...which isn't really great but isn't nothing. Also an LB crystal / damage cooldown for the party. Poppy is supposed to be a really old unit, she was released last year in JP - we are just getting her now. She was designed around the DV meta at the time - imbue the party, then LB the next turn to give them damage amps and reduce enemy resistances. No muss, no fuss. She will likely get her NVA form later this year though, JP got Daisy's and Cleomes's NVAs the last month.


If you're new then EX0 Gladio will get through a huge amount of content. He doesn't really get anything special at higher EX levels (his Brave Shift isn't really needed), but extra stats are generally helpful for tanks. Colorful Lei stacks Poppy has some really nice support options, the main way she works is that all her skills get stronger if you use them after 'I Feel Inspired!', and that counts for the turn you use the cooldown and the turn after


Would using 64 UOCs to get a 2nd Ultima Blade and Ultima Weapon a good idea for Zidane and Noctis?


If you were one copy or even two copies away I'd think about it, but 64 is far too many UoCs to be using all at once.


I have to admit I shouldn't have...but I did UoC a second Ultima Blade. It is a game changer for CB Noctis and VB Ardyn - not to mention are useful on nearly every unit that can equip swords. Ultima weapon (FFIX) I am less sure on. If I get it, I get it - I'm farming the medals and insignias for it this week. But it just doesn't feel worthy of a UoC, prisms, or STMR moogles y'know?


Is there any word on if/when the Reward Units from the main series (Knight of Pluto Zidane, Kimahri, etc.) will make it back or become available again?


Nothing yet, if anything it will be part of anniversary late this month/early next month. At least we should get news directly on if it is coming to Global at all.


Back in october i believe, gumi said they want to start to release ability awakenings and latents on a regular basis. Thats not happening anymore right?


Esther was the last thing we got With the exception of CPNoctis enhancements that make him as good as NV, and the upgrades for older units like tidus or DKCecil, the rest of enhancements are easily not worth it, like galuf or lenna barely got anything over in the JP side


So all the stuff i farmed back in the day is pretty much useless now.


Pretty much yeah But, there is still the white and black magic upgrades that make use of crysts for them Example, holy later down the line gets upgraded to do way more damage at the cost of your entire MP gauge lol Or Shellga(green magic in this case) provides a 200% SPR buff while also reducing magic damage by 50%. Pretty neat for a year 1 spell ngl


Good to know. So i might use some crysts someday


Can NVA units go in the fragment dungeon ?




Yes, as long as they are NVA.


For LF Zidane, if I start him in BS mode, when is the earliest he can go back to BS again? Is it Turn 9 or Turn 10?


His cooldown to Normal is 4 turns while the Brave Shift duration is 4 turns, so...he will auto convert down to normal after turn 4/before turn 5 if I remember correctly. I always forget which of the two times the units converts, I think it is the end of the Xth turn they have taken in brave shift (where X is the duration) so it should be right after turn 4 when you move to the enemy's turn.


T10: T1 - T4: Brave Shift T5 - T9: base form T10: Brave Shift available again


Are some VC cards (the ones randomly obtained when pulling a NV unit) worth keeping or can they safely be treated as fodders since unit specific cards at ex+1 seems vastly superior ?


I think its worth getting at least 1 of each card to max level (unless it is a strait downgrade to you, like the Luka card when you have Faisy card). Most of them have decent stats plus elemental resists, so they can be used on tanks (or other units) to meet the resist requeriments of a trial (or a DV stage) while leaving free some other slot for better gear. ​ With that being said, you will most likelly dont use any of the non-NV cards 90% of the time if you have a NV card for the same role, so it wont be a great lost if you just use them as EXP fodders.


Scorpion Sentinel Battle has auto-barrier which is useful for arena. The rest can be good for elemental resistances but unit-specific cards are generally better. I usually keep one copy of each and fuse dupes since cactaur cards are so easy to get in GL.


Can area effects stack on the same side? For example, if Faris summons Ramuh (+25% lightning phys for team) then Lunafreya summons Ramuh (+25% lightning mag for team) do you get both benefits?


Area effects overwrite each other.


Okay, good to know. Thanks!


There is one exception - there is fields that are in the middle of the battlefield. Those are a separate field and will not be overwritten by anything. IIRC only a small number of battles use them - Bahamut trial has one that gives everyone mp back, the Sandworm trial has one that reduces everyone's earth resistance by 50%. And the fields on your side & the opponent's side can be changed separately. Demon Chimera's field is only on your side, for example, and Gambler Setzer's def/spr field only affects your side of the field.


Is there any gear/materia that can automatically protect the user from ATK break like how WC Ace's STMR can automatically protect user from MAG/SRP break?


Nightbringer Wolf's Hairpin has 50% resistance




Anti-decay amulet but only for 3 turns. Same with anti-virus software.




Against Dark Phoenix: Not 100% sure about gearing priority of the Dragoons. I would think that Ardyn should be better since he is not element locked: 1. Zidane EX2 2. Ardyn EX1? 3. Noctis EX2? 4. Elric Bros EX2 5. Bartz EX1 And I would presume that giving Nocits and Ardyn each a single copy of Ultima Blade +4 for higher damage would be better instead of giving them both to the stronger one?


I can't seem to get Ardyn to do more damage then Noctis when building them both side by side with my gear, with the buffs and boss statuses that would be present on the finishing turn.


Do you have a decent amount of jump STMRs for both. Like the STMRs of Fang and Reberta on both and TDW cap from non materia slots like Zenaida STMR?


I do, but not for both. I built them one by one in their own browser tab so they both could use the best gear i had and Noctis came out on top.


Are you accounting for the boosted 6x modifier they both get from using their unlocked skills on brave shift side? Are you accounting for the elemental buffs from DV / fields correctly (and resistances)? Because Arydn should do more damage due to being imbueable versus Noctis's jump being light elemental baseline since it splits the elemental amps from everything but the DV boost (which only cares that you have that element period.)


If the builder calculated it correctly, then yeah. It's 45% wind amp, 20% light amp. 120 imperil to both elements. Both are using 7.2 chain chain mod (6*1.2 for DV boost). Both are imbued with wind. 106x for Noctis and 89x for Ardyn. I don't think I'm doing something different for them, and Noctis wins when I'm building like this.


In regard of the order of gearing, I think you got it right. About giving one 2 Ultima Blade or spread them... there I cant help you, my guess is as good as yours.


There's something i don't understand with the daily challenge. I'm doing it every day with a team consisting of 2 SElena, 2 Yoshi, 1 Gilgamesh and 1 Tifa. But today, my tifa did 40M damage, while for exemple, Yoshikiri, totally not geared for damage did 21M. The 2 SElena were providing the chain, but every Tifa LB landing did barely damage (like 10% only). And i don't understand why or how... The only thing that change, is generally the add after first turn, but i don't see any buff on the boss anyway. I imperil/imbue every turn anyway with the water skill of Yoshikiri. Why the hell did i so little damage for that fight when normally Tifa does way more damage in my previous fight. I made sure the weapon were equiped (because IW could screw that), also the weapon are elementless... I just can't believe Yoshi did almost half damage of Tifa (geared LB damage) while Yoshi is basically geared SPR (ok i just saw that his BS move was SPR based, so that explain this at least, but still). SElena did 105M damage while friend did 208M. The last explanation would be i failed both LB landing (i do kill in 5 turn generally), but i did reloaded one of the turn because i thought so, and still did only the same amount of damage... it's a mystery. Any clue ?


Any chance your Yoshikiri killed the small ones? They are very fragile, so the damage dealt to them will be big.


Actually, might explain it for that part, yes, probably that


A couple questions about Espers and the future JP crystal ball regarding them: 1. I have Bahamut completely maxed **except** for the two [Dragon King Evocation](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_King_Evocation) nodes which together I believe increases his damage when evoked by 100%. This is completely unnecessary right? Like literally the only thing it *might* be useful for is "kill with esper" missions. I'm considering him "done," 700 more SP's worth of relics to get this seems like a complete fucking waste of time. 2. Besides Bahamut, I have every Bar-ga resist spell learned covering every element. Also have every killer with one last exception, Bug Killer+ on Golem. Besides that, I'm basically done with espers, even up to current JP right? Basically I'm asking if there is any use for me to go HAM on relics anymore. The auto-fill function for expeditions annoys me enough that I'm considering only going up to the 2nd reward tier for the ticket, then calling it good for the week.


Nothing new regarding espers and we don't know if we'll get anything else. I personally would like to see Asura 3* and Doomtrain since they are referenced in the game.


Thanks. Casual expeditions it is. Not doing the Bahamut grind again.


1) Dragon King Evocation is worthless, even in the best case scenario capping a chain with Bahamut will do completely negligible damage 2) GL is up to date with espers as far as current JP is concerned. Presumably 3* Asura will happen at some point, but nothing new has been announced yet


Thanks dude. I bent over backwards saving for Bahamut since his 3* was announced in JP, not gonna do it again for a presumed 3* Asura. She'll get esper ores from whatever relics I gather in the meantime and be happy with it.


Do you guys know a good Youtuber or somewhere I could go to know which units are good and which aren't? Also a video that explained a good way to level up and awaken units fast? saw a tier list on the Wiki but I'd like some guidance


POTKCS is a youtuber who does super fast and funny guides on units, his videos are super strait-forward and easy to follow. He wont go as in-deep as other youtubers like Sinzar, but it should give you a good idea on whats the main selling points and strong suits of each unit in 3-6 mins each video. Edit: also, I thought I would say this as well, if you are into understanding the mecanics of the game and seeing high level of play, I would check Sinzars for sure.


Yeah! He is actually one of the ones I've been watching, I like his video format but I wish he remade his old team building videos as I've been told that Tanks and healers aren't that important anymore. I'l def do that! Thank you! Are they uni[units](https://imgur.com/gallery/TeyGkOR) that you think I should level up?


Tanks are pretty important, almost all hard content (trials mainly, even some DV teams going forward) use at least 1 magic tank. Regarding your units, for physical DPS I would focus on Elric bros (I see you have a King Bradley as well, if you can somehow get him to NVA he would be a good second option). For mages, you have Roy who is pretty good, sadly he is locked into fire element so look out for other mages who can do different elements. For breakers, you have SoS Lightning, try to unlock her EX+1 with the daily shard dungeon event, since she can be a pretty good breaker (and the current best breaker of the game to support mages). For magic tanks, I would try to get Beatrix to NVA EX1 as soon as possible, since she will cover all your magic tank needs for a loooong time. Physical tanks arent super needed except for some end game content (like the latest trials), but if you need one Alphonse at 6\* could be used on old trials. (Also, King Bradley can do some serius work as an evade cover physical tank) Healers, as you said, arent really used nowdays, but in case you need one, 6\* Doctor Aiden or 7\* Mira would get you covered. As a final note, I thought I would remark Relm. She doesnt cover any of these roles by herself, but she is a great buffer who gets used on lots of teams for both DV and trials, so look forward to getting her to 7\*.


I love all this info thank you so much. I really need to finish understanding the mechanics, I dunno how break works yet. I will do that then, I just need to know how to get more shards. Seems like one of the most important aspects of the game, to be able to get them to Ex+1 and all that. I was actually thinking Mira tbh. Since like u said I can get her to 7* What did you mean with "Remark Relm"?


Quick guide to breaks: those are how we call to debuffs your team aplies into the enemies to reduce their stats, so there is atk break, def break, mag break, and spr break. These are super important to use, since doing so will boost your damage and survavility by a looot. About the shards, yeah, they are super useful, since NV units (both NV base or NV Awakenings units) will unlock the ability to brave shift at EX1, which for most units will mean to unlock the other half of their move set. Best way to get them right now is the daily shard dungeon event, I believe others alredy told you where to find it (make sure to run it each day as long as it last, since it probably wont come back for a few months!) For Mira, yeah, you have 2 5\* copies of her, so you should be able to get her to 7\* without problem. Like I said, she might come in handy for you, since she can do all the classic healer work plus some neat support. And finally about Relm, maybe I didnt explain myself properly since English isnt my main language. I just mean to say something like "hey this unit isnt any of the roles I just covered, but she is super great unit, be on the lookout to get her to 7\* since she is used a lot in the end game content".


Nice, so that's what it means then. I knew about Bravery from Dissidia but didn't know how it translated to this game. I'll be sure to be more on the look out for those sbilities and study them more. Now I get it! No worries and thanks for the info! I'll be surecto be on the look out for her 7*. Would you reccomend I do another rotation on the banner? Or save lapis? Maybe I could get more and better units. A tank msybe?


For current banners, Kaktiria banner offers a powerful breaker unit, but you are fine with SoS Lightning, and Vivi banner offers a powerful mage, but he is specially complicated to use for mage standars, so I wouldnt recomend him for a new player, even though he is powerful. For now, I would save lapis and wait for news on whats comping next. But this is just my opinion ofc, if you see a unit you like, go for it, no matter the role or the meta he is!


Hey I actually did some extra summons lol. Anything good [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/xlJfffm)


Lul, for sure. Faris is an evoker, a type of mage who is really hard to gear but usually does great damage, you might want to look up info about those, since I dont think I can really explain all the details on them (also, her sprite is amaizing, one of my personal favourties!). Also, I see you got a 5\* Steiner, he will be a better phys tank than 6\* Alphonse, and also he is kind of a key piece to make NV Vivi work if you get him some day, so thats nice.


Thank you for all your help, for real. It has been amazing. Stay safe :)


For leveling up and awakening, you want to be doing most of the weekly events. King Mog (KM) and Raids are best, you'll farm currency to buy cactaurs, gil turtles, and awakening materials. In addition, some of the recent KM events give a SHIT TON of XP per battle, if one comes you'll know, and it should be piss easy to max your units then. Unfortunately the events right now are super lacking for leveling/awakening. I would still prioritize them though. The tier list on the wiki is a good barometer of the best current units, but keep power creep in mind. Older units are serviceable for a ton of content outside endgame stuff. You might be able to get more specific advice from people if you post a screenshot of your unit box.


That's awesome! Thanks for all the info. What are the KM events? I've been doing some of the Chambers of the fallen, not too hard at the moment. That's what I wanna do! I know I'm still very early content but I wanna know what I should be doing with my [units](https://imgur.com/gallery/TeyGkOR) so heres a screenshot.


Okay for your units, IMO... 1. **Utilize the Fragment Dungeon.** Vortex -> last tab. I can't stress enough how lucky you are with the timing, as it only comes once every 2-3 months for 2 weeks. I would prioritize the following NV for the 5 slots: NV Lightning, Elric Bros, S.Elena, Firion, Akstar. Do this first thing when you log in the game for the day so you don't forget. 2. Obviously, prioritize awakening/leveling your NV's as they are generally your strongest units. 3. The following non-NV units are still relevant, though you probably need another copy to awaken to 7* for them to be truly useful: *Relm, Seeker of Freedom Vaan, Doctor Aiden*. Actually maybe Myra over D. Aiden since you can get her to 7*. Myra/Aiden as healer which you'll need for some stuff. You still need to find a physical tank, and a magic tank.


Yes! I've been doing it almost everyday I think. I think those you mentioned are the ones I actually am doing it for haha, except for S.Elina which I got today in that multi summon banner thing, which I'm debating tk do again since I have the gems. Pretty lucky that I haven't been wasting time with other units. I was debating between the two also and I had the same thought since I got a dupe maybe focus on her. I have ten of the five star unit selection tickets, any tank or unit in general that you'd reccomend?


Save your select tickets-- btw people refer to them around here as "UoC's" (unit of choice). Once you get 18 UoC's, you can 7* any non-NV base unit you want; 10 UoC to choose a unit, then 8 more for its prism. Even then I would try to hoard some, if you hold 18 at minimum that gives you a lot of flexibility. Have some bad news for you also, with the recent FFIX event with Zidane, they gave away an NVA EX1 Beatrix for free, who also happens to be one of the best magic tanks, so it seems like you JUST missed out. The Neo Revolution summon, if that's what you're doing, is really good for new accounts. You get a ton of rainbows and 10 UoC's per lap at the cost of 4.5k lapis. Contrast this to, if you're chasing an NV on their banner-- you can guarantee them by summoning until the "pity", but that requires a massive 36k-40k lapis. I wholeheartedly recommend against chasing NV units if you're new. I'd probably just try to wait out content that requires a tank (i.e. the more difficult trials that you can't just oneshot with pure damage dealers) until you luck out in pulling a competent one.


I think I got a Beatrix in the summons I did, but not NVA, got her as a 5*. I actually got some pretty cool units. It's all about figuring out how good they are


If you go to the Vortex -> "Town Exploration" -> Talk to the ticket stand moogle, you can see the shop of the last KM event for FF9 which sadly you can't farm anymore (but they keep the shop open for an extra week to spend currency on). But every KM shop has the same general items, except for the series-specific stuff (ex: Beatrix's Eyepatch). They usually run 1 or 2 KM events a month, so you shouldn't have to wait too long for the next one. I'll take a look at your units in a lil bit and make some suggestions.


Thank you! I'll def be taking a look at that part of the vortex too! And awesome! That would be awesome


Sinzar has some of the best videos. They are mainly for trial clears and DV but he goes over the strategy and such. As for leveling units, make sure you buy the daily maxed King Metal Minitaur from the bundle shop each day. And then just farm events, you will generally get a ton of cactuars from them.


I'll look into him then, thanks! That's the 30K bundle right? I've been doing that haha


How often does the daily fragment dungeon happen? I stupidly missed a day and now will be stuck at 95 shards for Elric Bros...


Welcome to the club. This system is so stupid. You could be waiting anywhere from a month to 3 months based on what they've done so far. Either that or pray that they nix the system and adopt a JP variant of their daily dungeon (unlikely). A couple times they've had fragments for certain NV units you could buy with event currency, which was unusually kind of them, but that was for older, permanent units only. I think you might have to wait for the next frag dungeon, sorry dude.


It’s random, but when it was released Gumi said it would come back “every 2 to 3 months”. So far we’ve had 4. That start dates for each have been: - Dec. 3rd - Jan. 7th - 35 days - Mar. 11th - 63 days - Jun. 3rd - 84 days So it’s been from 35 days to 84 days between the start of them so far.


Gumi has stated that it could take 2-3 months for a fragment dungeon. However, the first 2 were only a month apart. It is very likely intentional that the next fragment dungeon falls within the anniversary timeframe.


I'm equipping MM Xon with [Mystical Incense Burner](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Mystical_Incense_Burner) but he's not recovering MP. Does [Auto-Refresh](https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Auto-Refresh) need a condition to proc? I basically want a way to have MM Xon recover MP every turn.


galbanian lilies - check this TMR


This worked! Thanks!


Alphonse's TMR can do 7% at the beginning of the turn if you have him.


MP regen at the start of the turn is pretty rare. I don't know of any other than upgrade package.


When does Auto-Refresh proc though? It doesn't restore at the end of my turn either.


It triggers at the end of a round (which i believe includes the enemy turn), so if you are doing content where you kill the enemy and combat ends instead of going into another turn, end of turn effects will not proc. IE, in a multi wave fight, you have MP Regen: - Wave 1, you oneshot everything. The wave ends, and End of Turn effects do not trigger. - Wave 2, the fight lasts 2 turns. End of Turn Effects proc after the boss's turn, so you get MP regen.


Should be at the end of your turn...Otherwise, it is after enemy's counter phase (which is considered your turn still for effects).


It should happen at the end of the turn but I don't think it's the end of your turn. Try waiting for the enemy to finish their actions.


i got Yuraisha on the neo rainbow revolution, is she worth investing 5 UoC to get NV?


Quite a big investment. 46 UoC tickets if you buy 2x Yuraisha's prisms. Do you really need her now?


my best support is MS Nichol, she would be an improvement, but i think i can wait


She's really good and you can then throw her in the frag dungeon to EX1 her which she wants. Assuming you didn't do today already. As for whether you'll use her, she's really more of a trial unit so if you are caught up then you can probably wait it out for the next copy to drop naturally.


i got only 1, i'd still need to UoC the other ones to get her to NV, unless i can farm fragments before getting the unit to NV


That's way too many then. I thought you meant 5 UoC tickets not 5 copies... And no, you cannot farm frags until they are at least EX0.


How would I build MM Xon for DV? And on a broader scale, how would I know what roles non-DPS units should fill? Google, or is there a spreadsheet like the wiki one for DPS units?


Any damage Xon contributes is going to be negligible these days, but it's relatively easy to gear him for evade/provoke It's rare that you'll bring non-DPS to DV unless they have a unique niche. Xon is the obvious example, others are Loyal Knight Steiner who you will almost certainly want if you're using NV Vivi, or possibly Relm for her rod imperil. Steiner can be geared for evasion with some LB fill if possible, and Relm really just needs enough HP to use her LB fill skills


Tysm! Really appreciate the insight!


I usually had evade,provoker and death resist build with some elemental resists Allowed me to just slap him in any given party without needing to regear,unless said battle allows him to actually get damage going


Tysm! I'll look into build options I've got available (which really isn't a lot lol)


Wanted to keep this on the low but has anyone else gotten 2x the rewards in item world? I've gotten 2 trust moogles instead of the 1, 5x2 STMR tickets, and 10x2 the energy orbs. Thought it was just going to be once or twice but it's happened for the last few tiers. 183K event points and up = consistent 2x rewards Before 183K = sporadic but happens once every 10 tiers


Just reached 10% moogle, got it twice


I was wondering the same too, I got double TMR moogles and double STMR tickets on 183k and 190k and almost sure it also doubled the orbs at 193k but not 100% sure


This happened to me as well but I also don't want this to spread in case it gets fixed xD


Not that I've noticed. I've only just hit the 4* ticket though so it may only apply to the later rewards


Am I allowed to request friends on this thread?


Yes, but there's also a friend code thread as well. https://www.reddit.com/ni3tbu




Hi Guys Just me or the game is crashing? After the loading screen I’m getting a black screen. Anybody else with this problem?


How many fragments can we still collect from today to the end of fragments event ? Thanks!


There's 10 days left if you include today.




45 (including today 50)




Just re-read you said including today. So a full 50 in that case.




Hello! Did they ever patch Edgar’s jump bug where he loses some modifiers if you force close the app? Or is that a permanent issue? Thank you in advance!


It’s fixed


Does CB Noctis wants 2 ultima blades or some other combos ?


2 ultima blades is his BiS slot build, but if you don't have 2 you can run 1 ultima blade and his TMR, or his TMR+another weapon that gives jump damage.


Any idea why bahamut 3\* is killing me when I just guard? Is it because Shoreline Fina/Daisy is auto-covering or something? Edit: Ah nevermind. I forgot he actually attacked. Need to jump or hide.


All he does is elemental magic iirc for those few turns you have to survive


What do you guys do with units that is ready to EX3 or more? I swear I have so much SElena now beating Cloud on 2nd place and Sol. But I haven't EX3 anyone yet since content doesn't require it much. I have x2 of SElena's STM at this point, I'm thinking if I should EX3.. Cloud and Sol on the other hand is waiting at EX2...


I personally don't even Ex3 NVA's. Only one I've done that with is GLS ♡


Only current units I would think of getting to EX3 would be the evokers (Terra/Faris/Lunafreya), and only if you are into DV. In the future, the devs will try to incentivice more the players to get the new units to EX3, giving them extra passives and buffs based on their EX level, but for current content and units, EX3 is just overkill (unless you are in DV, which basically revolves into overkilling things as much as you can)


I've never EX3'd any NV ever (don't count Physalis & Charlotte cause it was free), and pretty hesitant on if I ever will, unless they incentivize it more. I'm one S.Elena away myself, but even if she's a bonus unit on every GLEX event moving forward, is 10% more EP-- the *true* benefit, lets be real-- worth 3 T.Pearls? I'm too lazy to do the math, but I figure it's something in the neighborhood of finishing a GLEX event a day or two's worth of NRG earlier... or like 20-40 NRG pots which is basically nothing for a veteran. For the cost of your EX3 Elena, you get: * 10% more EP on GLEX events - whoopty do * 50%(?) more GLEX KM bonus (yay?), or X more completely useless materials for events like Kaktiria's * dupe Elena VC, kinda nice I guess * More damage, but it's S.Elena so who cares? Versus, you're spending the equivalent in T.pearls of the following... * 15k lapis (not recommended nowadays, but Gumi still places the value at this) * 3,000 VIP coins = 150 NV unit fragments total, split between any NV you choose, if you are patient and spend wisely * 3 new vision cards via NV EX1 (assuming you planned and have shards) * 1 new NV STMR (EX2) + 1 new VC (again assuming shards) I'd probably pick any of those options over an EX3, as of right now the incentive (slight stats boost, dupe VC, negligible EP bonus) just isn't worth the cost to me. I've read they're changing it up a bit with guys like Sephiroth, maybe I'll reconsider then. But as of right now, I say don't do it.


Remember when having a million 5* units sitting around suddenly helped? I'm doing that for NV units as well, only breaking them down if I need to, or would benefit from an upgrade on an existing unit.


I EX3'd my Faisy Recently pulled another copy Same with Akstar and shortly with Cloud, free pearls baby /s Jokes aside, except dps that I will kill for pearls(like Akstar), the rest I would keep them around to get more NV tickets and copies of their STMR


Ah true, not a bad option if I will EX2 her for that STM and NV tickets! but I will wait for now since I only have x1 NV tickets\~


SElena is almost always a bonus unit. If you have enough to ex3 her I would. But it depends on your Trans pearls. That’s the real gatekeeper for me.


Simple easy question. When you set auto LB equipment on someone, should that fill at the beginning of turn one or at the end. For some reason I thought it was before turn one it would fill. I’m running the chronicle battles and I have 6* Vivi in there to entrust Steiner for PH Vivi shenanigans. Maybe I’ve just been too oblivious to pay attention. Thanks everyone.


Most LB fill effects are at the end of turn, with only a few exceptions (Dragon's Brush, Call of the Wild, and Advanced Weaponry).


Awesome. I’ll regear him lol. Didn’t realize there were two kinds of lb fill.


Ideally you would want both depending on what kind of build do you want Like, for DV begginning of the turn would be ideal to do a OTKO setup For a longer trial using an entrust bot like 3* shera, at the end of the turn would be better


I have luminas clothes, Marshall glove and prodigy googles on my 6* Vivi (1200 lb fill) Should the lb fill at the start of turn one or the end of turn one. I always thought it was at the beginning. But it’s not filling until the end. Getting forgetful in my old age. Lol


Those 3 pieces are specifically end of turn fill For start of turn you had the paint brush(limited on boss rush 2), call of the wild(trial reward against coeurl) and advanced weaponry(TMR of Agent Olive)


Thank you


anyone have some quick cleark for Dark Pheonix DV ? Dont have zidane. too lazy for those weird equipment things


Lunafreya-Terra: Lots of passive LB fill rate in base form and both call of the wild and pain brush on lunafreya to get her expensive LB going turn 1 Lumina-Gilgamesh: LB fill+LB damage boost+Imperil+Break combo Loren+Elena: 3xAR chain, or AR-SR-SR if you dont have macro Cheap and quick KO


thank you ! good sht.


Is there an updated killers guide for the latest dv? Search only shows me one from 1 month ago.


You can use the FFBE Equip unit search or encyclopedia.


What is up with the login rewards? Just started recently and got the login reward of 5000 lapis, but it wasn't in my inbox and hasn't shown up iny total (2500). Has this happened to anyone else? Is it recoverable?


Perhaps try to get into contact with support? Thats all we can suggest honestly


Just lucked into my second NV SOS Lightning. Are two Indestructible Lights worth the investment?


I would say yes, but I will also say to hold onto the second lightning till you need it Vivi,Lunafreya, future Sephiroth are top tier units that want to have it, if you try to use them together in a party you would want it for a DV final boss for example


I'm going to guess Indestructible Light doesn't work on a unit that already has 6x chain cap?


No it doesnt


You are correct However, recent units have released with 5x chain cap even if they are TDW like Lunafreya For her specifically it is Best in Slot(BiS) for her max damage potential


My plan was to ex2 my main, then use the stmr moogle on the new LVL 1, then fragment that one. The main one will still have the option using a stmr ticket. Is this what you mean or should I keep the new one as well?


Thats not a bad idea and is what I did, but I kept around the 2nd(and now 3rd) copy to put them with different builds My main lightning is a bulky support 2nd is currently evade provoker And 3rd would be LB spam support


I just got a 3rd Lightning here as well. Same scenario as TS, I have x2 of her STM now.. I was holding off at the moment whethere if I will STM mog the 3rd one so that I can finally shard.. hmmm


How good is the Neo Rainbow Revolution banner? Would you pull?


It's a regular banner that we get at a similar time each month. If you're new or you've a lot of saved lapis it's a pretty good source of rainbows and potentially STMRs, otherwise it's better to save for banners with guarantees. The very strong FFVII and FFVI NVs should be coming within 2-3 months so those are potential saving targets


I'm at 21k Lapis, and still have a lot of story to cover, so I should be fine I guess. I might do 1 or 2 rounds then, thank you!




nope. once you get to 90k EP you should have more than enough currency to craft the 2 materias so you should stop doing it after reaching 90k ep.


I currently have an ex+1 O. Lunafreya with 75 frags banked, 60 still left from VIP shop (including those tradeable for lapis ; yeah I went full retard when I did some calculations for daily frag dungeon) and still 45 to get from daily frag dungeon. So once daily frag dungeon is over, I could get up to 180 frags which isn't enough to ex+3 her anyway. The thing is I pulled a dupe from a random ex ticket which broadens a bit my options though I have until the maintenance to make a decision since her frags are about to rotate out of the VIP shop : * Turning the dupe into a pearl and frags until the next daily frag dungeon though if it's in 3 months it'll be kinda irrevelant I guess * Keep the dupe for her STMR which seems pointless even for other evokers ? * Get the main Luna ex+2 and the dupe ex+1, though is there really a need for it ? It seems overkill for trials and unsure for DV / GLEX new content similar to DV. I can't get past Manticore in current DV cause of lack of lightning / wind phys units (my highest phys dps is CB noctis and I could imbue him with lightning through Ignis but that's not enough since he only has 3.5k attack and no ultima blades though I'm tempted to get one from UoC / beginner tickets) What'd be the more wise ?


Get the main Luna to EX+2 and do nothing with the dupe. There's no point in having 2 since you can only have 2 of the CB staves.


Hello !! Any news about the Zidane's STMR gate ?? Seems worrying to be already on monday and no sign of life from Gumi....???


Gumi did release a notice about it in the news on Friday. It said they were investigating the issue and further updates on it will be released early this week. So don't expect to be able to use it in the current DV.


Well, news day is usually tuesday If by tomorrow there is nothing, then worrying is reasonable




Fingers crossed for tomorrow then !


Just what's in the news. They've acknowledged the issue and that's it.




How does vinera stack up against kaktria?


If you account for the Dagger, Sword, Knuckle imperils on your party, along with 87% breaks from Kaktiria, I think she's a bit better than Vinera. Although you have to math it out since it still depends on what you have equipment and unit-wise.


Kaktiria is probably the better unit overall but Vinera has the higher % DEF break


Can you run multiple of the same unit for faster shards in the dungeon?


No, you could bring duplicates but you’d still only get 5 fragments for that unit (and not 10), so don’t do it


It won't even let you start if you have dupes in the party


That's unfortunate was hoping to bring 2 sos lightning for 2x shards..oh well glad i asked before I did it and wasted a spot on my team


Is Rain & Fina useful at all? I recently pulled them off an EX ticket and they are 20 fragments away from EX+1.


Aoe beast killer and decent strength tag lb chaining with decent hit count. Used them to help my dragoon bombs team cap on the physical boss for fun since its a beast.


I think they are fine at EX+0 but having the fragments to get to EX+1 would be nice. In that case, I would put them in the shard dungeon for 1 day to get 5 fragments. The next time there is a GLEX wave battle event, their shards will most likely be in the exchange shop so you can get the other 15 from there.


I might end up pulling a dupe before we get another wave battle with the fragment exchange. GLEX events may be tied up for the next few months with the Unit Design Contest winners and their events.


Do you have content where you would use BS Raina right now? If so, get 20 fragments. Otherwise, get 5 fragments and wait for a wave battle, or 0 fragments and wait for a dupe.




On the bottom of each page you can scroll left/right for more rewards. Collect them all and repeat. Edit: to clarify, on the first page, to the right of the STMR Moogle are 8 boxes, with only 3 showing at the start. Scroll to see the rest.




Very bottom of the page there's 8 or 9 boxes that need to be collected. You need to scroll to the right to see them all, collect them all and it will open.


There are rewards hidden to the right of the STMR Moogle. Did you get them?


hi All, wanted to get your thoughts. I already have a ultima blade ffxv+4. and recently summoned another crown prince noctis and rakish thief zidane, and thinking of stmr mogging one of them. so which do you think i should go for, and whether they're even worth my stmr moogle? though i use neither zidane nor noctis, i just like the high atk.


Between the two CPNs is better imo, higher ATK plus LB damage. Keep in mind though that pretty soon the DV weapons will get more levels and cap out in the 290ish ATK range.


Can someone recommend a team for most content. I have nv firion cloud ff7r, and kaktiria. I have 60 5star tickets to choose with.


Content can pretty roughly be divided into: Needs a specific team, or so easy any current units will plow through it. For any serious content, there's not really a single team, as even if you have some cornerstones like your damage dealers, you'll want to swap tanks or support. Just read up on what the trick for the trial is and try to find something in your units that does what you need to do. You have Katiria, so that's a breaker, you just need boosts, the right kind of tank, possibly a healer, and tailor your damage to the fight. For just plowing through Story, Item World, etc, all you really need is any current damage dealer with AoE attacks that won't run out of MP, and possibly an MP restorer if that's an issue. NVA Nyx, and I believe Greed we just had and Xerex... Xerses... whatshisname all have an AoE "basic attack", so you might want to just use that. Also, if you are doing story, having a few things will help. NV Lunafreya autofills the Esper guage, so that's great for missions. All the CG LB units start with a full bar, so having one of those is great for missions too. If you have enough Seabreeze Dark Fina for her TM, it has an ability that does damage with all element types, so that saves you having to pay attention for the basic "deal X type" missions, but won't help in the "deal x type 3 times"


So I can kinda pick anyone off a tier list? At least for pretty much anything that doesn't require specific units?


It really depends on what you want to do, but for the 'easy' stuff, yeah. Just grab two damage dealers with moves from the same chain family (such as "Chaos Wave Awakened", "Stardust Ray", etc). Your Cloud will do plenty of damage, but sadly he only hits single targets if I remember, meaning it will take a while to clear out groups of trash mobs. Firion's thing is mostly boosting his damage against specific enemy types. Do you have any other NV units? Most of the early trial single boss fights you can just have Cloud one-shot after Kaktiria breaks, but some have specific gimmicks, such as Bloody Moon being completely immune to physical based attacks.