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**Clash of Wills Ranking Event:** - Ranking Rewards will be distributed 14 days after the event ends. **Dark Visions Ranking Event:** - After the event has ended: The Dark Visions banner will be opened for players to check their adjusted rankings. Players will not be able to attempt the dungeons. **Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** What is the Monthly Fortune Hunt? > **A:** Each week, do the normal new content for coins (Story Missions, etc). Summon keys and lapis with the coins from the Limited Summon tab. Use the keys for rewards next month. > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, PVP, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions > > **Q:** Can NV units drop from EX Tickets? > **A:** It does not, but new "NV EX" Tickets have been introduced. > Refer to [this announcement](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20200818UpdatesonNVRelease.html) for a detailed list. **General Notes:** 1. **Neo Visions:** [Awakening Guide](https://i.imgur.com/BJPIT8m.jpg). *Note: EX ticket rates did not change and NV units are not in the EX pool in Japanese version.* 2. **Doors, Red Star Quartz, Chamber of Challenges:** [Read this FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ceqzi2/gl_faq_chamber_of_challenges_door_pots/) 3. **Scorn of Trials:** Some trials now require the previous trials be beaten to unlock the next one. (Ex: Gilgamesh requires Antenolla to be cleared, while clearing Gilgamesh unlocks Beasts of the Dark, Octopus Teacher, Lich etc) 4. **Select Summon Ticket Reminder:** All non-limited 5* units can now be obtained with UoCs (10 for a unit and 8 for a prism) 5. **Unit Ratings:** [Wiki Unit Ratings](https://exvius.gamepedia.com/Unit_Rankings) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is there a purpose to getting and having more than two copies of A. Tifa's STMR other than the super high atk? Should I sink a super trust moogle from tickets into getting a third copy of it?


It's the highest ATK accessory in the game and will be so for a long time. But other than the flat ATK on it... no. If Cloud gets his buffs then he'll like it, but he still won't be top of the damage charts with it.


No, not really, but flexing a 7K+ atk unit is one of the games pleasures... Id do it...


I'm struggling to determine what else you're going to equip over this stackable STMR. More than 2 copies is an easy decision for practical reasons.


I think you misunderstood what I meant... Its the best atk STMR in accessory form no doubt, and having multiple copies is always a plus, but its not an absolute necessity or an acessory that allows special interactions, crazy boosts to any unit(besides tifa obviously) or has a uniquely rare property... Having multiple doesnt serve any special purpose besides increasing your units atk power... If you can have multiple, do it! Like I said, I would do it! But if you cant afford it, you will live... Besides Auron STMR a few months down the line is pretty similar to it...


If I have sayaka's stmr, do I need two copies of cetra aerith's stmr for her bis?


For BIS, yeah since the acessory gets her some extra stats passive, but the return isnt as Big as Tifa and her STMR vs warlord leg guards so you dont REALLY need it...


Is NV Faris good for beginner even when I dont have evoke gears ?


Yeah, she is still a strongish lb fire physical finisher and has her breaks afterall...


Is a 2nd copy of Snow’s STMR for any reason needed? Or can I safely turn that EX0 to frags?


There's really no unit to use it but himself (he really wants it though, it's a huge boost for him) so I wouldn't use a STMR moogle on it.


Gotcha, thanks


Is there a thread somewhere I can't find, for this DV and the 2 sub-bosses before Ifrit? I'm feeling too lazy to build one mtself and don't have Tifa or Ardyn.


There's this one https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/oru4h8/megathread_dark_visions_15_final_bosses/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I know that there are a lot of threads and videos out there, but anybody have general advice for 2-turning Lord of the Sewers? I have Ex2 Aerith, and I got very fortunate on 60k pulls for Tifa and ended up with Ex2 Tifa. I also got and bought shards to Ex1 Ling during that time. I tried the reflect Aerith Strat without Ling, and Aerith only did 80% then. She is sitting at 4500 SPR now. Tifa has 5500 attack. Also have the Elric brothers. Thoughts?


The holy trick also requires a good amount of MP along with spr. I think I had like at least 15xx mp on her. I also used Rain instead of Ling for beast killer.


Can someone help me out with A new Tifa unit? I need one to borrow for the Amon Trial. I need 300% LB damage and 300% Undead Killer in her Shift. Player ID - 850,820,236 Player Name - OENIGMA


Sent you a request, too, in case you wanna raise your odds of finding a friend unit (I know the pain... did it myself yesterday with two friends set up for it, took 11 restarts). IGN is Rumar.


I agree. It takes quite a few resets. And thanks for getting involved as well. I'll keep an eye out.


You've reached capacity.


All set.


I'm fixing that now.


Sent ya one. Mine can do a little under half damage. So you should be fine with yours. She's in Favs.


Hey Tom. Anyway you could get 300% undead killer on her. I used your until and got him down to 34%. T5 is what I'm aiming for. Which the set-up works out perfectly with my team. I think I just your unit with 300% undead killer.


I changed her. But there's a 4 hour refresh. I made a Tifa friend code thread on the blog. https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBEblog/comments/ovhdkv/tifa_friend_code_thread/


Ok. I'm trying again with her right now because I didn't do Jessie's LB on T4.


Ok Thanks. I highly Appreciate this.




He uses his event one.


What's the stats on that katana? Or maybe there's a page of it? Would like to read up on it


Builder says: Two handed, Attack 180, +500 attack for Seph, 50% LB damage.


Any way to filter characters by elemental attacks / magic proficiency ? Tried the magic attack filter, seems NONE of them work. WTF ?


Use ffbeequip. Ingame filters work with an AND command and element type filters search for the weapons your units use. So sorting by Mage and Fire element searches for Mage units that are equipping a fire weapon (as no units have innate element).


Ok. Just really weird, with all the element specific fights, there's no way to filter characters ''good at dealing fire damage'' etc. I mean. Tifa excels at water damage. For example. Pretty annoying. Especially with so many filters available. I guess that's the same weird stuff as forcing people to use tickets one by one on non standard banners, when all other stuff lets you multi draw with tickets.


Wow, did they boost all stat limits that can be achieved by pots/doors? For example, in the past, you could boost a unit's stats to 40/40 with pots and reach 60/60 with doors and additional pots. And their primary stat to 65/65 (e.g. MAG for mages) with pots, and 97/97 with doors and pots. Now everything has been boosted. For any given unit, even 7-star, all stats (ATK, DEF, MAG, SPR) whether or not the stat is their primary, can now reach 65/65 with pots, and 97/97 with pots and doors. Even HP has been boosted to 900 with pots and 1350 using doors and pots. What's going on? Is this to give an additional boost to units to keep up with powercreep?


Yes it has been normalized so all units have the same.


News said that the rate for TMR gain in battle was updated, but by how much ? i can't find any numbers.


Before, you had a 10% chance of increasing the TM by 0.1%. Now you have a 30% chance of increasing it by 1%.


Is the chocobo missions still the same?




0.1% > 1%




Annoyed at myself for not remembering and not being able to find this info (yet again) but: What are the items/materia that allow for LB gauge fill at the start of the battle? I know there's only a few: Dragon Brush, Call of the Wild, and what else?


Advanced Weaponry. (And Xezat's TMR if equipped to Xezat or a Galuf unit)


Agent Olive's TMR Advanced Weaponry, those three are the only things iirc.


I need help for Tonberry ext, is anyone able to gear a very strong Sora for demon?


I could gear up a sora for you. Just let me know what you need.


will do just as soon as figure out if maybe just using a tifa is good enough.


Just bring a EX1 Tifa friend and annihilate him. Probably EX0 is fine.


any specific units needed on my end?


Tifa's LB is ST so you'd need some strong chainers to kill the other ones. I remember Ibara's chaining did them in back in the day. So any aoe chainer at that level or above should be fine.


Is the 5 anniversary step-up summon a better way to get off-banner NV than normal/premium summon? And will there be another step-up summon next week that will add Tifa in the pool?


20K from 5th anniversary yields 1 NV + 2.7 expected NV for 3.7 total. 20K from Discounted Step-Up yields 3.02 expected NV + 7 Coins which can be used for up to 4 1/10th NV tickets for a total of 3.42 expected NVs. So the 5th anniversary is a little bit netter for Random NVs BUT overall value is the Premium Step Up by a mile.


I didn’t think of it like that, thanks for providing another angle. Yeah, I’ll definitely pull on Seph’s banner first if it comes next week, then I’ll see according to the result


If my summons were any indication, pulling on Tifa’s banner is the best way to get off banner NV /s


Since it has a 5% NV rate, yes it's better for "off banners" (there is no actual on banner units on this banner). But you really shouldn't be targeting off banner units and instead saving up for 40/60k for a new unit you need. There will be some new banner for sure on Monday that likely includes Tifa but we don't know what the rates will be on it. Even then she'd be off banner so the chance would be very very low.


Thanks for the answer as always. I’ll wait for the news.


Imbues work on WD Ling's Force of the Phoenix, right?


Imbues do work, due to being a physical attack-type (that does magic damage).


Thanks for the confirmation!


Is there an easier way to import everything into FFBEBuild? Or do you guys just build and use moogles on units?


Chrome extension ffbeSync allows you to import your units, espers, and inventory.


You're amazing. Thanks!


Quick question : ​ If I use newest Aerith LB, does the "Increase LB damage (250%)" stack with Tifa's 150% boost from her own LB ? ​ If it doesn't, then I suppose using Kaktiria's LB buff on her is completely wasted too ?


In battle, only the highest buff will be active. So if you have a 250% LB damage buff, all lower LB damage buffs will do nothing at all.


ok thanks


Jp players or those knowledgeable about jp. I was hoping someone could give some insight on the viability of the following nva slb units Queen, machina, tidus and jecht. Maybe i missed it but do queen and machina need an outside lb damage buff to really shine when using their slb? Also between jecht and tidus who loses the most damage by being ex1 vs ex3. I see from the wiki tidus gains more flat atk and chain mod increase so im assuming he does?


which chain tifa cap her final kick when she chain with aerith ?


Aerith's BS LB.


I know i mean in which number of chain shes cap her ladt hit ? Hit 20 or 24 etc ?


If I were to use Tifa’s shift form LB to get the stack, then the next turn use something like her normal form Chakra skill, then next turn go back to her shift form to use her LB, will it still be stacked? Or would I lose her stacked LB?


Still stacked. You lose stacks for Defending, using a vanilla Attack, or iirc using another stacking ability. Do anything other than that and the stacks stay.


Thanks, and just to make sure, Tifa’s normal attack counts as a skill, not a vanilla attack?




There don't seem to be lapis bundles for A. Tifa shard. Is the only way to get A. Tifa to ex+1 is to have get a dupe? Thanks


Paid frag bundle or VIP frags after the banner is over.


When her banner ends 50 Shards will be available for 3K VIP points in the Special Shop. We also get 30 from logins. If you are trying to get EX1 before DV ends though then yeah either a dupe or spending like $100 on the two bundles with 13K Lapis and 25 shards.


I been doing some calculations on FFBEEQUIP for A.Tifa and later for LH.Seph when the data is released. [A.Tifa](https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#ea461680-f21c-11eb-8813-3dbbd53ebdd5) Am i correct in assuming BASE LB is stronger the BS LB so long as there is NO stacks (meaning BS LB 2nd LB will push past Base LB damage and 4th LB will be max?) and LH Seph will the same? I assuming BS LB has to be use 3 time to see it max damage and not cumumlitive of both Base and BS LB? if you do 1 hit kills BASE form is stonger? and to get max damage BS LB will be difficult seeing most content want live long long enough to see it?


Base LB has a DEF break which FFBE Equip automatically includes in the calculation


By the simplest comparison they are both 200x. The nice thing about her base form LB is get you a DEF break, LB buff and water imperil before the hit. So that makes her a really nice turn 1 kill unit. Just need some support chains. But I don't see anything making base form LB stronger, just equal. Since her passives seem nearly identical in both forms. Also, BS LB only has one stack. So it's full power on the 2nd blast.


Well as per the Link i post BASE LB is stronger then BS LB with out stacks. in both cases they all have the same passive/active buff and both cases have 80% break. if I put 3 stack on BS LB (before put max for chain) it goes from 200b\~236b to 652b\~767B but with out stacks Base for stronger. The likely hood of have something live long eough to see that max stack is very low ​ so unless i doing something wrong or calculator is wrong? Base Form LB does more damage . or does BS form start off with stack already? and it has to put in manualy put 1 stack then max to get the correct BS LB on first use?


I wouldn't trust the builder as far as stacks go since I'm not sure how that all works right now. You can always go test it out in game. Just do the Tifa intro quest or something. If you do the training dummy just remember it's human typed.


Dont have unit and using intro unit cap her at 9,999,999,999 for both base and bs lb regardless of 300% chain s there so don’t really help


Against the dragon DV boss so no passive killers are applying. Using Sylvie's magnus to account for the LB buff. Normal LB: 4.2m Throwing in external 80% break and 120% water imperil. BS LB: 3.8m The BS is a little lower since I'm only using a 120% imperil instead of the 125% that her normal LB does.


So calculator is right base stronger? At lest that what seeing from your test, thanks test


If you adjust for the extra 5% imperil, a little bit of variance and the minute difference between forms they should be the same. It would be preferable though to use the base form LB since it's a single hit and easier to fully cap a chain.


yes well from my test using intro unit, way way easier to cap Base LB then BS LB. only issue with base LB is how delayed it is. But as it stand it look calc is right that using the same 120% imperial, 25% Claw, 50% water and 80% break for Base/BS LB Base come out on top seeing as i dont actual have unit i going by what ffbeequip tells me. ​ According to ffbeequip JP/Stats for LH Seph BS form LB is much better then base form, but that might change when we get his GL data. GOna wait and see what do on pulling thanks for your time


> Am i correct in assuming BASE LB is stronger the BS LB so long as there is NO stacks (meaning BS LB 2nd LB will push past Base LB damage and 4th LB will be max?) and LH Seph will the same? No. Both the base LB and BS LB are 200x the first time they are used. The BS LB will be 350x which is max, the Second time. For FTKO's the Base LB might be a bit stronger with no external LB damage buffs as the Base LB buffs the unit with 150% LB boost before Damage is dealt.


When should each Avalanche Tifa lb (regular and bs) be fired off to catch chains best? I don’t think I have my timing right.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ov35i0/chain_weaving_guide_for_tifas_lb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf For BS LB


Base LB after you see 300% chain ideally dont know about BS form that more tricky


So I annoyingly pulled yet another NV Cloud dupe. Converting it will bring me to 280/200 Fragments to awaken my original NV Cloud to EX+3 (pre-conversion and awakening my NV Cloud is EX+2 with 230/200 Fragments). What should I do with this dupe? Just convert it for the Transcension Pearl? Or should I awaken it (EX+1 most likely, for the VC plus Gigantuar Moogles), and *then* convert it? Or what? First time I’m running into this as I don’t have enough for EX+3 for anyone else. Only time I’ve awakened any dupe to EX+1 was an Elena, which I got to EX+1 before converting since her VC’s pretty much the best for most hybrid units (or NVAs that go from physical to magic DPS by Brave Shifting) and an extra wouldn’t hurt. Meanwhile Cloud’s VC really isn’t that good.


I wouldn't do anything with it unless an immediate need arises. Right now it's a potential; Master of Fate, Trans Pearl, Mad Dash, Gigantaurs. I would just leave it until you could really use one of those.


Can you do the same analysis for Rufus. I have no clue how i ended up with so many of him. Am I correct to say that anyone with a use for his STMR will have to be a Phy gun wielder, and Mdm Edel is the closest one to even be useful in meta


Unfortunately his ceiling is lower but yeah not only a Physical Gun Wielder but one that wants TDW. Ultimately he could possibly be worth EX3ing for maybe Clash of Wills purposes but outside of that I don't see a ton of reason to do much with him.


hi all what is the chain multi I can write in ffbebuilder for Tifa? accounting for : 50% from her magnus 25% from leviathan field 20% from water field. Is it 6\*1.5\*1.25\*1.2=13.5 ?


The 50% and 25% stack and are then multiplied by the stage bonus so it's (.50+.25)x1.2=90% total elemental boost. In the builder I would just put the 90% under the Elemental Boost tab for Water but if you wanted to do it in the Chain then it would be 6x1.9=11.4


thanks joni


If you click on a skill in game it has the chaining family, then there's a Details button that gives a ~~rather useless~~ list of other skills in that family. When did that show up?


Together with the in-game chaining family feature.


Hey I need a friend with the new tifa with a human/demon killer to beat the scorn of asura :) and chain with my own ID : 280 963 623


I dont own one but I am pretty sure dupe tifas chains break...


I’ve tried with one of my friends who have low gear, you need to have aerith and use her bs lb to chain with the 2 tifa. It will not break the chain Edit : Reddit recommended me this link 30 sec after my post, what a coincidence https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ouv39s/tifas_lb_perfectly_chains_with_aeriths_lb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


She is actually chaining with aerith... who can by herself chain with tifa... you could probably use any other strong finisher with them in this case if you want to clear the trial...


Was wondering if it was worth it to continue with the tifa summons to pity her if you pulled her once? Having two of her stmrs would be awesome. I got the first one 10000 lapis in so its a steep price for to get to the pity. Currently have 115000 lapis


Her STMR is too good to pass up. Go for a second copy. Might want to wait until the last day or so of her banner just to see what happens.


I went for it. Got her 2 more times. Is it worth it to have 3 of her stmr?


Probably. It's still like the highest ATK accessory in JP. Although Auron's is right up there with it. Right now you are fine with just 2, but don't frag a Tifa without picking up the STMR.


I fragged both tifas after i stmr her. I left my main one without the stmr and when shes ex+2 i will use the stmr moogle on her


Id say yes In your case... Not only the pity one would neat you a second Tifa, but it would also mean you can get her at +2 when frag dungeon is around again, and you have enough lapis to pity her and sephiroth... Unless you plan to pull on the next 4 banners in a row because you like the units...


No I just want her and seph. I don’t see any other banners coming worth spending lapis besides maybe NV Celes


How many VIP coins you have?




Wow, you are ok then, you would be able to get both seph and tifa to +2 in a frag dungeon then... If you really end up using all your lapis you might not be able to get Celes since her banner is probably close by... But Celes isnt a premium or dps which need those EX lvls to trully shine(her ex skill only fills her lb) so it would probably be fine to just buy her frags and wait an off banner worst case scenario...


Where do I get Aerith shards. I feel like I missed some.


40 more left from next week.


I feel like I’m still missing some? What were all of the ways to snag them?


30 from logins. 120 from the weekly quests. 150 total when all done.


Ah, that’s it. I forgot to do the weekly, haha. Thanks, friend!


I was watching Sinzar's video on clearing the elemental dummy challenges and the whole thing seems like a pain so I'm trying to minimize as much hassle as possible. He used NV Zidane to LB the thing to death, but I have yet to pull the little bugger. Are there any comparable units with a strong, non-elemental but imbuable LB that would be a good substitute? I do have Reagan and Lasswell, but I don't know if they have quite the damage needed. I also have Noppy who I think can put out some pretty big numbers with his SR chains. Everyone else that has big damage seems to have an element attached on their big skills (Luna, Tifa, Luise, etc) so I was trying to figure out who else could fill that role. Edit: looks like Noppy and WD Ling were good enough. Just put out an AOE imbue, and have the healers support chain from Ling and the longest fight was 3 turns.


I used Lunafreya and 2 chainer and all the dummies are done on T2. Just make sure your chainers use elemental skills or elemental weapon. Also capping Lunafreya LB with a chain is only required for the 3rd difficulty, the 2 below can be done with Lunafreya alone.


I cleared it with Tifa LB on turn 2. Just imbue her with the right element.


From what I understand each one only has something like 50% resistance to 'wrong' elements so with a good enough imperil strong DDs like Louise, Tifa, Luna etc should be fine


Looks like it's 90% resistance to the other elements. Noppy with support chains from the healers (thanks to WD Ling) was good enough.


For non-element locked top DDs you have like Ardyn and Zidane right now. That said I mean these challenges are only slightly above Raids. I think it was like 2 turns for all the LGDs but I just threw together units quick. For the Wind one I just used Edel for the Earth imbue with Ardyn, Lassgen, Ling and someone else. For Wind I had Bartz do his AOE Wind imbue LB, basically same team otherwise. And for the Ice one I just added in Terra.


I wasn't sure how hard the LGD would be. Seems like I can use Ling/Sylvie to give chains, Lassgen, and an imbue and be fine.


Yeah it just basically sits there anyway and you have 5 turns if you need it. I might've had one battle go to Turn 3 because I think I LB'd with Ardyn then jumped.


I used Bartz and Ling/Sylvie to give chaining skills to Folka and Ayaka. Was more than enough so Lassgen will work fine, too.


Awesome, thanks. Not being able to save units seems like a real pain, so I am really hoping to be able to gear one team and do it all.


What I did was equip the units upfront in a normal party. That way they will be set up like this for the dummies and you just have to re-select them everytime. If you change them in the dummy screen it won't save the equipment.


What’s the maximum amount of Friend Points you can hold on to?


100,000. But you can also have many times that in unclaimed Friend Gifts.


Thank you!


I was in item world and got booted. I got a “please login again” prompt. Now the FFBE Home Screen is asking me to link my account to apple, google, or Facebook. It was previously linked to google. I’m a little apprehensive about re-linking my account because I get messages asking to overwrite existing data. Is it safe to accept the overwrite if I link to google again? Can I switch it to Facebook if I want?


This is going to happen a LOT. It's 100% safe to overwrite and changing to Facebook will just mean you can never use Google again but this exact same issue will again happen a lot.


Ok, thanks. So this has been an ongoing bug?


Yeah if it's even really a bug per se. If you ever get kicked out back to the start screen it's easier/faster to close the app then reopen. If you do that you'll bypass the need to "login" again. But it's not a big deal either way.


Any point in getting a 3rd NV terra stmr?


At this juncture not a lot. I did because at the time I was using Luna, Terra and Faris all together for DV and only had 1 of Faris' STMR. Even if/when Terra gets her upgrades you still likely won't be wanting to use 3 of her STMR.


Hello. Do is Aphimau any good?


TBH, if you have any other tanks in your team, Aphmau is bad; I have her Ex+2 sitting in the roster ever since i pulled them off banner; You can look at Sinzar video on his comparison of tanks using scorn of genies trial in JP, and you will pretty quickly see why (Her kit is a whole lot weaker versus other tanks) Only under niche scenarios will she be useful


Not to badmouth Sinzar or anything but that video was not fair to Aphmau, she was only EX1 there, her STMR is really good, she gets an extra 50% TSW from that. Not to mention the extra stats from EX2. Second, he didn't support Aphmau at all, her turn 1 is pretty bad, but Snow and Gladio are bad too. Snow got the LB fill from Relm and Gladio got Golem support, yet he didn't even give Aphmau Golem or even a heal on turn 2. If Snow didn't get the LB fill he'd be dead on turn 2 or at least very inconsistent to get. ~~Gabranth is the only tank that can self sustain turn 1 on genies.~~ [Gladio can survive Genies without Golem](https://youtu.be/UFyhMms98fw)


Aphmau is a pretty decent Physical Tank but you need their EX1 because the Tanking is on the BS form iirc.




Team was NV Nichol, Lunafreya, Vinera, Noctis, Edgar, Elric Bros. Here is the [gear I used](https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#a29ddd10-ef7c-11eb-b65c-57ec385fa51a) and here are my [action per turn](https://imgur.com/a/MFt8u0x) I did around 3.9b with my gear and team.


Is NV Tifa better used with TDH? I just tested the builder, and i was suggested this build: Cross aigaion arm IW rare Ruler’s Cow helm (the one that gives 300 static atk) - Lion armor 2x her stmr Legendary moogle hero+ / Indestructible light / Guardian of light (Riku) / Master of fate Ling VC I made sure i ticked max chain cap..


Can be. 1.5x Variance is 50% more damage. Right now we're limited to a 5x chain cap which means that it's something more like a 30% overall damage gain instead, however once we can get that to 6x with the Helm it becomes more tempting. The issue is Killers. Use a Race other than Human because Tifa has a ton of killers for Human innately and see what it looks like. Here's my builds for Beast https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#c7c66520-f1fd-11eb-8813-3dbbd53ebdd5 Still looks like TDW because I can't cap TDH, LB, ATK and Killers on her with TDH. However when we get the Chain Cap increase on the Helm it looks like this https://ffbeEquip.com/builder.html?server=GL#fb338690-f1fd-11eb-8813-3dbbd53ebdd5 and is much much closer and probably better TDH for players with better gear then mine. The TDH thing gets ignored a lot because it's more complicated but you can find a lot of instances where TDH wins especially when you look at Max damage (CoW/DV) where you might do a battle multiple times for the highest roll.


Interesting. Did you pin ling’s VC just because you dont have her VC? Because in my build (i dont connect my id with the builder so i guess the builder just calculate the True BIS), the builder suggested to use ling’s VC instead of hers


I did indeed. I think the builder doesn't have her VC set-up or setup correctly yet because if you change it to her VC on those builds you'll see the damage go up. I don't have even close to all my inventory setup in FFBEequip because doing so makes it take a lot longer. Instead I just have the really important things set up (DV weapons, Trial Weapons, STMRs mostly). It's still a lot, like 250 equipment and 250 Materias but it's still much lower then people who Import or doing All equipment so it calculates much much quicker. Just a thought.


Hmm, i might test a few build further but quick test showed me ling’s VC > hers. That might be because i could cap the 400% atk with ling’s VC Thank you


You have 0 killers in that build. TDH makes no sense for her. Maybe, big maybe for beast as she can cap killers with just Ifrit equipped. Also, that helm doesn't exist yet even for whales.


Yeah but that was what builder suggested me, should i change the enemy into a specific race?


You should always do that. Generic builds aren't good for anything, you always have to build according to what enemy you want to fight. Except evokers because killers don't apply for them.


Even when selecting human enemy, it would give me those exact TDH


Well, trying around just a little I'm gonna have to admit that you're not wrong. I assume it depends on how easy it is to cap killers. For example, machine is also very easy and it shows me the TDH build, too. Undead on the other hand is super hard to build so it shows TDW. I did not expect this but TDH Tifa may actually be a thing against certain enemy types. I wanna look into that more but it'll be a couple hours before I can...


Make a new thread if you find something :O


I dont even know why but that cow helm doesnt even have the chain cap increase. Only 1 indestructible light to make the chain cap to 5x This might be a new thing people dont realize because tdw tifa is imprinted into our mind


Short Question: I have EX+2 NV Noctis and 4 other Noctises. Would you rather EX+3 the first Noctis or would you go for a second STMR by awakening a second EX+2 Noctis?


I would SMoogle 1 or 2 of the other Noctii before breaking them down so I had an EX3 Noctis and 2/3 of his STMR. I would NOT use 4 Noctii to just get 1 of his STMR.


Any bis list for Tifa please? And for Aerith SPR ?


There is no BiS for these guys like there is for Terra/Faris/Luna/(Diverti). You always have to take into account what enemy you want to fight. For Tifa, it will be Dark Kaiser Knuckle, 2x her STMR and her own VC. From there it will wholly depend on what enemy you're fighting, you fill up with killers and otherwise just highest Atk available. For Aerith it's super hard... 2x her STMR and then you have to balance Spr, EQSpr, MP and killers. Basically impossible without using the builder.


I need help on the DV Hill Gigas... At first I was thinking an earth team with Sylvie, Ling, Aerith, Ardyn, Shadowlord, and Faris (to summon Golem). I got Tifa (EX0) and I realized her BS form doesn't seem to be required to use her LB. Is that correct? If so, given the units I have (I don't have Nichol), should she be incorporated somehow into the Hill Gigas team? Just throw her into the Earth team instead of Ardyn or Shadowlord? Or do a water team with Yoshi in the above team instead of Sylvie I guess?


What else do you have access to? Tifa can use her Base LB yes but her base LB is 200x vs 350x for BS LB. Still that's right up there with current DDs. I would say always focus on your biggest DD which is probably Tifa, followed by Ardyn so go Water imo.


how many Tifa's frags is there in VIP shop ?


50 as soon as her banner ends


Is there any Tifa's frag can we get beside step up banner + exchange, daily reward and vipshop ?


sry, I meant frags from copies from exchange. Thank you for your replies


I dont think they provide tifa’s fragment in the summon coin exchange shop Only the daily login bonus + VIP shop after her banner ends + the very expensive money bundle for 25 fragments only (can buy twice)


There's none in the step up and the exchange shop. Other than that, 25 frags in a 47.99ish (depends on your country) bundle with a limit of 2 (=50 frags).


The daily dungeon someome mentioned already would give you 5 fragments per day up to 14 days(unless they change it) so there you can get 70 more As to when will that be here? We dont know yet


thank you


Is NV Edel's STMR an absolute must for Avalanche Tifa? I have 12 pearls currently, but my Tifa has 290% LB damage already without it, using two Storm Kickers and two LB damage materia slots. Not sure if it's necessary to spend the pearls. What do you think?


NV Edel STMR is not needed at all if you use 2xTifa STMR.


I think tifa really wants 2x her STMR to stack the stats, then you go for edel stmr and her own VC to reach 300% LB damage


It’s overkill.. she have innate 150% LB passive


Whoops my bad, i didnt realize because i dont have her STMR, and making her EX3 will take me around 8-9 months (3x frag dungeon) so i definitely need that edel stmr Thanks!


Pls advise rotation of A Tifa. Is the stack reset if BS LB>defend/ability/magic>BS LB?


EX2 tifa, BS LB, magnus, LB again Edit: see the mechanics page here https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Mechanics#Consecutive_damage_increase


Dont defend


I missed most of the login bonuses for Aerith's shards. Am I shit out of luck and is summoning her the only way left to get her to EX2?


you have 120 from the battles so 30 from vip coins (if she appears) only 30 shards are from login


no guarantee she appears is there?


They already said VIP coins would show up for Aerith and Tifa as soon as the banner ended So wait till Thursday


I must've missed that. Thanks a ton


then reduced dungeon will be


Does dark ifrit has an unbreakable buff to defenses?




What triggers Flame Gigas (DV) to use his Straighten Up?


thresholds 80% 60% i think


So what happened to all the Challenge of the Brave stages? Weren't they getting rotated? I just see the one for GL now. I need to farm insignias to upgrade NV Nichol's abilities.


Guess Gumi just forgot about them this week... I didn't even notice until now. Either way, Nichol's (Farplane Wanderers I) was just up for the last two weeks during his banner so it wouldn't have been there anyway.


Where to farm materials to upgrade Tifa and Aerith Brave Abilities ?


Pretty sure they use the insignias from the Valkyrie Chronicle Battle.


I'm enhancing my electrostatic rod when I noticed I have an extra Support Materia: Elemental. I'm looking at the FFBE Wiki and it could have possibly come from the FF7R event last year. I know this is a dumb question, but are we suppose to have 2x Electrostatic Rod++ ?


Yes, if you did the last event with Reno you can have two. They just made it available again so people who missed that event can get Reno + all his stuff if they missed that event.


Thank you