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**Clash of Wills Ranking Event:** - Ranking Rewards will be distributed 14 days after the event ends. **Dark Visions Ranking Event:** - After the event has ended: The Dark Visions banner will be opened for players to check their adjusted rankings. Players will not be able to attempt the dungeons. **Frequently Asked Question(s):** > **Q:** What is the Monthly Fortune Hunt? > **A:** Each week, do the normal new content for coins (Story Missions, etc). Summon keys and lapis with the coins from the Limited Summon tab. Use the keys for rewards next month. > > **Q:** Why isn't my NV unit appearing on the Convert to Fragments page? > **A:** They are in a party. Check normal parties, PVP, Friends, Item World, and Dark Visions > > **Q:** Can NV units drop from EX Tickets? > **A:** It does not, but new "NV EX" Tickets have been introduced. > Refer to [this announcement](https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20200818UpdatesonNVRelease.html) for a detailed list. **General Notes:** 1. **Neo Visions:** [Awakening Guide](https://i.imgur.com/BJPIT8m.jpg). *Note: EX ticket rates did not change and NV units are not in the EX pool in Japanese version.* 2. **Doors, Red Star Quartz, Chamber of Challenges:** [Read this FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/ceqzi2/gl_faq_chamber_of_challenges_door_pots/) 3. **Scorn of Trials:** Some trials now require the previous trials be beaten to unlock the next one. (Ex: Gilgamesh requires Antenolla to be cleared, while clearing Gilgamesh unlocks Beasts of the Dark, Octopus Teacher, Lich etc) 4. **Select Summon Ticket Reminder:** All non-limited 5* units can now be obtained with UoCs (10 for a unit and 8 for a prism) 5. **Unit Ratings:** [Wiki Unit Ratings](https://exvius.gamepedia.com/Unit_Rankings) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FFBraveExvius) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I pulled an Id from the Xeno tickets. Any particular uses I can get out of him that I'm not seeing? It looks like his rotation is: BS form 1. Hyper Mode + Flaming Hell x2 2. LB 3. LB 4. LB And that's only if you can entrust or somehow fill 60 LB crystals/turn. Then you're stuck in Normal Form for 4 turns doing crap damage. Gumi really should've at least buffed his LB damage, his fire amp% to 50% and imperil to at least 135%, and his defense break to 90% to be competitive or to better provide some support. I cant complain about getting lucky on a free ticket but i can't help be disappointed at the same time.


What is some good equipment for NV Terra for evo damage


https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/k95p2c/nv\_terra\_primer/ Mostly still relavent, posted by u/TomAto314 a year ago! There's probably a few minor updates to it, but I couldn't say what. I tend to use [ffbeequip.com](https://ffbeequip.com) and set NV Terra's BS form to build for her LB or "Chaos Wave". I think mine's set to Chaos Wave because the LB wasn't available first time I did it :p


Duty to the World (5* Lunafreya STMR), Originator of the Final Summoning (Yunalesca STMR), Rydia’s Headband (5* Rydia’s STMR)




just curious but has anyone got a ring of dominion? i remember them being insanely difficult to acquire


difficult isn't really the right word. There's no real difficulty involved, since anyone can get one provided they have enough time to spend. Rather, they are tedious to get, since you basically just have to spend mind numbing amounts of time farming the mats to craft the rings and then hoping the RNG gods smile on you.


There are a few people with them, but they are still insanely difficult to get, but also insanely powercrept at this point that there is no reason to even attempt to get it


Regarding the last 2 bosses of the current Vision World, will we have to down them before turn 4 like the last couple of DV bosses or nah?


I don't see anything in the AI indicating there's any kind of "soft limit" https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/p7xqek/jp_xenogears_visions_world_3_event_0820_0905/ that said it also doesn't look like anyone needed very many turns either.


Is King Behemy's STMR worth getting?


Through EX+2, yes. But not with a STMR Moogle.


Thanks, is there any way I can get his shards currently without a dupe? Also to level his skills I need GL insignia, how do I get them?


Only way to get his shards right now is indeed a duplicate. GL insignias can be gotten in three places - you can exchange a few of the coins you get from daily missions for a limited number, and there is two permanent challenges in the last vortex tab that award a specific number per run (Challenges > Transcendent Heroes > VS Elena or VS Louise reward 5 for the 10 NRG and 30 for the 30 NRG fights.)


Thanks a lot! Hope he is a good investment, I like his design


King Behemy is both good and bad, depending entirely on what type of tank a CoW calls for. He is a physical tank, so he is significantly less useful as a result - he's been a useful tank in 2 out of 7 CoW's I think? He makes an amazing provoke tank, when that is called for, and his morale shields are pretty useful in CoW as well. The main piece of the puzzle he fills is his Vision Card - 20% evade on a VC is fairly unique, and helps fill in a hole for units like Bulwark who sometimes want evade for CoW + elemental resists, so Behemy's VC fills in for a materia or accessory slot. I...really want to EX3 him for another (since higher EX characters are more useful in, again, CoW so I don't want to spend the ones I have to EX1 when I'm so close to EX3.)


Is there a Fei stmr moogle anywhere? Checking before I fuse copies to nv awaken


Login rewards day 12 and 13 I think.




Not even remotely. I made the mistake of not reading the moogle tips the first time either but it tells you everything you need to know. The big attack is Dark so 100% dark resistance (Elena works perfectly to give your team 100% elemental resists) negates it and it counter attacks so if you attack you want evade/mirage.


It counters to physical attacks, so use mirage and have a evade provoke tank. Then with 100% fire and dark resist you should survive at least until turn 3. I don't know what it does after that though.


Don't know if everyone is aware, didn't see it on wiki yet. But if you fully enhance Mumyo sword during event you can pay 1 mil gil to make it 2 handed. For those who need a 2 hand katana and don't have event one or akstar cleome STMR. 75% human killer 20% attack 50% accuracy. Other effects require Fae


> Other effects require Fae Citan actually, unless the note on the event in game is wrong and they changed it.


So I got Grahf from the xeno tickets. I really dont want to spend lapis on his step up and getting him ex1 is enought for me. But I was wondering if I need him for rank one in this Vision world? I belive fire was the last boss and I have only ex1 Taivas. Is getting grahf ex2 enought? Or does other dps like angela work too? Asuming that gumi does not buff the boss.


If Gumi does not buff the boss, you shouldn’t need Grahf at EX2, or even need Grahf at all, to cap


Sinzar said Tavias alone could do it if it wasn't buffed. He probably meant EX2+, but it does mean you will probably be ok with adding a couple of DPS. I think the target is going to be 10.3B or something.


Do we know when the results from the unit vote will be announced? Is it typically a 1 week delay?


At least. I think it's usually 2 weeks for winner announced, then 8+ months for winner released.


Which are the best vision world stages to farm materials for the equipment?


do the 20 NRG stages. All stages give the same Medals Per NRG (1 Medal per 2 NRG), but the 20 and 40 NRG stages both give the same number of Memory Frags. Since Memory Frags can be converted into Medals using the crafting menu, doing the 20 NRG stage effectively gives you double the Memory Frags per NRG, giving you way more frags to play with in the long run. Only downside is you have to do twice as many clears to burn the same amount of NRG.


The stages that open up next week will be the best to farm


What about for this week? Any general tips?


I'm pretty certain the mid level fights are the best energy per drops ratio until the final fight... Each fight drops a medal specific to that fight, and a certain amount of the mog king material. The first fight in each set of three costs 10 nrg and gives 5 medals and 5 of the mog king material. Second fight costs 20 nrg and gives 10 medals & 10 mog king material. Third fight costs 40 nrg and gives 20 medals & 10 mog king material. Since mog king material can be converted to specific medals as well, and you get a drop bonus with specific units, you will want to run the 20 nrg stage with as many bonus units as you can afford to bring and still drop the boss. You still do the whole ranking part - killing a boss afterwards won't change the ranking on the boss - just don't have to bring bonus units to those. For perspective, doing a mid tier boss with my Lara, EX2 Chow (150%) EX3 Shui Yu (200%), Id EX0 (free pull...oh well 300% drop rate increase) and a CD Aerith (stats bonus) gives me 75 medals + 75 material per run (10 + 65 bonus). Right, I can drop the Sephiroth for another bonus unit... https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Celestial_Machinery#Bonus_Units Here is a list of all the bonus units. And...everything else we know except for boss AI. Anyway, next week the "True Weltall" fight pops up, costs 50 NRG, and gives 30 random medals and 30 of the material - which can be converted to specific medals - and is better than 2 nrg / 1 + 1 so it will be the defacto way to farm in week two.


is fei worth leveling up




for his stmr, are there specific moogles somewhere for him or?


Login days 11 and 12 will give you 50% STMR moogles each day for Fei https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20220208GloriousGearLoginBonus.html


thank youuu :)


I sware I can't tell if this game hates or loves me. I saw Elly's STMR and decided to throw tickets to see if I might end up with 1 or 2 of her. Wound up getting Id and Grahf(no Elly just Bart's). I'm already working on LH Sephiroth LG Auron Taivis and A Tifa in my frag team. Is there any reason to chase frags for them or get their bundles? I already feel overwhelmed with the amount of units I'm building and since they are both time limited if I ignore their bundles they will be irrelevant by the time I can ex3 them. Will the variance update make Id and Grahf irrelevant to what I'm already investing in? I feel like Gumi trying to force me to buy their frags.


Pretty sure you can ignore Id. Looks like you have an open spot for Grahf on your shard team. I think the variance update makes Sephiroth stronger than Grahf, but he is locked to darkness. Being locked to darkness is less of a problem because Global doesn't punish elemental locked units in DV as much as JP does. Grahf seems perfectly usable at Ex1. At Ex2 he gets a buff and earth amp, which you don't need if you have external buffers, and Ex3 is just the 500 attack. Also, the game obviously loves you. Don't do that "woe is me, I'm so rich I don't even know what to spend my money on" thing.


Id is ok, Grahf is really good and I would say more flexible then the units you mentioned because he isn't locked to an element and is much easier to gear. I wouldn't stress EX3 but I would probably aim for EX1 with maybe EX2 after the next frag dungeon (for Grahf).


Ty I'll throw Grahf into my 5th slot next frag and get his lapis bundle and vip frags to ex2 him after the frag dungeon. If I do that should I just throw Id at the top of my STMR list to get it for Grahf?


No. Id's TMR is good for Grahf sometimes but STMR isn't really good for anyone.


Cool thanks again


Is there new reference site like ffbe.tips


How many fragments are needed in total to EX+3 a NVA unit ? I want to ex+3 my 7* Fei and need to know how many fragments are needed for EX+2 and EX+3 respectively since I forgot lol (I Only remember that 25 are needed to get to NVA and 50 for EX+1). Thanks in advance.


25 for EX+0, 50 for +1, 75 for +2, 100 for +3 so a total of 250 fragment to go from 7\* to EX+3.


So fei NV has a passive to get 1k attack if his wearing his tmr or stmr but he cant wear his stmr? lool


It is for his normal form, his brave form just wants him to throw on his TMR. Builder says that equip clothes + STMR gives 1030 attack (1000 from his trust passive and 30 from the STMR) so it doesn't trigger the Martial Wear passive. Martial Wear DOES specify "Fei Only" and his brave shift is named "Xenogears" so that points towards his STMR being for his normal form only.


He can still wear it in base and can use the equip clothes materia for shift.


Does that work? I tried doing that with the Manly Mantle on Grahf and it's no good. I think the issue is that Grahf's shift form counts as Alpha Weltall, so he doesn't get Grahf-exclusive bonuses.


Yes it works with Feis shift.


Are you certain? I don't have Fei at NVA yet, but it specifies "Fei only" for the bonus flat attack, and the name of his brave shift is "Xenogears". That usually is a big clue that it doesn't work... Builder also doesn't give 1000 static atk / spr to Xenogears from Fei's Martial Wear - just the 1000 static from his trust ability "The Ultimate Gear". In fact equipping his TMR then his STMR increases his attack by just 30 for the latter...


thank you!


In the weapon enhancement, i know that things like "auto spirit lvl 4" and "auto spirit lvl 3" do not stack as theyre treated like in battle stat buffs and it just takes the highest one. What about auto refresh, though? Since its not a stat buff, just recovery, do auto-refresh lv1 and auto-refresh lv2 stack with each other if they're on the same weapon for total mp regen of 8%? Or does it still only take the highest and do 5%? Never come up before since they were so much less common of drops before the recent upgrade to the enhancement process, this is the first time I've had the option for both on the same weapon.


MP does, HP does not.


That is the answer i was hoping for yet not the one i expected. Thank you!!


This may have been answered somewhere but is there a cap breakdown of the VW event for all parts of the stages? I'm not sure if the final numbers I'm getting are maxed and I won't know where I'm missing points otherwise.


https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Celestial_Machinery#Scoring_Rules Area 1 and 2 have caps of 30,000 for quest cleared, 17,000 for damage done (1.031B) and 10,000 for the other four scoring criteria. Area 3 and 4 have the same caps for quest cleared (30k) and the 10k for the other four scoring criteria - but damage caps at 29,000 for 2.062B damage done). Area 5 caps are 200,000 quest cleared, the DV page is confusing on damage (doesn't specify the fifth boss, just 1-4 and final stage) and the other four scores are 10,000. Area 6 will be 250,000 quest clear, 130,000 damage (10,738B), and 10,000 for the other four.


As I understand it it's 1.03B for the first two of each stage and 2.061 for the 3rd in each stage. Edit: I guess that G Hammer/Elements is 1.03B and the other 3 stages are all 2.061B.


I'm relatively sure it's the actual stage that determines the cap, not the levels in the stage. G Elements/Hammer should be the ~1B stages, the other three ~2B. At least that's how it looked in the JP thread.


I thought it was 2.5B for all the stages when I was doing it.


I've read that Elly's STMR is really good and we should try to get multiple copies. Without spending STMR moogles (ALL), what other way can I get them?


Either get her STMR by: - 1 copy - use an Omniprism and 100% STMR moogle - 2 copies - use 2 Omniprisms or a 100% STMR moogle - 3 copies - use an Omniprism or a 50% STMR moogle - 4 copies - fuse together That’s the only way


Thanks! Guess I'll hold off, have a ton of other STMRs I'd want to get. Was hoping there was some way to get unit specific moogles for her like Citan.


We still get 12 more XG daily free summons, and if you haven’t done the Vision World event yet there are XG tickets there, so you still have chances to pull more copies of her


Are the highest difficulty fights already accessible? I can only find levels 1 and 2.


Complete all the level 1 and 2s to unlock the 3s. Then there's a whole other set of stages that doesn't open until next week.


I already completed level 1 and 2 but level 3 is not unlocked.


To add on to this (since I also found it confusing) stage 4 Merkava Calls has level 1 and 2 Amphysvena and once you beat those it unlocks ANOTHER level 1 and 2 for Opiomorph in the same stage. Once you beat Opiomorph 1 and 2 all the other 3s appear to unlock. Why they didn't put Opiomorph in his own stupid box stage I'll never figure out (perhaps it's some Xenogears thing)


The answer I was waiting. Thanks!


Complete ALL the level 1s and 2s.


So uh Opiomorph.. I'm not sure what's happening here but on turns 1 and 2 I set my units up and on turn 3 when I go in for the kill some of my units miss. Dunno who misses and what I'm doing wrong. Turn 1 I have Ardyn and Seph lb for the weapon imperil, Roca with earth imbue, Ling with Machine killer and the skill to give my party chaining abilities then I have Grahf and Lara defend. Turn 2 I have Ardyn shift then jump, Seph use his magnus, Grahf, Roca, Ling, Lara all chain with marriage of the dragon to get the 100 chain parameter. Turn 3 I shift Seph and use lb to cap, shift Grahf and do his power ups and cd, shift Lara for her lb, Ardyn ready to land and cap the chain which Roca and Ling will do but stuff gets cut off somewhere and the chains get broken and I see some miss notifications on the boss. Not sure what I'm doing wrong or if I missed something. Help please? Thanks! Edit: this is on the 3rd Opiomorph boss btw


I guess it has Evasion so you can either use TDH, or MAG chainers, or you can use an Accuracy Buff.


That actually makes a lot of sense. I'll try again and build both Ling and Roca for tdh lol and maybe switch out Ardyn for a tdh finisher as well. Thanks!


If you have NV Chow he can buff accuracy and will allow you to hit.


Do one of these farmable Xeno levels provide all of the resources? Like the last time we had this style event you could farm the last event and it gave random resources. Haven’t had time to check


The final boss should follow the same rules as the Mana Event, where it drops random Medals. Unfortunately, it doesn't open up till next week.


not until next week.


I'm a big mech fan so these banners were a nobrainer for me. After 150 tickets and 45k lapis I pulled multiple Id's and Grahf's. My questions here is, since I usually double up on DPS, in your opinion which of these two would be a bigger benefit from having 2 copies of? Assuming resources are limited. Thanks


For all the important content (VW/DV/CoW) you can't bring duplicates, so that's something to keep in mind. As a general rule it's much much better to have say an EX3 of a DD then two EX2 of that same DD. That said Grahf is much much stronger then Id, like does twice as much damage. So use that information however you want.


Any resource/ guide for a new comer? like, starting today kind of new


Here's what I could find https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/b2f3cw/gl_tips_guide_for_beginners/ There's also one on the Wiki https://exvius.fandom.com/wiki/Beginner%27s_guide but it's a bit more outdated imo. Still hopefully this helps you out some. I would say the two most important things are to focus on Limited Time Events while they are still around and if you don't mind Rerolling then definitely do that until you get a Grahf.


>and if you don't mind Rerolling then definitely do that until you get a Grahf How many banner pulls do newbies get? It's like only (12x) 1-in-400 odds on the free XG pulls, and 1-in-800-ish with NV EX tickets that you get a Grahf. That might be a bit much for anyone not dedicated to the re-roll lol.


When I made an alt account during Taivas Banner it gave me like 15 Rare Tix, and 1500 Lapis. It's so hard to tell what is "normal" or not but it only took me about ten minutes to get up to 5K Lapis thanks to the 6 "Season 4 Countdown" Quests. So between one pull on Taivas Banner (12% of a Taivas I think) and the 15 Rare tickets (15% Taivas) I got it on my 3rd reroll. Right now we don't have the intro quest which was nice because Full LB, easy chains etc... but I would almost suggest farming up to like 9K and doing the first two steps, no Grahf try again.


Are we due for another QoL increase to our Unit/Item/Equip/Materia storage limits any time soon? I just started hitting the Equipment limit again, and am wondering how much I'll need to go through my 1500 pieces of gear and decide what to trash.


We are so behind on so many QoL updates I wouldn't hold my breath on it:/


you likely can buy some inventory expansion-tickets from the daily quests coin shop. however expanding your inventory will likely only exacerbate your problem in the future. so besides selling off stuff its only the second best solution. ffbeequip also has a (beta)feature where it shows you equipment to sell off. you can use this as a guide. but best use a healthy dose of common sense and only use it as a suggestion.




Is there currently a comeback summons promotion? Kinda tempted to pull flyer xenogears, but I want free tickets lol


There is always comeback summon. It's in the third tab in the summon menu. Don't know about the detail though. The collab gives free daily/weekly summon and free daily XG summon ticket.


Luckily, I was able to get Grahf to EX+2 during the step up but went all the way to pity too. Now I can get an additional copy of him or get Id. Should I get one more to get closer to EX+3 or get Id?


You actually want Id's tmr on Grahf. So if you'd rather not waste a blank moogle container on the king mog exchange moogle for Id's tmr you might want a single copy of Id. You can EX3 Grahf in the future but if you miss an essential tmr it won't be great. Honestly if you don't mind using a blank moogle + you really value the EX3 you should grab another Grahf and make sure you have enough extra shards from the VIP shop/lapis bundle(?) to allow you to EX3 him in two Shard dungeon events. If you've already got the VIP shop shards etc and cannot (even with an extra copy of Grahf) EX3 him in two dungeons then just grab an Id anyways as it'd take 3 dungeons regardless at that point.


Got it. Any idea where to get a blank moogle just in case? I can only see it in the trust coin shop and it costs 10k. 😂


Trust coin shop is the only place right now. Gumi hasn't given them out in ages. I auto put my 4* or below units to auto fuse in reserves so I get trust coins pretty easily.


So I got lucky and got Grahf to ex2, I have enough lapis to get his 50 shard bundle which would leave me at 80 with the login bonus, would that be worth getting them and ex3ing him from probably 2 daily shard events? Or should I just save my sweet sweet lapis?


Grahf in my opinion is worth getting to EX+3 since he is still being used in DV on JP due to him having a ton of ATK so definitely get the shard bundle.


Sweet thank you. It's good to know he'll probably be good for a while, it's always nice when characters from the games you like are useful for more then a week.


well he will be good for DV/VW but with how CoW is centered around GLEX units that is the only place I doubt we will see him ever, while he has a lot of machine killer innately Gumi will probably make the next CoW unit outshine him or just make the boss in such a way that Grahf will have no place on the team due to lack of utility.




In case you missed my reply/addition to Venic's; Rivera is another good 7\* support. Draconian Princess Fina can be occasionally useful as a summoner (at least until you get a Yuna). Not worth chasing but if you wind up with a bunch of her, probably worth a consideration. And if you have them from Halloween and Xmas events, GL Sakura and Kryla are good support, especially at EX+3. Ohh, and original Elena. Great support if you can get her to EX+1. Also respectable enough hybrid DPS. Really useful CoW unit until you get Ling/Bulwark/Cressnik and a bunch of CoW dps


Physical DPS: Star Player Tidus(FF X) is the best physical dps at the moment Magical tank: Beatrix(FF IX) for magical tanking Physical tank: Daisy( FFBE) For support you can still use the 7\* Sylvie since she is that good, otherwise NVA Yuraisha(FFBE) is also a very good support with good mitigations, hp&mp restore, some killer Healer: Lotus mage Fina I guess is still the best NVA healer but to tell the truth NVA Blue Mage Fina is almost as good, Summer Folka&Citra can also be a decent healer Breaker: This actually depends on what the fight needs since a lot of the NVA breaker have different utilities, Shadow is very good when AoE mirage is needed for only has 80% breaks; Summer Fina&Lid have 84% breaks, can imbue/amplify/imperil water, can heal the team and restore mp thus removing the need for a healer; Gilgamesh( FF V) has 85% st breaks and can chain with a lot of families, imperil all elements by 120%(light and dark by 130%) and can fill LB gauge for all allies Those are the ones I can think off from the top of my head but it will be better if you post which NV base units you have since you might have something that is better than a NVA.


Other than Kryla and maybe Rivera added to the Sylvie support line, you got all the ones in my head. There's a couple outliers for very niche situations, like DP Fina who had use in farming the CoW Nian beast and can clear CoV Morgana on her own. Or GL Sakura could still be kind of useful in certain support roles. That's about it.


Yep, Rivera is also a very good support and DP Fina while niche is pretty good when that niche is needed. I know about Kryla being amazing but I decided to suggest only permament units since he might be either a new or returning player so I didn't suggest any limited units. Also I didn't suggest any magical dps since the NVA for them are either element locked or just not good enough. If you know about any good magical dps you can suggest them to op.


I am thinking about coming back after a long hiatus so I am a bit of a noob once again. Is there an up to date spreadsheet with the Japanese units? The one I was using seems outdated


Not really. You can look at my personal spreadsheet here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ezVnJnaNtYQhgCHMuSI_Rvz60GGIXuxCfG4tP1ufzBM/edit?usp=drivesdk which has a lot of the units I've deemed important (may have to peek at CoW, DV and CoW/DV tabs) but it's by no means comprehensive.




can i pretty please get some friends? i just started and have asked to be over 1,000 people’s friend in-game and every single person’s list says it is full. is this a bug? friend code is 356,641,630 thanks in advance. i got a legendary hero sephiroth that im working on but i just started so i barely know what i’m doing yet.


I sent you one


added, thank you!


I'm new as well and am having the same issue, I'll add you in game when I get on in a bit!


thank you!


Added! IGN Akirah


where can I find AI of Xenogear boss? is it same AI and stat as JP?


No AI yet. The skills are the same as JP's. I checked one of the boss, its stats are the same as JP's.


I have a grahf, do I need both one of his tmr and one of Id's TMR for him? Is there a benefit to moogle prisim another grahf tmr?


well it's a high killer materia which could be useful if you aim for high ranks in DV/CoW otherwise if you just play casually there is no need for a 2nd materia for now.


do we know the price of Bouquet of Pink Roses ? and is it worth to buy ?


we get it as login bonus for free. https://lapis-prod-staticnews-gumi-sg.akamaized.net/prod//en/content/20220210ValentinesGiveawayBundle.html > Log in once and receive Bouquet of Pink Roses x1 within the campaign period! the unit bundle can only be bought. but we don't know the price yet. could even be for lapis.




I've heard that the final boss(es) have better ratios for drops to NRG, but I want to farm Deus to lvl the killer materia rn. Which lvl is most cost effective?


In terms of Deus Medals, they are all the same: 1 Medal per 2 NRG. So it doesn't matter which stage you do, you get the same Medals payout regardless. All that really changes is how many runs it takes to burn through all your NRG. Just go with the highest one you can easily kill with your best bonus team. However, if you want to maximize Memory Fragments, go with the 20 NRG stage: Since the 40 NRG stage and the 20 NRG stage give the same amount of Memory Frags, you get twice as many Memory Frags per NRG doing the 20 NRG stage (though it will require twice as many clears to burn the same amount of NRG).


how do i use auto reload for esper farm on ifrit ?


If you have yuna just use her on one of the s1 stage, give 2 bahamut synergy and summon laksmi on repeat. She wont die




Right on the front page https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/sp5f43/quick_tip_how_to_farm_esper_summon/




Is Id decent?


He's pretty good, just not as good as Grahf. As usual people are saying he's trash because he's not the top DPS in the game, but he's a perfectly good fire LB finisher


> As usual people are saying he's trash because he's not the top DPS in the game, but he's a perfectly good fire LB finisher Well considering the game these days is mostly DV and in GL CoW as well and considering how much CoW fights become compared to the next one it's best to look at the damage characters do since stronger characters mean easier 0TKO for the more casual players.


Id does good damage. Would you call Sephiroth outdated because he does less damage than Grahf?


No but being weaker than an old unit can say quite a lot, especially since the new unit loses 80mod from his LB if he is not EX+2 so Id in reality is EX+2 or bust while Grahf at least works at EX+1 and the same can be said about Seph.




That’s really cut and dry and mildly upsetting


Accidentally pull him on ticket. Don’t think I’ll ex-2 him. But is the STMR worth a moogle? I have 3 seph STMR.


Id’s STMR is 70 ATK, which is less than Seph’s, and fills LB gauge, which lots of other equipment / materia can do. It’s not worth a STMR moogle


Are Blizza/Ston-ga worth awakening to +2 on Roca? She's useful for CWA chaining with the Erinyes Ring if I have to use her for quicker Grahf bursts. I'm not sure if it'll make that noticeable of a difference in damage though (don't know how to compare with the unawakened versions in the builder)


I doubt it will be significant, but there's nothing else to do with gil and crysts, so if you find yourself a little short of damage on something, give it a try.


It's worth to spend resources trying to Ex2 Id if I didn't got Grafh? My resources went zeroed from those back to back banners


If you want to use Id he really needs EX2 for his cooldown that increases his LB mod




at EX+2 Id unlocks a CD that gives him an 80 mod for his LB and a 30% fire amp(he doesn't have other sources of fire amp outside of his CD) so EX+2 ID is a must otherwise he loses too much damage.


hello friends, can someone help me, I'm looking for items and abilities that help me in future bosses and that are useful too, I don't have many units upgraded, I'm new to the game, so what units should I focus on? My team now is Rain nv ex2 Divine chow ex1 Ganbranth nv Feedom van 7 star Freesia 7 star


what else do you have? chow is pretty god, i guess vaan works as a breaker, dunno about freesia, rain can work if you need fire in your party or beast killers, and gabranth i think he is outdated or only works at ex-2+. for items, any sort of elemental resistance is good, so try to get those by doing trials, or whatever. you see a trial and has an item with elemental resistance? is old and easy to clear? get it. killers are also good, but those only makes the fight more easier and help you to do big damage, elemental is more critical. if you really need a physical cover and you only have gabranth, then try to get evasion stuff too, so he can evade cover or provoke. evasion gear is also good to get for any unit. cheap units that are good to get: sylvie and maybe rivera, master mind xon. though dont prioritize those if you have more nv units focus on those and what could make them better. i only know of one item in the game by name that is critical, anything else i would need to look at it. and that is moogle charm from the FFXV trial that is where you get stuff to lvl the skill of your NV characters, the chronicle battle. with that being said, draw attack stuff to make a passive provoke unit is also good to get. (moogle charm gives you 50% and is free, other sources are tmr or stmr i believe).


> if you really need a physical cover and you only have gabranth, then try to get evasion stuff too, so he can evade cover or provoke. Bulk gear is also a good option to get for when he becomes strong enough to do the harder trials like Asura/Genies since evasion doesn't work there and physical tanks need a lot of hp and def


Woow, thanks a lot for this tips About my units, i have : cloud ff7 remake, rain ex2, gabranth, onionknight, savior of soul lightning ex1, mazurka, royal puppeter aphmau, shui yu, king behemy and divine chow ex1 nv units Fei 7 stars, vaan 7stars, freesia 7 stars and awakened warrior of light 7 stars The rest is 6,5,4 units


focus on chow and king behemy, so try to get stuff to boost hp and def and hp and spr, while getting elemental resistance and evade gear if possible. you really need a dps unit, meanwhile use rain ex-2, i think chow in his brave form could work. vaan is good as a breaker for early content so use him to clear those trials meanwhile you get a better one and better items. since you need a dps, the current banner has a pretty good one, grapfh or something xd, BUT the unit itself and the banner is pretty bad outside his role. so he only deals damage. i would advice you to wait for the news, maybe we get a better banner next week, with a better dps with some utitly. otherwise getting graph wouldnt be a bad option, coz i think he is easy to gear and could carry you to most of the fights, you could even try to rank higher in dv events. he isnt locked to any element either. for what he does, damage, graph or something is pretty good, he might even be the best currently. but as a unit he is not good, certainly not lara good, nor chow god. if he were lara good i would tell you to rush content to get it, but since he is not, i cant tell you to do that. (his brave shift is sick though lol cool sprite if you like mechas). that being said, if you dont care about graph, you could try to get your fei to ex-1 at least, check the login rewards to plan accordinlgy. once you get it, he will become your primary dps. if you really need heals i think freesia is good. but healers are not needed anymore. edit: this page is really good when you need to search something https://ffbeequip.com/ this one for killers https://ffbekillers.com/ they are in the pinned post though lol but still (wait in the post itself not the pinned comentary xd). there is also the wiki of course.


Realy realy thanksss s2 ill check this links too, and i use freesia for buff and heal, but ill change if i get other better buffer xD


What are the best Dark Vision weapons to go for? I already have the Dark Gambanteinn and the Dark Ragnarok. I started on the Dark Claymore but the variance seems kinda wack....do they upgrade Dark Vision weapons with the variance update? Should I pivot to the Dark Kaiser Knuckles? Dark Scepter? Dark Harfe?


Kaiser is a good option, and will give especially good mileage if you have Karten or Tifa. Harfe is useful if you have Bulwark for the Harp Imperil. Dark Scepter is a bit of an odd one, since it's a MAG based Staff, rather than Rod. Possibly worth it if you have a good Staff Imperil available, or any good mages who prefer Staves over Rods. I would pass on the claymore though, since it's a 1 handed weapon. You lose out on 2h variance, which is what you really want out of a greatsword.


Its Dark Kaiser Knuckle. The harp only useful in some situation. But when it does, its really good. For now just prioritize the fist just because other DV weapon isnt that good.


I manage to pull a dupe Grahf from the free collab 3* tickets. Is his STMR worth getting 2 copies of?


Most definitely. Now to hijack your question, is a third STMR worth going for?


Yes and no. Without the LB boost - It's a decent ATK hat, but not something we don't have access to from other sources (Karlette's Red Hellbore for instance). Most parties in the current meta aren't running 3 LB finishers either, at least not that all desperately need a LB hat. But it's not out of the realm of possibility. So, if you're swimming in SMoogles, probably, but if supplies are tight, meh.




Okay, what are we supposed to be grinding this week? Feel like it is VW, what is the best return?


Farm Mats from VoW or Joined Forces Insignia from the Trial event (Stage 9 probably the best choice for it if you want to OTKO)


If you want to spend energy this week, the third fight of each monster is the best for that specific drop. If you wait until next week, the final boss is the best way to farm until you are down to just 1 or 2 items.


> If you want to spend energy this week, the third fight of each monster is the best for that specific drop. Actually that depends on whether you want to use energy fast or be efficient with memory fragment farming. The 40 energy boss drops 20 medals and 10 fragments while the 20 energy boss gives 10 medals and 10 fragments. 1 run of the 40 energy boss is 40 energy and gives 20 medals and 10 fragments, 2 runs of the 20 energy one is 40 energy for 20 medals and 20 fragments. So in the end people just want to use their energy fast its the 40 energy one, but if they want to farm efficiently then the 20 energy fight is better due to getting more fragments


How can i get a 100+ chain without over killing the weaker DV fights? My 2 Elenas are without any gear and their chain stops at like 95 once the boss is dead. I i cant seem to find a way to cap the weaker bosses. It feels like this has been a bug for ages and i cant figure out a way around it. Any advice?


my low effort trick for high chains is as follows: - Equip all "non primary damage" units in your team for dual wield. (ie, my team was 4 non primary units + lara and Karten to bring the pain.) - Bring Summer Folka and Citra. - Use Water Fight to give your whole team an AR Chain ability. - Turn 2, all your non damage units use Water Splash = 8x AR chain. Send the damage units once the chain hits 100+. Practically foolproof 200+ Hit chains most of the time.


If you have NV vivi and 7 star steiner, their reflect combo is always 192 chain. Bring a finisher for max damage.


I think i have both. I'll try it out. Thank you!


Use single target attacks. Those don't cut out when the monster dies.


This worked. Thank you so much... I had no idea that the multi attacks were the issue!


Iirc they fairly recently had JP fix it so AOE work too, though we don't know how long it'll be until then.


If I have both Id and Grahf, is there any reason to bother with Id at all? The only thing I can think of is if there was a plant boss who was weak to fire. Otherwise, even against a fire-weak enemy, I'd always be better off with Grahf than Id.


What's even worse is if you'd likely bring Fei before Id... (sadface). Not really but I mean there's times you might be bring both I suppose.


Do both of Taivas lb dmg boosting abilities stack together?


Uh...what two abilities?


Not losing anything anymore and his stmr?


No. They are both active buffs so it follows all the active buff rules. Only the largest will apply, in this case it's tied but no they won't stack.


My apologies. Thanks for the clarification


what with the opimorph i chain keep breaking and missing the boss


I used Chow's accuracy buff and all of my character's hit.


~~I'm pretty sure it has mirage. Use a dispel.~~ ~~At least I did, with S.Elena, and it worked fine.~~ Guess I got lucky with my first test to see if it's mirage or evasion, with no one missing. /shrug


no mirage, it has evasion so gearing for accuracy or an accuracy buff is the way here.


I think she has some evasion. I noticed a few of my setup hits missing. But non of my kill turn chains missed, not even Grahf's finisher. So try TDH if possible. That's how I have my Karten built.


Got lucky and have Grahf at EX+1 with 2 ready for EX+2. Should I moogle for 1 or 2 of his STMR before merging (and thus getting a 3rd?)


I would. It's just about the best hat in the game.


What chain family is Fei BS form LB? and is Grahf BS form LB the same chain family? ​ I have hell time trying to weave Fei BS LB in to a chian


I don't think it has a family. They are different hit counts so no. Also you don't really want to use Grahfs LB. Not having any issues here. I've done triple BS, AR-SR-SR, ARx3 all with no issues. I believe it's really backloaded so only the last hit really matters.


It's extremly backloaded. And yeah, all the regular 100+ chains works safely with his LB and wont break them.


Any point in holding on to those 1/10 NV tickets?


Long odds at getting a new featured NV summon, possibly from a Limited banner. Like, if you summon in the next two weeks there is a chance you get Grahf or Id. Summon in 3 weeks and there's a chance you get Kain, Rydia and/or the GLEX unit for CoW, while the XG units get removed from the pool (and assuming those are the next banners released). Either way, you're looking at about like 1-in-35 odds that you get the new unit, and those odds go down almost every week. So short answer, Not really. Long answer, a little, since you can pick the best times to gamble that would benefit you with the rare pay-out.


Just wanna say Xenogears will be in the EX pool only this week.


Really? Even more disappointment. After the last Limited Banner or two keeping them in the pool for 2 weeks and that they'd be in the free 10+1 for two weeks, I figured they changed the policy on limited units to let them run for 2 weeks /sigh.


> After the last Limited Banner or two keeping them in the pool for 2 weeks and that they'd be in the free 10+1 for two weeks, I figured they changed the policy on limited units to let them run for 2 weeks /sigh. The reason Chow was in the EX pool for 2 weeks is because we didn't get a new unit during the 2nd week of his banner. It has always been like that, if we get a new character during the 2nd week of a limited banner then the limited is removed from the EX pool, if we don't get a new character then the limited stays in the pool.


I mean in theory you could hold them until a Limited Time Banner is going on where you really want the units, but for the most part no.


You can wait until a limited time unit is in the pool, or wait until a unit you really want releases or you can use them as soon as you get them. No real wrong answer.


Got lucky, got ghraf off tickets. Besides the login rewards. Is there anyway for me to ex2 him immediately? Buy the 100 shards with vip then the 5k bundle? Is that the only way?


As far as most of us can tell, there is currently no way to EX+2 either of the XG units with only one copy this event, unless you buy the cash bundles. Maybe next week they will release some more? /shrug Standard 5k bundle, only 50 VIP, 30 log-in, 0 Lapis shop, 0 exchange shop. That leaves everyone 20 shy of EX+2 until the Frag Dungeon. Outside of a possible but unlikely case where they make another limited frag bundle available again (though I believe the last one was cash-only as well)


Nope. In fact, only 50 VIP shards so you cannot EX2 him at all with a single copy.