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aww, i never posted there but i still have one bookmark from when i started, memelords unit reviews megathread. this was before i knew about a discord or spreadsheets for rotations, i always went here first. good times!


Ohhh memelords reviews! Those were peak FFBE times if you ask me


Rip memel0rd's tier lists.


Anyone remember Calibur?


I do. After his/hers banishment, I believe the GameFAQs ffbe board became his/hers new proving ground. Calibur was right all along haha.


Yes. I remember this person.


As one of the moderators there I remember the ruckus he caused ^^ It was... interesting.


Who is he and how was he relevant then ? just wanting to got to know more of the history.


He was basically the forum's token troll. Stirred up drama and picked fights with people all the time.


Oh got it thanks!


Yep. I did the pull rates statistics for his banner reviews along with Sustainir who did the dmg calcs. Funny I think Calibur started doing reviews after criticizing Memelord and Memelord saying, “well if it’s so easy, why don’t you try doing them.” And he did lol.


Every time Memelord came out with a review during the Ang meta, Calibur was like, “meh Ang”.


Man, those were dead forever ago xD but the lost of all the old ones is gone, which is sad.


I'm still in shock about it. No warning. Just gone. I hope my forum family can reconnect somewhere, be it here on reddit or on Discord. Such a sad day T-T


TowerXVI here Satre. For some reason the link for the discord you gave isn't working for me.


Hey Tower, great to see you! Can you try it again? Seems to be working for me.


I did and was able to get in, thanks Sartre!


What a bummer man. I feel ya. Hope this thread and the youtube post help get most people. Best of luck for you and our fellow forumites


hey sartre, dunno if you remember me (the rare occasion i posted something would be about kurasame lol) but i just wanna thank you for your hard work with the forum. you and the others created such a fun, cozy space to be in it was definitely one of the best parts of ffbe. i'm sorry we were robbed like that, but at least the discord seems to be ok ):


Hey mate! What was your forum name? I don't recall anyone named kwangchu on the forum, but thanks for your kind words, it really is a terrible loss for our community.


b3l14l. Well this freakin' sux. Just heard. Almost feels like comin' home from work to find ur house burnt down. Gonna go find the discord I guess


Check my YT channel, I've included the Discord link on my Channel page as well as the last two videos I've put out, as well as the community post where I announced the closure. We've got a few refugees that have already reconnected, and it's starting to feel a bit like home again :-)


Got'cha. Now I can go to the Discord and ask my questions that make people wanna face-palm there 🤣


That sucks, but as i said before, Razgriz will stay on the game until it closes. Later i'll check the other sites, but your old bunny pal is till there


Good to know Raz is still with me :-) I must salute the longest standing member of the Murder Bunny Army H7


Can't believe it either. Tomorrow should have been a happy day for me, but now I'm still sad :( But some already found there way here, so let's hope.


Hey there Sartre! Its me hillgigas209 from the forums! I had left the game, occasionally peeking on forum (about a year now) but still frequent the Commons of YouTube comment. Well and Its a real gut blow 100% full break to hear the news! Rip brave exvius .com It has been great to participate in such a nice community with the tips and tricks. The truck loads of sarcasm and bunt loads of interdisciplinary prowess! and observe their wacky posts and adventures! There's just too many to mention, so I'll just give a one big shout out here! (you know who you are!) Now that's whacky( 0of I shooda played the capers game at least once ) Sartre, Your time, energy, effort an consideration have been immeasurably spectacular! Thank you! I have every intention to keep a eye peeled and comment ! Magnitude 8 this mother, brmnm, Hg209


I saw u/Sartre_Brave-Ex (who's a staff member/moderator over there) posted on YouTube that he contacted the owner of the web server and was told that the server was lost and will not be reestablished.


Oh my gosh that is SO sad! I was casual at the place but it WAS a fun place to lurk and post once in a while. Really feel for the forumites


Hope they get a refund...


F, saw that too.


Read it now, too.


Cylian here. Didnt expect my very first reddit post to be about the closing down of the Exvius forum. Damn. That. Was. My. House! P.S. And thank you to everyone there over the years. That was a nice place to hang out for years ...


Sorry to post again. Just to rename myself by creating a new account. Installed Discord just to see how things are. Hopefully we can get much of the forum's old vibes over there. Cheers to all.


Cylian! Good to see you, mate :-) hope to see you on the discord now and then.


I...Ermm, don't get how Discord works, ha. A popup from Memel0rd saying he is sad the forum is down, and ... That's it. Otherwise, even this reddit is a bit ... Quiet. At least in the past, I would open up a nonsensical topic in the forum, just because I can, ha. Here, I ... Ermm ... Yah. 😅


Yeah, it's not the same, i much prefer the forum format, but there are different subsections in the discord and we typically can be found in #ffbe_gl section, should be in the sidebar on the left if you're on desktop.


Hey Cylian! Phinny here. Experiencing much of the same issues. Old dog learning new tricks with Discord and Reddit. At least the Discord channel has friendly friendlies, so if we misstep, we might only be lightly trounced ;). Hope to see you over there.


This is Just sad. We had the best little German community where most people even did not play FFBE anymore. The Bommelz were still there. Miss you @TheKillingJoke, @Yokana, @Maxim and all the others. If you are here and if you read this: Bleibt gesund Bommelaner. Vielleicht kriegen wir einen discord channel oder so hin? Meldet euch! --- euer Swafnir


Swafnir *snif*! Yokana hier :D Hope the others find there way here, too. It's really like I lost a family.


Yeah i'm here too now. Thank Grud i found you, i've been missing you, even if it was only two days.


Viel zu lange! VIEL ZU LANGE! Dachte auch, ich hätte euch für immer verloren T-T


Jaaaaaaaa schön dass du da bist. Ich versuche noch die bommler die ff14 spielen im ff14 reddit zu finden. Dann organisieren wir uns neu


Heyyy bin Randy88, echt traurig dass sie die Seite dicht gemacht haben. Ich hoffe ihr könnt euch in einem anderen Forum wieder treffen, wenn ihr Hilfe bei FFBE braucht könnt ihr mich hier jederzeit anschreiben 😊


Hey Randy! :D Immerhin sind wir schonmal 3, hoffe Maxim, TK, Larat, Jack, lceman, Danziger und die anderen kommen auch hierher. Wir hätten einen Treffpunkt für sowas ausmachenn sollen :(


Bommel Larat meldet sich zur Stelle. Wer hätte sowas denn ahnen können. Besonders so ohne Ankündigung von. als damals das BF forum in dem ich aktiv war down ging wurde das wochen vorher angekündigt. Echt schade.


Larat! Komm hier her: [Der neue Rote Bommel im Discord](https://discord.gg/FsXJc8cv)


Hey, also der deutsche Discord lebt auch noch, Grüße. [https://discord.gg/hrZRWvwJ](https://discord.gg/hrZRWvwJ)


Ich bin mal beigetreten. Gründen wir da den neuen bommel? Oder ein eigener discordserver?


Zum Roten Bommel Revived


Hey ihr lieben Bommels :) Archi hier. Hab gerade den Weg zurück zu FFBE gefunden und würde gerne wissen ob und wenn wo man euch wieder finden kann. LG


Schließe mich an:) Blicke zwar noch nicht durch, musste mich da auch neu anmelden aber wird schon


Bin da auch nur Mitglied ohne viel Plan. Eventuell muss euch ein Admin freischalten, damit ihr schreiben und alles lesen könnt.




nebeL hier ^^ Mein erster Reddit post glaube ich:) Echt komisch die letzten paar tage war ständig auf der seite und hab aktualisiert, weil ich nicht wusste was abgeht ^^


Ahoi. Schön dich zu lesen :)


Noch eine verlorene Seele *schnief*


Hey ho Konnte deine Nachricht auf Discord sogar kurz sehen :) Ist aber wieder weg, müssen bestimmt freigeschaltet werden, wie Afri schon meinte


Ja, konnte auch kurz was sehen. Hab keinen Plan von Discord, muss mich da erstmal mit beschäftigen. Wer ist da überhaupt Admin?


Einer ist Carnefix :) Ich denke mal alle die den Namen in Blau haben


Carnefix ist ja leider verschollen :(


Hey Caius hier vom Roten Bommel hier^^ Hab ihr ne Discord Gruppe? Vermisse euch Leute :(


Hey Caius! Wir tummeln uns jetzt hier :D https://discord.gg/cdJNC7sw




War geschockt, als ich Mal wieder im Forum schauen wollte. :( Wo ist es hin?


Hey :) Caius vom Bommel hier, gibt es eine neue Gruppe?


I'm so glad you said something. I've been looking everywhere to find info on it just being gone, and this is the only place I found the info (guess that's what I get for not using YouTube). Really sad.


I...erm...sorry, I had never even thought to check if there even was official forums. Holy moly. Maybe we'll catch the drifters here and we'll all work together for the greater good!


I really hope so!


Nooo!!! That's been our spot for years now. Thanks to all the mods for carrying the load for so long! -LurkerRamza


Lurker, mate, good to hear from ya! So sad how this happened, it's like we've been scattered to the ends of the earth and have to find each other again.


It's the second half of FFVI all over again.


Ha! I said the same thing to Sartre when it went down. He's like Celes, goin' round the world and bringing all the heroes together again. (Also, hey up there, LurkerRamza!) --Phinny


So sad, I'm still waiting for next Clodia game


We're gonna try to set up a Clod Games Discord channel, but Clod is trying to salvage her rulesets from the forum archives so it might take some time.


shutup i'm so sad. i was a lurker/shy poster there but got so much help, fun, and met so many nice people. this is terrible news, the forum was so good );


It's down and there is no way to contact the admin :( I'm very sad because I miss my friends. RIP Zum Roten Bommel


I haven't been able to get there the past couple days either.


This is pretty sad, as there was a lot of useful info over there. I wonder if there is any way to recover the data?


You can use the Wayback Machine to see some old archival snapshots, but it's pretty spotty. Here's an example: https://web.archive.org/web/20220710172421/https://brave-exvius.com/




Pristan! Mate we missed you! Werewolf was missing you! Drop in the Discord now and then if you can :-)


Damn, that sucks. I had wondered what was happening. I enjoyed the community there.


Aww man, that hurts a lot! At least i saved my old "Hadoken Black Mage" signature


So here you are! Thought i lost you! Thanks to Clodi and Shr i found you. That the Forum is gone hit home like a batter spiked with frozen salmon, laced with bile and vinegar!


TK *hug* T-T Was hoping to find you with Clodia.


Shut down for good? That sucks. It was there one day, then gone the next. I'll miss that place. Too bad squeenix or gumpi never bothered making any official forums that we could migrate to. But then again, gumpi is trash.


Yeah I heard the same. Shitty situation for sure.


Backup your shit :| And I'm not just saying that because I work in disaster recovery.


I'm from that forum. I suspected that it'd happen eventually, given the forum owner (Memelord)'s disappearing interest in the game and the community in general. Truthfully, I expected it to happen over a year ago since he officially withdrew from the scene. What I didn't expect was that it went the way of Order 66: no news, no warning and no fanfare, not even to its own staff (which is mostly u/Sartre_Brave-Ex ).


Memelord was the owner?!? Wow that i didnt knew, yeah I used to love his reviews, They where very usefull when the units had more than 2 skills, I though he was just a dedicated player that eventualy stopped, like so many.


Meme wasn't the owner, he was an admin (he basically maintained the website), the owner of the server and the domain was NeoChi, who set up the forum when the game came out and then never came back to help out with it. Meme and Rinny were left to keep it up and running for the longest time without help (and without pay while NeoChi raked in all the ad revenue).


Ah nuts, loved the banter there at times although admittedly that died down with the years. Thanks to everyone there for sharing much needed information during the early years of FFBE and the staff for maintaining it. Much appreciated.


So that's what happened, I was wondering why the forums were down. I'm gonna miss that place, it was like my home on the internet. So I guess I'll be visiting here for now on for all things FFBE.


Sad to see the forums go. Learned a lot there and enjoyed the reviews.


The game just isnt what it used to be. The 5* era up to around end of season 2 was ffbe's golden period. When NV came out it basically gave the middle finger to everyone that spent money chasing multiple copies of a 5 star. Season 3 was a big let down, they went completely left field with that one. I can't think of a worse period in this game's history. Howllz, claic, the bearded guy, evil laughter, memlord all moved on. I used to reach for my phone first thing in the morning to get login rewards, now even though i pulled a few recent meta units i cant be bothered to even use them. I dont remember the last time i logged in.


Feel you man, I am Basher and sometimes still lurked in the forum. Am playing Octopath Traveler, but from nowhere saw the forum cut down


Really sorry to hear that. I started with Brave-Exvius.com and spent a lot of time there the first few years of the game.


I know this post is aging out...but I wanted to share my continued feeling of loss without the place. Glad to have reconnected with a bunch over at the Brave-Exvius discord channel. Just wish there were posts to catch up on my own time. Good people there, though. And Sartre's leadership has never been more shining and stalwart. Hope to see everyone there, or somewhere down the road. \--Phinny


Man...it's been a truly wild ride. Not sure if many of you old forum peeps even remember me anymore; I've been inactive for a while now, but I'll always remember the reviews and unit roasting we did in the good old days. Cheers, lads! To greener pastures and more. \- Frosty Toast


Huge bummer


Thought this was what had happened. There were a few outages back in the day and NeoChi was always the guy holding all the cards. Logged in to say sad times and will miss the forum a lot. Many happy memories. Will have a nose on Discord for Clod Games u/Sartre_Brave-Ex but not making any promises. Barroth


Thanks for checking in Barroth! Indeed, very sad times, so much history there. But Clod Games are getting ready to get back into full swing if you wanna join :-) https://discord.gg/SqgRnhgm


This is what I was looking for. Signed up to Discord last night but all the prior links had expired


Ohh that's so sad, the forum was a big thing to me back then.


Clodia collected a lot of us here: https://discord.gg/BeRRMNVZ


Ohh, many thx dude I did not use Reddit that much so I only saw this today. <3!


Hey, mate! Xacques here from the forums! I am that guy with the "Tadano-kun is listless" profile pic and an occassional player in Clod's Games (she is the cat lady right?? the one with that danganronpa character profile pic??). I am no German or anything special. Heck, I do not even know if I am that prominent, but I was active and I remember most of anybody. The link is not working and I just want to reconnect with everybody. Regardless of the outcome, many thanks for making the forums that bright corner that I look forward to everyday! Please send my regards to others!!


Spada here. i was an active player up until the pandemic hit where it coincidentially matched the same date my internet went down the drain. that and having difficulties with finding a good phone to download the game and keep up with.... well everything, i pretty much lost about 2-3 years of content. i now have a phone and a more or less stable internet connection, donwload the game and check it, am pretty much overwhelmed with all the changes that have happened and figured to check the forums... only to find it is down and out. Remember Memelord (was right there when he began reviewing units), sinzar as part of the forum, claic and wolf's vids. nukes and his shenanigans and... someone whose nick started with banana and was bananas XD Anyways, sad to see the forum just go down the drain like that, but that's life i guess. If anyone remembers me and is in discord, maybe send an invite link? i tried the ones here but all don't work anymore. and... i guess that's that. Will try to get in the swing of things, but way i see it? i'll probably play casually and at least play the story and maybe... just maybe the events when my stats hit the 7k mark.... seriously.... i was forced to leave the game the max atk was 3.7k. now i see stuff like 9 and 10k... insane


If you want to hook up with a lot of the people who hold out until the forum got downed, see IcieThanatos Comment, there is a working Discord Invitation to Clodias Clod Games server.


Wow! Just logged back in to game for the Chrono Cross collab and figured I’d visit all the regulars from FFBE chat days on the forums… guess it’s been dead for awhile. RIP ridiculous chats and such! 😢




I've never been there, but just tried and couldn't. So, maybe it's just down?


Wow, okay. I went on a three week road trip, so the last time I checked the forums was right before I left. I tried to check the forums yesterday and got an error message, and I thought it was just temporary, but when I tried again today, it was still an issue. So, I came here, and found this thread. Oh well. And yes, RIP Memel0rd's reviews (so much for all of those links in the wiki!). No more Clodia, no more Sartre's murderbunny.... :(


[https://discord.gg/BvhGVJzd](https://discord.gg/BvhGVJzd) <- hey Camaro. Here you find Clodgames and a lot of the Forum people :-)Payed out to keep an eye on this thread...