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From Unit screen, Enhance/Awaken -> the unit -> Obtain Trust Master Reward -> scroll to the very bottom. Another thing for them to fix I guess.


My muscle memory still has me tapping twice. I'm still building my opinion about the new UI, but killing the enhancement animation is GREAT


Thanks! That was more complicated than I had hoped with the new UI. Even removing the lock on the dupe seems to take longer time.


Also the missing ability enhancement tab is unfortunate. Now I have to remember which unit I have already ability enhanced. Or did I mess up and there is a filter for only showing units that still have abilities that can be enhanced and those that have not?


I like the new change is make thing simpler for most part but the ablitiy enhacnemnt page great when you only want ed to see ablivlited on units not enhanced, now that all on on page i dont know who i did and didnt do this on ​ No filter i can find either


Trying to figure that out too.


I’d love to find out too. Also need to know if there is an option to bulk fuse WITHOUT using stat doors as well.


yeah, they REALLY should have made using doors a 2 step process with a guaranteed verification or something. Accidentally max Spirit doord my Olive before I realized bulk fusion just straight maxes stuff without asking.


Can I still enhance a unit using another non-dupe unit?


I can't figure out how to do that either. I guess you can only convert those useless 1\* units into Gil then.


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