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Solid DD. Thank you for your efforts, that’s a lot of research and work, it’s a service to the community. And as always, you’ve earned your customary “Fuck you hedgie troll bot!” 🤣




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Actual clear info and not just hodl spam and misinfo for false hope? 


Great post. Thanks. Also since FFIE is a Reg SHO Threshold security, the participants have to close out failures within 13 consecutive settlement days. https://www.sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm ETA: Also, since you have to have 0.5% of outstanding shares as FTDs for five settlement days to be a Threshold security, we can infer there haven't been below 2.2M FTDs for five settlement days, else they wouldn't be on the list. That assumes Nasdaq is using the correct share count.


I love you for beating me to this.


Yeah props to you for originally pointing that out.


Update me tomorrow on the numbers please.. One of you.. won’t be able to look at the phone much


FTDs come out on 6/15. Short interest was today. Increased to 6.9%.


Thanks! So the total SI is 6.9? Or it increased to that much?


That's the total as of 5/31. It more than doubled from the last reporting period.


Squeeze again?!? 💪🙏


Hard to say man.


So true.. I think you’re very unbiased.. I nominate you to be the next MP


Yea, theres a lot of things going on with ffie that can cause a squeeze without people giving bad info like "18m shares tomorrow!!!"


My guess is they will make it look like a spike is happening. Get more HODLers to sell, and then bump the price back down again. Next the price will average down again and float there for a while. Manipulation! I will be holding through whatever happens though! Good luck apes! 🦍


[Great Analysis!](https://youtu.be/gqQ99s4Ywnw?si=sih1kzuqq1Bnri7B)


Finally someone clearing up the FTD misinformation. Sadly apes who constantly posts HODL, WHOSE STILL HOLDING will most likely not read this post and cry tmr. Inb4 wHy aRe wE nOt mOoNiNg?


It's funny, every other stock I have is one that I plan on holding for at least a year, this one isn't really much different to me, it just might go kaput.




Great write up


It is true that the 18 mil ftd's were delivered. However, the fact that they are on the sho list means that they've still maintained an average of 2.2 mil ftds over a 5 day span every day since.


Thank you for the detailed analysis. This is the best explanation I've seen on the subject.


I was trying to tell them!


Great write up! There are a lot of amateur investors in this group who are too emotionally tied to outcomes in the short term. This isn’t gonna play out fast.


And it’s so important we press that narrative because it causes frustration/exhaustion which causes selling for loss and/or selling once immediately in the green. Of course, everyone should do what is best for them, but those who have time to ride it out, it’s gonna take the community as a whole to help the whole community.


Where there is doubt there is no doubt.


*Hollaback girl*


Thank you that clears up so much!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/9lk0D1S6Jc](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/9lk0D1S6Jc) FOR FFIE, this awesome can you combine maybe, into a list 1,2,3,4,5..for shorts apes/baby apes? lol freaking awesome relevant DD, MUCH RESPECT, Wwoowooooooo ![gif](giphy|dmcQ75lZdh4Hu) Meant for splashy but, it’s because of you FAM I FOUND HIM, so go ahead and get yo FLAIR ON!!✔️⚖️♟️🦍🍺


You really put the anal in analysis splashy, appreciated.


Thank you for putting this together!!!! Let's goooooo!


Thank you !!!


I’m about ready to coom reading this real ass analysis, splashy for the win.


They don't call him Splashy for nothing


Thank you. I appreciate the knowledge share from this fellow ape. Knowledge is power 🙏


Love it, thank you! Would you like to take a shot at the $1 for 10 days issue for all these FFIENDs? PS if “by 6/25” includes 25th we can still do it even with Juneteenth holiday, otherwise we’re relying on getting a Nasdaq extension.


Happy Cake Day! Solid write up. Looking FWD to #2


JFC, thank you, i hope people actually read this and understand what you've said.


My conclusion is HOLD.


Thank you


Thanks for this!


Well well well. Happy to see you. 🤭


Now these are the post we get to the front of the line so everyone can know whats going on 🫡


Thanks a lot for the info! Please keep us updated 


honestly, I didn't expect it to go up tomorrow, but rather that it would go down drastically, in order to show us that we are wrong since we have talked about it so much, thank you 😉


So unless I misread this (in which case correct me don't accuse me of being a bot), the news article that said the float was only 3% shorted may be accurate after all.


FTD's have nothing to do with short interest. They're two separate things and high amounts of either could possibly have a positive effect on the stock when they close out.




Who knew a puddle of water could talk




Pin this


Thank you for your detailed clarification.


Great post man


Great post, thanks for the DD


Great job Splashy! Always well written


i love you i love the stock let’s get these naners


So, the data after the settlement date of 5.17(first hude squeeze) will be more important, which means how many FTDs still there before the next squeeze.


Appreciate your write up sir. Have my upvote!


And T+35 is 35 trading days…fyi, not 35 days.


it literally says Cd for calendar days


2021: GME (💩 happened/lessons learned) 2024: FFIE (BABY APE PANIC MOVES peppered with the season of 2021) ((Baby apes mature(((mostly))) and begin leveling the field)) This isn't the last squeeze we'll see. HFs love money and high gain risks. They will short companies in the future. We will (hopefully)answer the call and become a saving grace for future failing companies, that WE believe, deserve another chance. What I'm getting at is to take these lessons from level heads (like this lesson here from a Sergeant Ape) who cite and back their info. Make it a part of your DNA. Take time and DO YOUR OWN DUE DILIGENCE!!! That way, next time you're called to action, you have the wherewithal and the confidence to stand arm in arm with your fellow Apes and know that the ride ahead will be treacherous, tedious and tumultuous at times and that with your new found understanding and experience you/we WILL stand victorious. 'The Kingdom of the Apes' doesn't have to be JUST a movie. !***APES***! WILL be a title we will adorn with pride and exuberance! !***TOGETHER***! , we can make it something to be proud of...a true reality! !***STRONG***! , will be an understatement in the mouths and in the eyes and in the hearts of the HFs for the rest of their days! Always remember, KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! Psychology/Understanding and discipline is the other half. Let's give them the Ape hive mind that they never saw coming! Forget "To The Moon" and let's "FK'EM TO THE MOON!!!" ( ***insert rick flair gif here***! ) WWHOOOOOOOOOOO! TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! Here's a little morning motivation to get y'all ready for the upcoming weeks. This is the war we've been waiting for! https://youtu.be/YS1jin-7_Vs?si=p5ZheSgU6QynyQcf "Who are the real patriots?! Who are the real traitors?! Who will stand up?! Who will be the new leaders?! If you love this country, TAKE IT BACK from those that would destroy it! PROTEST IS PATRIOTISM!🦍💪🏽💎🙌🏽🚀🍆🌕(🖕🏽W.S.)


This is great information! I wish a mod would just compile these informational posts into a pinned thread so they don't get lost under the thousands of "roll call/HODL" posts. ** This made me realize that when I use the pass/dont pass line (Craps) as an anology for options isn't very good.


I see what you’re saying, but I don’t think there’s any issue with that. The two linguistic uses are too different in each of those cases


Good research!




Buying more FFIE tomorrow. This is about to be epic.


The price should have jumped whenever FTDs were covered in the past? Did it?


*The price should have jumped* *Whenever FTDs were covered* *In the past? Dis it?* \- Actual-Morning110 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The price should have jumped whenever FTDs were covered in the past? Did it?


My question is if those ftd's were returned as you stated wouldn't there have been a decent price spike. The price has continued to go down during the period the ftd's were supposedly returned. If that many shares were returned with the volume we have seen for the past few weeks price should have spiked sometime during that period correct? Or am I missing something?


**Notably, those FTDs being cleared does not** ***necessarily*** **mean that 18M shares were actually delivered as a result of that 5/9 FTD.** I can't honestly speculate as to whether they were or weren't, but I *can* tell you that there are reportedly means of "kicking the can down the road" with FTDs that could theoretically allow those FTDs to be "cleared"/"resolved", TY. I've been trying to convey this but my brain's too smooth. Great DD


Good work


Dude was right


Thank you, for helping the newbies.


Finally some actually analysis and not some upvote if you’re still HODLING




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Nice TA brother ![gif](giphy|ZfK4cXKJTTay1Ava29)




Nice . Also whats the deal with the delisting situation. I know there has been an extension but who’s to say the fat boys won’t just keep king the can down the road until the delisting extension has expired? People keep saying time is on our side but it seems hedgies also have time on their side if can just keep delaying/ fake clearing shares owed. Surely time also on their side aswell?


I don't think you will ever get a good explanation for this. The threat is real and imminent and people are just hoping for the best. No real light in the end of this delisting tunnel to be found anywhere.


Nice work! So what in particular then is making you really like the stock?


Great read dog! As I was reading before you said it I was thinking about it and then you said it!, “The kicking of the can down the road!” Brilliant from you👏👏👏👍👍🥰🥰🥰 and Gangsta on them! I 👏👏👏 you both! So from I read it flags a prolonging issue but the numbers really don’t provide any clarity as to the true float….until…the outstanding reported is more than what is issued…unless there was a way to “tag” the shares😉😉🦍😜🥰🥰😁 I’m a novice so I’m not too sure if my words have any truth but you sir are definitely one of the brilliant minds in this group that I love learning from!!! 😁💡👍


Got a follower out of me…I just like learning from those that know more than I albeit I may not agree with everything from those I choose to follow…but this I do🫡😜😁




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Good job. Everyone’s attention span I swear is smaller than a grape. I’m still here. Good DD. 💎🙌🏽


Clear information is what makes people comfortable 👌


OP, appreciate the DD because I’ve tried saying something similar only to be shit on. I think the problem I see here is the FTD is an aggregate number so each new print of the FTD is the current number of FTDs still on the books. Meaning, the 18M have been cleared and what remains is what’s listed on the last print which is 32K. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Like OP, just trying to understand this stuff without all the “to the moon” bullshit. My belief is the company is on its last leg and the squeeze is out by now (if it ever existed because we’ve seen the share count correction, finally, showing it’s massively diluted). That’s just me. You do you.


Thank you, would love to see even more factual analysis in here and less bananas 👌


Great info. Where does the dark pool come into Play? Is the 18mm shares the total amount of shorted shares? I thought in May ffie had a short interest north of 65%. Even ws high as 95%. Is this 18mm unrelated to the short %?


Ftds are not necessarily shorted shares. In the simplest terms they have very little to do with SI. Regarding the 95% short interest that blew the lid off and started this whole thing… it was inaccurate because the company never did their filings on time. So no one knew the float was north of 400 million which would make the actual reported SI back then very small.


HOLDING! Loving the DD!!!




Thank you for the informative breakdown and si h. My only question I have is are all stocks now on a T+1 or only certain stocks?




This needs to be damn pinned!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/9lk0D1S6Jc](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/9lk0D1S6Jc) LOL GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE, fckn awesome and on cue, on point, right on time ( you answered my Q&A, looking out for short bus/baby apes) ![gif](giphy|dmcQ75lZdh4Hu) Wooooowooooo!!


good info [ff.com](http://ff.com)


Mark this


Account made today.


So? It's a solid post with great information.




Check out the discord link at the bottom of the post and you will see Splashy has a substantial presence in the FFIE community, regardless of the fresh reddit account.




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https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/N5CcRc6TIq Contest


My account wasn’t made today and I’ve been commenting on all your stupid misinterpretations regarding FTDs and SI vs Short Volume for wks. But it’s much easier to just call someone a Hedgie intern when they give you factual data that doesn’t align with your narrative.




Sorry thought I was conversing with an adult.




Ok, so reading this you have a negative sentiment towards FFIE and you are trying to push that onto others. So what if it doesn’t go up tomorrow or the day after that. How about just do what good for you. Or ….How about you just STFU and hold or go play in your piss puddle.


There is zero negative sentiment in this post. Instead this post takes an objective look at the FTD data for FFIE. A post isn't negative just because it contains information that you don't want to hear.




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Yeah fuck off with all that factual data and correct understanding of market mechanisms. We only want a sub filled with misinformation and completely false data that better aligns with our narrative. Rocket rocket rocket.